I Am Going To Celebrate The Birth of Christ

Merry Christmas.
Fuck you all ya Goddamned Muslim Non-Believing Snake-Worshipping Heathens....

You are aware I hope, that the actual birth of Christ probably occurred in late October? 25th of December was a Pagen holiday that was selected to make it easier to convert them to the Catholic church.
Don't even bother you're going straight to hell, regardless if your belief is right or not. Even in Christianity you're a lowlife scumbag....LMAO

I've seen the picture you posted of yourself you trashy devil.
Xmas was originally a Pagan festival, until it was hijacked by Christians.

Just remember that.
The Church stole the Pagan Celebration of Winter Solstice ... clever way to induct some Pagans.

Maybe the church wanted eeeerbody to be able to celebrate together. Kind of like we do now.
We can all participate in a "holiday" together as fellow human beings. I choose to celebrate the birth of my Lord and Savior and also I love to be able to join in the giving of gifts.

It's all good....

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