I am not a coward on racial matters, but AG Holder cannot handle the truth


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Here's how I think it went down. Mike hit the bong hard and then decided to go down to the zippy mart. While there his intimidating size and his stoned state allowed him to help himself to some things that weren't his. As he was leaving he had an opportunity to bully the store owner which he did with impunity. His bud was with him. As they are walking through the community mike is feeling pretty full of himself, ten feet tall and bulletproof. While in the middle of the street an officer comes up and says something mike doesn't like or something mike takes issue with. The officer doesn't care for the way mike responds to his direction and keeps shouting orders at him. Mike does the usual f u m f, grabs the cop,through the window and proceeds to put a major ass whipping on the officer who is much smaller. Mike then proceeds to walk off and the officer feebly tells him to stop. mike turns around and says haven't you had enough and proceeds to charge the officer who is scared so shitless that he empties his magazine Into the kid.

This is a tragedy. One man is dead and the other for all intent and purposes is the walking dead.

But here are the things that bother me enough to make a post about it

If the tv cameras weren't there neither would the demonstrators.

Every man or woman's life has a value and no ones existence is any more valuable than another's, so if one death is bad two are worse and so on. To elevate one persons death in Missouri above the death of seven people in Chicago is not really giving the same share of humanity to each person. That is wrong.

Using the death of a black boy to once again falsely raise the ugly head of racism which is then used as the basic cause of all the problems of the black community is a shameless political scam. The Obama administration is not totally, but is mainly responsible for the condition of the black community today, they have done nothing to better the condition of the poor blacks. To channel the frustration, disappointment, and rage of this neglected community into the racism pipeline is a despicable act, but keeps being repeated over and over again.

One thing the press and the administration and our culture today fails to do is prioritize. While mike browns death is tragic, is it as important as the rise of Isis, the genocide happening in Chicago, the border problem,and on and on. If Americans and the media don't spend more time pondering the big nation threatening issues we will all be watching reality shows of public American be headings at the hands of Islamic barbarians. We are over the hump on racism, deal with it rev sharpton.

Lastly, I cannot hold back my disgust with AG Holder. This man is a disgrace to the office. He does not believe in the rule of law or in blind justice. He views his job description as getting revenge on white people for the past persecution of his race and protecting his boss at any cost, even if it means violating the laws of this country. Holder goes to Missouri and says I'm the attorney general and I am black. What the hell does that have to do with justice. Fifty FBI agents to work on this case? Please! Increased investigations on civil rights violations, let me tell you, if any govt agency wants to find something wrong, just like a health inspector, they will. This man has zero integrity for impartially and faithfully upholding ALL the laws of this country for ALL the people. We basically have an activist political hack as the top law enforcement officer of the land.

Everyone has had a chance to air their opinion, it is time to move on.
Have you ever made one of those "if I hear __________ one more time! I think I will kill myself" statements?

I gotta tell ya........I have heard lame assed nutjobs ask " but......what about Chicago " a fucking million times over the past couple of years.

Listen here, idiots. The broadcast news media focuses on what news consumers....meaning YOU....want to see on your fucking TV and hear on your fucking radio.

There is no conspiracy to keep the violence in Chidago hidden from view. The fact is that YOU don't really give a shit. If YOU did, there would be a straight news story on FOX every time a person is gunned down in. Chi-town.

Stop......think......then talk. Fuck!
Yes moon it is all original.

I'm beginning to understand why lone is always laughing by herself.
Here's how I think it went down. Mike hit the bong hard and then decided to go down to the zippy mart. While there his intimidating size and his stoned state allowed him to help himself to some things that weren't his. As he was leaving he had an opportunity to bully the store owner which he did with impunity. His bud was with him. As they are walking through the community mike is feeling pretty full of himself, ten feet tall and bulletproof. While in the middle of the street an officer comes up and says something mike doesn't like or something mike takes issue with. The officer doesn't care for the way mike responds to his direction and keeps shouting orders at him. Mike does the usual f u m f, grabs the cop,through the window and proceeds to put a major ass whipping on the officer who is much smaller. Mike then proceeds to walk off and the officer feebly tells him to stop. mike turns around and says haven't you had enough and proceeds to charge the officer who is scared so shitless that he empties his magazine Into the kid.

This is a tragedy. One man is dead and the other for all intent and purposes is the walking dead.

But here are the things that bother me enough to make a post about it

If the tv cameras weren't there neither would the demonstrators.

Every man or woman's life has a value and no ones existence is any more valuable than another's, so if one death is bad two are worse and so on. To elevate one persons death in Missouri above the death of seven people in Chicago is not really giving the same share of humanity to each person. That is wrong.

Using the death of a black boy to once again falsely raise the ugly head of racism which is then used as the basic cause of all the problems of the black community is a shameless political scam. The Obama administration is not totally, but is mainly responsible for the condition of the black community today, they have done nothing to better the condition of the poor blacks. To channel the frustration, disappointment, and rage of this neglected community into the racism pipeline is a despicable act, but keeps being repeated over and over again.

One thing the press and the administration and our culture today fails to do is prioritize. While mike browns death is tragic, is it as important as the rise of Isis, the genocide happening in Chicago, the border problem,and on and on. If Americans and the media don't spend more time pondering the big nation threatening issues we will all be watching reality shows of public American be headings at the hands of Islamic barbarians. We are over the hump on racism, deal with it rev sharpton.

Lastly, I cannot hold back my disgust with AG Holder. This man is a disgrace to the office. He does not believe in the rule of law or in blind justice. He views his job description as getting revenge on white people for the past persecution of his race and protecting his boss at any cost, even if it means violating the laws of this country. Holder goes to Missouri and says I'm the attorney general and I am black. What the hell does that have to do with justice. Fifty FBI agents to work on this case? Please! Increased investigations on civil rights violations, let me tell you, if any govt agency wants to find something wrong, just like a health inspector, they will. This man has zero integrity for impartially and faithfully upholding ALL the laws of this country for ALL the people. We basically have an activist political hack as the top law enforcement officer of the land.

Everyone has had a chance to air their opinion, it is time to move on.

i agree.., up to a point, Mikey was not a "kid" or a "boy" and NOT a "tragedy" the fucking nigge r got exactly what he was asking for :up:

and the cop still has a bashed in face that may require surgery to correct the eye socket damage.

the nig-ger's buddy has changed his story in FAVOR of the cop.
"When an atty gen. says "I am the Attorney General but I'm also a "black" man", you know he has an agenda. ....and it is revenge and retribution.
christ, the cop hasn't been charged and holder rushes in (with 40 FBI agents) and says they will look for civil rights violations against the cop.

What difference should it make about his race? He is OBSESSED with it. Google his many comments on the subject. Give it a try and see if I'm lying.

...isn't it ironic...they want the D.A. removed from the Wilson/Brown case because his father was murdered by a negro and they say he can't be fair..LMAO...but holder and his OVERT anti white remarks are fine..Hmmm...
"When an atty gen. says "I am the Attorney General but I'm also a "black" man", you know he has an agenda. ....and it is revenge and retribution.
christ, the cop hasn't been charged and holder rushes in (with 40 FBI agents) and says they will look for civil rights violations against the cop.

What difference should it make about his race? He is OBSESSED with it. Google his many comments on the subject. Give it a try and see if I'm lying.

...isn't it ironic...they want the D.A. removed from the Wilson/Brown case because his father was murdered by a negro and they say he can't be fair..LMAO...but holder and his OVERT anti white remarks are fine..Hmmm...
This is what Eric Holder carries in his pocket every single day:
Evidently our Attorney General Eric Holder finds letting go especially difficult, almost to the level of pathology. As Adams points out at the beginning of his book, since 1971 Holder has walked around with this newspaper clipping from Harlem preacher Samuel D. Proctor in his wallet:

"Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile (a black person) becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else. Black people have a common cause that requires attending to, and this cause does not allow for the rigid class separation that is the luxury of American whites. There is a sense in which every black man is as far from liberation as the weakest in his weakness is attributable to racial injustice."
Holder literally has a race card in his pocket at all times.

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