I am sorry for the friends I have lost. A monologue of regret.


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I am sorry my views displease, hurt, or downright appall you. I am sorry if what I believe is disconcerting or confusing to you. I am not here to please anyone. But one thing I do care about, are my friends. I am sorry if I have hurt you, but I honestly cannot change my opinions or my beliefs so they do not hurt you less. If I am not your ideal of a man, so be it. A role model I am not, a model Christian I am not. But honesty is so important to me, that I dare not hide from it. If my honesty displeases or hurts you, then I am sorry. But I will not stop. It hurts when people break friendships with you for being honest, or holding some sort of view. I cannot fathom holding back the truth for the sake of a friendship. I grew up being taught never to keep secrets or hold back for fear of offending someone, because essentially they are both forms of lying. I cannot imagine doing no greater disservice to a friend, than to keep the truth from them.

So if my forthrightness is harmful, then so be it. I am sorry, but I shall not stop. It is a blessing to me that I can speak my mind and revere the truth. I don't want to lose friends over it, but I will not sacrifice my honesty, my views or who I am for their sensibilities. It is not in my being to coddle anyone. I wasn't. From day one, I was exposed to the reality of life. I regret losing my friends. I wish I had some of them back, but that is the price I paid for being who and what I am. But knowing this, I am pleading with one in particular, @Pogo to understand. For now, I appear to be a villain in his eyes, and I fear that I have yet lost another friend for want of staying true to what I am. I am beginning to believe that losing my friends is not worth striving for this goal. But then I remember. Those whom despise you, those who are offended at you, or those who part ways with you, can be some of the greatest teachers you will ever have in life. Perhaps I should thank them if I ever see them again.

But for now, I regret what I have become, for it seems now that it has done more harm than good. For that, I am sorry for the friends I have lost.
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Well you are less of a narcissistic cannibal ...than 2nd Amendment, but not much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no......
To hell with Political correctness. Say what you have to say if that is your position and what happens after that happens.

We have a divide in this country, PERIOD. And that divide has widened. I will continue to post my beliefs irregardless if someone gets offended or not.

This is a forum in a Free Country. They can ignore you, choose not to engage or leave. I simply don't care.
TK, I'll tell it to you like I told my own kids:

Gather information and come to your best possible conclusion. Once you do that, however, keep a close watch on who comes closer to you and who steps away.

If the good and righteous are stepping away, and the scum are coming closer, then you did it wrong.
If I was the sort who became so emotionally invested in such relationships that I determined they were more a negative than a positive, then I would hope I'd have the ability to walk away from such an environment. I'm not judging anyone who finds themselves passionately involved in debates with people they respect, and desire respect in return, but I just can't relate to such a level of angst. I guess I should be grateful that I really don't give a shit, and perhaps it's based on my own experiences about what is truly important in life...and getting along with people on a message board does not come near the top of my list of priorities.
If I cannot get along with people here, what makes me think I'll get along with people in my real life? I don't understand how one relationship is less valuable than another...
If I cannot get along with people here, what makes me think I'll get along with people in my real life? I don't understand how one relationship is less valuable than another...

You have lived a sheltered life if you can't identify the differences between interacting with people on a message board vs face to face...sure there are similarities, but I would not recommend anyone learn to successfully interact with people on social media. You're hiding behind this format because writing is one area that you feel more secure, and you're fearful of intimate interactions required by physical proximity. Take my advice or leave it...I don't give a shit.:D ;)
Actually, Sherry, that's exactly why. But for some reason I think the person I debate with here is as real as a person I meet on the street. So are you less of a person because I met you on a forum? What does that make me?
Actually, Sherry, that's exactly why. But for some reason I think the person I debate with here is as real as a person I meet on the street. So are you less of a person because I met you on a forum? What does that make me?

A person who has unrealistic expectations and is setting himself up for failure...you're clearly more determined to justify your actions than listen to an alternate perspective. Good luck.
To hell with Political correctness. Say what you have to say if that is your position and what happens after that happens.

We have a divide in this country, PERIOD. And that divide has widened. I will continue to post my beliefs irregardless if someone gets offended or not.

This is a forum in a Free Country. They can ignore you, choose not to engage or leave. I simply don't care.

There is no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ it’s a contrivance of the partisan right.

That you and most other conservatives are at liberty to express your ignorance and hate absent sanctions by the state is proof there is no such thing as ‘political correctness.’
I am sorry my views displease, hurt, or downright appall you. I am sorry if what I believe is disconcerting or confusing to you. I am not here to please anyone. But one thing I do care about, are my friends. I am sorry if I have hurt you, but I honestly cannot change my opinions or my beliefs so they do not hurt you less. If I am not your ideal of a man, so be it. A role model I am not, a model Christian I am not. But honesty is so important to me, that I dare not hide from it. If my honesty displeases or hurts you, then I am sorry. But I will not stop. It hurts when people break friendships with you for being honest, or holding some sort of view. I cannot fathom holding back the truth for the sake of a friendship. I grew up being taught never to keep secrets or hold back for fear of offending someone, because essentially they are both forms of lying. I cannot imagine doing no greater disservice to a friend, than to keep the truth from them.

So if my forthrightness is harmful, then so be it. I am sorry, but I shall not stop. It is a blessing to me that I can speak my mind and revere the truth. I don't want to lose friends over it, but I will not sacrifice my honesty, my views or who I am for their sensibilities. It is not in my being to coddle anyone. I wasn't. From day one, I was exposed to the reality of life. I regret losing my friends. I wish I had some of them back, but that is the price I paid for being who and what I am. But knowing this, I am pleading with one in particular, @Pogo to understand. For now, I appear to be a villain in his eyes, and I fear that I have yet lost another friend for want of staying true to what I am. I am beginning to believe that losing my friends is not worth striving for this goal. But then I remember. Those whom despise you, those who are offended at you, or those who part ways with you, can be some of the greatest teachers you will ever have in life. Perhaps I should thank them if I ever see them again.

But for now, I regret what I have become, for it seems now that it has done more harm than good. For that, I am sorry for the friends I have lost.

You should do more and pontificate less.
Actually, Sherry, that's exactly why. But for some reason I think the person I debate with here is as real as a person I meet on the street. So are you less of a person because I met you on a forum? What does that make me?

A person who has unrealistic expectations and is setting himself up for failure...you're clearly more determined to justify your actions than listen to an alternate perspective. Good luck.

No, I don't expect anything out of anyone, perhaps that's why I don't care to make real friends in my world. Perhaps I've had too many of them betray me and let me down because I didn't meld with them or their precepts. It isn't that I wasn't listening to you, you made the assumption that it was something that could be solved easily with a couple of paragraphs. I am determined to believe that you can't measure the 'realness' of a person by whether they sit behind a keyboard or are standing in front of you. Both of them are living, breathing human beings. It's equally disappointing to lose either one as a friend. But now... maybe I should stop digging my own grave.

Thank you for your efforts.
I am sorry my views displease, hurt, or downright appall you. I am sorry if what I believe is disconcerting or confusing to you. I am not here to please anyone. But one thing I do care about, are my friends. I am sorry if I have hurt you, but I honestly cannot change my opinions or my beliefs so they do not hurt you less. If I am not your ideal of a man, so be it. A role model I am not, a model Christian I am not. But honesty is so important to me, that I dare not hide from it. If my honesty displeases or hurts you, then I am sorry. But I will not stop. It hurts when people break friendships with you for being honest, or holding some sort of view. I cannot fathom holding back the truth for the sake of a friendship. I grew up being taught never to keep secrets or hold back for fear of offending someone, because essentially they are both forms of lying. I cannot imagine doing no greater disservice to a friend, than to keep the truth from them.

So if my forthrightness is harmful, then so be it. I am sorry, but I shall not stop. It is a blessing to me that I can speak my mind and revere the truth. I don't want to lose friends over it, but I will not sacrifice my honesty, my views or who I am for their sensibilities. It is not in my being to coddle anyone. I wasn't. From day one, I was exposed to the reality of life. I regret losing my friends. I wish I had some of them back, but that is the price I paid for being who and what I am. But knowing this, I am pleading with one in particular, @Pogo to understand. For now, I appear to be a villain in his eyes, and I fear that I have yet lost another friend for want of staying true to what I am. I am beginning to believe that losing my friends is not worth striving for this goal. But then I remember. Those whom despise you, those who are offended at you, or those who part ways with you, can be some of the greatest teachers you will ever have in life. Perhaps I should thank them if I ever see them again.

But for now, I regret what I have become, for it seems now that it has done more harm than good. For that, I am sorry for the friends I have lost.

You should do more and pontificate less.

And how exactly do I 'pontificate'?
I am sorry for the friends I have lost. A monologue of regret.
When will you start a thread apologizing for being a narcissistic prima donna?

You obviously have issues, seek out counseling soon.

And dwelling on ‘regret’ and the past is the worst thing you can do.

When will you make a thread apologizing for how much of a jerk you were just then?

I have never understood how people can garner that I am a narcissist.
One other thing. I would seek counseling, but each and every one I have seen has failed to remedy the problems I had. Not to mention that paying for one is beyond my own capabilities. So, to say I need counseling is an understatement. Do you really think I like posting on political boards about my problems? We all have them, but as I have done before, I have shown support for those who needed it... I reasonably assumed I would receive the same response back.
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If I cannot get along with people here, what makes me think I'll get along with people in my real life? I don't understand how one relationship is less valuable than another...

First, human face to face interactions have more than just written text to convey information. Also, on this board you come off as a bit of an entitled drama queen looking for attention. We don't get to see the whole person and we largely don't care because most people are concerned with those that are active participants in their lives. You aren't an active participant for most of us here.

Also, you should rethink your perspective of living a life depending on others for your basic needs. Barring that, you should rethink the time you spend posting here. Most of us do it to relax and blow off steam after working to provide for our families. You seem to do this as a form of having "something to do." If you need to do something, start a charity site.

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