I am not voting for Trump

Dude, I don't think you comprehend very well. sad
My post:
"No, the shameless corruption and never ending lies from the democrats will continue like it
has for the last 4 years."

Somehow you went with WH, put the joint down and clear your head.

Corruption runs amok among your tribe, and there is no denying it.
biden doesn't want to 'defund' the police.
I didn't come up with the slogan... His party did.

i have no clue what 'forced speech' is supposta mean.
You will in time. Just not for another four or more years. Look into Canada's forced speech controversy if you want an inkling.

he has made it clear that proesting is NOT the same as rioting & that rioters, being the criminals that they are - should be prosecuted.
And yet as the leader of the DNC he has put zero pressure on DA's to prosecute. Which he ADMITS to during the debate. He can SAY whatever he wants... I expect lies. But actions have a hard time lying. He has done nothing, and actively promotes doing nothing until he is president. If he doesn't lead his party now, why would I think he would after being president?
Dude, I don't think you comprehend very well. sad
My post:
"No, the shameless corruption and never ending lies from the democrats will continue like it
has for the last 4 years."

Somehow you went with WH, put the joint down and clear your head.

Corruption runs amok among your tribe, and there is no denying it.

Whats the corruption?

Comey was a Republican.
Rosenstein - Republican.
McCabe - Republican.
Mueller - Republican.

Who are these supposedly corrupt democrats and what did they do, can you sanely answer?
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

If Biden wins, especially if Republicans also lose the Senate, we'll plunge headlong into the abyss. Trump has paved the way for this, by putting such an ugly face on conservatism that we now have an entire generation of voters who think socialism is worth a try.
And the Trumpsters don't see this.
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

If Biden wins, especially if Republicans also lose the Senate, we'll plunge headlong into the abyss. Trump has paved the way for this, by putting such an ugly face on conservatism that we now have an entire generation of voters who think socialism is worth a try.
And the Trumpsters don't see this.
Your tribe has gone out of its way for the Mail in Virus..........to a point that there is no way in hell we'll know who won the night of the election........millions of votes to hand count and hundreds of lawsuits all over the nation..........hell there are already over 300 lawsuits now........

If the left thought it could win a honest election it would have never done this..............

America has been watching the VIOLENCE of your Tribe.........They noticed.........and it will show in the end.

DBLACK\s vote is Useless...........you are only here to try BS to sway people to vote third party and nothing more.
Dude, I don't think you comprehend very well. sad
My post:
"No, the shameless corruption and never ending lies from the democrats will continue like it
has for the last 4 years."

Somehow you went with WH, put the joint down and clear your head.

Corruption runs amok among your tribe, and there is no denying it.

Whats the corruption?

Comey was a Republican.
Rosenstein - Republican.
McCabe - Republican.
Mueller - Republican.

Who are these supposedly corrupt democrats and what did they do, can you sanely answer?
All with the democrat tribe along with Obama, Biden, Rice, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff...lies, lies, lies
Eagle I have 200 more reasons your POS doesn't belong in our WH
Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
Authoritarianism Cruelty Violence War 
7.Said women should be punished for having abortions  See video
8.Urged supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
9.Made fun of a reporter’s physical disability  See video
10.Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally, in violation of the 14th Amendment
Authoritarianism Immigration 
11.Advocated shutting down mosques  See video
Authoritarianism Muslims Religion 
12.Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.  Note from Josh Voorhees
Authoritarianism Immigration Muslims 


13.Described global warming as a hoax perpetrated by “the Chinese” for competitive reasons
Conspiracy theories Ignorance 
14.Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”  Note from Gabriel Roth
Cruelty Narcissism 


15.Suggested the U.S. should reduce its debts by partially defaulting on them
16.Fraternizes with avowed white supremacists on Twitter
17.Called Mexican immigrants rapists  Note from Ben Mathis-Lilley
Conspiracy theories Racism 


18.Endorsed torture  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
19.Refuses to sell any of his more than 500 businesses if he’s elected, potentially creating unprecedented conflicts of interest
Corruption Narcissism 
20.Disparaged Sen. John McCain's military service because he was captured by the North Vietnamese  See video
21.Refused to release his tax returns during the campaign
22.Defended FDR’s internment of Japanese Americans  See more
Racism War 
23.Retweeted bogus crime statistics that wildly inflated the rate at which blacks kill whites
Lies Policy Racism 
24.Suggested that supporters who attacked a homeless Hispanic man were “very passionate” and “love their country”  See more
Authoritarianism Racism Violence 
25.Blamed sexual assault in the military on “put[ting] men and women together”
Misogyny War 
Eagle I have 200 more reasons your POS doesn't belong in our WH
Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
Authoritarianism Cruelty Violence War 
7.Said women should be punished for having abortions  See video
8.Urged supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
9.Made fun of a reporter’s physical disability  See video
10.Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally, in violation of the 14th Amendment
Authoritarianism Immigration 
11.Advocated shutting down mosques  See video
Authoritarianism Muslims Religion 
12.Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.  Note from Josh Voorhees
Authoritarianism Immigration Muslims 


13.Described global warming as a hoax perpetrated by “the Chinese” for competitive reasons
Conspiracy theories Ignorance 
14.Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”  Note from Gabriel Roth
Cruelty Narcissism 


15.Suggested the U.S. should reduce its debts by partially defaulting on them
16.Fraternizes with avowed white supremacists on Twitter
17.Called Mexican immigrants rapists  Note from Ben Mathis-Lilley
Conspiracy theories Racism 


18.Endorsed torture  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
19.Refuses to sell any of his more than 500 businesses if he’s elected, potentially creating unprecedented conflicts of interest
Corruption Narcissism 
20.Disparaged Sen. John McCain's military service because he was captured by the North Vietnamese  See video
21.Refused to release his tax returns during the campaign
22.Defended FDR’s internment of Japanese Americans  See more
Racism War 
23.Retweeted bogus crime statistics that wildly inflated the rate at which blacks kill whites
Lies Policy Racism 
24.Suggested that supporters who attacked a homeless Hispanic man were “very passionate” and “love their country”  See more
Authoritarianism Racism Violence 
25.Blamed sexual assault in the military on “put[ting] men and women together”
Misogyny War 
Good for you......some of that BS you lost in SCOTUS

I just posted a site that shows massive evidence against you tribe............That shit is real.....Not the Trump getting peed on by a hooker that knew Putin crap you pulled.........

Oh well.
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
Eagle I have 200 more reasons your POS doesn't belong in our WH
Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
Authoritarianism Cruelty Violence War 
7.Said women should be punished for having abortions  See video
8.Urged supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
9.Made fun of a reporter’s physical disability  See video
10.Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally, in violation of the 14th Amendment
Authoritarianism Immigration 
11.Advocated shutting down mosques  See video
Authoritarianism Muslims Religion 
12.Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.  Note from Josh Voorhees
Authoritarianism Immigration Muslims 


13.Described global warming as a hoax perpetrated by “the Chinese” for competitive reasons
Conspiracy theories Ignorance 
14.Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”  Note from Gabriel Roth
Cruelty Narcissism 


15.Suggested the U.S. should reduce its debts by partially defaulting on them
16.Fraternizes with avowed white supremacists on Twitter
17.Called Mexican immigrants rapists  Note from Ben Mathis-Lilley
Conspiracy theories Racism 


18.Endorsed torture  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
19.Refuses to sell any of his more than 500 businesses if he’s elected, potentially creating unprecedented conflicts of interest
Corruption Narcissism 
20.Disparaged Sen. John McCain's military service because he was captured by the North Vietnamese  See video
21.Refused to release his tax returns during the campaign
22.Defended FDR’s internment of Japanese Americans  See more
Racism War 
23.Retweeted bogus crime statistics that wildly inflated the rate at which blacks kill whites
Lies Policy Racism 
24.Suggested that supporters who attacked a homeless Hispanic man were “very passionate” and “love their country”  See more
Authoritarianism Racism Violence 
25.Blamed sexual assault in the military on “put[ting] men and women together”
Misogyny War 
Good for you......some of that
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself

The only ones fucking up this country is your vile scum burning it down........

Terrorist who burn shit down when they don't get their way.....Clearly your asses should have gotten the belt more as kids.........
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
Trump will never win a smart contest He's running again to save his lying corrupting ass from the courts
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
It really doesn't. Trump clearly knows how to work the bankruptcy courts. The claim that Trump ran for President for the financial gain is specious at best.
Eagle I have 200 more reasons your POS doesn't belong in our WH
Advocated waterboarding as punishment even if it doesn’t help gain information, because “they deserve it anyway”
Authoritarianism Cruelty Violence War 
7.Said women should be punished for having abortions  See video
8.Urged supporters to beat up protesters at his rallies  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
9.Made fun of a reporter’s physical disability  See video
10.Promised to deport U.S. citizens whose parents immigrated illegally, in violation of the 14th Amendment
Authoritarianism Immigration 
11.Advocated shutting down mosques  See video
Authoritarianism Muslims Religion 
12.Called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.  Note from Josh Voorhees
Authoritarianism Immigration Muslims 


13.Described global warming as a hoax perpetrated by “the Chinese” for competitive reasons
Conspiracy theories Ignorance 
14.Responded to the murder of 49 people at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub with “Appreciate the congrats for being right on Islamic terrorism”  Note from Gabriel Roth
Cruelty Narcissism 


15.Suggested the U.S. should reduce its debts by partially defaulting on them
16.Fraternizes with avowed white supremacists on Twitter
17.Called Mexican immigrants rapists  Note from Ben Mathis-Lilley
Conspiracy theories Racism 


18.Endorsed torture  See video
Authoritarianism Violence 
19.Refuses to sell any of his more than 500 businesses if he’s elected, potentially creating unprecedented conflicts of interest
Corruption Narcissism 
20.Disparaged Sen. John McCain's military service because he was captured by the North Vietnamese  See video
21.Refused to release his tax returns during the campaign
22.Defended FDR’s internment of Japanese Americans  See more
Racism War 
23.Retweeted bogus crime statistics that wildly inflated the rate at which blacks kill whites
Lies Policy Racism 
24.Suggested that supporters who attacked a homeless Hispanic man were “very passionate” and “love their country”  See more
Authoritarianism Racism Violence 
25.Blamed sexual assault in the military on “put[ting] men and women together”
Misogyny War 
Good for you......some of that
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself

The only ones fucking up this country is your vile scum burning it down........

Terrorist who burn shit down when they don't get their way.....Clearly your asses should have gotten the belt more as kids.........
Maybe we need one of your terrorists to kidnap trump and hang him?
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
It really doesn't. Trump clearly knows how to work the bankruptcy courts. The claim that Trump ran for President for the financial gain is specious at best.
Please Mr Black Trump has never done anything that didn't have a chance to put bucks in his pockets You think he's a patriot ?
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
It really doesn't. Trump clearly knows how to work the bankruptcy courts. The claim that Trump ran for President for the financial gain is specious at best.
Please Mr Black Trump has never done anything that didn't have a chance to put bucks in his pockets You think he's a patriot ?
I have no idea what his motivations are. But the financial angle doesn't make much sense. There are far less stressful ways to make money.
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
It really doesn't. Trump clearly knows how to work the bankruptcy courts. The claim that Trump ran for President for the financial gain is specious at best.
Please Mr Black Trump has never done anything that didn't have a chance to put bucks in his pockets You think he's a patriot ?
I have no idea what his motivations are. But the financial angle doesn't make much sense. There are far less stressful ways to make money.
Agree But no one I know of relishes crowds kissing his boot more than Trump
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
It really doesn't. Trump clearly knows how to work the bankruptcy courts. The claim that Trump ran for President for the financial gain is specious at best.
Please Mr Black Trump has never done anything that didn't have a chance to put bucks in his pockets You think he's a patriot ?
I have no idea what his motivations are. But the financial angle doesn't make much sense. There are far less stressful ways to make money.
Agree But no one I know of relishes crowds kissing his boot more than Trump
Yeah. I think that is more to the point.
Eagle tell me you don't believe Putin and Trump are pals That Putin has something on Trump
Eagle can do what he likes.... But I'll happily tell you that.

Tell me you don't believe trump is fn up America that the SB is a patriot not looking out for himself
If Trump was just looking out for himself... Being president is a pretty fuck'n stupid thing for him to do. Running AGAIN after that first term... Doubly stupid.

So... I'm sorry... I just don't think that holds much water.
It really doesn't. Trump clearly knows how to work the bankruptcy courts. The claim that Trump ran for President for the financial gain is specious at best.
Please Mr Black Trump has never done anything that didn't have a chance to put bucks in his pockets You think he's a patriot ?
I have no idea what his motivations are. But the financial angle doesn't make much sense. There are far less stressful ways to make money.
Agree But no one I know of relishes crowds kissing his boot more than Trump
Yeah. I think that is more to the point.
And one more thing I don't believe, he's had a lot of luck making tons when he wasn't in office His financial worth is in serious doubt

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