I am not voting for Trump

Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.

JackofNoTrades: It's Trump's fault! I blame Trump! Trump is to blame! I have no argument, no evidence and I won't address your points, I'll just blame Trump, Trump, Trump! {covers ears} La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ...

JackofNoTrades: "You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters"

You're a brainless simp. Note you haven't addressed these points:

1) Democrat offered no other plan, you had no solutions. Even now the "Biden Plan" is what Trump is already doing

2) Democrats actually attacked Trump for travel restrictions calling them racist

3) Democrats attack Trump for the economic impact of the shutdown yet at the same time attack him for not shutting down long enough, hard enough or doing it again

4) Democrats attack him for any Federal mandate as a violation of State rights while Democrats attack him for not having a national mandate

5) The deaths are overwhelmingly in blue States where Democrats are in control
Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.
No shit sherlock..........only question for you is will you and all your socks vote this time........lol

I will vote for Biden. My socks stay on my feet.
These people are voting for Biden too..in Florida. If Trump loses the senior vote down there, he's toast.
View attachment 400134

My daughter and I ran errands yesterday here in Florida. There were Trump signs everywhere. We couldn't find a single Biden sign, and I live in a city here. We literally didn't see one. And we were looking because we noticed the dearth of Biden signs. We figured we had to be able to find ONE sign. We didn't
Last edited:
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

Damn, you're a great parrot of the MSM. Do you ever have original thoughts?


Mac and JakeStarkey are collectivists. They just leach on threads telling other leftists they are one of them. They just write empty posts declaring their hate for Trump and that Democrats are the solution to all problems. Neither of them even makes a bad argument for anything, they make no argument for anything at all other than "Democrats," I'm one of you, nudge, nudge, wink, wink

Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.

Trump's response to the virus was no less perfect than any other President's response would have been....And all you have in response to that is to use hindsight to say what would have or should have happened, problem is there is NO WAY to quantify that.
Even at that they can’t provide an avoidance plan. I’m still waiting

Here's the Democrat Wuhan virus plan.

Trip Trump, blame Trump, take over the White House, suddenly realize that we're at the low end of the initial death prediction range and things are actually not so bad, come back in four years if you don't like that they lied to you
Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.

Trump's response to the virus was no less perfect than any other President's response would have been....And all you have in response to that is to use hindsight to say what would have or should have happened, problem is there is NO WAY to quantify that.

Democrats have offered zero beyond what Trump and other Western countries have done to manage the virus. And JackofNoTrades has offered nothing either
So why is it other Western countries have done so much better than we have?

And you have to be a blind Trump psychophant to think the U.S. didn't fail in our COVID response.
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

Damn, you're a great parrot of the MSM. Do you ever have original thoughts?

Yeah, dittos Rush.

Actually you meant MEGA-DITTOS.

I do like your using a Rush line as a response to the point that you write zero content of your own. That was classic
Trump the great businessman who's screwed 100's for 100's of 1000's The great deal maker ?
Lost a tariff war with China Can't make a deal with Li
North Korea laughs at the pos as they build bigger and better weapons of war That was trumps love affair with Un Once more NO DEAL and then we have his dealing with Pelosi
Once more NO DEAL Trump is the biggest AH ever to enter our WH and that's saying something
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

Damn, you're a great parrot of the MSM. Do you ever have original thoughts?

Yeah, dittos Rush.

Is he still alive, I heard he had cancer or something.


He's still doing his show. He does have lung cancer
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

Pretty amazing that something as fundamental as common decency would be an attraction.

This is what a leftist automaton you are. All my adult life of 40 years Democrats have called anyone who disagrees with you racists, Nazis, xenophobes, misogynists', lovers of the rich and corporations and haters of the poor.

Biden is as bad as Democrats ever were.

And you say he has "common decency." Proving how clearly you don't
dblack: Biden isn't my cup of tea, but he won't really do the things he says he will. He's really not a threat to anyone. He's really a moderate. Even conservative leaning.

Couldn't find a quote, so you made something up? How precious. I've never said anything like that and you know it. Pathetic.

that's kaz's M.O.

Yes, that's true. I don't blindly believe fake news like you do. Which you believe is denying truth, to not believe partisan hate Democrat rhetoric. There's so much truth in this, more than you realized
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

If Biden wins, especially if Republicans also lose the Senate, we'll plunge headlong into the abyss. Trump has paved the way for this, by putting such an ugly face on conservatism that we now have an entire generation of voters who think socialism is worth a try.

LOL, and dblack is circle jerking with leftists, having the same argument with me as he has with all the other libertarians about how he's a Democrat shill and STILL doesn't get it or have any insight into why people he thinks he agrees with on the issues all think that
The only candidate that will represent 100% of your values is YOU. Grow the fuck up man.

100%? I'm good with fifty. Jorgensen hits about 70%.
And her chance of ever implementing anything is?

The chance of her implementing the things I want is far greater than the chance that Biden or Trump will implement the things I want. Seriously, why should I vote for them when I disagree with them on almost everything?

Her chance is zero.

What do you agree with Trump on?

Offhand, can't think of anything major. There's probably something though. But, as long as wants to do more things I disagree with than things I agree with, that's a net negative. No point in me voting for him. Would you vote for someone you mostly disagreed with?
Run along child, if you can't be honest you're wasting my time.

Can't bring yourself to admit when you're wrong, can you?

dblack: God f'ing damn it. Why does EVERYONE think I'm a Biden supporter? Libertarians and Republicans too. I'm sure glad Democrats don't think that when they start circle jerking with me, they don't think I'm one of them ...
I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding.

Does that include shameless corruption and never ending lies?

Trump is a disgrace and if Obama behaved like I'd be voting for Romney. Some things are more important than SC nominations, yes, really.

Obama was worse by far, he was simply able to convey ignorant, anti-American ideas in an eloquent way, which is plenty enough to fool some people.
Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.

JackofNoTrades: It's Trump's fault! I blame Trump! Trump is to blame! I have no argument, no evidence and I won't address your points, I'll just blame Trump, Trump, Trump! {covers ears} La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ...

JackofNoTrades: "You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters"

You're a brainless simp. Note you haven't addressed these points:

1) Democrat offered no other plan, you had no solutions. Even now the "Biden Plan" is what Trump is already doing

2) Democrats actually attacked Trump for travel restrictions calling them racist

3) Democrats attack Trump for the economic impact of the shutdown yet at the same time attack him for not shutting down long enough, hard enough or doing it again

4) Democrats attack him for any Federal mandate as a violation of State rights while Democrats attack him for not having a national mandate

5) The deaths are overwhelmingly in blue States where Democrats are in control

1. Democrats aren't in charge of the government, Trump and Republicans are.

2. Who? Which "Democrats" called the travel bans racist? We know it wasn't Biden. PolitiFact - Fact-checking whether Biden called Trump ‘xenophobic’ for restrictions on travel from China

3. If we had shut down sooner, the economy could have recovered sooner. That's all on the Oompa Loompa Oligarch.

4. Time and a place. Public health is one of those times and places. Masks aren't even mandated in the white house. He could mandate masks for all Federal employees, but hasn't even taken that small step.

5. I'll just let this speak for itself... PolitiFact - Yes, coronavirus deaths in red states add up to second-highest in the world
Yeah all the sheet he pulls is a hoax or nonsense You put the slimiest pos in our WH and now you make excuses for all the crap he pulls Hopefully he loses in Nov and the courts get a piece of that lying garbage
And yet, you can't back that statement up. why?
Why? jc This lifetime crook and you support him
Some in South Jersey have a message for Trump: Pay your old Atlantic City casino bills
Mike Kelly

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Steve Jenkins says he does not plan to show up at President Donald Trump’s rally next week in Wildwood.
But if he made the trek from his home in West Chester, Pennsylvania, Jenkins would bring a bill — for the tens of thousands of dollars he says Trump still owes him.
Of all the troubling accusations that have followed Trump into the White House, there is little talk these days of the trail of unpaid bills he left behind from his days as an Atlantic City casino mogul.
Trump obviously faces far more formidable problems now, including his impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. So it’s highly unlikely that he will mention his unpaid bills from Atlantic City when he takes the stage Tuesday night at the Wildwoods Convention Center.
But for the carpenters, electricians, plumbers, window installers and other contractors who built Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City three decades ago, the wounds from not being paid still fester.
“It’s terrible,” said Jenkins, who runs Triad Building Specialties. “I can’t stand Trump. I think he’s nothing but a snake oil salesman
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

If Biden wins, especially if Republicans also lose the Senate, we'll plunge headlong into the abyss. Trump has paved the way for this, by putting such an ugly face on conservatism that we now have an entire generation of voters who think socialism is worth a try.

That's been in the works for almost 5 decades, Trump has nothing to do with it.


OMG, that's incredible. dblack is a "libertarian" who thinks Democrats only started going socialist under Trump. He didn't see the move directly to socialism Democrats have been doing as you accurately pointed out for half a century. He actually admitted he didn't see it before Trump less than four years ago. That's an incredible admission on his part about how far left he actually is
I am not voting for a man. I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding. I am voting for Constitutional government. I am voting for a strong and viable military. I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms. I am voting for the freedom to worship. I am voting for a national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles. I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful. I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life, including how and where their children are educated. I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law. I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place, so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections. I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it. I am voting to teach history, with all its warts, not erase it or revise it. I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after. Let’s all Make America Great Again.

I did not write that but it does reflect exactly what I think about this next election. I'm not voting for Trump because I like the guy, or believe he has raised the bar of class in office. Even the meat puppet faggot looked more dignified with a wookie for the most part, but then again the media hid pictures of obozo that reflected what a complete pussy and effeminately beta male queer he is.

The reason why Trump will get my vote is because he actually rolled back regressive policy, he unfucked liberal bullshit that the Bush regime absolutely failed to do, and we all know McLame and Romney never would have done either. It matters not to me whom the democrooks picked to run, but they somehow did what the republicrats did in 2008 and picked the most repugnant choice they could have. Even if Ted Cruz somehow became the DNC nominee I would still be voting Trump because of what he accomplished and because of what his opponents have attempted to do to him.


Well this is what selling your soul looks like...

This is the main difference between the Trump guys and Rest of America... The Trump guys are fuck you, if you are not a Trump Guy you are not American or barely human... We know he is bad but by destroying America he is pissing off non Trump Guys more than Trump Guys.

Reminds us of the time Hurricane Sandy hit and New Jersey needed help and the Southern State Senators which always got help by all Americans when they got hit refused... Thing is they know the Democratic Senators will still vote to give aid Southern States the next time because they know that helping other Americans is what America is about, that is what PAtriotism is..
Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

If Biden wins, especially if Republicans also lose the Senate, we'll plunge headlong into the abyss. Trump has paved the way for this, by putting such an ugly face on conservatism that we now have an entire generation of voters who think socialism is worth a try.

biden isn't a socialist. oh, i voted 3rd party in 2000 - as a 'protest vote'.

the stakes are 1000x higher this time around... say goodbye to everything you ever have know about america if donny gets in another 4 years. look at what he's done in such a short time?
LOL..................try bribing her..........lmao

'bribe her' ? wtf are you babbling about you little internet warrior?
You are too stupid to understand the sarcasm...........lol

See my sig line bro.

you suck at sarcasm is all.

try something differant ' cause this ain't working for ya.

oh & speaking of stooooooooopid - lol... i ain't a (D), so your - uh 'siggy' is as meaningless to me as you are internet warrior. can i call you IW for short? it'll save me some time. thanx in advance.

In fairness for eagle, it's hard to come up with endless content to respond to people like you who just keep parroting your blind partisan love for the Democrat party
I am not voting for a man. I am voting for the principles for which this country has stood since its founding. I am voting for Constitutional government. I am voting for a strong and viable military. I am voting for a vibrant economy. I am voting for the right to keep and bear arms. I am voting for the freedom to worship. I am voting for a national recognition of the founding of our nation on Biblical principles. I am voting for the ability for anyone to rise above their circumstances and become successful. I am voting for my children and grandchildren to be able to choose their own path in life, including how and where their children are educated. I am voting for our borders to be open to everyone who enters under our law and closed to everyone who would circumvent or ignore the law. I am voting for the Electoral College to remain in place, so that a few heavily populated liberal centers do not control the elections. I am voting for a Supreme Court that interprets the Constitution rather than rewrites it. I am voting to teach history, with all its warts, not erase it or revise it. I am voting for the sanctity of life from conception to birth and after. Let’s all Make America Great Again.

I did not write that but it does reflect exactly what I think about this next election. I'm not voting for Trump because I like the guy, or believe he has raised the bar of class in office. Even the meat puppet faggot looked more dignified with a wookie for the most part, but then again the media hid pictures of obozo that reflected what a complete pussy and effeminately beta male queer he is.

The reason why Trump will get my vote is because he actually rolled back regressive policy, he unfucked liberal bullshit that the Bush regime absolutely failed to do, and we all know McLame and Romney never would have done either. It matters not to me whom the democrooks picked to run, but they somehow did what the republicrats did in 2008 and picked the most repugnant choice they could have. Even if Ted Cruz somehow became the DNC nominee I would still be voting Trump because of what he accomplished and because of what his opponents have attempted to do to him.


Well this is what selling your soul looks like...

This is the main difference between the Trump guys and Rest of America... The Trump guys are fuck you, if you are not a Trump Guy you are not American or barely human... We know he is bad but by destroying America he is pissing off non Trump Guys more than Trump Guys.

Reminds us of the time Hurricane Sandy hit and New Jersey needed help and the Southern State Senators which always got help by all Americans when they got hit refused... Thing is they know the Democratic Senators will still vote to give aid Southern States the next time because they know that helping other Americans is what America is about, that is what PAtriotism is..

OMG, did you seriously just say this?

This is the main difference between the Trump guys and Rest of America... The Trump guys are fuck you, if you are not a Trump Guy you are not American or barely human...

You think Democrats aren't like that? That's all you do, portray anyone not a Democrat as somehow subhuman. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.

JackofNoTrades: It's Trump's fault! I blame Trump! Trump is to blame! I have no argument, no evidence and I won't address your points, I'll just blame Trump, Trump, Trump! {covers ears} La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ...

JackofNoTrades: "You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters"

You're a brainless simp. Note you haven't addressed these points:

1) Democrat offered no other plan, you had no solutions. Even now the "Biden Plan" is what Trump is already doing

2) Democrats actually attacked Trump for travel restrictions calling them racist

3) Democrats attack Trump for the economic impact of the shutdown yet at the same time attack him for not shutting down long enough, hard enough or doing it again

4) Democrats attack him for any Federal mandate as a violation of State rights while Democrats attack him for not having a national mandate

5) The deaths are overwhelmingly in blue States where Democrats are in control

1) No Democrat was President in January 2020. I still don't believe any Democrat is President or in a position of power to demand federal agencies act. Fail.
2) No one called him racist. Stop repeating this bullshit. Fail.
3) His lack of response to the virus and his constant distractions of pep rallies, golfing, rage tweeting, and watching Fox cause other leaders to have to make the tough decisions. If you don't believe me, just\
listen to the Woodward tapes. Fail.
4) Bullshit. Won't even waste my time with this one. Fail.
5) Well no shit, sherlock. When Trump instituted his "restriction" on travel, he only restricted Chinese nationals. Not the 40K Americans who flew back home in a panic through major airports in..wait for it..blue cities. Little in the way of testing, almost
no contact tracing, and no quarantining. Major cities are places where people are packed in and crowded. Of course the virus in going to spread faster there. You must be smarter than a fifth grader. Fail.

I am constantly amazed at the level of devotion of you Trump supporters show him...when he hasn't done anything to warrant it.
Trump is the reason this country is in the shape it's in. Hopefully, in three week, we'll begin the process of rectifying that.

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