I am proud to be a liberal

Pogo and Coyote are not liberals, however. They are merely mindless authoritarian leftists who don't know the first thing about liberalism.

The only mindless authoritarians I've seen lately are those advocating the total erradication of an entire world religion, destruction of all it's places of worship, banning it's holy book, deporting all followers out of western countries and confining them to specified areas.

Wouldn't happen to be you by any chance?
No, I like Christians,....and don't want them to be eradicated.....

Do you want anyone to be eradicated?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?
The only mindless authoritarians I've seen lately are those advocating the total erradication of an entire world religion, destruction of all it's places of worship, banning it's holy book, deporting all followers out of western countries and confining them to specified areas.

Wouldn't happen to be you by any chance?
No, I like Christians,....and don't want them to be eradicated.....

Do you want anyone to be eradicated?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?
No, I like Christians,....and don't want them to be eradicated.....

Do you want anyone to be eradicated?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?
First we have to stop you from letting them in.....
No, I like Christians,....and don't want them to be eradicated.....

Do you want anyone to be eradicated?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?
I would deport US citizens to prison if they think sharia should be the law of the land. I would simply send anyone coming here with those same beliefs back to wherever they came from. I would also like to see our margines for letting people in tightened up a bit more than they are running from something and we need to let them in. That's not a reason we should give them entry, welfare, education or anything else. We aren't a fucking charity here. You can be if you wish. You can volunteer to be one of these peoples sponsors and financial anchors if you want too and it should be all on you to perform. There's no reason for all of our tax dollars to go to this person nobody knows or gives a shit about.

If you want them in then take them in, IN THE REAL SENSE. They get to live with you, you get to pay for them and you're responsible for their actions. Don't throw this on the general tax payer. You do it. If you won't then we obviously need to curb the numbers of these people coming over here.
No, I like Christians,....and don't want them to be eradicated.....

Do you want anyone to be eradicated?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?

To the non racist, non sexist count of their choice that is perfect and not imperfect like the evil USA
Do you want anyone to be eradicated?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?
I would deport US citizens to prison if they think sharia should be the law of the land. I would simply send anyone coming here with those same beliefs back to wherever they came from. I would also like to see our margines for letting people in tightened up a bit more than they are running from something and we need to let them in. That's not a reason we should give them entry, welfare, education or anything else. We aren't a fucking charity here. You can be if you wish. You can volunteer to be one of these peoples sponsors and financial anchors if you want too and it should be all on you to perform. There's no reason for all of our tax dollars to go to this person nobody knows or gives a shit about.

If you want them in then take them in, IN THE REAL SENSE. They get to live with you, you get to pay for them and you're responsible for their actions. Don't throw this on the general tax payer. You do it. If you won't then we obviously need to curb the numbers of these people coming over here.

You would send people to jail for thought crimes?
No....I just prefer cults entertain other places to do their thing....

Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?
I would deport US citizens to prison if they think sharia should be the law of the land. I would simply send anyone coming here with those same beliefs back to wherever they came from. I would also like to see our margines for letting people in tightened up a bit more than they are running from something and we need to let them in. That's not a reason we should give them entry, welfare, education or anything else. We aren't a fucking charity here. You can be if you wish. You can volunteer to be one of these peoples sponsors and financial anchors if you want too and it should be all on you to perform. There's no reason for all of our tax dollars to go to this person nobody knows or gives a shit about.

If you want them in then take them in, IN THE REAL SENSE. They get to live with you, you get to pay for them and you're responsible for their actions. Don't throw this on the general tax payer. You do it. If you won't then we obviously need to curb the numbers of these people coming over here.

You would send people to jail for thought crimes?
He's not a democrat....
Why should that not be an option?

Where would you deport American citizens to? And why would you deport American citizens who have not committed a crime?
I would deport US citizens to prison if they think sharia should be the law of the land. I would simply send anyone coming here with those same beliefs back to wherever they came from. I would also like to see our margines for letting people in tightened up a bit more than they are running from something and we need to let them in. That's not a reason we should give them entry, welfare, education or anything else. We aren't a fucking charity here. You can be if you wish. You can volunteer to be one of these peoples sponsors and financial anchors if you want too and it should be all on you to perform. There's no reason for all of our tax dollars to go to this person nobody knows or gives a shit about.

If you want them in then take them in, IN THE REAL SENSE. They get to live with you, you get to pay for them and you're responsible for their actions. Don't throw this on the general tax payer. You do it. If you won't then we obviously need to curb the numbers of these people coming over here.

You would send people to jail for thought crimes?
He's not a democrat....

That's obvious. Democrats wouldn't suggesting they "deport" American citizens to jail for what they think.
I'm proud to know what "Liberal" actually means. Which may put me in a minority, but I'd rather know what I'm talking about than murmur with a mindless mob.
It is the example of proud liberals that makes me so proud to be a Redneck.
Most people today are confused about the term 'Liberal.' For instance, most of today's Democrats are not Liberals. They're Communists/Progressives. They don't support the Constitution and don't fight for Freedom & Liberty. They impose their agendas on others by way of Government force. They're Authoritarians. Classic Liberals stand for defending all Citizens' civil liberties. They stand for less Government intervention in your life. The closest thing we have to that today, would be Libertarianism.
Look at all of this "tolerance" by this repulsive progressive. There are so many things wrong here on so many levels:
  • She proudly proclaims herself a "slut" and supports that position with positive points about being a "slut". This is a pig teaching young, impressionable minds. Her words tell young men not to value women, but to see them as nothing but sexual objects for their own pleasure (which explains all of the Democrat male politicians) and it tells young women that they are not worthy of being anything but a sexual object to men.
  • Like all progressive fascists, this repulsive pig cannot accept that someone else has a different opinion, a right to voice that different opinion, and a right to vote however they want.
  • She engages in severe cyber bullying of her once former friend simply because her friend did not vote for who this repulsive progressive pig wanted her to vote for.
As appalling as this story is - there could be a silver lining. This might show a one time Dumbocrat supporter just how ugly and evil that side of the aisle is and turn her into a conservative.

Georgetown Professor LOSES IT on Muslim Student When She Explains Reason for Voting Trump...
Conservatives must stop being so passive. It's time to get aggressive and - if necessary - physical with these oppressive fascist progressives. No excuse for these intolerant, cyber-bullying, cowards. If someone does this to you on a college campus, find 'em, break their jaw, and all of this fascist shit will end real quick. Plus, you don't have to listen to people whose jaws have been wired shut. An extra bonus.

College girl who asked for a ride to Trump rally harassed out of school
Please, for the love of God, tell me you are not "proud" of this Witchit:

This is what happens with the progressive policy approach to crime. It just doesn't work when you disarm law abiding citizens, demonize law enforcement, and ensure that thugs everywhere will be immune from responsibility for their actions.

Progressives are causing blood to flow in the streets. And it's not a coincidence that it's nearly exclusively black blood that is flowing. It's such a shame that progressives got control of the education system in America and dumbed down the black community to the point that they can't even see what progressives are doing to them. Keeping them illiterate and indoctrinating them has resulted in the simplistic mind-set of "Dumbocrat good, Republican bad" despite the fact that they are dying and wallowing in the misery of progressivism.

Black Lives Matter gets what it wants in Chicago — and crime is skyrocketing
I am a moderate but one would have to be utterly fucking bat shit crazy to be this P@triot guy above.

Oh that's Buttsoiler. He had to change his name after getting his butt handed to him so many times.
Doesn't have the first clue what Liberalism means and seems to be on some kind of Ignorance Crusade to pick random non-political stories and sell them as "Liberals" or sometimes "Progressives" which, it doesn't seem to occur to him are two different things. Sometimes he'll even mix in "leftists" and make it three different things.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." -- Isaac Asimov, 1980

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