I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Yep, a total sham in NYC. The legal system in NY, at least as far as NYC goes.

It has become Stalinist dream for Democrats.

I obviously disagree with this verdict as do many others. I believe that the case will be reversed eventually either in the state or federal systems. However, this was the worst expectation for a trial in Manhattan. I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president. I had hoped that the jurors might redeem the integrity of a system that has been used for political purposes.

well they've been chasing him for 8 years. they finally found something that sticks. Use local courts to tie trump up
That judge will definitely put trump in jail These prognosticators that say he won't don't know what they're talking about.
well they've been chasing him for 8 years. they finally found something that sticks. Use local courts to tie trump up
That judge will definitely put trump in jail These prognosticators that say he won't don't know what they're talking about.
I'm not so sure.
Yep, a total sham in NYC. The legal system in NY, at least as far as NYC goes.

It has become Stalinist dream for Democrats.

I obviously disagree with this verdict as do many others. I believe that the case will be reversed eventually either in the state or federal systems. However, this was the worst expectation for a trial in Manhattan. I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president. I had hoped that the jurors might redeem the integrity of a system that has been used for political purposes.

This goes well beyond New York. This is going to hurt America. New York has done far more to harm America than either Trump or Biden have.

This is no different than black citizens being falsely charged by southern states 50 years ago.

The people who support this are clueless. From Comey on down. Clueless as to what is going on in the world. I mean that. I guarantee right here that a dumb Canadian like myself predicted far more accurately the impact on the world after Trump lost in 2020. I didn't have the nations correct (at least not yet), but the wars have occurred none the less.

I also predicted a sharp decline in U.S influence at the expense of U.S enemies. Right now the E.U is divided as Hungary is now a strong ally with China and Russia. Xi just met with the Middle Eastern leaders, building close relations.

Don't be fooled by "experts". The term means nothing without substance. Experts told you that inflation wouldnt occur when the IRA was passed. Experts told you that you can't get covid once vaccinated. Experts said that Chamberlain was a great diplomat who saved the world from war after he landed back from Germany.

It really breaks my heart that America has followed a path that will harm all of us. The West is not going to survive this. China definitely becomes stronger through all of this. I listen to the Western China-influencers, even as I laugh at how naive and used they are. When we in the West degrade our own systems, it encourages our enemies to exploit and leverage this with citizens.
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I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president.​

well they've been chasing him for 8 years. they finally found something that sticks. Use local courts to tie trump up
That judge will definitely put trump in jail These prognosticators that say he won't don't know what they're talking about.

Well he is a 34 X convicted felon with 3 three other pending felony cases, and was cited for contempt ten times.

If it was any other convict, he’d be in jail tonight pending sentencing with two ankle monitors on.
well they've been chasing him for 8 years. they finally found something that sticks. Use local courts to tie trump up
That judge will definitely put trump in jail These prognosticators that say he won't don't know what they're talking about.

They expect "everyday Americans" to continue acting like it's every day.

That's interesting
Yep, a total sham in NYC. The legal system in NY, at least as far as NYC goes.

It has become Stalinist dream for Democrats.

I obviously disagree with this verdict as do many others. I believe that the case will be reversed eventually either in the state or federal systems. However, this was the worst expectation for a trial in Manhattan. I am saddened by the result more for the New York legal system than the former president. I had hoped that the jurors might redeem the integrity of a system that has been used for political purposes.

The states that said they would like to secede from the United States, should up and do so now. It was a crooked trial by a crooked DA, a crooked Judge and a Marxist Administration. For those that have been saying that this nation is going down the road toward a Civil War, this may be the impetus for it.
The states that said they would like to secede from the United States, should up and do so now. It was a crooked trial by a crooked DA, a crooked Judge and a Marxist Administration. For those that have been saying that this nation is going down the road toward a Civil War, this may be the impetus for it.

I no longer care. I just want to be on the best side of the new nation. Let the leftists who are having a time tonight end up in their Portlands and Seattles, with no chance to cross over.
I no longer care. I just want to be on the best side of the new nation. Let the leftists who are having a time tonight end up in their Portlands and Seattles, with no chance to cross over.
There is no "best side" in a Marxist nation, unless you are high up in the politburo. They are always, authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous to its own people.
All of those in this Marxist Administration are seeking to ensure that there remains no more political opposition and are thus traitors to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
There is no "best side" in a Marxist nation, unless you are high up in the politburo. They are always, authoritarian, oppressive, persecutory, tyrannical and outright murderous to its own people.
All of those in this Marxist Administration are seeking to ensure that there remains no more political opposition and are thus traitors to the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Right. I'm talking about after the inevitable split
Right. I'm talking about after the inevitable split
Any states that gather up the courage to leave the United States, need to notify the corrupt Marxist Administration that their National Guard units will no longer answer to the Biden Administration and only answer to their state's governments.
Any states that gather up the courage to leave the United States, need to notify the corrupt Marxist Administration that their National Guard units will no longer answer to the Biden Administration and only answer to their state's governments.

The liberals will cry about treason. So what? Like we even have a Constitution anymore
well they've been chasing him for 8 years. they finally found something that sticks. Use local courts to tie trump up
That judge will definitely put trump in jail These prognosticators that say he won't don't know what they're talking about.

The Constitution mandates that crimes be tried in the county where the event happened. That has been the law since the founding of this nation.

So if the crime took place in New York, the trial must be conducted in New York. There have been laws covering what can be written off as a business expense for decades. This was to stop people from writing off vacations and mistresses as a business expense.

I said before, and during the trial. If Trump had paid out of his personal accounts that there would have been nothing the Law could do about it. But he paid from the DJT Trust, which was a catch all for all his business interests.

That makes it falsifying business records. The expenses had nothing to do with the DJT business interests. He could have, should have had the Trust transfer half a million to his personal accounts and call it a payout or whatever. But he wanted the tax advantage of writing off the expense.

The DJT Trust was headquartered and managed in New York City. That put the jurisdiction squarely in New York.

I read the synopsis of the trial in several sites every day. Let me summarize for you. 22 witnesses testified that Trump did what he was accused of doing. Documentation including checks, emails, text messages, and notes was presented showing that Trump did everything he was accused of. Audio recordings existed with Trump telling people to do what he was accused of doing.

There are some screaming that Trump wasn’t charged with a felony so the charges are bogus. Remember the Constitution requirements. In the county where the crime took place. The meetings and that sort of thing took place outside of NYC. So New York couldn’t charge Trump with the qualifying Felonies. That would be Unconstitutional.

I keep hearing how this will certainly be overturned. I keep asking on what grounds. Nobody can say. These claims have existed before the trial and most of the preliminary hearings even happened. How do you know a verdict will be overturned before the preliminary hearings have happened?

The usual grounds for such appeals are prosecutorial misconduct. Usually that is withholding evidence that is exculpatory or damaging to the case of the State. Lying cops could also fall into that category. Legal errors from the bench. Decisions which violate precedent or established law.

Now it is hard to imagine those happened before the hearings took place. That was when we began hearing how this verdict would obviously be overturned.

I am one of those who believes that it is supposed to be hard to convict someone. I like when a strong defense is presented in court. If there is misconduct I want it exposed.

Trump didn’t have a strong defense. His defense was primarily that those who testified were awful because they were testifying against Trump.
Well he is a 34 X convicted felon with 3 three other pending felony cases, and was cited for contempt ten times.

If it was any other convict, he’d be in jail tonight pending sentencing with two ankle monitors on.
Yeah, in a stalinist corrupt court. Only dipshits like you give it any credence.

The rest of the world sees it for what it is.

A banana republic attacking their political opponents. Just like your buddies in Venezuela, and Zimbabwe etc.

Enjoy your "win" while you can.
The Constitution mandates that crimes be tried in the county where the event happened. That has been the law since the founding of this nation.

So if the crime took place in New York, the trial must be conducted in New York. There have been laws covering what can be written off as a business expense for decades. This was to stop people from writing off vacations and mistresses as a business expense.

I said before, and during the trial. If Trump had paid out of his personal accounts that there would have been nothing the Law could do about it. But he paid from the DJT Trust, which was a catch all for all his business interests.

That makes it falsifying business records. The expenses had nothing to do with the DJT business interests. He could have, should have had the Trust transfer half a million to his personal accounts and call it a payout or whatever. But he wanted the tax advantage of writing off the expense.

The DJT Trust was headquartered and managed in New York City. That put the jurisdiction squarely in New York.

I read the synopsis of the trial in several sites every day. Let me summarize for you. 22 witnesses testified that Trump did what he was accused of doing. Documentation including checks, emails, text messages, and notes was presented showing that Trump did everything he was accused of. Audio recordings existed with Trump telling people to do what he was accused of doing.

There are some screaming that Trump wasn’t charged with a felony so the charges are bogus. Remember the Constitution requirements. In the county where the crime took place. The meetings and that sort of thing took place outside of NYC. So New York couldn’t charge Trump with the qualifying Felonies. That would be Unconstitutional.

I keep hearing how this will certainly be overturned. I keep asking on what grounds. Nobody can say. These claims have existed before the trial and most of the preliminary hearings even happened. How do you know a verdict will be overturned before the preliminary hearings have happened?

The usual grounds for such appeals are prosecutorial misconduct. Usually that is withholding evidence that is exculpatory or damaging to the case of the State. Lying cops could also fall into that category. Legal errors from the bench. Decisions which violate precedent or established law.

Now it is hard to imagine those happened before the hearings took place. That was when we began hearing how this verdict would obviously be overturned.

I am one of those who believes that it is supposed to be hard to convict someone. I like when a strong defense is presented in court. If there is misconduct I want it exposed.

Trump didn’t have a strong defense. His defense was primarily that those who testified were awful because they were testifying against Trump.

The juice on this is not, believe me, going to be worth the squeeze. Too many have lost complete trust in all the systems. Can't sustain a nation that way, and don't even want to anymore.
The juice on this is not, believe me, going to be worth the squeeze. Too many have lost complete trust in all the systems. Can't sustain a nation that way, and don't even want to anymore.

The problem is that Trump keeps getting himself into it, and blaming everyone else.

So far all the Judges, including the ones he appointed, are against him. All the election officials, including his own party, are against him. All the cops, federal agents, and even county sheriffs are against him. The entire population of New York City is against him.

Let’s say this was your child. They come home and say the entire staff of the school says they were cheating on a test. Other students say they saw your child cheating on the test. The teachers have the crib sheet. The sheet is in your child’s handwriting.

Would you believe the entire school is against your child? Because that is what you have to believe with Trump at this point.

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