I am really beginning to beleive some Jews wrote the Quran


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.

You believe a lot of weird stuff.
Jews most likely came from the shared Shalemite teaching Abraham got from the Melchi ZADOK that Shalemite Canaanites had exposed the man from Ur to, thus the Hebrews to. It's probably where the holy city of
UR Shalem gets it's name from the people of Ur (Hebrews)combining with the Canaan Shalemites to be now known as *Jews*.
*this makes more sense when you know proper transliteration and Original Canaanite transliteration name of Shalem.

Thus also Abraham's son Ishmael lead Arabs to be Shalemites.
Canaan also had an opposite devotion to Baal and his son Morning star (the fallen one) while the Shalemites were Evening Star
(Night=Al-Lail) rising messenger
Which is where the legend of city of Shalem becoming city of Shalom comes from the expectation focus on the Night over turning the day. Hence the Islamic teaching of
Al-Isra (Night Journey) and similarities in the Koran.
IN forming the new religion some Jews, many Arabs, few offshoot christians, and others were seeking protection from the Zealous Church,
the commonality of the Abrahamic experience is then gonna be the bond that binded them into the new affiliation.
What is suspicious to historians is the placement of Mary and Jesus, either to humor the church for protection reasons or created by Vatican involvement or interference.
Jews would not depict a man and his mother they recorded already as Yeshu of 100bc into this new image the church created, called Jesus only Christians would, otherwise his name would not be the greek reinvented name given the combined character it would remain a singular Hebrew name.
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Jews most likely came from the shared Shalemite teaching Abraham got from the Melchi ZADOK that Shalemite Canaanites had exposed the man from Ur to, thus the Hebrews to. It's probably where the holy city of
UR Shalem gets it's name from the people of Ur (Hebrews)combining with the Canaan Shalemites to be now known as *Jews*.
*this makes more sense when you know proper transliteration and Original Canaanite transliteration name of Shalem.

Thus also Abraham's son Ishmael lead Arabs to be Shalemites.
Canaan also had an opposite devotion to Baal and his son Morning star (the fallen one) while the Shalemites were Evening Star
(Night=Al-Lail) rising messenger
Which is where the legend of city of Shalem becoming city of Shalom comes from the expectation focus on the Night over turning the day. Hence the Islamic teaching of
Al-Isra (Night Journey) and similarities in the Koran.
IN forming the new religion some Jews, many Arabs, few offshoot christians, and others were seeking protection from the Zealous Church,
the commonality of the Abrahamic experience is then gonna be the bond that binded them into the new affiliation.
What is suspicious to historians is the placement of Mary and Jesus, either to humor the church for protection reasons or created by Vatican involvement or interference.
Jews would not depict a man and his mother they recorded already as Yeshu of 100bc into this new image the church created, called Jesus only Christians would, otherwise his name would not be the greek reinvented name given the combined character it would remain a singular Hebrew name.

We know that Medina and Mecca were wildly used routes, so yes I am sure there were some out cast Christian, Gnostics. History says there were 3 tribes of Jews there, the story of Jesus had spread all over before Rome accepted it in the 300's AD and made it their religion. We know the Hebrews in Babylon begun working on the Talmud on exile, Rome had nothing to do with it. The Jews were well aware of the story of Jesus. Unless you want to tell me Mohammed studied the OT and Talmud , which were few and far apart, there is no way he would of said what he said or wrote, if indeed he wrote, unless you believe Gabriel told him all this stuff. Lets face it , we know many stories in the Bible are not original either. The school in Susa ?(by Babylon) was the main university of Jewish Talmud learning in those times, and Jews came from all over to study there to become rabbis.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

The Old Testament tells of God directing the same...
to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.

You believe a lot of weird stuff.

Yes its pretty weird, but facts speaks volumes. You have the Quran, and the Bible and the Talmud. One can't just dismiss some of this stuff. Muslims are taught that God gave the land of Canaan to the Jews and Christians as well. Gee Christians even worship a jew as God (some) (which is a Greek thing).
to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.

Have you informed your Muslim friends of this? I am beginning to believe that your mental illness is getting worse. Time for a new psychiatrist and different meds.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

You of course have a source or can cite this bullshit. Ha ha ha.
Torah is the only to carry proof of it's intervention and involvement of those who already know the history, because the messenger sits in the world to come=future interacting with the past.
Proof through exact events being dated by their chapter and verse.
Proof through not yet known language clues secreted in scripture terms.
Proof through exact Bible code locations exposing the tool used to message and how.
Proof through exact science methods used for advanced medical procedures before their discovwries and usage.
Plus many more obvious hints & proofs of advanced future interaction with the past.
You don't get that from NT or Koran or Sanskrit. I tend to trust that which knows especially when it proved accurate and allowed me to accurately predict 2 wars,
2 problematic Tyrants, EU debacle, Global financial crisis, failure of Communism, Euro monetary crisis, Greek Crisis,
Baath Party's evil end game, Iranian Ambitions, Fall of the Dictators, Russias aggression in the Ukraine, Rise of Radicalism, etc etc...
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

You of course have a source or can cite this bullshit. Ha ha ha.

Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

You of course have a source or can cite this bullshit. Ha ha ha.

Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

you are right-----DA JOOOOS wrote--------da joooos also wrote Beowulf and
the Odyssey. ----------da jooooos were the only people who could write until
approximately 250 years ago
to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.

I really starting to believe you're in desperate need of a psychiatrist.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

The dude made a good point, though. Something which I always find hard to locate with you
to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.
What ever you are really beginning to believe.......it doesn't matter.
to many coincidences, esp: Saying the jew face Jerusalem, and also God , Allah gave the Jews the land of Cannon.

They talk about all the same stories, of course making Allah the god of Abraham , Ishamael , and Jacob, on an on about Moses and the Hebrews worshipped the golden calf, Solomon's temple and the pagan worshippers who practiced magic, Solomon had the book abut never used it. Ita mainly about the jews.

Jesus was a prophet, but didn't die on the cross, and Mary was a holy virtuous woman,

but Jew went astray and were polytheist , worshipped pagan Gods which is why they were kicked out of Jerusalem and Christians as well , who worshipped Jesus and not Allah.

They say Peace be upon him, just like the early Jews said in commentaries.

I do not believe these were the Hellenistic Jews in Alexandria who wrote the NT but the Jews who were more pious and blame the pagan Jews for the lost of Jerusalem.

For years they lived in Median area and knew Arabic and lived among the Arabs. They know everything about what is in the OT and the main facts of the NT, virgin birth, Jesus, and the end of days.

As pious as most Muslims are, most take the Quran literally and so most would think the Palestinians would move out , being that Allah had given the land of Canaan to the Jews.

I really starting to believe you're in desperate need of a psychiatrist.

Lipush-------I have met a few jews literate in Arabic-----but I have never
encountered a muslim who could have written it-------of course----there are
literate arabs around somewhere currently....somewhere Penelope reveals, in her writings, the remarkable phenomenon of LUCID DELUSION------a very enjoyable
experience for persons of her artistic temperament. And now for one of my
pleasant personal Anecdotes. I stumbled into a koran in English (picthall
translation) more than 45 years ago------I opened and perused------it
seemed to be all about jews------so I read it. I discovered that it was full
of mistakes which I ASSUMED were simply printing errors. I was a very
conscientious kid-----so I handed it to a Pakistani physician I knew and advised
him--------send it back to the printer and let them know it has mistakes-----he took
a look and said ------"no---it's fine"
The dude made a good point, though. Something which I always find hard to locate with you

Pinheadlopee doesn't know her ass from her elbow any better than any other moonbat does.

Israel is righteous. Palescumians are parasites.

The dude made a good point, though. Something which I always find hard to locate with you

Pinheadlopee doesn't know her ass from her elbow any better than any other moonbat does.

Israel is righteous. Palescumians are parasites.

I do believe that arabs wrote the koran-------in fact Penelope could have written it.---
It is chock full of distortions of the writings of the "OT"
Torah is the only to carry proof of it's intervention and involvement of those who already know the history, because the messenger sits in the world to come=future interacting with the past.
Proof through exact events being dated by their chapter and verse.
Proof through not yet known language clues secreted in scripture terms.
Proof through exact Bible code locations exposing the tool used to message and how.
Proof through exact science methods used for advanced medical procedures before their discovwries and usage.
Plus many more obvious hints & proofs of advanced future interaction with the past.
You don't get that from NT or Koran or Sanskrit. I tend to trust that which knows especially when it proved accurate and allowed me to accurately predict 2 wars,
2 problematic Tyrants, EU debacle, Global financial crisis, failure of Communism, Euro monetary crisis, Greek Crisis,
Baath Party's evil end game, Iranian Ambitions, Fall of the Dictators, Russias aggression in the Ukraine, Rise of Radicalism, etc etc...

how do you know that such fascinating manifestations do not exist in Sanskrit

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