I am not voting for Trump

In Texas ONE ballot box for 4 million people Yeah there's no suppression...

How about you quote the law this violates. As far as I know, no drop boxes are authorized under TX law. Absentee ballots are intended to be mailed or dropped off at an election office.

Republican scum looking to suppress the vote are very careful not to break laws Just making it more difficult to vote in areas where there are mostly Dem voters There are many ways repubs are trying to limit the vote They know that is their only path to the WH

So compliance with the law isn't important to you, GOT IT! Perhaps you should move to North Korea. BTW, early voting opened in TX today, there is ample opportunity for anyone who wants to vote, to do it. So stop your damn whining.

In Texas ONE ballot box for 4 million people Yeah there's no suppression...

How about you quote the law this violates. As far as I know, no drop boxes are authorized under TX law. Absentee ballots are intended to be mailed or dropped off at an election office.

Republican scum looking to suppress the vote are very careful not to break laws Just making it more difficult to vote in areas where there are mostly Dem voters There are many ways repubs are trying to limit the vote They know that is their only path to the WH

So compliance with the law isn't important to you, GOT IT! Perhaps you should move to North Korea. BTW, early voting opened in TX today, there is ample opportunity for anyone who wants to vote, to do it. So stop your damn whining.

How long are the lines ?? 10 hours wait?? 12??
Did Trump let all those of color entrance in his apartment buildings or did he ban them?


Go back to Second Grade and TRY TO PASS THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clue = if you do not pay your RENT, you get evicted regardless of color
They weren't allowed in. Rent paying had nothing to do with it . Think the racist pos even had to pay a fine
So why is it other Western countries have done so much better than we have?

And you have to be a blind Trump psychophant to think the U.S. didn't fail in our COVID response.
you'd never understand the explanation. your TDS will always prevail.

I'm still waiting on what you think trump hasn't done? Explain what those other countries did that trump didn't? that shouldn't be hard, you're following them contently.

Why did only NY, NJ and New Orleans have the highest numbers? there are hundreds of thousands of cities in the US.
What hasn't Trump done? How about simply modeling responsible behavior? How about telling the truth to the American people? We know he hasn't done that, Woodward had to do it for him.

The numbers are highest where either 1) the most people live or 2) they did not shut down, opened too early or did not encourage/require masks.

Trump followed the advice of the scientist. Fauci said in Feb, Americans had a very small chance of getting the virus, in Mar he said masks weren't effective. He has also said Trumps response has been completely in line with the advice given him by the scientist and the CDC.

You assholes keep saying follow the science, yet when Trump did exactly that, you bitch and moan about him being irresponsible. Make up your fucking mind already.

No he didn't. He had to be drug, kicking and screaming, to even admit there is a pandemic. He has not followed the science on wearing masks or on lockdowns, encouraging militias to protest governors that were trying to protect their populations.


Is "bizpacreview" supposed to be a credible link 'cause I didn't click on it. Not even a Fox link? Find a credible link and come on back to try again.

Find your own fucking link bitch, they are quoting Fauci, so FOAD.

Oh I found one.

Dr. Faucci will write a very interesting book when he retires I imagine...and it won't be kind to the buffoon, Trump.

From your link:

"We've never had a threat like this. The coordinated response has been...There are a number of adjectives to describe it -- impressive, I think is one of them. We're talking about all hands on deck. I, as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person," Fauci said at the time. "Since the beginning, that we even recognized what this was, I have been devoting almost full time on this. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. It's every single day. So, I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more."

This was a public statement, there was no permission required to use it in anyway someone saw fit. So what's your issue?

They used him, out of context, without his permission. He has an issue with it.

How many times have you quoted Trump out of context without his permission? Run along hypocrite.

Then find them.

I'll provide one example, I couldn't use the normal quote function because the thread I found it in is closed. But here's the quote from you:

Trump is a racist. True shit. Charlottesville is just one small example of his racism, but the one you’re focusing on. Why ignore all the previous racism? Because there’s no wiggle room? There isn’t any in Charlottesville either. A Nazi killed a woman and all Trump could say was “there were fine people on both sides”.

Your lie has been debunked completely, but that didn't prevent you from quoting Trump out of context and without his permission, did it?

Like I said, run along hypocrite.

In Texas ONE ballot box for 4 million people Yeah there's no suppression...

How about you quote the law this violates. As far as I know, no drop boxes are authorized under TX law. Absentee ballots are intended to be mailed or dropped off at an election office.

Republican scum looking to suppress the vote are very careful not to break laws Just making it more difficult to vote in areas where there are mostly Dem voters There are many ways repubs are trying to limit the vote They know that is their only path to the WH

So compliance with the law isn't important to you, GOT IT! Perhaps you should move to North Korea. BTW, early voting opened in TX today, there is ample opportunity for anyone who wants to vote, to do it. So stop your damn whining.

How long are the lines ?? 10 hours wait?? 12??

Well, I haven't voted yet, but my experience has been less than 30 minutes, in and out.

Rationalizations notwithstanding, you're kidding yourself. You're not voting for freedom. You're voting for a fascist.
Trump's win and presidency have shown us what these folks have really wanted all along.

Definitely not what we were thinking they wanted.

I've come to the conclusion that many of them are genuine fascists. As with Hitler, the anti-communist angle is just cover.

Fascists in what way exactly?
Too many to count. Extreme nationalism, racism, general enthusiasm for statist, authoritarian rule, - wikipedia is a good resource.

The massive government loving libertarian strikes again!
Speak of the devil. Good luck with your fascism. Heil! - er, I mean "Make America Great Again!"
I think we've been assuming that we would be immune to something like this.

So, we were wrong. Big time. But we'll get past it.

I don't see how. If Biden wins, we're going to get socialized health care. We're doing to get more federal wage and price controls, more government interference in the economy, more corporatism - and if Trump wins we get more if his insanity. And voters are simply too fucking stupid, too brainwashed by the lesser-of-two-evils fraud, to do anything but vote D or R.
I don't know what's going to happen if Biden wins. I know that unexpected stuff happens, and I know not to make long-term assumptions and extrapolations.

I do know where we are now, and that we have to get past this as soon as possible. This is a very, very dangerous one-off.

if biden wins, at least it's a start to come back from the abyss.

If Biden wins, especially if Republicans also lose the Senate, we'll plunge headlong into the abyss. Trump has paved the way for this, by putting such an ugly face on conservatism that we now have an entire generation of voters who think socialism is worth a try.

biden isn't a socialist. oh, i voted 3rd party in 2000 - as a 'protest vote'.

the stakes are 1000x higher this time around... say goodbye to everything you ever have know about america if donny gets in another 4 years. look at what he's done in such a short time?
LOL..................try bribing her..........lmao

'bribe her' ? wtf are you babbling about you little internet warrior?
You are too stupid to understand the sarcasm...........lol

See my sig line bro.

you suck at sarcasm is all.

try something differant ' cause this ain't working for ya.

oh & speaking of stooooooooopid - lol... i ain't a (D), so your - uh 'siggy' is as meaningless to me as you are internet warrior. can i call you IW for short? it'll save me some time. thanx in advance.

In fairness for eagle, it's hard to come up with endless content to respond to people like you who just keep parroting your blind partisan love for the Democrat party

lol ... you can't get any more ironic if you tried.

Playtime: No I'm not, kaz, YOU ARE. You are kaz! You are!

And I called you a childish grade school playgrounder. Nailed it ...

This is going to be one of the threads piss aunts like this OP begs me to be civil about come November 3rd.



Did Trump let all those of color entrance in his apartment buildings or did he ban them?


Go back to Second Grade and TRY TO PASS THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clue = if you do not pay your RENT, you get evicted regardless of color

him & daddy drumpf wouldn't allow them TO rent an apartment to begin with - because they were (c)olored people... they were sued for housing discrimination by the good ol' US gov'ment. you didn't know that?

So why is it other Western countries have done so much better than we have?

And you have to be a blind Trump psychophant to think the U.S. didn't fail in our COVID response.
you'd never understand the explanation. your TDS will always prevail.

I'm still waiting on what you think trump hasn't done? Explain what those other countries did that trump didn't? that shouldn't be hard, you're following them contently.

Why did only NY, NJ and New Orleans have the highest numbers? there are hundreds of thousands of cities in the US.
What hasn't Trump done? How about simply modeling responsible behavior? How about telling the truth to the American people? We know he hasn't done that, Woodward had to do it for him.

The numbers are highest where either 1) the most people live or 2) they did not shut down, opened too early or did not encourage/require masks.

Trump followed the advice of the scientist. Fauci said in Feb, Americans had a very small chance of getting the virus, in Mar he said masks weren't effective. He has also said Trumps response has been completely in line with the advice given him by the scientist and the CDC.

You assholes keep saying follow the science, yet when Trump did exactly that, you bitch and moan about him being irresponsible. Make up your fucking mind already.

No he didn't. He had to be drug, kicking and screaming, to even admit there is a pandemic. He has not followed the science on wearing masks or on lockdowns, encouraging militias to protest governors that were trying to protect their populations.


Is "bizpacreview" supposed to be a credible link 'cause I didn't click on it. Not even a Fox link? Find a credible link and come on back to try again.

Find your own fucking link bitch, they are quoting Fauci, so FOAD.

Oh I found one.

Dr. Faucci will write a very interesting book when he retires I imagine...and it won't be kind to the buffoon, Trump.

From your link:

"We've never had a threat like this. The coordinated response has been...There are a number of adjectives to describe it -- impressive, I think is one of them. We're talking about all hands on deck. I, as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person," Fauci said at the time. "Since the beginning, that we even recognized what this was, I have been devoting almost full time on this. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. It's every single day. So, I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more."

This was a public statement, there was no permission required to use it in anyway someone saw fit. So what's your issue?

They used him, out of context, without his permission. He has an issue with it.

How many times have you quoted Trump out of context without his permission? Run along hypocrite.

Then find them.

I'll provide one example, I couldn't use the normal quote function because the thread I found it in is closed. But here's the quote from you:

Trump is a racist. True shit. Charlottesville is just one small example of his racism, but the one you’re focusing on. Why ignore all the previous racism? Because there’s no wiggle room? There isn’t any in Charlottesville either. A Nazi killed a woman and all Trump could say was “there were fine people on both sides”.

Your lie has been debunked completely, but that didn't prevent you from quoting Trump out of context and without his permission, did it?

Like I said, run along hypocrite.

1. That was completely in context and he was excoriated for the comment by Democrats and Republicans
2. I didn’t run a political ad without his permission
Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign.

Good thing you're not British or Puerto Rican, Flack. I bet if you had been a British citizen during WWII when Hitler bombed London, you would have blamed Winston Churchill for the deaths and bad economy.

And When that hurricane hit Puerto Rico a couple years ago almost taking out the entire island, I bet you would have blamed the president there for the bad unemployment.

Truth is that Trump should be commended for keeping deaths down to ONLY 200K (3X as many people die of heart attacks), a large number of the unemployed have already been hired back, and the racial unrest has been driven by, supported and inflamed by the Democrats.

Gee, Flack, when it comes to facts, you sure are one sorry sack of shit.

I don't blame the President for Puerto Rico..I mean he bravely went down there and flipped rolls of paper towels at hurricane survivors. And then spent the next few months denigrating both the island and the mayor of San Juan. Where's the blame in that? :auiqs.jpg:
Now, you're going to commend Trump for only 215K+ (and rising) deaths? Whew, yep, you've lost it...if you ever had it to begin with.
Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.

JackofNoTrades: It's Trump's fault! I blame Trump! Trump is to blame! I have no argument, no evidence and I won't address your points, I'll just blame Trump, Trump, Trump! {covers ears} La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ...

JackofNoTrades: "You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters"

You're a brainless simp. Note you haven't addressed these points:

1) Democrat offered no other plan, you had no solutions. Even now the "Biden Plan" is what Trump is already doing

2) Democrats actually attacked Trump for travel restrictions calling them racist

3) Democrats attack Trump for the economic impact of the shutdown yet at the same time attack him for not shutting down long enough, hard enough or doing it again

4) Democrats attack him for any Federal mandate as a violation of State rights while Democrats attack him for not having a national mandate

5) The deaths are overwhelmingly in blue States where Democrats are in control

1) No Democrat was President in January 2020. I still don't believe any Democrat is President or in a position of power to demand federal agencies act. Fail.
2) No one called him racist. Stop repeating this bullshit. Fail.
3) His lack of response to the virus and his constant distractions of pep rallies, golfing, rage tweeting, and watching Fox cause other leaders to have to make the tough decisions. If you don't believe me, just\
listen to the Woodward tapes. Fail.
4) Bullshit. Won't even waste my time with this one. Fail.
5) Well no shit, sherlock. When Trump instituted his "restriction" on travel, he only restricted Chinese nationals. Not the 40K Americans who flew back home in a panic through major airports in..wait for it..blue cities. Little in the way of testing, almost
no contact tracing, and no quarantining. Major cities are places where people are packed in and crowded. Of course the virus in going to spread faster there. You must be smarter than a fifth grader. Fail.

I am constantly amazed at the level of devotion of you Trump supporters show him...when he hasn't done anything to warrant it.
Trump is the reason this country is in the shape it's in. Hopefully, in three week, we'll begin the process of rectifying that.

You give Democrats a complete pass and blame Republicans for everything Democrats did then you are "amazed at the level of devotion" Trump gets.

You're just like, duh, dar, you never heard Democrats call Trump a racist. Democrats didn't need any plan to attack Trump.

Then you blame Trump for rallies while you're silent on leftist protests as spreading the virus. And you just flat out lied that you don't remember Democrats attacking Trump for Federal mandates over "State rights." And you blame Trump for blue States where he had no control.

Blame, blame, blame and point fingers, it's all you have. Exactly what I said. You idiots don't have a testicle between you.

OBVIOUSLY you ARE blaming him for the VIRUS. You made that perfectly clear, just as I said

Jesus, you are breathtakingly dense. This is what happens when you cross over into being a true believer. Republicans (governors and mayors) get credit here because they made tough decisions to shut down amid an outbreak while your hero was busy golfing and holding his pep rallies. He gets the blame for the response to the virus and following economic damage. You keep hoping if you repeat the lies often enough, people will either get tired of countering you or they'll go away. And then, the lie is repeated often enough that it becomes the truth. Sorry. That's not the way it works.

You didn't address my point at all in any way.

Clearly with your endless double standards and blind partisan attacks which I enumerated specifically above in this quote you are blaming Trump for the VIRUS.

Since you want to point fingers, they belong being pointed directly at blue State governors who murdered their citizens ... according to you ...

Again, you just keep repeating the same bullshit over and over hoping people will go away and stop correcting you. Then it becomes truth in your echo chamber.
I addressed all four of your points. The fifth was just plain old stupid. Trump is to blame for the response to the virus. No misdirection will change that.
So why is it other Western countries have done so much better than we have?

And you have to be a blind Trump psychophant to think the U.S. didn't fail in our COVID response.
you'd never understand the explanation. your TDS will always prevail.

I'm still waiting on what you think trump hasn't done? Explain what those other countries did that trump didn't? that shouldn't be hard, you're following them contently.

Why did only NY, NJ and New Orleans have the highest numbers? there are hundreds of thousands of cities in the US.
What hasn't Trump done? How about simply modeling responsible behavior? How about telling the truth to the American people? We know he hasn't done that, Woodward had to do it for him.

The numbers are highest where either 1) the most people live or 2) they did not shut down, opened too early or did not encourage/require masks.

Trump followed the advice of the scientist. Fauci said in Feb, Americans had a very small chance of getting the virus, in Mar he said masks weren't effective. He has also said Trumps response has been completely in line with the advice given him by the scientist and the CDC.

You assholes keep saying follow the science, yet when Trump did exactly that, you bitch and moan about him being irresponsible. Make up your fucking mind already.

No he didn't. He had to be drug, kicking and screaming, to even admit there is a pandemic. He has not followed the science on wearing masks or on lockdowns, encouraging militias to protest governors that were trying to protect their populations.


Is "bizpacreview" supposed to be a credible link 'cause I didn't click on it. Not even a Fox link? Find a credible link and come on back to try again.

Find your own fucking link bitch, they are quoting Fauci, so FOAD.

Oh I found one.

Dr. Faucci will write a very interesting book when he retires I imagine...and it won't be kind to the buffoon, Trump.

From your link:

"We've never had a threat like this. The coordinated response has been...There are a number of adjectives to describe it -- impressive, I think is one of them. We're talking about all hands on deck. I, as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person," Fauci said at the time. "Since the beginning, that we even recognized what this was, I have been devoting almost full time on this. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. It's every single day. So, I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more."

This was a public statement, there was no permission required to use it in anyway someone saw fit. So what's your issue?

They used him, out of context, without his permission. He has an issue with it.

How many times have you quoted Trump out of context without his permission? Run along hypocrite.

Then find them.

I'll provide one example, I couldn't use the normal quote function because the thread I found it in is closed. But here's the quote from you:

Trump is a racist. True shit. Charlottesville is just one small example of his racism, but the one you’re focusing on. Why ignore all the previous racism? Because there’s no wiggle room? There isn’t any in Charlottesville either. A Nazi killed a woman and all Trump could say was “there were fine people on both sides”.

Your lie has been debunked completely, but that didn't prevent you from quoting Trump out of context and without his permission, did it?

Like I said, run along hypocrite.

1. That was completely in context and he was excoriated for the comment by Democrats and Republicans
2. I didn’t run a political ad without his permission

Gonna stick with the lie? Typical commie.

So why is it other Western countries have done so much better than we have?

And you have to be a blind Trump psychophant to think the U.S. didn't fail in our COVID response.
you'd never understand the explanation. your TDS will always prevail.

I'm still waiting on what you think trump hasn't done? Explain what those other countries did that trump didn't? that shouldn't be hard, you're following them contently.

Why did only NY, NJ and New Orleans have the highest numbers? there are hundreds of thousands of cities in the US.
What hasn't Trump done? How about simply modeling responsible behavior? How about telling the truth to the American people? We know he hasn't done that, Woodward had to do it for him.

The numbers are highest where either 1) the most people live or 2) they did not shut down, opened too early or did not encourage/require masks.

Trump followed the advice of the scientist. Fauci said in Feb, Americans had a very small chance of getting the virus, in Mar he said masks weren't effective. He has also said Trumps response has been completely in line with the advice given him by the scientist and the CDC.

You assholes keep saying follow the science, yet when Trump did exactly that, you bitch and moan about him being irresponsible. Make up your fucking mind already.

No he didn't. He had to be drug, kicking and screaming, to even admit there is a pandemic. He has not followed the science on wearing masks or on lockdowns, encouraging militias to protest governors that were trying to protect their populations.


Is "bizpacreview" supposed to be a credible link 'cause I didn't click on it. Not even a Fox link? Find a credible link and come on back to try again.

Find your own fucking link bitch, they are quoting Fauci, so FOAD.

Oh I found one.

Dr. Faucci will write a very interesting book when he retires I imagine...and it won't be kind to the buffoon, Trump.

From your link:

"We've never had a threat like this. The coordinated response has been...There are a number of adjectives to describe it -- impressive, I think is one of them. We're talking about all hands on deck. I, as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person," Fauci said at the time. "Since the beginning, that we even recognized what this was, I have been devoting almost full time on this. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. It's every single day. So, I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more."

This was a public statement, there was no permission required to use it in anyway someone saw fit. So what's your issue?

They used him, out of context, without his permission. He has an issue with it.

How many times have you quoted Trump out of context without his permission? Run along hypocrite.

Then find them.

I'll provide one example, I couldn't use the normal quote function because the thread I found it in is closed. But here's the quote from you:

Trump is a racist. True shit. Charlottesville is just one small example of his racism, but the one you’re focusing on. Why ignore all the previous racism? Because there’s no wiggle room? There isn’t any in Charlottesville either. A Nazi killed a woman and all Trump could say was “there were fine people on both sides”.

Your lie has been debunked completely, but that didn't prevent you from quoting Trump out of context and without his permission, did it?

Like I said, run along hypocrite.

1. That was completely in context and he was excoriated for the comment by Democrats and Republicans
2. I didn’t run a political ad without his permission

Gonna stick with the lie? Typical commie.


Still sticking with the defense of racist Trump?

Donald Trump has faced bipartisan criticism after failing to explicitly condemn the role of white supremacists in clashes with counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, that culminated in a car running into a crowd, killing at least one person.
Don't believe me, ask Lindsey Graham.

And, again, I did not run a political ad featuring the Superspreader in Chief without the Oompa Loompa's permission.
Playtime: No I'm not, kaz, YOU ARE. You are kaz! You are!

And I called you a childish grade school playgrounder. Nailed it ...

Right, that's what I said, bimbo. Having trouble keeping up, huh?

having a problem recognizing that i don't care one way or the other?

seems so, cupcake.

More play grounding from the eight year old. You post to me over and over, but you don't care!

Grow the fuck up
Playtime: No I'm not, kaz, YOU ARE. You are kaz! You are!

And I called you a childish grade school playgrounder. Nailed it ...

Right, that's what I said, bimbo. Having trouble keeping up, huh?

having a problem recognizing that i don't care one way or the other?

seems so, cupcake.

More play grounding from the eight year old. You post to me over and over, but you don't care!

Grow the fuck up

Whew. If you consider 215K people dead, 8% unemployment, racial unrest, and an economy heading into the tank because of his response a reason to vote for him....then...you must be a Trump supporter!! Here's your sign. :auiqs.jpg:
Let's see, he's shredded the Constitution with his complete disregard for "Law and Order", until he ran for President, he'd never even stepped foot in a church (it would have probably exploded), he's denigrated
military service for his entire adult life (even accusing Gold Star families of giving him the virus), and worst of all, has no interest in actually doing the job of being President of the United States. He just likes campaigning for it.
And you willing lemmings eat it up..even at the expense of kneecapping the Republican party and honest to goodness conservative voices. You do understand that Ronald Reagan would have wanted nothing to do with
Trump?..right?....and dammit, bring back your bright blue font! It was eye popping!
Yes, dumb ass. Trump created the Wuhan virus in the lab in his basement.

Blaming Trump for a virus is as stupid as it sounds. Democrats aren't just stupid, you're bad people

Still singing the same tune. Flat as it ever was. Trump isn't to blame for the virus, meatball. He is to blame for the response to the virus.
And you wonder why I think you Trump supporters are not that bright? :) You have to literally be told things over and over.
Stick to only 2 sock puppets dumb ass........fitting symbol of the DNC.......

I'm still not voting for Trump. You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters.

JackofNoTrades: It's Trump's fault! I blame Trump! Trump is to blame! I have no argument, no evidence and I won't address your points, I'll just blame Trump, Trump, Trump! {covers ears} La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ...

JackofNoTrades: "You need better comeback lines. These aren't very imaginative. Typical for Trump supporters"

You're a brainless simp. Note you haven't addressed these points:

1) Democrat offered no other plan, you had no solutions. Even now the "Biden Plan" is what Trump is already doing

2) Democrats actually attacked Trump for travel restrictions calling them racist

3) Democrats attack Trump for the economic impact of the shutdown yet at the same time attack him for not shutting down long enough, hard enough or doing it again

4) Democrats attack him for any Federal mandate as a violation of State rights while Democrats attack him for not having a national mandate

5) The deaths are overwhelmingly in blue States where Democrats are in control

1) No Democrat was President in January 2020. I still don't believe any Democrat is President or in a position of power to demand federal agencies act. Fail.
2) No one called him racist. Stop repeating this bullshit. Fail.
3) His lack of response to the virus and his constant distractions of pep rallies, golfing, rage tweeting, and watching Fox cause other leaders to have to make the tough decisions. If you don't believe me, just\
listen to the Woodward tapes. Fail.
4) Bullshit. Won't even waste my time with this one. Fail.
5) Well no shit, sherlock. When Trump instituted his "restriction" on travel, he only restricted Chinese nationals. Not the 40K Americans who flew back home in a panic through major airports in..wait for it..blue cities. Little in the way of testing, almost
no contact tracing, and no quarantining. Major cities are places where people are packed in and crowded. Of course the virus in going to spread faster there. You must be smarter than a fifth grader. Fail.

I am constantly amazed at the level of devotion of you Trump supporters show him...when he hasn't done anything to warrant it.
Trump is the reason this country is in the shape it's in. Hopefully, in three week, we'll begin the process of rectifying that.

You give Democrats a complete pass and blame Republicans for everything Democrats did then you are "amazed at the level of devotion" Trump gets.

You're just like, duh, dar, you never heard Democrats call Trump a racist. Democrats didn't need any plan to attack Trump.

Then you blame Trump for rallies while you're silent on leftist protests as spreading the virus. And you just flat out lied that you don't remember Democrats attacking Trump for Federal mandates over "State rights." And you blame Trump for blue States where he had no control.

Blame, blame, blame and point fingers, it's all you have. Exactly what I said. You idiots don't have a testicle between you.

OBVIOUSLY you ARE blaming him for the VIRUS. You made that perfectly clear, just as I said

Jesus, you are breathtakingly dense. This is what happens when you cross over into being a true believer. Republicans (governors and mayors) get credit here because they made tough decisions to shut down amid an outbreak while your hero was busy golfing and holding his pep rallies. He gets the blame for the response to the virus and following economic damage. You keep hoping if you repeat the lies often enough, people will either get tired of countering you or they'll go away. And then, the lie is repeated often enough that it becomes the truth. Sorry. That's not the way it works.

You didn't address my point at all in any way.

Clearly with your endless double standards and blind partisan attacks which I enumerated specifically above in this quote you are blaming Trump for the VIRUS.

Since you want to point fingers, they belong being pointed directly at blue State governors who murdered their citizens ... according to you ...

Again, you just keep repeating the same bullshit over and over hoping people will go away and stop correcting you. Then it becomes truth in your echo chamber.
I addressed all four of your points. The fifth was just plain old stupid. Trump is to blame for the response to the virus. No misdirection will change that.

You didn't address any of my points. Democrats had no plan, all you did is point fingers and said I told you so, even though you didn't tell us anything that was right. Now you're supporting the Biden plan, which is what Trump's doing. And you endlessly attack him for both sides of the same issues. And at the same time the deaths are on YOU in blue States where YOU are in charge.

You didn't address any of that. You're just blaming Trump for a virus, which is as lame, hateful and partisan as it sounds. You're truly bad people with black hearts who hate your country. An American should view this as the global issue that it is. Blaming Trump is functionally retarded.

Stop pointing fingers and put them back in your pocket, jackass

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