I am smiling a wide smile as I wave bye-bye to the parasites

maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Einstein didn't come here ILLEGALLY
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:
and not illegally

I don't know what's so fucking difficult to understand about that
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels
for those of you who stupidly give care the time of day, she is an inveterate liar. She lies like the rest of us breathe. She is a troll of many years experience, a fed dependent and paid snitch. She pretended to be a catholic for two years while pushing the pro partial birth narrative. Seriously, she said she was a catholic and loved and approved partial birth abortion, before finally being exposed, and admitted to being a liar. Don't believe anything she says. Just ignore her. I don't ignore her because it's my job to advise people of her lying, baby killing, treasonous nature. She's a fucking spook. She belongs in prison or worse.
If we stopped handing out welfare and food stamps, Republicans would have to work.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Einstein didn't come here ILLEGALLY
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:
and not illegally

I don't know what's so fucking difficult to understand about that
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels

20 trillion in debt. You that kneel at the alter of the golden strap on don't understand this, but normal people will.

We are going broke, bringing in more until we get our fiscal house in order is suicide.
for those of you who stupidly give care the time of day, she is an inveterate liar. She lies like the rest of us breathe. She is a troll of many years experience, a fed dependent and paid snitch. She pretended to be a catholic for two years while pushing the pro partial birth narrative. Seriously, she said she was a catholic and loved and approved partial birth abortion, before finally being exposed, and admitted to being a liar. Don't believe anything she says. Just ignore her. I don't ignore her because it's my job to advise people of her lying, baby killing, treasonous nature. She's a fucking spook. She belongs in prison or worse.
you are a LIAR, nuff said.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

None of those people were radical Islamists hell bent on destroying this country.
yes, of course in your head, all muslims living here and seeking refuge here are radical islamists trying to kill us....

how demented can you get?
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war? How GREAT would America really be? no Einstein, no Tessla

First off, please fucking stop conflating LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration; Trump is seeking - as the sane amongst us - the mass deportation and ending of ILLEGAL immigration. Second, there are already specialized programs in place for people like Einstein, so doing a little research before posting would be helpful.
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

What work visas? H1Bs? H2As? How about knowing what the fuck you are talking about before spouting far left/national democratic party talking points?
Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels

Yes, the US admits well over 1 MM LEGAL immigrants per year, which I DO think is MUCH too high. The US non-native pop is at an all-time high historically, the economy is poor, and with lunatic job-transfer programs like the H1B giving away about 1 MM IT jobs to the workforces of india, russia and china, there is a problem with legal immigration as well as the absolute horrorshow that is illegal immigraton. They are separate but enormous problems - the illegal one must be attacked immediately, but the legal one can be fixed via legislation so the legal numbers of immigrants can be substantially reduced, as they should be.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
How about the immigrants today come under the same conditions. No medical care, no education, no ESL classes, no legal support, no EBT, no housing, no access to the courts and no government provided interpreters.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

None of those people were radical Islamists hell bent on destroying this country.
yes, of course in your head, all muslims living here and seeking refuge here are radical islamists trying to kill us....

how demented can you get?

About as demented as those who ascribe views to others falsely, like you for example!
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Einstein didn't come here ILLEGALLY
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:
and not illegally

I don't know what's so fucking difficult to understand about that
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

BULLSHIT...that's made up lies from your Leftard buddies.
We welcome PRODUCTIVE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTORS from anywhere and always have. We frown on indecent filthy humans with no moral compass who come here to ride the backs of hard working Americans and make sucking the taxpayer tit a lifelong quest.
This is simple and has always been the case...You and your Leftards have spun it into something else.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Einstein didn't come here ILLEGALLY
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:
and not illegally

I don't know what's so fucking difficult to understand about that
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels
. That would be before they come here right, otherwise to bring the numbers down on immigration in order to get a better balance for Americans to then deal with right ? Do you think that unfettered immigration is a great thing, and how much immigration was actually taking place in which became a huge overflow of immigrants into the nation, and in which became a drain instead of an add to the nation ? Has it created a huge inbalance in the situation over time ? Is it wrong to cut back on all immigration a bit ? Every group these days has it's justifying reasons for various degrees of immigration, but what does the over all picture look like in terms of jobs, resources, and security ? How is it that we have foriegn gangs operating amongst us such as this MS-13 gang or whatever ? Did these gang members immigrate here legally or illegally when they came here originally ? What's wrong with critiquing the levels or looking into the results of what happens to the immigrants once they come here, and this in order to fine tune it ??
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maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

SO!! The problem is those people were from places that were not terrorist states. Your history classes in school must have been the liberal rewritten version, Lets see Whitey came to the United States of America bringing black slaves with him, the slaves built the whitey huge mansions as whitey sat at the table and ate tons of things the slaves and the native americans grew and hunted for. Since whitey had all of the guns he killed everyone who talked bad about him to keep them in line. After that slaves built everything whitey brought all of his friends and family in big ocean liners and killed some of the slaves to make room for their friends and relatives. All through the years as they needed slaves they kidnapped them and brought them here while whiteys lived like kings. After some whiteys became liberal dimshitcrats, they let the slaves go because they were smarter better and greater than the rest of the whites whitey still brought all of his family right here and picked him up at the dock and he was a citizen just as soon as he got here, but anyone who wasn't white was just a slave for years, and may not ever be a citizen. The liberal dimshitcrats tried to fix all of that but most whiteys wouldn't let them. Is that your view of history? I guess they didn't tell you about Ellis Island then where most of the white immigrants in My family stayed on ships some for months, or over a year and were given extreme physical and mental evaluations before they were allowed to even apply for citizenship, Or any of the other REAL FACTS about the history of immigration in this country. Liberals are the stupidest most undereducated group of people in this country. Even a PHD liberal has less useable knowledge than a kindergartener with a REAL EDUCATION.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
You really have no idea what a "refugee" is, do you? That, or you think the hoards of Mexicans and whatnot are escaping wars or holocausts?
Einstein didn't come here ILLEGALLY
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:
and not illegally

I don't know what's so fucking difficult to understand about that
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels

20 trillion in debt. You that kneel at the alter of the golden strap on don't understand this, but normal people will.

We are going broke, bringing in more until we get our fiscal house in order is suicide.

What does your non sequitur fantasies about dildos have to do with legal immigration?

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