"I Am The Chosen One"

When backed into a corner it's always Obama's fault This POS has gotten so used to lying he can do it right to Americas face and get away with it.....Denying people from testifying is obstruction for example
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.
Coloured fella, wasn't he?
Simply because he has all the leftie medias with him.

Of course it's the media's fault. With Trump, it's always someone else's fault. Never his fault. It's not anything HE's done. Trump has never taken responsibility for any of his fuck ups. The bankruptcies were other people's fault. The law suits - he's just defending his rights. The business losses - paper losses. He was really making money.

Trump has to have an enemy. Every morning, like Don Quixote, Trump wakes up and sets off to slay windmills. If I were a cartoonist, I'd draw a cartoon of Trump dressed as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Everybody likes Obama because he's smart, funny, compassionate, and he made good policy. Trump hates Obama because he's black. Who is the irrational one here?
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.
Coloured fella, wasn't he?
Simply because he has all the leftie medias with him.

Of course it's the media's fault. With Trump, it's always someone else's fault. Never his fault. It's not anything HE's done. Trump has never taken responsibility for any of his fuck ups. The bankruptcies were other people's fault. The law suits - he's just defending his rights. The business losses - paper losses. He was really making money.

Trump has to have an enemy. Every morning, like Don Quixote, Trump wakes up and sets off to slay windmills. If I were a cartoonist, I'd draw a cartoon of Trump dressed as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Everybody likes Obama because he's smart, funny, compassionate, and he made good policy. Trump hates Obama because he's black. Who is the irrational one here?
As if the media did not speak against him 24/24, here in France everything is the fault of Trump, if it's raining it's his fault, it is unbearable at the end, and what happens when they have no choice but to say good things about him, they do it but on the tip of their lips. you all have not digest his victory, get ready for the second round, for the same thing in 2020 and we still have CNN crying and crying, it's pathetic
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.
Coloured fella, wasn't he?
Simply because he has all the leftie medias with him.

Of course it's the media's fault. With Trump, it's always someone else's fault. Never his fault. It's not anything HE's done. Trump has never taken responsibility for any of his fuck ups. The bankruptcies were other people's fault. The law suits - he's just defending his rights. The business losses - paper losses. He was really making money.

Trump has to have an enemy. Every morning, like Don Quixote, Trump wakes up and sets off to slay windmills. If I were a cartoonist, I'd draw a cartoon of Trump dressed as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Everybody likes Obama because he's smart, funny, compassionate, and he made good policy. Trump hates Obama because he's black. Who is the irrational one here?
Trump blames Obama for Russia invading Ukrain Want's Russia in the G8,,,never mind they influenced our election ,never mind all of the other G7 voted them out Ever wonder what Russia has on Trump ?
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well I chose him, and so far he has done more than I was counting on. So one for our side on the score board. I looked at those who ran against him and see the reason that I voted for him. So that is a true statement he is the chosen one. Sorry I just had a thought unless you are a cross hugger and then you might take the words in a different meaning.....Nope he is not the second coming or the first coming or another Obmma. . LOL....
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.
Coloured fella, wasn't he?
Simply because he has all the leftie medias with him.

Of course it's the media's fault. With Trump, it's always someone else's fault. Never his fault. It's not anything HE's done. Trump has never taken responsibility for any of his fuck ups. The bankruptcies were other people's fault. The law suits - he's just defending his rights. The business losses - paper losses. He was really making money.

Trump has to have an enemy. Every morning, like Don Quixote, Trump wakes up and sets off to slay windmills. If I were a cartoonist, I'd draw a cartoon of Trump dressed as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Everybody likes Obama because he's smart, funny, compassionate, and he made good policy. Trump hates Obama because he's black. Who is the irrational one here?
Trump blames Obama for Russia invading Ukrain Want's Russia in the G8,,,never mind they influenced our election ,never mind all of the other G7 voted them out Ever wonder what Russia has on Trump ?
I think I would be worried about what Russia has on Clintons and others.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well I chose him, and so far he has done more than I was counting on. So one for our side on the score board. I looked at those who ran against him and see the reason that I voted for him. So that is a true statement he is the chosen one. Sorry I just had a thought unless you are a cross hugger and then you might take the words in a different meaning.....Nope he is not the second coming or the first coming or another Obmma. . LOL....
Can you tell us why you did vote for him and besides being the most unpredictable president of all time ,what has he done ? please don't count him taking out all our water and air protections put in by Obama
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.
Coloured fella, wasn't he?
Simply because he has all the leftie medias with him.

Of course it's the media's fault. With Trump, it's always someone else's fault. Never his fault. It's not anything HE's done. Trump has never taken responsibility for any of his fuck ups. The bankruptcies were other people's fault. The law suits - he's just defending his rights. The business losses - paper losses. He was really making money.

Trump has to have an enemy. Every morning, like Don Quixote, Trump wakes up and sets off to slay windmills. If I were a cartoonist, I'd draw a cartoon of Trump dressed as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Everybody likes Obama because he's smart, funny, compassionate, and he made good policy. Trump hates Obama because he's black. Who is the irrational one here?
Trump blames Obama for Russia invading Ukrain Want's Russia in the G8,,,never mind they influenced our election ,never mind all of the other G7 voted them out Ever wonder what Russia has on Trump ?
I think I would be worried about what Russia has on Clintons and others.
Clintons were no big friends of Russia If Russia had the goods on them they would have used it
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well I chose him, and so far he has done more than I was counting on. So one for our side on the score board. I looked at those who ran against him and see the reason that I voted for him. So that is a true statement he is the chosen one. Sorry I just had a thought unless you are a cross hugger and then you might take the words in a different meaning.....Nope he is not the second coming or the first coming or another Obmma. . LOL....
Can you tell us why you did vote for him and besides being the most unpredictable president of all time ,what has he done ? please don't count him taking out all our water and air protections put in by Obama
Is your quiver* that depleted.

* Look it up
What a dumb ass thread that has gone on for 30 some pages all for a sarcastic comment?

Seriously, this says more about the corporate propaganda press, and the gullibles that swallow that shit, than it does about the POTUS.

Trump on ‘chosen one’ comment: C’mon, it was sarcasm
Trump on 'chosen one' comment: C'mon, it was sarcasm

. . . Speaking on the South Lawn, Trump was visibly annoyed with being questioned over what he meant when he said he was the “chosen one.”

“Let me tell you — you know exactly what I meant,” he said. “It was sarcasm. It was joking. We were all smiling. And the question like that is just fake news. You’re just a faker.”

Trump’s original comment was made on Wednesday and the left predictably picked it up, took it out of context and ran with it.

“Somebody said it is Trump’s trade war. This isn’t my trade war,” Trump said. “This is a trade war that should have taken place a long time ago by a lot of other presidents.”

He later added, “Somebody had to do it.”

The president then looked up at the sky and said, “I am the chosen one.”

While the left took this comment and tried to use it as an example of the president’s supposed incompetence, it’s clearly a joke from a man frustrated with ridiculous questions from a media pretending like he is the first president to express an issue with China.. . .

and some of you folks wonder why the majority don't even read or follow the major outlets? Seriously?
Last edited:
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well I chose him, and so far he has done more than I was counting on. So one for our side on the score board. I looked at those who ran against him and see the reason that I voted for him. So that is a true statement he is the chosen one. Sorry I just had a thought unless you are a cross hugger and then you might take the words in a different meaning.....Nope he is not the second coming or the first coming or another Obmma. . LOL....
Can you tell us why you did vote for him and besides being the most unpredictable president of all time ,what has he done ? please don't count him taking out all our water and air protections put in by Obama
Is your quiver* that depleted.

* Look it up
I quiver at the thought of being in the same thread as you I have a big brain I know words ....lol
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well I chose him, and so far he has done more than I was counting on. So one for our side on the score board. I looked at those who ran against him and see the reason that I voted for him. So that is a true statement he is the chosen one. Sorry I just had a thought unless you are a cross hugger and then you might take the words in a different meaning.....Nope he is not the second coming or the first coming or another Obmma. . LOL....
Can you tell us why you did vote for him and besides being the most unpredictable president of all time ,what has he done ? please don't count him taking out all our water and air protections put in by Obama
Is your quiver* that depleted.

* Look it up
I quiver at the thought of being in the same thread as you I have a big brain I know words ....lol
We got the snowflake part already. I am sure cowering is much admired in your circles.
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.
Coloured fella, wasn't he?
Simply because he has all the leftie medias with him.

Of course it's the media's fault. With Trump, it's always someone else's fault. Never his fault. It's not anything HE's done. Trump has never taken responsibility for any of his fuck ups. The bankruptcies were other people's fault. The law suits - he's just defending his rights. The business losses - paper losses. He was really making money.

Trump has to have an enemy. Every morning, like Don Quixote, Trump wakes up and sets off to slay windmills. If I were a cartoonist, I'd draw a cartoon of Trump dressed as Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Everybody likes Obama because he's smart, funny, compassionate, and he made good policy. Trump hates Obama because he's black. Who is the irrational one here?
Trump blames Obama for Russia invading Ukrain Want's Russia in the G8,,,never mind they influenced our election ,never mind all of the other G7 voted them out Ever wonder what Russia has on Trump ?
I think I would be worried about what Russia has on Clintons and others.

Seems that all you conservatives can do when Trump screws something up is deflect to Obama or the Clintons. And yeah, if Hillary was in office, I would be concerned if Russia had anything on her.

But, she's not in office, Trump is. And yeah, if Russia has something on him, I'd like to know about it since he's holding the Oval office.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.

I watched it live, and it was a joke. Anybody with a brain could see that was the intent. Looks like you need to go find one.
. . . .and THAT, really, is the problem with politics in America since about 2015.

Ever since Obama roasted Trump.

Let's face it, American politics HAVE become one big joke, so. . . The conservatives decided to nominate and elect a reality TEE VEE star. Hell, we KNOW all the news casters are just actors, aren't they?


The real problem? A lot of Americans have just lost their sense of humor and perspective. They have forgotten, it is all manipulated for the ads, entertainment and power.

The only truth you can really trust these days? IS the LIVE FEED. We need to interpret that for ourselves and ignore the "media," they are nothing but a reality show act and freak show.
When backed into a corner it's always Obama's fault This POS has gotten so used to lying he can do it right to Americas face and get away with it.....Denying people from testifying is obstruction for example

Wrong as usual Eddie. Using executive privilege to deny you your fishing expedition is not obstruction. Try again. And actually study the material this time. Seeing as you morons blamed Bush for 8 years, you can STFU when Obozo gets blamed for his screw ups.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.

I watched it live, and it was a joke. Anybody with a brain could see that was the intent. Looks like you need to go find one.
. . . .and THAT, really, is the problem with politics in America since about 2015.

Ever since Obama roasted Trump.

Let's face it, American politics HAVE become one big joke, so. . . The conservatives decided to nominate and elect a reality TEE VEE star. Hell, we KNOW all the news casters are just actors, aren't they?


The real problem? A lot of Americans have just lost their sense of humor and perspective. They have forgotten, it is all manipulated for the ads, entertainment and power.

The only truth you can really trust these days? IS the LIVE FEED. We need to interpret that for ourselves and ignore the "media," they are nothing but a reality show act and freak show.

Those kids who have been separated from their parents - a laugh a minute. Same with the 5 million people who've lost their health care. Or those guys who work at the Chevy plant that's closing. They just need to lighten up.

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