"I Am The Chosen One"

You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
He was chosen by the voters, so yes.
Then why look up to G-d when declaring himself the "Chosen One?"
Maybe God did choose Trump to deal with China.

Can you prove that's not true?

Whose God? Certaily not my God. He stays completely out of my politics. I do try to choose moral leaders who reflect the values I choose to live by though, so no, my God would never have chosen a man like Trump.

Your God? I don't think your God is poliically qualified, nor does he seem to understand economics, tariffs or trade wars. If he does, he chose Trump because he wants China to win.

I want God to stay out of politics. Completely.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
He was chosen by the voters, so yes.
Then why look up to G-d when declaring himself the "Chosen One?"
Maybe God did choose Trump to deal with China.

Can you prove that's not true?

Whose God? Certaily not my God. He stays completely out of my politics. I do try to choose moral leaders who reflect the values I choose to live by though, so no, my God would never have chosen a man like Trump.

Your God? I don't think your God is poliically qualified, nor does he seem to understand economics, tariffs or trade wars. If he does, he chose Trump because he wants China to win.

I want God to stay out of politics. Completely.
You don't believe in God, OldLady. You're a baby killer. One day God will sent you to hell.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
He was chosen by the voters, so yes.
Then why look up to G-d when declaring himself the "Chosen One?"
Maybe God did choose Trump to deal with China.

Can you prove that's not true?

Whose God? Certaily not my God. He stays completely out of my politics. I do try to choose moral leaders who reflect the values I choose to live by though, so no, my God would never have chosen a man like Trump.

Your God? I don't think your God is poliically qualified, nor does he seem to understand economics, tariffs or trade wars. If he does, he chose Trump because he wants China to win.

I want God to stay out of politics. Completely.
You don't believe in God, OldLady. You're a baby killer. One day God will sent you to hell.

I have never killed any babies. I believe that God gave women the choice of when to have a baby, and that men like you would take that choice away from us. If God has any issues with my choices, that's between me and Him, and has nothing to do with you.
And an arrogant narcissist.

Oh the horror president Trump is trying to save American jobs and put a stop to China ripping us off. You idiots on the left learned nothing from losing PA, MI, OH, and WI.

In America, estimates say that Chinese suppliers make up 70-80 percent of Walmart’s merchandise, leaving less than 20 percent for American-made products.

Walmart makes $34,985 in profit every minute, meaning that Walmart makes $10 million in profit approximately every five hours.

More than 100 U.S. jobs were displaced for every actual or promised job created through Walmart's Investing in American Jobs initiative.


stfu idiotboi -

You are about 15 chess moves behind president Trump simpleton.

Some day you should explain how, professor.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
He was chosen by the voters, so yes.
Then why look up to G-d when declaring himself the "Chosen One?"
Maybe God did choose Trump to deal with China.

Can you prove that's not true?

Whose God? Certaily not my God. He stays completely out of my politics. I do try to choose moral leaders who reflect the values I choose to live by though, so no, my God would never have chosen a man like Trump.

Your God? I don't think your God is poliically qualified, nor does he seem to understand economics, tariffs or trade wars. If he does, he chose Trump because he wants China to win.

I want God to stay out of politics. Completely.
You don't believe in God, OldLady. You're a baby killer. One day God will sent you to hell.
God has killed more babies than you could ever imagine.
Instead of trying to bring back coal and steel jobs which are NOT coming back because most of those labour intensive jobs have now been automized.
YIKES ! "automized" .. .that sounds painful. :eek:

It is, dope.

past tense: automized; past participle: automized
  1. 1.
    another term for automate.
  2. 2.
    another term for automatize.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
He was chosen by the voters, so yes.
Then why look up to G-d when declaring himself the "Chosen One?"
Maybe God did choose Trump to deal with China.

Can you prove that's not true?
I don't have to prove a negative merely because you cannot prove trump's claim.
Hey dumbest fuck, the people in those counties vote you yellow coward. Boy do you look like a complete fool now. Or your usual look you coward.:21::21:
Nowhere near as stupid as the imbecile counting counties.

Counties don't elect presidents.


Poor little yellow coward. New flash idiot. People in those counties vote moron. Those votes determine who wins. Check back when you get that GED little yellow coward.
So what that people in counties vote? Counties do not and you're a flaming imbecile for even raising such a moronic statement. States count, counties do not. You can have a state produce 50 red counties and just a few blue counties and the state can still go to the Democrat. Why? Because counties couldn't be more meaningless.

And you couldn't be any dumber. Still pushing that "popular vote" myth little yellow coward? You have consistently shown your ignorance and cowardice on a daily basis. :fu: Keep crying. You still lost.

Spits the forum's flaming imbecile who was actually pushing county wins.


Says the forums biggest YELLOW COWARD who claims counties don't matter, the proceeds to give an example referencing......COUNTIES. You stupid fuck, you destroyed your own argument. STFU little yellow coward. You are owned and dismissed little yellow coward.
While Donald Trump is telling the world he’s the “chosen one“, Obama is out Kitesurfing.
So in other words, being the same self-serving useless pustule he was when IN office.
Because he’s Kitesurfing? The racism grows strong in you’re family.

Good news, Deanturd, not only haven't you any clue about racism, but you are medical safe. You can stand to take a blow to the head by a locomotive with no risk of dropping a single IQ point.
A lot of butt-hurt on this thread! Wonder what it'll look like when Trump wins in 2020.
Nowhere near as stupid as the imbecile counting counties.

Counties don't elect presidents.


Poor little yellow coward. New flash idiot. People in those counties vote moron. Those votes determine who wins. Check back when you get that GED little yellow coward.
So what that people in counties vote? Counties do not and you're a flaming imbecile for even raising such a moronic statement. States count, counties do not. You can have a state produce 50 red counties and just a few blue counties and the state can still go to the Democrat. Why? Because counties couldn't be more meaningless.

And you couldn't be any dumber. Still pushing that "popular vote" myth little yellow coward? You have consistently shown your ignorance and cowardice on a daily basis. :fu: Keep crying. You still lost.

Spits the forum's flaming imbecile who was actually pushing county wins.


Says the forums biggest YELLOW COWARD who claims counties don't matter, the proceeds to give an example referencing......COUNTIES. You stupid fuck, you destroyed your own argument. STFU little yellow coward. You are owned and dismissed little yellow coward.
Yep, Trump is the Chosen One.

The Chosen One just purchased a mansion near the waters that will flood the earth in about a decade or so. Trump loves to play with you. You guys are more easy to get over then the evangelical Christians and Christians that let all of this happen from your agendas.
Chosen to take on China and win and did!

Slow down, Bucko. He's taken on China, but so far, there's nothing to show for it but a slow down of the American economy. There's no new trade agreement so he hasn't "won" anything.

But what would "winning" look like. In all of this, Trump hasn't once said what his objectives here are, other than getting a "better" deal for America. What exactly is he trying to achieve? Other than an end to intellectual property theft, what is he trying to get from the Chinese. Does he even know, what he wants other than "a deal"?

I spent the last 10 years of my working life working in Donald Trump's world - high level, big dollar real estate deals. I've participated in the negotiation process. Trump has no clue what he's doing. None. He can't even articulate what it is that he's trying to achieve in these negotiations. This should be very concerning for Americans. Personally, I'd be frightened that the guy who negotiatied his way into 7 major business bankruptcies, and $1 billion in business losses, is now making deals on your behalf.

So far, the Great Negotiator can't make a deal on health care, the Wall, the budget shutdown, or on immigration. On the foreign front, North Korea has played Trump like a fiddle - getting him to agree to letting them keep their nukes, and giving up a box of old bones, and Otto Warmbier. Iran is refusing to negotiate with Trump because he's proven time and time again, his "word" has no meaning. He makes deals and promises one day, and completely reverses course the next. And China has outplayed Trump at every turn.

Trump is really hard up against it with China. Xi doesn't have to worry about re-election. He's President for Life. When Xi orders Chinese oligarchs to abandon the USA, they pivot to other suppliers immediately. Trump tries it and Wall Street says "go fuck yourself".

Trump owns the coming recession like no other President before him. "Trade wars are easy to win". But when you go to war, there's a winner and a loser. And the losers right now, are the American farmers, who are going bankrupt in record numbers. The Chinese didn't do this to you. Trump did it, with his arrogance and his ignorance. While Trump's tariff's are meant to encourage American industries, the Chinese tariff's are meant to harm the American farmers and their investment in American real estate and business purchases. Similarly, Trump's tariffs with the EU were meant to bolster American businesses at home, while the EU targeted major employers in Paul Ryan's and Mitch McConnell's districts. Trump renegotiated NAFTA, and the trade deficit in manufactured goods with Canada has nearly doubled since Trump took office. I think most Canadians would LOVE to go back to the bargaining table with this President.

If I were an American, I would NOT want Donald Trump negotiating ANYTHING that might have long term implications for the planet. Look at how well he's done against Kim Jong Il. Trump got a box of bones and Kim got a promise he can keep his nukes. What a deal maker!!!

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