I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

We all know what happens when the government takes control. It creates a lot of red tape, waste, and politics. Without enough people working to pay taxes to support such a system, it would collapse too. The amount of money we spend on medical care is through the roof!

You've created a problem in you mind, now, create a solution. Red tape is a dysphemism for regulations and waste is a product of too many law suits, fraud, unnecessary tests and procedures and the opposition of those who pay lobbyists to protect their golden goose; all fixable if men and women of good will want a solution and if the process is open to the public.

I didn't create a problem in my mind. That is usually what happens. Take a look at the VA???

I have. I have Kaiser, a pretty good experience for me and our family; both of my kids have Kaiser via the Temster's Union. But, my 93 yo dad had health care from his work as an officer of the Court, and gets better, faster and less costly care at the VA Clinic in SF. He has hearing loss as many combat vets understand, and before going to the VA he got some hearing aids from CostCo and before that from his employer subsidized health care. Neither worked very well and he spent a total of $8.000 for dysfunctional devices.

Then he went to the VA. HA's were molded for his ears, he was tested for over an hour by a doctor and spent another couple of hours with an intern learning how to clean them, put them in and replace the batteries. This all at the Fort Miley Clinic in San Francisco.

BTW, he never waited more than 5 minutes passed his appointment time, and the one time they were 5 minutes late the clerk advised us at the appointment time that the Doctor was running a little late.

The cost? $15 dollars, the VA and his employee health insurance paid what ever else was billed. As the Doc told him, he paid for her service by his service.

One again, if you continue to echo the current RW / Republican's meme(s) you will lose all credibility.

307,000 vets may have died awaiting VA care, report says - CNNPolitics.com

(CNN)Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday.

The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past. The inspector general said due to limitations in the system's data, the number of records did not necessarily represent veterans actively seeking enrollment in VA health care.

In a response to a request by the House Committee on Veterans Affairs' to investigate a whistleblower's allegations of mismanagement at the VA's Health Eligibility Center, the inspector general also found VA staffers incorrectly marked unprocessed applications and may have deleted 10,000 or more records in the last five years.

In one case, a veteran who applied for VA care in 1998 was placed in "pending" status for 14 years. Another veteran who passed away in 1988 was found to have an unprocessed record lingering in 2014, the investigation found.

For more than a year, CNN investigated and reported on veterans' deaths and delays at VA facilities across the country, including detailed investigations in November 2013 and January 2014 examining deaths at two VA facilities in South Carolina and Georgia.

Did you read the link you posted? Read it carefully and critically, My dad never applied for VA benefits until I suggested he do so this year. He was discharged in November 1945 as were many WW II vets and used the GI Bill to go to school.

He went to work in the Court System in SF and had health insurance as a benefit, never thinking about using the VA until I brought it up.

But the meme is government is no good, and the private sector is the second coming of Christ, so I won't bother you and others who simply echo the meme. It's unfortunate that people like you vote, it's how we got into the mess we are in today & that mess has many fathers, though the current meme promulgated by the Ministry of Truth is that Obama is at fault and G. W. Bush was a near great leader. Puke.

I never said any of these things, so I think you must be addressing someone else. Lol. if you want to talk to me about what I've actually said and about my claims about the VA system in GENERAL and not your anecdotes, then we can do that. :)
Do you people understand that money and resources do NOT grow on trees and that we need a healthy balance of people working to support all of our social service systems? STOP listening to your politicians and think for yourselves!!! None of this is rocket science. It is simple fucking common sense. You need a LOT of people working and making enough money to pay taxes to support the system. We have 35% of our population currently collecting some form of welfare. We are a country of over 320 MILLION people and counting. We have a generation of children who are expected to be sick as adults and need a lot of expensive medical care. The VA is overworked, understaffed and full of red tape problems due to political issues as well as other issues.
By some of the posts, I can only determine that some of you are arguing that the government is as good or is better at running a hospital type practice than the private sector? Is that anyone's argument here?
You see in my link below? These are the kinds of things that the government will pull. They are really not accountable to anyone except for us as voters, and they just lie to us about things and bury things. I know that sounds rather simplistic, but it is what it is.

Veterans wait longer for care at hospitals than civilian patients

“By the department’s own count, the deaths of at least 23 veterans throughout the country have been linked to delays in VA medical care,” said Jeff Miller, Florida Republican and chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. “This is proof that the department’s system for ensuring veterans receive timely appointments is in dire need of an overhaul.”

SEE ALSO: ‘I would be dead if I had stayed with the VA,’ says veteran who dealt with Phoenix hospital

Veterans advocate groups are echoing Mr. Miller’s concerns.

“No veteran should ever have to wait for emergency care at any VA medical facility,” said Joe Davis, a spokesman for Veterans of Foreign Wars.

The VA says its standard wait time for veterans to see emergency room doctors is one hour, but it refused to release hospital-by-hospital data showing the actual wait times for veterans when requested by The Washington Times. Even the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the federal government’s health care programs, couldn’t get the data for its national database.

The reason may be that the wait times could be much longer, according to The Times’ review of eight recent VA inspector general reports, which documented that average waits at VA emergency rooms can be as long as 10 hours.

According to research from the Department of Veterans Affairs, a nurse or doctor gives veterans a quick emergency room evaluation in an average of 12 minutes. But the average time a veteran must wait to be treated formally by a doctor is approximately 50 minutes.

However, several inspector general reports have indicated that the wait is much longer than average at certain facilities.
For educated people with skills it is, the economy has changed, unskilled labor is no longer here , people need life long learning to gain the skills needed in the new economy. The skills needed today will be obsolete in a few years and new kills will be required

No they aren't. I am educated and skilled in the medical field. The jobs that are out there are part time, temporary and are not paying what they should. Also, there are just not a LOT of jobs out there. Like I said, the entire help wanted section is not even half a page for my area.

Not really sure where medical field you work but nurses and doctors do become obsolete. That is a fact. To avoid career crisis they do take refresh courses. The same with Engineers.
If you work in medical fields you know that it never slowed down because no matter what people still get sick and sicker.
This year I added total of 137 new employees the best in last 6 years. I can assure you that life and jobs are better than 6 or 7 years ago. New cars, new home, appliances, smart phone, computers, medical instruments, new building..... SALES ARE ALL UP. Shortage of Inventory of home for sales. The only area where it went bad is the prices of gas which is good for the America. So I'm not sure where and what is your indications.

You are missing the point. I'm not talking about nurses and doctors. I'm talking about those of us who work in support positions. MAs, CNAs, people on the administrative side of the medical field. I'm an MT, and I was looking for a part time job to supplement my income. Of course, I could have gotten another part time job as an MT anywhere, but I wanted something different. There are not many jobs out there. That is just a fact. A lot of them will only hire part time employees. Did you miss the link I posted? This is something a lot of employers are doing now!!

Read my post I mentioned several areas not just nurses and doctors. You are working from your home as an MT. What is an MT working from home? MT normally is called Med. Tech.
You don't make sense at all. You are looking for a part time job and you can get a par time job an as MT(whatever that is) if you wanted. Yet you are wasting a lot of time and complaining looking for something else. Why don't you stick with the job you know to stop your misery. Either you are lying here or you just don't know what you are doing or both.
I'm retired now and no longer involve in day to day operations but I'm still active on the background monitoring my company. That is why I have time to mess in the Internet.

An MT is a medical transcriptionist, and I wanted a different job because I wanted to do something different and work outside of my home. I'm not in any misery. I'm just telling you how difficult it really is out there to get a good job, and I posted links that back up my claims.

Surprise, you are retired, not in the job market, and have no clue.

I am retired but very active in monitoring my company and very aware of the job market. That is part of owning a business in last 30 years. If you are looking for a job like CNA ( nursing aide) you know that this is a VERY competitive at the lowest end. Meaning you are desperate. It makes it harder if you do not have experience.
BTW even though I'm retired my office still intact and play as an auditor at least 2 or 3 times a month. My son is my CEO.
No they aren't. I am educated and skilled in the medical field. The jobs that are out there are part time, temporary and are not paying what they should. Also, there are just not a LOT of jobs out there. Like I said, the entire help wanted section is not even half a page for my area.

Not really sure where medical field you work but nurses and doctors do become obsolete. That is a fact. To avoid career crisis they do take refresh courses. The same with Engineers.
If you work in medical fields you know that it never slowed down because no matter what people still get sick and sicker.
This year I added total of 137 new employees the best in last 6 years. I can assure you that life and jobs are better than 6 or 7 years ago. New cars, new home, appliances, smart phone, computers, medical instruments, new building..... SALES ARE ALL UP. Shortage of Inventory of home for sales. The only area where it went bad is the prices of gas which is good for the America. So I'm not sure where and what is your indications.

You are missing the point. I'm not talking about nurses and doctors. I'm talking about those of us who work in support positions. MAs, CNAs, people on the administrative side of the medical field. I'm an MT, and I was looking for a part time job to supplement my income. Of course, I could have gotten another part time job as an MT anywhere, but I wanted something different. There are not many jobs out there. That is just a fact. A lot of them will only hire part time employees. Did you miss the link I posted? This is something a lot of employers are doing now!!

Read my post I mentioned several areas not just nurses and doctors. You are working from your home as an MT. What is an MT working from home? MT normally is called Med. Tech.
You don't make sense at all. You are looking for a part time job and you can get a par time job an as MT(whatever that is) if you wanted. Yet you are wasting a lot of time and complaining looking for something else. Why don't you stick with the job you know to stop your misery. Either you are lying here or you just don't know what you are doing or both.
I'm retired now and no longer involve in day to day operations but I'm still active on the background monitoring my company. That is why I have time to mess in the Internet.

An MT is a medical transcriptionist, and I wanted a different job because I wanted to do something different and work outside of my home. I'm not in any misery. I'm just telling you how difficult it really is out there to get a good job, and I posted links that back up my claims.

Surprise, you are retired, not in the job market, and have no clue.

I am retired but very active in monitoring my company and very aware of the job market. That is part of owning a business in last 30 years. If you are looking for a job like CNA ( nursing aide) you know that this is a VERY competitive at the lowest end. Meaning you are desperate. It makes it harder if you do not have experience.
BTW even though I'm retired my office still intact and play as an auditor at least 2 or 3 times a month. My son is my CEO.

This makes very little sense at all.

That is just rotten and should make us ALL feel embarrassed. :rolleyes-41: A bunch of bureaucrats running our hospitals. Great.

I have no problem with bureaucrats running organisations provided the understand what it is they are running and they have emerged from within the sector...along the lines of Professors of Medicine running hospitals. They must be sensitive to the NEEDS of their clients.


That is just rotten and should make us ALL feel embarrassed. :rolleyes-41: A bunch of bureaucrats running our hospitals. Great.

I have no problem with bureaucrats running organisations provided the understand what it is they are running and they have emerged from within the sector...along the lines of Professors of Medicine running hospitals. They must be sensitive to the NEEDS of their clients.


Well therein lies the problem. They are usually just bureaucrats who care more about politics than the people. That is pretty typical with government run organizations. That's why everyone hates them. ;)
You are unemployable for some reason. Give me your resume without personal info and a zip code within 50 miles of your home and I will fiond a job for you. No charge.

I don't think I would trust a person who is here ALL day long every day posting and claims he has a job. You are probably collecting social security income, aren't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have the time to be here all day long like you are and then also at night and calling into lame podcasts. :D Lol.

you have almost 37,000 posts in a year and a half.

Post count doesn't mean shit. You can get high post counts pretty fucking easy.

but you have to be here to get a post count.

in other words, pot/kettle....

Nope, a high post count is irrelevant.
I have 31k posts since 2010 and feel like I spend way too much time here. It's a time suck.
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

Obama is not just the worst POTUS in history, he has lately shown himself to be a horrible human being as well.

The people who voted this monster in office, especially the second time, should be very ashamed of themselves. They are equally responsible for the shit storm our country finds itself in.
Why do you hate America? We're not anywhere close to being in a shitstorm. Things are looking pretty fucking great!
“The scope of the VA’s incompetence
The VA isn't incompetent, it's overloaded. It was meant to be there for combat-related injuries, not complete, free health care for leaches who never saw any combat. But Congresscritters have learned that nothing gets them votes like giving blowjobs to the military so they keep sweetening the government freebies every year.
A vet in South Carolina had to wait nine months for a colonoscopy. After that long wait time, he was diagnosed with stage three cancer that could have been better treated with an earlier detection.
Then why the fuck didn't he go to a regular doctor?

Because it wasn't free, on the backs of the taxpayers, and he would have had to spend part of his free government pension for life that he gets for sitting on his fat ass.
I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

David Coughlin

Barack Obama is not my president, not by a long shot, but unfortunately he is the president of my country. I am embarrassed to be an American today where so many people are oblivious to the damage being done to the fabric of our country and who voted for four more years of his destruction.

I cannot understand how so many people know so little about this man, and when they find out the facts about his background, choose to ignore his anti-American influences, his checkered past, his hidden records, and his lack of any accomplishment other than being elected to political office. I cannot understand how these same people see Obama's economic policies that failed to address the underlying problems and served to stagnate and lengthen the economic recovery. I cannot understand how these same people can watch Obama's foreign-policy tactics and not see America's reputation and influence degrade before their eyes. It is said that there are now two Americas that are not on speaking terms. I certainly do not understand this other America.

We have finally finished the most divisive and negative presidential campaign where Obama ran away from his record and instead attacked his challenger as his only campaign strategy. Again voters elected a president with no defined agenda, other than a continuation of the failed policies of his first term. His biggest electoral advantage was the mainstream media who "came out of the closet" to openly embrace their liberal icon President. I will not stand by quietly and watch this administration do further damage to my country.


Read more: Blog: I am Embarrassed to be an American Today

Obama's been trying to transition from a war economy/society to a peace economy/society. That's not an easy job especially with American Jihadists like you stoning him and stabbing him in the back. Every American should be embarrassed you're an American today.
A vet in South Carolina had to wait nine months for a colonoscopy. After that long wait time, he was diagnosed with stage three cancer that could have been better treated with an earlier detection.
Then why the fuck didn't he go to a regular doctor?

Because it wasn't free, on the backs of the taxpayers, and he would have had to spend part of his free government pension for life that he gets for sitting on his fat ass.

Because he is a VETERAN.
MT normally is called Med. Tech.
I assumed MT meant Massage Therapist. But I was just guessing, so...

What is an MT? Funny, when I google it, neither of the occupations that you two dolts mention comes up at all. Lol. :rolleyes-41: You two are OLD and have been out of the work force for YEARS and have no clue what you are talking about. Go to a thread you are familiar with, maybe one about how to stretch your retirement funds and living off other peoples' backs on Social Security or something.

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