I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps for the first time for eight years...

Jillian? Come back!!!


Come back!!!

It was just a joke....

I was only joking.....



Yup, cherry picks things Obama did wrong, hence the title of the article.

obozo did virtually everything wrong. His goal was to bring America to its knees and he almost succeeded. Worst president in history is too kind for that traitor.
Yep, Obama should have been hanged for what he gave Iran. Traitor.

nice to see white supremacist neo-nazis are always true to their beliefs as to what should happen to black people.


want to talk traitor? look at the orange imbecile.

Trump has done more good things for the USA in 1 1/2 years than Obama and Bush did in 16. the imbecile here is you if you are too stupid to understand that.

Donald hasn't done anything good for this country. you;d know that if you weren't misinformed and uninformed




Yup, cherry picks things Obama did wrong, hence the title of the article.

obozo did virtually everything wrong. His goal was to bring America to its knees and he almost succeeded. Worst president in history is too kind for that traitor.
So funny. I seemed to have blocked out this era of American history where Obama did what you say.

But I do remember Bush bringing us to the brink.

What's funny is you denied it when Bush was ruining America and then blamed Obama when he was fixing Bush's mess.

Blocked out? That's what happens when your head is so far up Obama's rear.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?
obozo did virtually everything wrong. His goal was to bring America to its knees and he almost succeeded. Worst president in history is too kind for that traitor.
So funny. I seemed to have blocked out this era of American history where Obama did what you say.

But I do remember Bush bringing us to the brink.

What's funny is you denied it when Bush was ruining America and then blamed Obama when he was fixing Bush's mess.

Blocked out? That's what happens when your head is so far up Obama's rear.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?

Imagine that, there's 2 types of Liberals. Rich ones that screw everyone they can, and stupid ones who expect everything for free.
obozo did virtually everything wrong. His goal was to bring America to its knees and he almost succeeded. Worst president in history is too kind for that traitor.
So funny. I seemed to have blocked out this era of American history where Obama did what you say.

But I do remember Bush bringing us to the brink.

What's funny is you denied it when Bush was ruining America and then blamed Obama when he was fixing Bush's mess.

Blocked out? That's what happens when your head is so far up Obama's rear.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?

I can't top that - Stunning post, Thanks!

So funny. I seemed to have blocked out this era of American history where Obama did what you say.

But I do remember Bush bringing us to the brink.

What's funny is you denied it when Bush was ruining America and then blamed Obama when he was fixing Bush's mess.

Blocked out? That's what happens when your head is so far up Obama's rear.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?

Imagine that, there's 2 types of Liberals. Rich ones that screw everyone they can, and stupid ones who expect everything for free.

Nah - The truly stupid ones voted for Trump. :lol:

it doesn't matter what city he lives in.

trump didn't help it.
Now now lets be fair. Maybe he lives in coal country

"Get ready," he told them. "Because you're going to be working your asses off!"

Then, after Trump was elected, we wanted to see whether his promise would come true:

Did those miners end up working their asses off? No.

Since Trump was elected, there has been a bump in coal jobs in Virginia and a handful of other states.

That's in part because of the coal companies' new confidence in Trump, but also because demand for metallurgical coal — the kind used to make steel — went up, mainly in China.

(Energy analysts say thermal coal plants, the ones that produce electricity, are continuing to close around the country.)

The company he had contracted with cut what it had agreed to pay Dotson. So Dotson and his partners cut their own salaries by 20 percent. They cut the employees' salaries by 10 percent.

They eliminated the employees' health insurance.

"It scares the s*** out of you, if you don't mind me saying that," he says. "I mean if you got fired tomorrow or quit tomorrow there's absolutely no opportunity to get another [job]."

Even though there has been an upturn in coal, Pennington says it's just a blip. Coal is not going to make a big comeback, he says, like Trump promised and people believed.

I heard that the fresh-outta-prison felon who claimed to be "Trumpier than Trump" - The dude who just spent a year in prison for the negligent incineration of 29 coal miners went down in flames last night.

Sad :)


funny the media said he was going to win, he wasn't close, it's almost like they made it up. hmmmm

see, this is why trumpkins have a problem discerning reality.

they said he was surging. and people said screw that and went out and voted against the trumpscum.

I can see where fact-based reality confuses donald's "base".
you really are stupid aren't you
they did all that in line 4 days....you never cease to amaze

moron trumptard say what?
Truth. Obamacare was one big scheme to force people with insurance to pay higher premiums to subsidize poor people. You know that.
I’m calling bullshit on his claim that he couldn’t support himself during the Obama years.

Premiums are still going up, and even higher after the GOP gutted the mandate. And the uninsured rate is now ticking up. It isn’t a perfect law, but it was something. The GOP and Donald offer nothing despite their promises.

You don’t know that because you’re a sheep
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obungocare is dead, and the working people are happy. Get a second job and pay for your own health insurance.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.

Truth. Obamacare was one big scheme to force people with insurance to pay higher premiums to subsidize poor people. You know that.
I’m calling bullshit on his claim that he couldn’t support himself during the Obama years.

Premiums are still going up, and even higher after the GOP gutted the mandate. And the uninsured rate is now ticking up. It isn’t a perfect law, but it was something. The GOP and Donald offer nothing despite their promises.

You don’t know that because you’re a sheep
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obungocare is dead, and the working people are happy. Get a second job and pay for your own health insurance.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)
I’m calling bullshit on his claim that he couldn’t support himself during the Obama years.

Premiums are still going up, and even higher after the GOP gutted the mandate. And the uninsured rate is now ticking up. It isn’t a perfect law, but it was something. The GOP and Donald offer nothing despite their promises.

You don’t know that because you’re a sheep
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obungocare is dead, and the working people are happy. Get a second job and pay for your own health insurance.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.
I’m calling bullshit on his claim that he couldn’t support himself during the Obama years.

Premiums are still going up, and even higher after the GOP gutted the mandate. And the uninsured rate is now ticking up. It isn’t a perfect law, but it was something. The GOP and Donald offer nothing despite their promises.

You don’t know that because you’re a sheep
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obungocare is dead, and the working people are happy. Get a second job and pay for your own health insurance.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obungocare is dead, and the working people are happy. Get a second job and pay for your own health insurance.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.

Yipes - Mine's never been that high but (as Agent Orange might say) I can tell you this:

My ACA-complient plan is WAY better than before. All preventative is covered and the co-pays and deductible are HALF what they were.

Plus, they can't cancel me if I get sick and no caps - It rocks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obungocare is dead, and the working people are happy. Get a second job and pay for your own health insurance.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!
Now now lets be fair. Maybe he lives in coal country

"Get ready," he told them. "Because you're going to be working your asses off!"

Then, after Trump was elected, we wanted to see whether his promise would come true:

Did those miners end up working their asses off? No.

Since Trump was elected, there has been a bump in coal jobs in Virginia and a handful of other states.

That's in part because of the coal companies' new confidence in Trump, but also because demand for metallurgical coal — the kind used to make steel — went up, mainly in China.

(Energy analysts say thermal coal plants, the ones that produce electricity, are continuing to close around the country.)

The company he had contracted with cut what it had agreed to pay Dotson. So Dotson and his partners cut their own salaries by 20 percent. They cut the employees' salaries by 10 percent.

They eliminated the employees' health insurance.

"It scares the s*** out of you, if you don't mind me saying that," he says. "I mean if you got fired tomorrow or quit tomorrow there's absolutely no opportunity to get another [job]."

Even though there has been an upturn in coal, Pennington says it's just a blip. Coal is not going to make a big comeback, he says, like Trump promised and people believed.

I heard that the fresh-outta-prison felon who claimed to be "Trumpier than Trump" - The dude who just spent a year in prison for the negligent incineration of 29 coal miners went down in flames last night.

Sad :)


funny the media said he was going to win, he wasn't close, it's almost like they made it up. hmmmm

see, this is why trumpkins have a problem discerning reality.

they said he was surging. and people said screw that and went out and voted against the trumpscum.

I can see where fact-based reality confuses donald's "base".
you really are stupid aren't you
they did all that in line 4 days....you never cease to amaze

moron trumptard say what?

yeah your posts are hard to get, there is no logic. and you never address the posts you quote, try doing that
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

oh so wrong. the left is far more racist, just ask kanye. he agreed with another black and you guys went into a tantrum and are now saying hes not really black....huh????????
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.

Yipes - Mine's never been that high but (as Agent Orange might say) I can tell you this:

My ACA-complient plan is WAY better than before. All preventative is covered and the co-pays and deductible are HALF what they were.

Plus, they can't cancel me if I get sick and no caps - It rocks.
that's bullshit, I've had several. post ACA I had huge deductibles, instead of like $250 it became $2000 and my premiums doubledninsread of increasing 5-10%
hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.

Yipes - Mine's never been that high but (as Agent Orange might say) I can tell you this:

My ACA-complient plan is WAY better than before. All preventative is covered and the co-pays and deductible are HALF what they were.

Plus, they can't cancel me if I get sick and no caps - It rocks.
that's bullshit, I've had several. post ACA I had huge deductibles, instead of like $250 it became $2000 and my premiums doubledninsread of increasing 5-10%

Fine with me if you don't care to believe me. Honestly don't give a rat's ass.
premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.

Yipes - Mine's never been that high but (as Agent Orange might say) I can tell you this:

My ACA-complient plan is WAY better than before. All preventative is covered and the co-pays and deductible are HALF what they were.

Plus, they can't cancel me if I get sick and no caps - It rocks.
that's bullshit, I've had several. post ACA I had huge deductibles, instead of like $250 it became $2000 and my premiums doubledninsread of increasing 5-10%

Fine with me if you don't care to believe me. Honestly don't give a rat's ass.
we lived it we were there, quit trying to change history

sure pre aca premiums went up, but they exploded with the aca and coverage got much much worse

why did they have to delay it and exempt everyone from it for like 5 years, yeah I said 5 years.
So funny. I seemed to have blocked out this era of American history where Obama did what you say.

But I do remember Bush bringing us to the brink.

What's funny is you denied it when Bush was ruining America and then blamed Obama when he was fixing Bush's mess.

Blocked out? That's what happens when your head is so far up Obama's rear.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?

Imagine that, there's 2 types of Liberals. Rich ones that screw everyone they can, and stupid ones who expect everything for free.

How are poor liberals stupid then? See, poor Republicans vote against their own financial interests. That's what makes them stupid. They vote for trickle down which never works. How is voting middle class first stupid?

And who's expecting anything for free? If we are going to have universal healthcare that's not free. It's free for the poor but not for guys like me who make money.
I heard that the fresh-outta-prison felon who claimed to be "Trumpier than Trump" - The dude who just spent a year in prison for the negligent incineration of 29 coal miners went down in flames last night.

Sad :)


funny the media said he was going to win, he wasn't close, it's almost like they made it up. hmmmm

see, this is why trumpkins have a problem discerning reality.

they said he was surging. and people said screw that and went out and voted against the trumpscum.

I can see where fact-based reality confuses donald's "base".
you really are stupid aren't you
they did all that in line 4 days....you never cease to amaze

moron trumptard say what?

yeah your posts are hard to get, there is no logic. and you never address the posts you quote, try doing that
She's smarter than all of you put together and we aren't going to let you control the conversation or answer questions we've answered 100 times before. All to a guy who doesn't get it or care.

What is this question she refuses to answer?

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