I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps for the first time for eight years...

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

That goes black to bigoted losers calling them black if they had “a single drop of black blood”.
This reminds me of when Obama got Bin Ladin and Republicans weren't impressed. Well then I'm not impressed with the $3000 more I make a year and I'm not impressed that Trump got those 3 asian Americans out of North Korea. LOL.

See the difference between me and you is you didn't acknowledge all the great things Obama did or the fact that the Republicans obstructed him from doing even more. I don't hate everything about Trump but I hate enough that I'm going to vote against him in 2020 and these midterms. He's scum and so are his followers. Selfish ignorant Americans.
Obama didn't get bin ladin. Brave MEN got bin ladin.

Trump didn't get us out of the global recession Bush caused, Obama did.
Um, no one person can get us out of a global recession and no one person caused a global recession.

BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America caused the worst financial crisis in world history.
basically yes, top 25 culprits.
But today Trump his helping setup the next meltdown.

If BushCo had enforced existing laws the crash would have not have happened.
Obama didn't get bin ladin. Brave MEN got bin ladin.

Trump didn't get us out of the global recession Bush caused, Obama did.
Um, no one person can get us out of a global recession and no one person caused a global recession.

BushCo/Republicans and Corporate America caused the worst financial crisis in world history.
basically yes, top 25 culprits.
But today Trump his helping setup the next meltdown.

If BushCo had enforced existing laws the crash would have not have happened.
yes, but its even worse now.
And the only person who tried to do something about it is "pocahontas".
That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

That goes black to bigoted losers calling them black if they had “a single drop of black blood”.

Like obama?
Yup, cherry picks things Obama did wrong, hence the title of the article.

obozo did virtually everything wrong. His goal was to bring America to its knees and he almost succeeded. Worst president in history is too kind for that traitor.
Yep, Obama should have been hanged for what he gave Iran. Traitor.

nice to see white supremacist neo-nazis are always true to their beliefs as to what should happen to black people.


want to talk traitor? look at the orange imbecile.

Trump has done more good things for the USA in 1 1/2 years than Obama and Bush did in 16. the imbecile here is you if you are too stupid to understand that.

Name one.

What?! Only one...how about a list that just covers last year.
Trump’s First Year Accomplishments Compiled In Shockingly Long List - Rasmussen Reports®
I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps the first time in eight years.

The Obama Presidency really caused me a lot of stress.

Every day, another outrage.

An economy in my city that NEVER recovered.

Now, I think things will get better...
So then don’t ask us why we are so upset. We’re as upset as you were during the obama years
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower

You are so full of shit...

You can't name one policy yet you support these fools...

You know what that makes you?
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did

You can't name a single one...

Do you know how stupid this makes you look.
That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

That goes black to bigoted losers calling them black if they had “a single drop of black blood”.

We should send some of 'em (BrokeLoser ;-) a 23 & me kit - then sit back in amusement as they discover in horror that 5 or 10% of them is black. :D
All I wanted was to make enough money to support my family, and while Obama was President I couldn't acheive that.

As soon as Trump took office, all my dreams came true, and now I have an awesome job that makes big bucks and I don't know what I'll do with all my money, but I will probably pay off all the debts I incurred during the Obama years.
Yeah, well you're stuck paying now every month since your Obama phone was deactivated, smarty pants!
You have no reason to be.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
I googles obama and ended up at some gay site.
premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

wrong, half and half is whatever the person wants it to be. Maybe mixed race, maybe white, maybe black. What is the obsession you libs have with race?

as to your cite, many use black because they think it gets them free stuff and special treatment.

but the fact remains, Obama's mother was as white as Miley Cyrus.
Yep, Obama should have been hanged for what he gave Iran. Traitor.

nice to see white supremacist neo-nazis are always true to their beliefs as to what should happen to black people.


want to talk traitor? look at the orange imbecile.

Trump has done more good things for the USA in 1 1/2 years than Obama and Bush did in 16. the imbecile here is you if you are too stupid to understand that.

Donald hasn't done anything good for this country. you;d know that if you weren't misinformed and uninformed

I think the 3 americans freed from a NK prison would disagree. So would all of the blue collar American workers that got larger paychecks and bonuses this year. Obama did nothing positive for the USA because he and his wife hated the country that made them possible.

Three Americans, Kim Hak Song, Tony Kim and Kim Dong Chul. You should do some background on all three. It's pretty interesting.

My question to you; Since when does the Republican party give a rat's ass about naturalized citizens?

Perhaps deception? Cohen/Putin/Trump connection?

You mentioned paychecks and bonuses. How much more in pay and bonuses did American workers receive beyond the regular step raises and usual bonuses?

what do you have on those three, tell us

the GOP cares about all legal American citizens and wants everyone here legally to have access to the American dream. Note the word "legally".

most working americans got a minimum of a 5% tax cut, so did their employers. bonuses given in 2018 would not have happened but for the tax cut bill.
That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

That goes black to bigoted losers calling them black if they had “a single drop of black blood”.

that is more left wing racist bullshit. do you have any functioning brain cells?
wrong, half and half is whatever the person wants it to be. Maybe mixed race, maybe white, maybe black. What is the obsession you libs have with race?

as to your cite, many use black because they think it gets them free stuff and special treatment.

but the fact remains, Obama's mother was as white as Miley Cyrus.

"Free Stuff"?

You Dotards seriously need to get a new schtick :eusa_liar:
Last edited:
they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.

Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

That goes black to bigoted losers calling them black if they had “a single drop of black blood”.

We should send some of 'em (BrokeLoser ;-) a 23 & me kit - then sit back in amusement as they discover in horror that 5 or 10% of them is black. :D

That would happen with the slave-owner sympathizers.
Then neither did you when obama was getting us out of Bush’s recession but you hated him from day one.

That’s because you don’t like our middle class first policies. You’re a trickle down guy. You suck rich men’s balls

Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
I googles obama and ended up at some gay site.
Clear your search history
Hey... shit for brains...

Name the obama policies that got us

out of Bush's recession......
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
I googles obama and ended up at some gay site.
Clear your search history
I don't keep a search history troll.
He and Elizabeth warren did so much. Weren’t you paying attention?

Next you’ll ask me for the policies of Bush’s that led to his Great Recession. If you don’t know it’s because you dont want to know.

Until trump admits bush sucked then you’ll agree because you’re a follower
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
I googles obama and ended up at some gay site.
Clear your search history
I don't keep a search history troll.
I think my joke went over your head. I forgot conservatives don't have senses of humor. You know how somehow the pop up adds that come up every now and again seem to know what your likes are? That's why no matter what you do a search for, gay porn comes up. Because the internet knows what you like. LOL. Get it now?
So no answer....
Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
I googles obama and ended up at some gay site.
Clear your search history
I don't keep a search history troll.
I think my joke went over your head. I forgot conservatives don't have senses of humor. You know how somehow the pop up adds that come up every now and again seem to know what your likes are? That's why no matter what you do a search for, gay porn comes up. Because the internet knows what you like. LOL. Get it now?
I don't keep a search history lying troll.

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