"I Am The Chosen One"

Israel and zionist jews think they are chosen by...Yahweh a middle east war deity adopted by Moses.. Which is funnier, President Trump doing something or racist mental cases hoping a fake deity does something?
Trump is the man, good job president Trump! :eusa_clap: As for the OP's out of context spin shut the hell up.

I watched the full Trump presser. He called previous presidents to task for not putting a stop to China ripping us off. He said he promised the American people he would deal with this problem, they chose him, and he's fulfilling his campaign promise.

"Trump is the man, good job president Trump! :eusa_clap: As for the OP's out of context spin shut the hell up."

rump is an unethical, immoral conman.

and you conservatives really should stop t
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.

more popular
more respected
a better person
a more moral and ethical person
and much better looking

and Obama was a much better president. He represented ALL of America and not just his base.
When you are not a democratic country you end up with a stupid leader elected by the stupid minority.

for you ^^^

Not a liberal or have any particular party affiliation...but trump and his supporters are the dumbest group of people...and I've seen and met people from 5 different continents.

That's your opinion.

I have mine and it's totally different.

a dotards opinion doesn't count

Buh bye

Obama haters?
Chosen for a difficult assignment that no one else would take on. Not chosen like the Messiah, Libs will make up Anything to further their feelings driven agenda.
And an arrogant narcissist.

Oh the horror president Trump is trying to save American jobs and put a stop to China ripping us off. You idiots on the left learned nothing from losing PA, MI, OH, and WI.
Forcing a rebalancing of trade with China is an admirable pursuit... too bad your boy made people lose sight of that with his Chosen One comment.

Your boy is not very good at this.

He (his big mouth and his senile tweets) is his own worst enemy.

Well no matter how much you whine, Trump did win the election. Thus making him the Chosen One. Chosen by the people.

No, Hillary was chosen by the people. Trump was chosen by the Electoral College.

Really? Trump won over 2400 counties, Hillary won 458.

Sounds to me like the people spoke loudly.
Chosen for a difficult assignment that no one else would take on. Not chosen like the Messiah, Libs will make up Anything to further their feelings driven agenda.

I am waiting for his claim that he walks on water. It won't be long before he does.

next time Air Force 1 is over an ocean, kick his fat ass out the door and tell him to walk home .... put up or shut up.
You just can't make this shit up

Maybe he is. He is the only president to recognize Jerusalem - the city GOD gave to the Jews - as the Jewish capitol. God blesses him for that. He moved the embassy there, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Genesis 12 : 3 : "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Trump has blessed Israel and God has blessed him.

What an ignorant tool.

Yes, you are that, and so much more, fucking asshole.

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