I am NOT against Electric Vehicles...I want to see them as an alternative!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Shocking I know... because I'm been extremely voluminous critic of pro-EV people.
But if you look at all my volumes of comments, my major criticism was where was the electricity going to come from?
Simple math would indicate this major issue hasn't been answered MUCH LESS Addressed!!!
FACTS folks...
Today the USA produced :
  • 4,116,000,000,000 Total electricity generated in USA today in 2021 by coal,nuclear,gas.
  • 49,030,000,000 EIA estimates generated with small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
  • 4,165,030,000,000 Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants
Each of the 11,070 total power plants in USA generate 376,244,806 kWh. FACTS~~~ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
The average American drives 14,263 per year https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/average-miles-driven-per-year/
Assume 80% of all cars of the 228,200,000 Total Drivers fact: Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. by state | Statista
or 182,560,000 Total EVs drivers each driven the above average or total miles driven 2,603,853,280,000 miles.
FACT: Average EV car uses .0.25 kWh to travel 1 mile. FACT:Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
Divide total miles driven by 0.25 kWH/mile or 650,963,320,000 kWh will be needed.
Additional electricity needed for the EV cars or 650,963,320,000 kWh will require 1,730 additional power plants at each plant generating 376,244,806 kWh.
Let's assume all the new plants are Wind Turbines(WTs) and the cost to build is $1,300,000 USD per megawatt or ($1,300,000 X 376 mWh or $488,800,000).
1,730 additional WT power plants will cost $844,701,697,211 in construction costs just for EV cars.
What do you think the cost will be if assume 50% of all the existing trucks in the future are EVs that average 4.3 kWh per Mile Per Truck Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV
I'll let you figure that out! Facts: THERE ARE 37,900,000 trucks for business purposes (excluding government and farm) traveling the
average miles per year of 84,433/truck/year....https://www.trucking.org/economics-and-industry-data
So I'm NOT against EVs but I'm trying to make those in favor of EVs to understand the total cost and simply put...well let the experts explain...

As More EVs Hit The Road, Blackouts Become Likely!
Shocking I know... because I'm been extremely voluminous critic of pro-EV people.
But if you look at all my volumes of comments, my major criticism was where was the electricity going to come from?
Simple math would indicate this major issue hasn't been answered MUCH LESS Addressed!!!
FACTS folks...
Today the USA produced :
  • 4,116,000,000,000 Total electricity generated in USA today in 2021 by coal,nuclear,gas.
  • 49,030,000,000 EIA estimates generated with small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
  • 4,165,030,000,000 Total electricity generated in USA in 2021 by all power plants
Each of the 11,070 total power plants in USA generate 376,244,806 kWh. FACTS~~~ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
The average American drives 14,263 per year https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/average-miles-driven-per-year/
Assume 80% of all cars of the 228,200,000 Total Drivers fact: Total number of licensed drivers in the U.S. by state | Statista
or 182,560,000 Total EVs drivers each driven the above average or total miles driven 2,603,853,280,000 miles.
FACT: Average EV car uses .0.25 kWh to travel 1 mile. FACT:Average Electric Car kWh Per Mile [Results From 231 EVs]
Divide total miles driven by 0.25 kWH/mile or 650,963,320,000 kWh will be needed.
Additional electricity needed for the EV cars or 650,963,320,000 kWh will require 1,730 additional power plants at each plant generating 376,244,806 kWh.
Let's assume all the new plants are Wind Turbines(WTs) and the cost to build is $1,300,000 USD per megawatt or ($1,300,000 X 376 mWh or $488,800,000).
1,730 additional WT power plants will cost $844,701,697,211 in construction costs just for EV cars.
What do you think the cost will be if assume 50% of all the existing trucks in the future are EVs that average 4.3 kWh per Mile Per Truck Battery capacity and recharging needs for electric buses in city transit service (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV
I'll let you figure that out! Facts: THERE ARE 37,900,000 trucks for business purposes (excluding government and farm) traveling the
average miles per year of 84,433/truck/year....https://www.trucking.org/economics-and-industry-data
So I'm NOT against EVs but I'm trying to make those in favor of EVs to understand the total cost and simply put...well let the experts explain...

As More EVs Hit The Road, Blackouts Become Likely!

What you don't understand?

They want energy shortages and EVs are just one of the tools they have to get them......they do not want more, cheap, reliable energy....that would allow us to support more humans, and the democrats and other leftists believe the world is over populated....so, you wreck the energy supply, and people are forced to make life changes due to lack of reliable, cheap, plentiful energy......except for the rich...they will always have energy and cars, in particular, gas powered cars.......
What you don't understand?

They want energy shortages and EVs are just one of the tools they have to get them......they do not want more, cheap, reliable energy....that would allow us to support more humans, and the democrats and other leftists believe the world is over populated....so, you wreck the energy supply, and people are forced to make life changes due to lack of reliable, cheap, plentiful energy......except for the rich...they will always have energy and cars, in particular, gas powered cars.......
Libs want to close the suburbs and move everyone into high rise apartments near downtown

And with limited parking space and nowhere to drive anyway we wont even own EVs
Electric vehicles are fine for people in cities where they don't drive far and have the money to afford them. They are fine for elderly people for the same reasons.

EVs aren't a bad thing, but they should only be an alternative. They shouldnt be mandatory for anyone anywhere ever.

Our country needs the infrastructure in place first for them. Then they need another 20 years to be refined and updated. Once the ground work is done then offering incentives and pricing to encourage people is fine.

Aside from the fact we don't have the infrastructure to support them on a mass scale and won't for at least 20 years, the cars themselves have a long way to go. Just look at gas cars, hell in 1908 we had America's first mass produced car and even now over 100 years later we're still refining and improving them. A model t even brand new is a decrepit old hunk of shit compared to even a low end newer car.
Your first mistake is not living close enough to work to use a bicycle ... so both gasoline and electric are luxuries ... American Exceptionalism ... thus the measure is money ... and nothing says money like a Ford F-350 with dualies doing 85 mph on a Los Angeles freeway ...
Libs want to close the suburbs and move everyone into high rise apartments near downtown

And with limited parking space and nowhere to drive anyway we wont even own EVs

That's the idea for modern cities. Put everything in them to keep people so they don't go very far, make everything a rental property so they have a hard time being able to afford land or a home, push for work from home jobs so they stay home, tell people they deserve a living wage for menial jobs so people can work at McDonald's down the road and not need to branch out for better jobs and do what California is doing where they are slowly getting rid of single family home zoning. Cram everyone in, charge them rent then buy up all the land for yourself.

That's the idea for modern cities. Put everything in them to keep people so they don't go very far, make everything a rental property so they have a hard time being able to afford land or a home, push for work from home jobs so they stay home, tell people they deserve a living wage for menial jobs so people can work at McDonald's down the road and not need to branch out for better jobs and do what California is doing where they are slowly getting rid of single family home zoning. Cram everyone in, charge them rent then buy up all the land for yourself.

Most of the time libs dont even bother to hide their intentions
Libs want to close the suburbs and move everyone into high rise apartments near downtown

And with limited parking space and nowhere to drive anyway we wont even own EVs

That is the plan.....

Leftists read "Judge Dredd," and thought it was a great way to organize society.....
EV's are an alternative. You can still get ICE vehicles.

No.....not when they are dismantling energy supplies, and jacking up the costs for ICE vehicles through red tape and regulation....making it impossible to afford one....
That's the idea for modern cities. Put everything in them to keep people so they don't go very far, make everything a rental property so they have a hard time being able to afford land or a home, push for work from home jobs so they stay home, tell people they deserve a living wage for menial jobs so people can work at McDonald's down the road and not need to branch out for better jobs and do what California is doing where they are slowly getting rid of single family home zoning. Cram everyone in, charge them rent then buy up all the land for yourself.

And the most important point?

If everyone is a renter, it is easier for the government to kick them out of their rental unit if they bad mouth the party, or speak against a belief of the left........

Much harder to get people out of homes they own in the suburbs....
No.....not when they are dismantling energy supplies, and jacking up the costs for ICE vehicles through red tape and regulation....making it impossible to afford one....

EV's prices are coming down.

EV's aren't a "The sky is falling" thing. They're just vehicles in a market. Buy one or don't. It's really not important.
If and when the technology works and the prices fall and the product can be made in the U.S., the public will buy it. In the mean time forcing Americans to purchase an expensive item that nobody really wants is nothing short of fascism.
If and when the technology works and the prices fall and the product can be made in the U.S., the public will buy it. In the mean time forcing Americans to purchase an expensive item that nobody really wants is nothing short of fascism.

It took a long time for ICE vehicles to become affordable. It'll happen with EV's.

I really don't understand why Americans are so turned off by them. It's American technology, that's going to help get us off foreign oil.

How's this a bad thing?
It took a long time for ICE vehicles to become affordable. It'll happen with EV's.

I really don't understand why Americans are so turned off by them. It's American technology, that's going to help get us off foreign oil.

How's this a bad thing?

America is swimming in oil
It took a long time for ICE vehicles to become affordable. It'll happen with EV's.

I really don't understand why Americans are so turned off by them. It's American technology, that's going to help get us off foreign oil.

How's this a bad thing?

Because the left/democrats arent letting it happen naturally. They are intentionally sabotaging gas vehicles with no plan for actually replacing them.

It isnt about people just driving different types of vehicle... this is about semocrats limiting your choice of vehicle in order to limit wver other aspect of your life to fit their itopian world view.

That is the problem.
Libs are willing to make any sacrafice in their quest to save the planet

Let's make that post more accurate...

Libs are willing to force other people to make any sacrifice in their quest to control and subjugate those peope to create their idea if Utopia.

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