I am smiling a wide smile as I wave bye-bye to the parasites

What does our debt have to do with legal immigration? Are you confused about what is being discussed?

Are you crazy? Do you think those muslims pouring in 100/day go right on the payroll? They are given "it all" for many many years for entire clusters of them until they start driving a cab or whatever (paying taxes LOL). I suspect 10 years out many will still be on the dole? but voting D........so BO gets what he wanted.
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maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
It would still be great. Our greatness is NOT defined by who we allow into the country.

Nice try.
I respectfully disagree
We would not have President Trump, if it were NOT for immigration and us taking in the masses.... We would not have gone to the moon if it were not for immigration, we would probably not have developed the A bomb if it were not for immigration, or the electric grid we use if it were not for immigration....or the likes of a Steve Jobs if it were not for immigration.....

So legal immigration and welcoming those who are persecuted as refuges has been important to the greatness of our Nation.

My thought is there wouldn't have been an o-shit-ma presidency. That would be a really good thing. You can't actually say there would or wouldn't be anything all statements to that effect are purely conjecture. What took the place of any person could have been a better person. As in the liberal bastion ABORTION I can post that there is an absolute fact that some of the babies that have been ABORTED would have been better people than some of those who were not, just because liberals are murdering scum.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
It would still be great. Our greatness is NOT defined by who we allow into the country.

Nice try.
I respectfully disagree
We would not have President Trump, if it were NOT for immigration and us taking in the masses.... We would not have gone to the moon if it were not for immigration, we would probably not have developed the A bomb if it were not for immigration, or the electric grid we use if it were not for immigration....or the likes of a Steve Jobs if it were not for immigration.....

So legal immigration and welcoming those who are persecuted as refuges has been important to the greatness of our Nation.

My thought is there wouldn't have been an o-shit-ma presidency. That would be a really good thing. You can't actually say there would or wouldn't be anything all statements to that effect are purely conjecture. What took the place of any person could have been a better person. As in the liberal bastion ABORTION I can post that there is an absolute fact that some of the babies that have been ABORTED would have been better people than some of those who were not, just because liberals are murdering scum.
you'd be complaining there were too many liberal babies being born and would insist on starving them to death or fixing their mommies so they could not reproduce! :rolleyes:
20 trillion in debt. You that kneel at the alter of the golden strap on don't understand this, but normal people will.

We are going broke, bringing in more until we get our fiscal house in order is suicide.

What does your non sequitur fantasies about dildos have to do with legal immigration?

You obviously missed the 20 trillion in debt part? You need a shorter dildo, that one obviously pierced your brain.

What does our debt have to do with legal immigration? Are you confused about what is being discussed?

The amount that can legally allowed to immigrate, the strain they put on the budget in a country with a TWENTY TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.

Perhaps you would give up your government pension so we could afford to let a few more in?

What say you?

No? Didn't thing so.

Show where immigration (legal or otherwise) is adding to our national debt.

Immigration Reform and the American Worker

Economists Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri found that, between 1990 and 2004, immigration boosted the wages of most native-born workers, and why a recent study by Heidi Schierholz of the liberal Economic Policy Institute found that, between 1994 and 2007, immigration had a “small but positive” impact on the relative wages of Americans at all educational levels. Actually, the workers who are really hurt by new immigrants are earlier immigrants, since they do compete in the same job markets. In addition to the complementarity argument, there’s the simple fact that employed immigrants are themselves consumers of goods and services, and therefore help drive economic activity.

And when it comes to immigration reform, a policy of amnesty would make it even less likely that immigrants would drive down wages, since undocumented workers are much easier for employers to push around, find it difficult (if not impossible) to unionize, and are more likely to accept below-market wages.

Answer the question.

Too allow more immigration, would you give up your cushy government pension so we could afford even more?

No? I didn't think so.

And, if you don't think that letting un vetted people enter and stay in our country is cool, will you remove the door (your personal border) from your home and just let anyone enter and stay?

No? I didn't think so.

You have absolutely no courage of your own convictions.

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013)

^^^^^ appears the Wall would pay for itself!
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^^^^from your link.

Key Findings

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

note: I did see where they paid in $7B to SS. Probably the main reason the slimy politicians have not done anything about it since the 80s'.
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Show where immigration (legal or otherwise) is adding to our national debt.

Immigration Reform and the American Worker

Economists Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri found that, between 1990 and 2004, immigration boosted the wages of most native-born workers, and why a recent study by Heidi Schierholz of the liberal Economic Policy Institute found that, between 1994 and 2007, immigration had a “small but positive” impact on the relative wages of Americans at all educational levels. Actually, the workers who are really hurt by new immigrants are earlier immigrants, since they do compete in the same job markets. In addition to the complementarity argument, there’s the simple fact that employed immigrants are themselves consumers of goods and services, and therefore help drive economic activity.

And when it comes to immigration reform, a policy of amnesty would make it even less likely that immigrants would drive down wages, since undocumented workers are much easier for employers to push around, find it difficult (if not impossible) to unionize, and are more likely to accept below-market wages.

That is one of the stupidest statements I have seen posted here, and liberals make some really stupid posts. That (even if true, and I doubt it) has LITTLE or NOTHING to do with the increase they cause to the deficit. I know in your monoplanic little shells you liberals think you have a way to twist, rewrite, lie, and adjust the facts to bolster your little lies, but you are so far below the average in thought processes, that you fool only yourselves as we laugh at your attempts.
. It is why they are in self destruct mode after Trump won the Presidency. They saw their game disapate in a flash, and that has driven them over the edge literally. It's amazing how deep it all was, and Trump brought it all to the surface for all to witness. They expose themselves by their extreme reaction to this Presidency, and it showed just how bad their agenda was in play on this nation. They had the power of the federal government on their side, and they were using and abusing their supposed or targeted enemies with this power. Their intent was to lay waste to their political enemies by way of government power, and to the American citizens for whom they hated. Everyone knows this now, and it is why they are in panic mode. They are fearful now of the leakers being found, and how that will reveal once again their motives.
And you think polluting our air, water and taking away education for half of this country will keep us better then those third world shit holes? I say this as a former white nationalist. I mean seriously? I can slam and attack other cultures and peoples with the best of them.

Your posts are increasingly unhinged, maybe you need a time out until you can process the Trump win and recover. :itsok:
What does our debt have to do with legal immigration? Are you confused about what is being discussed?

Are you crazy? Do you think those muslims pouring in 100/day go right on the payroll? They are given "it all" for many many years for entire clusters of them until they start driving a cab or whatever (paying taxes LOL). I suspect 10 years out many will still be on the dole? but voting D........so BO gets what he wanted.
. Best to help them where they are, and to secure a safe place for them in their own part of the world. We should team up with our allies to figure out what action to take in order to resolve the situation once and for all.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war? How GREAT would America really be? no Einstein, no Tessla

First off, please fucking stop conflating LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration; Trump is seeking - as the sane amongst us - the mass deportation and ending of ILLEGAL immigration. Second, there are already specialized programs in place for people like Einstein, so doing a little research before posting would be helpful.
She knows. She's a lying.bot pushing lies for commies and.worse.
Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels

Yes, the US admits well over 1 MM LEGAL immigrants per year, which I DO think is MUCH too high. The US non-native pop is at an all-time high historically, the economy is poor, and with lunatic job-transfer programs like the H1B giving away about 1 MM IT jobs to the workforces of india, russia and china, there is a problem with legal immigration as well as the absolute horrorshow that is illegal immigraton. They are separate but enormous problems - the illegal one must be attacked immediately, but the legal one can be fixed via legislation so the legal numbers of immigrants can be substantially reduced, as they should be.
That's exactly right, and.I am hopeful we'll see it happen.
Show where immigration (legal or otherwise) is adding to our national debt.

Are you hilariously claiming that illegals are not costing the taxpayers tens, or hundreds of billions, each year?

Economists Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri found that, between 1990 and 2004, immigration boosted the wages of most native-born workers

This study is a sham, and no sane human accepted it then or now. Whole fucking industries have been destroyed, and anyone who studied economics or finance for over 10 minutes knows that by dumping massive amounts of labor into an economy the wages will fall, as they did in construction, hotel service, restaurants, etc. There is a reason why EVERY other country on earth tries far harder than the US to limit legal immigration, and eliminate illegal immigration.

a recent study by Heidi Schierholz of the liberal Economic Policy Institute found that, between 1994 and 2007, immigration had a “small but positive” impact on the relative wages of Americans at all educational levels.

What asshole in the national democratic party / corporate scumbag paid for these nonsensical "studies"? Funny how far left trash extols these studies, but more legitimate ones like those by CIS or FAIR are attacked.

Actually, the workers who are really hurt by new immigrants are earlier immigrants, since they do compete in the same job markets. In addition to the complementarity argument, there’s the simple fact that employed immigrants are themselves consumers of goods and services, and therefore help drive economic activity.

Ugh, the short-sighted idiocies and false narratives of the left to justify the illegal invasion are beyond tiresome - and were destroyed long ago. #1-the children of the illegals and the healthcare of the whole illegal family are costing an astronomical amount of money. Second, the children of the illegals go to college and will compete with the children of the native middle class already here. Third, claiming they use goods and services contradicts your claims about pricing, since more buyers of such items drives the prices higher, if you have any clue about economics.

And when it comes to immigration reform, a policy of amnesty would make it even less likely that immigrants would drive down wages, since undocumented workers are much easier for employers to push around, find it difficult (if not impossible) to unionize, and are more likely to accept below-market wages.

The illegals SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN THE COUNTRY, PERIOD. I am not looking to do ANYTHING that will make it more attractive or appealing for them to remain. Once they are gone, employers will need to either raise wages, automate, or close shop altogether to survive - just like they did for the 400 years of Western culture and civilization before 1965 when the illegal alien floodgates opened.
When we get a lot of Self-Driving vehicles...........there goes the need for muslim taxi drivers. Yes, they were pretty sure not to show up and drive drunk, but whatever.

We got Mr. ZERO ROAD RAGE right here to take your lowly paid job. Another group bites the dust. Go cut Lettuce please.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
Obama already screwed the Cubans, after lying and pretending to befriend them.
Show where immigration (legal or otherwise) is adding to our national debt.

Are you hilariously claiming that illegals are not costing the taxpayers tens, or hundreds of billions, each year?

Economists Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri found that, between 1990 and 2004, immigration boosted the wages of most native-born workers

This study is a sham, and no sane human accepted it then or now. Whole fucking industries have been destroyed, and anyone who studied economics or finance for over 10 minutes knows that by dumping massive amounts of labor into an economy the wages will fall, as they did in construction, hotel service, restaurants, etc. There is a reason why EVERY other country on earth tries far harder than the US to limit legal immigration, and eliminate illegal immigration.

a recent study by Heidi Schierholz of the liberal Economic Policy Institute found that, between 1994 and 2007, immigration had a “small but positive” impact on the relative wages of Americans at all educational levels.

What asshole in the national democratic party / corporate scumbag paid for these nonsensical "studies"? Funny how far left trash extols these studies, but more legitimate ones like those by CIS or FAIR are attacked.

Actually, the workers who are really hurt by new immigrants are earlier immigrants, since they do compete in the same job markets. In addition to the complementarity argument, there’s the simple fact that employed immigrants are themselves consumers of goods and services, and therefore help drive economic activity.

Ugh, the short-sighted idiocies and false narratives of the left to justify the illegal invasion are beyond tiresome - and were destroyed long ago. #1-the children of the illegals and the healthcare of the whole illegal family are costing an astronomical amount of money. Second, the children of the illegals go to college and will compete with the children of the native middle class already here. Third, claiming they use goods and services contradicts your claims about pricing, since more buyers of such items drives the prices higher, if you have any clue about economics.

And when it comes to immigration reform, a policy of amnesty would make it even less likely that immigrants would drive down wages, since undocumented workers are much easier for employers to push around, find it difficult (if not impossible) to unionize, and are more likely to accept below-market wages.

The illegals SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN THE COUNTRY, PERIOD. I am not looking to do ANYTHING that will make it more attractive or appealing for them to remain. Once they are gone, employers will need to either raise wages, automate, or close shop altogether to survive - just like they did for the 400 years of Western culture and civilization before 1965 when the illegal alien floodgates opened.
I wish my business competitors would hire American. I insist on it for my company.
Like the tobacco industry and its paid-for sycophants that were exposed in the 1998 federal settlement, when Trump removes most of the 35 MM + illegals, the bought-and-paid for illegal alien apologists like the national democratic party, parts of corporate america, and the so-called "immigration activists" will be as well.

This machine, this confluence of anti-american scum that has treasonously pushed for massive illegal alien acceptance through a compliant, insidious and dishonest media will be crushed under the weight of the hammer that the american public will strike them with.
Show where immigration (legal or otherwise) is adding to our national debt.

Are you hilariously claiming that illegals are not costing the taxpayers tens, or hundreds of billions, each year?

Economists Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Peri found that, between 1990 and 2004, immigration boosted the wages of most native-born workers

This study is a sham, and no sane human accepted it then or now. Whole fucking industries have been destroyed, and anyone who studied economics or finance for over 10 minutes knows that by dumping massive amounts of labor into an economy the wages will fall, as they did in construction, hotel service, restaurants, etc. There is a reason why EVERY other country on earth tries far harder than the US to limit legal immigration, and eliminate illegal immigration.

a recent study by Heidi Schierholz of the liberal Economic Policy Institute found that, between 1994 and 2007, immigration had a “small but positive” impact on the relative wages of Americans at all educational levels.

What asshole in the national democratic party / corporate scumbag paid for these nonsensical "studies"? Funny how far left trash extols these studies, but more legitimate ones like those by CIS or FAIR are attacked.

Actually, the workers who are really hurt by new immigrants are earlier immigrants, since they do compete in the same job markets. In addition to the complementarity argument, there’s the simple fact that employed immigrants are themselves consumers of goods and services, and therefore help drive economic activity.

Ugh, the short-sighted idiocies and false narratives of the left to justify the illegal invasion are beyond tiresome - and were destroyed long ago. #1-the children of the illegals and the healthcare of the whole illegal family are costing an astronomical amount of money. Second, the children of the illegals go to college and will compete with the children of the native middle class already here. Third, claiming they use goods and services contradicts your claims about pricing, since more buyers of such items drives the prices higher, if you have any clue about economics.

And when it comes to immigration reform, a policy of amnesty would make it even less likely that immigrants would drive down wages, since undocumented workers are much easier for employers to push around, find it difficult (if not impossible) to unionize, and are more likely to accept below-market wages.

The illegals SHOULD NOT EVEN BE IN THE COUNTRY, PERIOD. I am not looking to do ANYTHING that will make it more attractive or appealing for them to remain. Once they are gone, employers will need to either raise wages, automate, or close shop altogether to survive - just like they did for the 400 years of Western culture and civilization before 1965 when the illegal alien floodgates opened.
I wish my business competitors would hire American. I insist on it for my company.
I bet you do wish they would do the same as you, because competing against those who get by with working cheap or illegal labor makes it impossible for you to compete fairly. Hopefully that will all change now. Hopefully the nation will do the right thing again, but the swamps will have to be drained first. They who lived in this swamp are fighting hard to hide amongst the American rubble in which surrounds them, but they will be found.
Some of.my closest.friends are.here on work visas. I love them. Their kids go to school with mine..if they didn't already have many families and small businesses engaged in sponsoring and assisting them achieve citizenship, I would be willing to sponsor them myself.

Though it sort of rankles that they are buying a habitat for humanity house, brand new and a block from the beach, while.families who have lived in the community all their lives can't get a loan..but meh.
Yes this is one of the problems I see, older people on SS with limited savings, having to compete with new to our county people for low income housing. trying to be fair and look at all sides is difficult.
^^^^from your link.

Key Findings

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

note: I did see where they paid in $7B to SS. Probably the main reason the slimy politicians have not done anything about it since the 80s'.
Except illegals don't pay fed taxes. they pay other taxes but get no refunds from the feds. lets try & get the bums out, & keep the English speaking and American acting dreamers.
Frankly, it is going to be painful to get rid of all of the illegals. I don't want to cut artichokes. They will. There could be some sort of work visa for that or what? I don't know. Convicts? Students up at 4AM and off to the fields on a bus?

Maybe that is one reason the pay is so low, the picker also get meals and housing which costs A WHOLE LOT in CA/AZ/TEX.

Trump is doing it right. Pareto the problem. Get rid of any really bad ones in first wave. Then? take another look.
^^^^from your link.

Key Findings

  • Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level. The bulk of the costs — some $84 billion — are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117. The fiscal impact per household varies considerably because the greatest share of the burden falls on state and local taxpayers whose burden depends on the size of the illegal alien population in that locality
  • Education for the children of illegal aliens constitutes the single largest cost to taxpayers, at an annual price tag of nearly $52 billion. Nearly all of those costs are absorbed by state and local governments.
  • At the federal level, about one-third of outlays are matched by tax collections from illegal aliens. At the state and local level, an average of less than 5 percent of the public costs associated with illegal immigration is recouped through taxes collected from illegal aliens.
  • Most illegal aliens do not pay income taxes. Among those who do, much of the revenues collected are refunded to the illegal aliens when they file tax returns. Many are also claiming tax credits resulting in payments from the U.S. Treasury.

note: I did see where they paid in $7B to SS. Probably the main reason the slimy politicians have not done anything about it since the 80s'.
Except illegals don't pay fed taxes. they pay other taxes but get no refunds from the feds. lets try & get the bums out, & keep the English speaking and American acting dreamers.

Well, they are net negative on income tax in 2013. But they are paying some SS and Medicare. Overall they are a net loss in 2013 data posted above.


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