I am looking at going back to SCHOOL


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I have been on the phone calling Community Colleges about Medical Tech job programs like Ultrasound, MRI etc.
So many

I even went down to visit a campus and I feel like a Dinosaur. Even the community collegs had Palestinen flags, gay flags and I belive it was Arab April Month and now its Asian May month.

The most odd thing is that the students all look like little kids. Did they lower the college age to like 12.

Today I had a online class presentation and I it took me a long time to even launch the program.

I feel even more useless than I usually do
Life has really passed me the F by.

I was thinking about going into Mental health field but several folks on this board told me it would be a complete disaster

I have a mediocre peronalltiy. Bad BACK, neck problems now, low drive to even get out of bed, I am on a bunch of medication for my brain, on semi suicide watch and I often still think its 1993

I can barely get out of bed by 10 am on most days and these classes all start at 8 am and the campus is a 75 minute drive or more

the only thing I have going for me is that I have over Million bucks in the bank
One thing I have thought of doing is going back to college to get some kind of financial or accounting degree. Then maybe I could do people's taxes and bookkeeping right out of a home based office and still be able to live in the country. Almost 30 years ago I took some accounting and business courses before I settled into microbiology and chemistry, and I actually did pretty well at them.
One thing I have thought of doing is going back to college to get some kind of financial or accounting degree. Then maybe I could do people's taxes and bookkeeping right out of a home based office and still be able to live in the country. Almost 30 years ago I took some accounting and business courses before I settled into microbiology and chemistry, and I actually did pretty well at them.

Chemistry!! What the fudge?
You mean classes like Organic, Analytical and Physical chemistry are easy for you. GEEZ. You must be smart
Chemistry!! What the fudge?
You mean classes like Organic, Analytical and Physical chemistry are easy for you. GEEZ. You must be smart
I didn't do great but I didn't do terrible either at chemistry. I took courses up to organic but I never took physical or analytical.... And that was a community college mind you not a four-year University! I did however, do very well at microbiology. What I was actually doing was trying to piece together a pre-pharmacy degree that I could transfer to a pharmacy school. Most of the courses that I took were accepted by SUNY Buffalo as pre-pharmacy. I never did go there though, and judging by the kind of people I see working in pharmacies and the crap that Big Pharma pushes now, I'm actually glad that I didn't go that way! It would have been much more interesting to work as a pharmacologist in a laboratory rather than someone who dispenses drugs to the public.

Yeah I guess you could say I'm pretty smart...and in fact a number of people have said that. I'm just not a particularly disciplined student, that's all! My wife is though. My IQ might be a few points above hers but she is a far better student than I am.
One thing I have thought of doing is going back to college to get some kind of financial or accounting degree. Then maybe I could do people's taxes and bookkeeping right out of a home based office and still be able to live in the country. Almost 30 years ago I took some accounting and business courses before I settled into microbiology and chemistry, and I actually did pretty well at them.
Just so you know, there are a LOT of people who are doing that. It's a flooded market, much like Realtors. A lot of competition. My 21 year old son is interning at a CPA firm and and they're paying him $19 an hour, which I think is pretty good. He's close to getting his Masters in accounting. Landing with a firm seems a better bet than being an independent, it would seem. At least in the beginning.
I didn't do great but I didn't do terrible either at chemistry. I took courses up to organic but I never took physical or analytical.... And that was a community college mind you not a four-year University! I did however, do very well at microbiology. What I was actually doing was trying to piece together a pre-pharmacy degree that I could transfer to a pharmacy school. Most of the courses that I took were accepted by SUNY Buffalo as pre-pharmacy. I never did go there though, and judging by the kind of people I see working in pharmacies and the crap that Big Pharma pushes now, I'm actually glad that I didn't go that way! It would have been much more interesting to work as a pharmacologist in a laboratory rather than someone who dispenses drugs to the public.

Yeah I guess you could say I'm pretty smart...and in fact a number of people have said that. I'm just not a particularly disciplined student, that's all! My wife is though. My IQ might be a few points above hers but she is a far better student than I am.

I read that Many graduates of Pharmacy are having a difficult time finding jobs. Why? Many drug stores have closed up and consolidated and it seems the pretigeious job of Pharmacy is super competitive.
Yes, Pharmacy school is all bio-chemistry, chemistry classes. It might be harder than medical school because of the subject matter
Just so you know, there are a LOT of people who are doing that. It's a flooded market, much like Realtors. A lot of competition. My 21 year old son is interning at a CPA firm and and they're paying him $19 an hour, which I think is pretty good. He's close to getting his Masters in accounting. Landing with a firm seems a better bet than being an independent, it would seem. At least in the beginning.
I kind of figured that. But honestly I'm not looking to make a full-time job out of it so much as a semi-retirement thing in a few years. Eventually when my parents pass away, I'll probably inherit a little something, and believe it or not I was actually thinking about using it to go to a reputable gunsmithing School near me, and working in a gun shop as a semi-retirement thing too. I've been doing work which is rather physically taxing for over 30 years now, and I'd really prefer something a little more sedentary.
and I'd really prefer something a little more sedentary.
Become a political consultant.
I thought pharmacists were constantly in demand. That's a good paying field. I believe they start at around $100k
I work at a high-end grocery store and it seems their pharmacy has a revolving door for pharmacists. I've been there almost eight years now and I don't know how many have come and gone.
I work at a high-end grocery store and it seems their pharmacy has a revolving door for pharmacists. I've been there almost eight years now and I don't know how many have come and gone.
Why do you think that is? Is it such a high-stress job that people burn out? Maybe that grocery store doesn't pay as much and they're using it as a place to get experience in order to go elsewhere? My Costco has had the same 2 or three pharmacists for 10 years. One Indian guy left to start his own pharmacy, and he seems to be doing well, despite an awful location. I've been seeing the same pharmacists in my CVS for years, also.
Why do you think that is? Is it such a high-stress job that people burn out? Maybe that grocery store doesn't pay as much and they're using it as a place to get experience in order to go elsewhere? My Costco has had the same 2 or three pharmacists for 10 years. One Indian guy left to start his own pharmacy, and he seems to be doing well, despite an awful location. I've been seeing the same pharmacists in my CVS for years, also.
I have a feeling it's the company and something to do with benefits or pay. The pharmacists I've seen apparently weren't noobs either. Most seemed to be in their 40's.
I work at a high-end grocery store and it seems their pharmacy has a revolving door for pharmacists. I've been there almost eight years now and I don't know how many have come and gone.

I think most make 120,000 a year or more
I have been on the phone calling Community Colleges about Medical Tech job programs like Ultrasound, MRI etc.
So many

I even went down to visit a campus and I feel like a Dinosaur. Even the community collegs had Palestinen flags, gay flags and I belive it was Arab April Month and now its Asian May month.

The most odd thing is that the students all look like little kids. Did they lower the college age to like 12.

Today I had a online class presentation and I it took me a long time to even launch the program.

I feel even more useless than I usually do
I like your avatar a LOT! I can relate to the dinosaur syndrome. Despite the fact that I am a degreed individual my degree was unfortunately obtained in the pre-computer era, essentially obsoleting me. About eight yrs. ago @ SCC(Spokane Community College) I signed up for the required math/English classes & was blessed to have Heather Edwards as my English teacher & DOUBLE blessed to get Chris Brady as my math teacher. Chris got me through the math but I had trouble with the algebra so dropped the English class to concentrate on the math which tubed me. I was shooting for a AAS degree in Computer Assisted Drafting & mechanical engineering. My age @ the time REALLY SHOWED UP IN SPADES. The younger students completely dated my totally outmoded skills. "...little kids." Yeah, I noticed that too. At least you could eventually launch the program which makes me envious of you.

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If only you, Mortuary and BlockedGhanaian could sail off to a deserted island and be happy .
How much brighter and carefree we all would be .
You must be the most boring and trying bunch of losers in the universe.

Forgive me but I would slap you all hard repeatedly as I chased you down the street , out of town to some deserted lake where I would batter you unmercifully whilst humming Happy Days .

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