I am happy and relaxed this morning, perhaps for the first time for eight years...

Google obama one of the greatest presidents and read up on everything he Reid Pelosi obama and warren did
I googles obama and ended up at some gay site.
Clear your search history
I don't keep a search history troll.
I think my joke went over your head. I forgot conservatives don't have senses of humor. You know how somehow the pop up adds that come up every now and again seem to know what your likes are? That's why no matter what you do a search for, gay porn comes up. Because the internet knows what you like. LOL. Get it now?
I don't keep a search history lying troll.
OMG it was a joke. You're joking now right?
wrong, half and half is whatever the person wants it to be. Maybe mixed race, maybe white, maybe black. What is the obsession you libs have with race?

as to your cite, many use black because they think it gets them free stuff and special treatment.

but the fact remains, Obama's mother was as white as Miley Cyrus.

"Free Stuff"?

You Dotards seriously need to get a new schtick :eusa_liar:

the truth bother you? tough crap
Rule for Trumptards: If the Black Feller done it ... IT'S BAD!!

Obama is half white, he is not "the black fella"

You Fucking DOTARD .. half and half IS BLACK.

Don't make any of us spell it out for ya again - Serious

Maybe in another 20 years things will change .. But sorry for the time being.

Study illuminates why multiracial Americans almost never call themselves white

That goes black to bigoted losers calling them black if they had “a single drop of black blood”.

We should send some of 'em (BrokeLoser ;-) a 23 & me kit - then sit back in amusement as they discover in horror that 5 or 10% of them is black. :D

That would happen with the slave-owner sympathizers.

who specifically do you think is a slave owner sympathizer? No one approves of slavery---------------except maybe muslims who treat women as slaves and Africans who hold their enemies as slaves.
wrong, half and half is whatever the person wants it to be. Maybe mixed race, maybe white, maybe black. What is the obsession you libs have with race?

as to your cite, many use black because they think it gets them free stuff and special treatment.

but the fact remains, Obama's mother was as white as Miley Cyrus.

"Free Stuff"?

You Dotards seriously need to get a new schtick :eusa_liar:

the truth bother you? tough crap

Angry White Trump Voter:

wrong, half and half is whatever the person wants it to be. Maybe mixed race, maybe white, maybe black. What is the obsession you libs have with race?

as to your cite, many use black because they think it gets them free stuff and special treatment.

but the fact remains, Obama's mother was as white as Miley Cyrus.

"Free Stuff"?

You Dotards seriously need to get a new schtick :eusa_liar:

the truth bother you? tough crap

Angry White Trump Voter:

there are idiots in all parties. Yours just happens to be dominated by them.
I never understood why you people adorate politicians, might as well marry a rock to live under also.
The American people proved they are fed up with politicians with the election of Trump. Many of us have been saying for years we need a person that understands business and has run a business to run our government. Now we have one and the political class in both parties are crying like spoiled brats that had their candy taken away.
funny the media said he was going to win, he wasn't close, it's almost like they made it up. hmmmm

see, this is why trumpkins have a problem discerning reality.

they said he was surging. and people said screw that and went out and voted against the trumpscum.

I can see where fact-based reality confuses donald's "base".
you really are stupid aren't you
they did all that in line 4 days....you never cease to amaze

moron trumptard say what?

yeah your posts are hard to get, there is no logic. and you never address the posts you quote, try doing that
She's smarter than all of you put together and we aren't going to let you control the conversation or answer questions we've answered 100 times before. All to a guy who doesn't get it or care.

What is this question she refuses to answer?

in this is instance it was just another snarky post, which is 95% of her posts.

she is a giant empty suit that has no original thoughts.

if I am wrong please link a post of hers that has more than a one line reply and something more than just talking points.
you really are stupid aren't you
they did all that in line 4 days....you never cease to amaze

moron trumptard say what?

yeah your posts are hard to get, there is no logic. and you never address the posts you quote, try doing that
She's smarter than all of you put together and we aren't going to let you control the conversation or answer questions we've answered 100 times before. All to a guy who doesn't get it or care.

What is this question she refuses to answer?

Haha Jillian is one of the dumbest posters
she never replies to what she quoted
she just pouts out a one sentence talking point most of the time

she doesn't have a clue on the topics, she's awful at this.

moron trump are is about 90 percent of her posts....stop69ing her.

as for you, you never replied to my post. we havent gone over it. if you have post me a link, I want to see this.
my post of the media built this guy up is correct,so he NEVER had any real support.
Says the guy who has started 17 pages of partisan threads that prove you are such a hack I don't blame her for not wasting too much time on you.

haha it's not just me, are you banging each other?
I start lots of stuff.
all true and yes I love to tweak the snowflakes. I use facts logic and reason, I support my posts with links, something she doesn't do. so go cry to someone else
premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.

Yipes - Mine's never been that high but (as Agent Orange might say) I can tell you this:

My ACA-complient plan is WAY better than before. All preventative is covered and the co-pays and deductible are HALF what they were.

Plus, they can't cancel me if I get sick and no caps - It rocks.
that's bullshit, I've had several. post ACA I had huge deductibles, instead of like $250 it became $2000 and my premiums doubledninsread of increasing 5-10%

Fine with me if you don't care to believe me. Honestly don't give a rat's ass.
because you're full of shit. show us proof that these things happened before the aca.
Blocked out? That's what happens when your head is so far up Obama's rear.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?

Imagine that, there's 2 types of Liberals. Rich ones that screw everyone they can, and stupid ones who expect everything for free.

How are poor liberals stupid then? See, poor Republicans vote against their own financial interests. That's what makes them stupid. They vote for trickle down which never works. How is voting middle class first stupid?

And who's expecting anything for free? If we are going to have universal healthcare that's not free. It's free for the poor but not for guys like me who make money.

then you can pay for them now. why wait?
and how are Republican policies against the poor, oh wait the direct payments, so give a few bucks to a poor person and fuck their future and give them no ambition or reason to improve......sounds like the current dem strat.
Haha Jillian is one of the dumbest posters
she never replies to what she quoted
she just pouts out a one sentence talking point most of the time

she doesn't have a clue on the topics, she's awful at this.

moron trump are is about 90 percent of her posts....stop69ing her.

as for you, you never replied to my post. we havent gone over it. if you have post me a link, I want to see this.
my post of the media built this guy up is correct,so he NEVER had any real support.

In an IQ battle or one of wits - Jillian would run you over like a freight train :)

I've shit on her everytime. sorry man. she provides nothing but talking points.
Haha Jillian is one of the dumbest posters
she never replies to what she quoted
she just pouts out a one sentence talking point most of the time

she doesn't have a clue on the topics, she's awful at this.

moron trump are is about 90 percent of her posts....stop69ing her.

as for you, you never replied to my post. we havent gone over it. if you have post me a link, I want to see this.
my post of the media built this guy up is correct,so he NEVER had any real support.

In an IQ battle or one of wits - Jillian would run you over like a freight train :)

Is he from Ohio? Because maybe he is smart in Ohio. You know how a Michigan 10 is only a California 7? Maybe he's smart in Ohio or Kentucky but not in NY or CA. He certainly couldn't go to Silicon Valley and get a job. It's easy to be smart in a hick red state. You own the piggly wiggly because your parents handed it down to you. Or the family farm. You certainly didn't invent Microsoft or Twitter living in Ohio. They haven't produced any intelligence since Edison.

wow so we see you are not tolerant and judge people based on the state they live in

thank you for exposing you hypocrisy and that you guys are full of shit.

I buy I'm pretty sure I make more than you. especially since you are on here every day all day.
hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

they hate the ACA because it was signed by President Obama. They were perfectly happy with it when the Heritage Foundation designed it as the way people could "exercise personal responsibility" in regard to health coverage. They liked it so much that it became Romney Care. And he liked it so much that his official portrait was of him signing the bill into law.

they're just full of it.
Bullcorn. We hate obungocare because it was a lie. It was totally bogus. Of course you need to make it about the color of Obungo's skin because you can't admit it was a total lie. Shame on you, race hustling loser.
Lies, huh? Where’s the “beautiful” health insurance law that Donald promised?

well shut hes trying unfortunately the dems won't help, big surprise and the elitist Republicans won't as well......and we are in the process of replacing them.
see, this is why trumpkins have a problem discerning reality.

they said he was surging. and people said screw that and went out and voted against the trumpscum.

I can see where fact-based reality confuses donald's "base".
you really are stupid aren't you
they did all that in line 4 days....you never cease to amaze

moron trumptard say what?

yeah your posts are hard to get, there is no logic. and you never address the posts you quote, try doing that
She's smarter than all of you put together and we aren't going to let you control the conversation or answer questions we've answered 100 times before. All to a guy who doesn't get it or care.

What is this question she refuses to answer?

in this is instance it was just another snarky post, which is 95% of her posts.

she is a giant empty suit that has no original thoughts.

if I am wrong please link a post of hers that has more than a one line reply and something more than just talking points.

Well probably like me she's exhausted talking to you morons. I'm done. Just tell me how under Republicans you are doing better. How? I hear by summer GAS is going to eat up the tax break trump gave your broke ass.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you, snowflake. Tissue?

I do pay for my own insurance through my employer, dipshit. I shouldn’t need a second job.

The only people happy to not have health insurance are dumbass red-staters who would rather die in a ditch than admit they need help with rising health care costs and insurance premiums.

So, go fuck yourself, wannabe pussy-grabber faggot


hey fucktard premiums didn't skyrocket until obamacare.
and not everyone wants it, dont be a nazi and force it on people

premiums have been increasing exponentially over time. after the ACA they just couldn't cancel insurance the second someone got sick.

if you ever paid for health insurance you'd know that, child.


That's one of their more specious arguments against the ACA Jilly. But reality is a little different.

My premiums prior to ACA were going up 20-30% per year with Blue Cross. In the past three years under my unsubsidized compliant plan, my premium increases are more like 10-15% or around half.

It sounds good though - I guess ;-)

before the ACA, when I had my own small group plan, I paid $2,100 a month for insurance that paid 80% of reasonable and customary charges after a deductible of $2,500 a person.

and you considered that good coverage?????? so if you are a 4 person family, you had to pay premiums of $25,200 and deductibles of $10,000 before the insurance company paid anything., and then it only paid 80%. That's not insurance, its theft.

she is a moron. I was a peon employee pre Obamacare and my deductibles were like 250 -500 bucks, with a very nice PPO, 80+% coverage and a premium of around $100-150 per month.
No. I just understand Republican hyperbole
Nope. You and your pals here don't really understand. Your motivation is out of hatred for a group of people that are traditional Americans. We love God, our country, our family, work hard, and play by the rules. You don't and can't understand that. You're hatred for God and country blinds you. When you see traditional America prospering it drives you nuts.

Nope. You love your religion not god. Do you love Allah? Didn't think so.

You don't love your country you love your party.

You don't love your families look at Don Trump. Cheated on first wife with 2nd. Cheated on 2nd with 3rd. Cheated on 3rd with Porn stars. And Don has nothing to do with his one daughter Tiffany.

Work hard? There are 2 types of Republicans. Rich ones and stupid ones who work hard and don't get paid what they should. Kentucky residents come to mind.

You don't play by the rules you make up the rules as you go along. Remember for example Bush 1 invented NAFTA. You loved NAFTA. Now today you seem to be apposed to NAFTA. Which is it? Are you a free trader or not?

Imagine that, there's 2 types of Liberals. Rich ones that screw everyone they can, and stupid ones who expect everything for free.

How are poor liberals stupid then? See, poor Republicans vote against their own financial interests. That's what makes them stupid. They vote for trickle down which never works. How is voting middle class first stupid?

And who's expecting anything for free? If we are going to have universal healthcare that's not free. It's free for the poor but not for guys like me who make money.

then you can pay for them now. why wait?
and how are Republican policies against the poor, oh wait the direct payments, so give a few bucks to a poor person and fuck their future and give them no ambition or reason to improve......sounds like the current dem strat.

You mean our strategy of good paying jobs, pensions, social security, medicare after 65 years, higher wages, right to your job, overtime pay, etc......

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