"I Am The Chosen One"

Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ā€˜Second Comingā€™?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

ā€œObama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,ā€ Thomas wrote. ā€œBut itā€™s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.ā€

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled ā€œI Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.ā€

ā€œObama is my homeboy. And Iā€™m not saying that because heā€™s black ā€“ Iā€™m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ā€˜Jesus is my homeboy,ā€™ā€ she wrote. ā€œYes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.ā€

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, ā€œObama is, of course, greater than Jesus.ā€

Additionally, to mark Obamaā€™s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael Dā€™Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word ā€œBarakā€ highlighted. Above Obama was the headline ā€œProphesy Fulfilled.ā€
Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ā€˜Second Comingā€™?
Keep trying tabloid boy. That was clearly a reference to a second term, published the day after his second inauguration.

Actually, it was comparing Obama to being the second coming of Lincoln, because of all the strife that was going on in the country at the time.

But don't worry, he didn't read his own link either.
I'll admit I didn't read it. I looked at the date.

Apparently biker boy didn't read all of it.
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.

100% subjective. What an ignorant comment from a consistently ignorant poster. Amazing.
Coming from one of USMBā€™s primary sponsors of ignorance, your comment will be taken like the crap it is and duly discarded.

Is Trump's deep fear and envy of Obama behind his plan to purchase Greenland?

Trumpā€™s Obama obsession

Trump Is One Bad Day Away from Tweeting ā€œIā€™ve Had Three Times as Many Wives as Obama!ā€

Is Donald Trump working to dismantle Barack Obama's legacy?

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

A bunch of opinion pieces. Duly discarded. Your ignorance of Obozo constantly bashing Trump to anybody who'll listen to him is noted. No former president has ever disgraced himself with the kind of behavior Obozo has displayed.
I am the chosen one and I say any president of the USA who refuses to protect our elections and even accepts help from russia can kiss my white jewish ass

Then let us know when there is one like that Eddie. Even your Saint Mule-er said that didn't happen.
I am the chosen one and I say any president of the USA who refuses to protect our elections and even accepts help from russia can kiss my white jewish ass

Then let us know when there is one like that Eddie. Even your Saint Mule-er said that didn't happen.

Eddie created a sock account. I have Driven him
Mad! Love it.
Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ā€˜Second Comingā€™?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

ā€œObama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,ā€ Thomas wrote. ā€œBut itā€™s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.ā€

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled ā€œI Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.ā€

ā€œObama is my homeboy. And Iā€™m not saying that because heā€™s black ā€“ Iā€™m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ā€˜Jesus is my homeboy,ā€™ā€ she wrote. ā€œYes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.ā€

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, ā€œObama is, of course, greater than Jesus.ā€

Additionally, to mark Obamaā€™s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael Dā€™Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word ā€œBarakā€ highlighted. Above Obama was the headline ā€œProphesy Fulfilled.ā€
Great, now show where Obama called himself a messiah....
Trump is the man, good job president Trump! :eusa_clap: As for the OP's out of context spin shut the hell up.

I watched the full Trump presser. He called previous presidents to task for not putting a stop to China ripping us off. He said he promised the American people he would deal with this problem, they chose him, and he's fulfilling his campaign promise.
Gimme a break. Trump gone to war with China? Trumps so called trade war is nothing but a smokescreen because American companies want to make it easier for themselves to do business over there & move more jobs to China for the cheap labor. But it won't work. Once Trump gets paid off by the Chinese he'll sell U.S. companies down the river just like he's done his entire adult life. This trade bullshit is just another one of his shakedowns.

I am the chosen one and I say any president of the USA who refuses to protect our elections and even accepts help from russia can kiss my white jewish ass

Then let us know when there is one like that Eddie. Even your Saint Mule-er said that didn't happen.
Guess you were deaf when trump asked for russian help
He never did Eddie. Then again you're just stupid, so.......
Oh he sure did and he also said he believed putin more than our FBI Can't call you stupid but you must be FN deaf and blind
I am the chosen one and I say any president of the USA who refuses to protect our elections and even accepts help from russia can kiss my white jewish ass

Then let us know when there is one like that Eddie. Even your Saint Mule-er said that didn't happen.
Guess you were deaf when trump asked for russian help
He never did Eddie. Then again you're just stupid, so.......
Yeah lantern he never did lol
Trump says he joked about wanting Russian help in 2016. The facts ...

https://www.cnn.com ā€ŗ 2019/03/05 ā€ŗ politics ā€ŗ trump-emails-joke

Mar 5, 2019 - President Trump claimx he was joking when he asked the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 campaign. But court filings ...
Trump Is Assailed for Saying He Would Take Campaign Help From ...

https://www.nytimes.com ā€ŗ 2019/06/13 ā€ŗ politics ā€ŗ trump-russia-campaign-h...

Jun 13, 2019 - Mr. Trump's defiant declaration that ā€œI'd take itā€ if Russia again offered ... fueling calls for legislation requiring candidates to report such offers to ...
"U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday his life would be easier if he had not mounted a trade war with China but said ā€œI am the chosen oneā€ to take on Beijing."

THAT and 1 more sentence is the ENTIRE 'article'....


See, THIS is why people like the OP are branded 'Snowflakes' - fragile, easily bruised / offended creatures of partisan EMOTION.

I am sorry to bring reality into a perfectly good Leftist / Trump-hating meltdown, but Donald Trump IS the 'Chosen One'.

Voters chose him in election booths. He was CHOSEN to be President in 2016...

...but, again, don't let a little thing like REALITY / FACTS stop your 4-Alarm Trump-hating Emotional Dumpster Fire....

"U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday his life would be easier if he had not mounted a trade war with China but said ā€œI am the chosen oneā€ to take on Beijing."

THAT and 1 more sentence is the ENTIRE 'article'....


See, THIS is why people like the OP are branded 'Snowflakes' - fragile, easily bruised / offended creatures of partisan EMOTION.

I am sorry to bring reality into a perfectly good Leftist / Trump-hating meltdown, but Donald Trump IS the 'Chosen One'.

Voters chose him in election booths. He was CHOSEN to be President in 2016...

...but, again, don't let a little thing like REALITY / FACTS stop your 4-Alarm Trump-hating Emotional Dumpster Fire....

Reality is his party lost the house big time Next comes the senate
Reality is his party lost the house big time Next comes the senate
Attempt to hijack / divert the discussion from the thread topic after getting his / their ads kicked duly noted....RIGHT ON CUE...

Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ā€˜Second Comingā€™?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

ā€œObama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,ā€ Thomas wrote. ā€œBut itā€™s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.ā€

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled ā€œI Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.ā€

ā€œObama is my homeboy. And Iā€™m not saying that because heā€™s black ā€“ Iā€™m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ā€˜Jesus is my homeboy,ā€™ā€ she wrote. ā€œYes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.ā€

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, ā€œObama is, of course, greater than Jesus.ā€

Additionally, to mark Obamaā€™s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael Dā€™Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word ā€œBarakā€ highlighted. Above Obama was the headline ā€œProphesy Fulfilled.ā€
You're missing the whole point kid, Barack Obama never described himself that way.
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.

Popular and respected? Not by anyone I've ever met. He had 50 organizations suing to impeach him his first term as a liar and fraud, while the other half considered him the worst president in US History. In between, the Supreme Court slapped him down half a dozen times for exceeding his authority as president. The only fools stupid enough to like and respect him are either the idiots hoping to get a free cell phone off the guy, racist enough to just want him in because he was a smug, well-dressed, cocky Black, the enviro-globalist foreign countries whose dicks he all sucked or those dumb enough to now vote for Liz Warren as representing the American Indian interest.

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