I am Embarrassed to Admit...

I don't know who she is, but I'm going to see Dirty Dancing for the second time, (the play, not the movie), and it's not even hit Broadway yet. I saw Les Mis 4 times, Phantom 3. And ok, I'm a Buddy Holly freak, 3 times too. Damn.

Kelly Clarkson..the winner of the first season of American Idol of course :tongue:
I spent 5 yrs of my childhood with out a TV in the home. We moved to the mountians and the TV went into the yard. We turned it into a planter.
LOL of course in Indiana after a hay ride or a good ol-fashioned cow tipping there was nothing like an evening of Dukes of Hazard and the six million dollar man, unless it was thursday and then it'd be Fantasy island of course....


Echo that's for you. xoxo lol

Fantasy Island! OMG -- I used to watch that show religiously! Whatever happened to Tattoo?
I spent 5 yrs of my childhood with out a TV in the home. We moved to the mountians and the TV went into the yard. We turned it into a planter.

How did you do it? I don't watch that much TV these days. Don't have the time with 2 kids and all, but no TV at all. I would have gone into withdrawal...
I'm embarrassed to admit I used to watch Facts of Life and Whose the Boss and loved them both
I am embarassed to admit that once I stopped at a red light that was not there.. it used to be there but it was not there when I stopped.. I was just yakking away bla bla bla,,,:redface:

In downtown Detroit after dark, it's wise never to stop at red lights that are there.
I spent 5 yrs of my childhood with out a TV in the home. We moved to the mountians and the TV went into the yard. We turned it into a planter.

Angel, you're so bohemian. But it was probably more fun and certainly more educational watching the plant.
In downtown Detroit after dark, it's wise never to stop at red lights that are there.

Happened to me in Chicago 30 years ago or so. I'd left my friend's apartment in Greek Town, heading back I thought to 290. Somehow I got off of Halsted and ended up by Cabrini Green. I was in a convertible with top down. I stopped at light and some locals started towards my car. Suddenly a cop with lights pulled up next to me and said, "Go, stop at no lights, turn right at the 3rd light and get the hell off to the burbs."
I'm embarrassed to admit I used to watch Facts of Life and Whose the Boss and loved them both

I can't believe I actually remember the characters on The Facts of Life. Did all girls secretly wish they were Blair? I kind of wanted to be Jo. She wasn't as pretty, but she was more real.
I can't believe I actually remember the characters on The Facts of Life. Did all girls secretly wish they were Blair? I kind of wanted to be Jo. She wasn't as pretty, but she was more real.

Damn, there was the fat one and the black one. Blair was the preppy one. Jo? Wasn't that the blue collar one?
Happened to me in Chicago 30 years ago or so. I'd left my friend's apartment in Greek Town, heading back I thought to 290. Somehow I got off of Halsted and ended up by Cabrini Green. I was in a convertible with top down. I stopped at light and some locals started towards my car. Suddenly a cop with lights pulled up next to me and said, "Go, stop at no lights, turn right at the 3rd light and get the hell off to the burbs."

I was similarly naive one time looking for a restaurant in downtown Detroit. Couldn't find it, so I pulled into a KFC, went in, and in a piping English voice said "Excuse me? I'm sorry to bother you but could you perhaps direct me to Joe Muer's restaurant?"

The room went quiet, about a dozen black faces turned towards me and I've never felt so self conscious and on edge in all my life.

The manager (a black man) came out from behind the counter, took me back to my car, gave me directions, and them explained the history of racial issues in some areas of downtown, suggesting I should talk to some of my friends about it and get their advice on driving in old Detroit at night.

I'll never forget him. Nice man to go out of his way to keep someone he didn't know out of harm's way.
Damn, there was the fat one and the black one. Blair was the preppy one. Jo? Wasn't that the blue collar one?

The fat one was Natalie. The black one was ? Jo was played by Nancy McKeon and she was the definitely blue collar. Might have been from the Bronx. This is not a good sign that I remember so many details about this show...
I can't believe I actually remember the characters on The Facts of Life. Did all girls secretly wish they were Blair? I kind of wanted to be Jo. She wasn't as pretty, but she was more real.

I never wanted to be Blair. She was such a bitch. I thought Jo was way prettier. I always wanted to be Tootie... LOL

Tootie was the black one

kind of funny that the fat one was the first to lose her virginity on the show eh?
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