I am smiling a wide smile as I wave bye-bye to the parasites

maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
I thought after the war those regions were peaceful?
for those of you who stupidly give care the time of day, she is an inveterate liar. She lies like the rest of us breathe. She is a troll of many years experience, a fed dependent and paid snitch. She pretended to be a catholic for two years while pushing the pro partial birth narrative. Seriously, she said she was a catholic and loved and approved partial birth abortion, before finally being exposed, and admitted to being a liar. Don't believe anything she says. Just ignore her. I don't ignore her because it's my job to advise people of her lying, baby killing, treasonous nature. She's a fucking spook. She belongs in prison or worse.
you are a LIAR, nuff said.
there are a hundred ppl on this site who have outer you as a liar...three of them separately have identified you as a liar in this thread. You've been busted lying in this thread. Yet you, a known liar, is the only one calling me a liar.

It just proves what a liar you are, you liar. Lil I said, every word you generate is a lie. It's technically a sign of mental illness...EXTREME mental illness.
for those of you who stupidly give care the time of day, she is an inveterate liar. She lies like the rest of us breathe. She is a troll of many years experience, a fed dependent and paid snitch. She pretended to be a catholic for two years while pushing the pro partial birth narrative. Seriously, she said she was a catholic and loved and approved partial birth abortion, before finally being exposed, and admitted to being a liar. Don't believe anything she says. Just ignore her. I don't ignore her because it's my job to advise people of her lying, baby killing, treasonous nature. She's a fucking spook. She belongs in prison or worse.
you are a LIAR, nuff said.
there are a hundred ppl on this site who have outer you as a liar...three of them separately have identified you as a liar in this thread. You've been busted lying in this thread. Yet you, a known liar, is the only one calling me a liar.

It just proves what a liar you are, you liar. Lil I said, every word you generate is a lie. It's technically a sign of mental illness...EXTREME mental illness.
are you drunk again? :cuckoo:

oh, and stay on topic of this thread.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
I thought after the war those regions were peaceful?
and the south American refuges and Mexicans? Aren't their religions peaceful?
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

None of those people were radical Islamists hell bent on destroying this country.
yes, of course in your head, all muslims living here and seeking refuge here are radical islamists trying to kill us....

how demented can you get?

About as demented as those who ascribe views to others falsely, like you for example!
ok, then how about YOU actually comment on the TOPIC of this THREAD?

are the South Americans and Mexicans being rounded up that Rhodes is so happy about, MUSLIMS?
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
I thought after the war those regions were peaceful?
and the south American refuges and Mexicans? Aren't their religions peaceful?
I guess. When did they get excluded from immigration possibilities?
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:
and not illegally

I don't know what's so fucking difficult to understand about that
with you legal immigrants are ok, with MOST of the vocal Trump supporters on this site, even immigrants legally here on work visas are NOT Welcomed

Donald Trump’s supporters are more likely than other Americans to say the U.S. admits too many immigrants legally and that those who receive visas take jobs away from Americans and increase crime.
Trump's voters agree with him on cutting legal immigration levels

20 trillion in debt. You that kneel at the alter of the golden strap on don't understand this, but normal people will.

We are going broke, bringing in more until we get our fiscal house in order is suicide.

What does your non sequitur fantasies about dildos have to do with legal immigration?

You obviously missed the 20 trillion in debt part? You need a shorter dildo, that one obviously pierced your brain.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
I thought after the war those regions were peaceful?
and the south American refuges and Mexicans? Aren't their religions peaceful?
I guess. When did they get excluded from immigration possibilities?
Our laws and preferences and quotas, has made it near IMPOSSIBLE for any of those from Mexico and the South American refugees to come here LEGALLY....unless they have a relative living here legally already....and that is who we have been issuing visas to....relatives....with very few to no openings for new people who would like to become Americans
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Einstein didn't come here ILLEGALLY
He came on a work visa.....he took an American's job away from them! :rolleyes:

I'm all for fast tracking immigrants who offer something we need.
At this time we dont need 20 million lettuce pickers.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
I thought after the war those regions were peaceful?
and the south American refuges and Mexicans? Aren't their religions peaceful?
I guess. When did they get excluded from immigration possibilities?
Our laws and preferences and quotas, has made it near IMPOSSIBLE for any of those from Mexico and the South American refugees to come here LEGALLY....unless they have a relative living here legally already....and that is who we have been issuing visas to....relatives....with very few to no openings for new people who would like to become Americans

You mean we want people to enter that have others here that can help them assimilate? Wow! Sounds like a helluva good plan to me. Let's do just that!
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
I thought after the war those regions were peaceful?
and the south American refuges and Mexicans? Aren't their religions peaceful?
I guess. When did they get excluded from immigration possibilities?
Our laws and preferences and quotas, has made it near IMPOSSIBLE for any of those from Mexico and the South American refugees to come here LEGALLY....unless they have a relative living here legally already....and that is who we have been issuing visas to....relatives....with very few to no openings for new people who would like to become Americans

Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015
Growth in the last year was led by a rebound in the number of Mexican immigrants, which increased by 740,000 from 2014 to 2015 — accounting for 44 percent of the increase in the total immigrant population in the last year.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla
How about the immigrants today come under the same conditions. No medical care, no education, no ESL classes, no legal support, no EBT, no housing, no access to the courts and no government provided interpreters.
And they cool their heels on Ellis island until they are thoroughly vetted, vaccinated, and proven their intent to assimilate.

Works for.me.

Better yet, let's just wall up Chicago, La county, and nyc and they can house them until they're released.
Put walls.around the.cities.where the sanctuary city retards dwell and let them keep them until vetted and vaccinated...That isa really good idea. I volunteer Portland as the.pilot.

Also sanctuary cities are.precluded from.participating in elections based on their large criminal.and non citizen populations. We should do it anyway.

I think Ill suggest this to.Prez Trump. Though it is.undoubtedly already being tossed around.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Typical Liberal, can't see the difference between Einstein and violent criminals illegally crossing the border into the US. The keyword is ILLEGAL. It doesn't take Einstein to be able to figure it out. But I guess for Liberals it does.
Maybe we should check all liberals out, and if they had one family member that was an immigrant check that family members record and see if we can retroactively deport THE LIBERAL.EVEN BETTER we can check to see if we paid for any of their family members to have an abortion and if we find one we can institute a retroactive partial birth abortion.
maybe we should not have accepted the Irish refugees, or the German refugees or the Russian refuges or the Cuban refugees or the Jewish refugees after the war?

How GREAT would America really be?


no Einstein, no Tessla

Typical Liberal, can't see the difference between Einstein and violent criminals illegally crossing the border into the US. The keyword is ILLEGAL. It doesn't take Einstein to be able to figure it out. But I guess for Liberals it does.
Are you ok with importing foreign workers to the USA on visas, legally by big entities or corporations?

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