"I Am The Chosen One"

I am the chosen one and I say any president of the USA who refuses to protect our elections and even accepts help from russia can kiss my white jewish ass

Then let us know when there is one like that Eddie. Even your Saint Mule-er said that didn't happen.
Guess you were deaf when trump asked for russian help
He never did Eddie. Then again you're just stupid, so.......
Yeah lantern he never did lol
Trump says he joked about wanting Russian help in 2016. The facts ...

https://www.cnn.com › 2019/03/05 › politics › trump-emails-joke

Mar 5, 2019 - President Trump claimx he was joking when he asked the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 campaign. But court filings ...
Trump Is Assailed for Saying He Would Take Campaign Help From ...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2019/06/13 › politics › trump-russia-campaign-h...

Jun 13, 2019 - Mr. Trump's defiant declaration that “I'd take it” if Russia again offered ... fueling calls for legislation requiring candidates to report such offers to ...

The New York Times? You really are a desperate liar. Too bad even Mueller said it didn't happen. Now you're going nuts on a hypothetical situation. As in IT NEVER HAPPENED. Try again Eddie, you failed again. Hey jackass, those articles have ZERO to do with 2016. You aren't a very good liar.
Senator Tom cotton is now insisting that the whole Greenland debacle was actually his idea. And he told Trump about it.
Oh he sure did and he also said he believed putin more than our FBI
Yeah, it's a shame President Trump was proven correct about the treason ous Obama FBI...



Trump hasn't been proven correct about anything, especially as it relates to Obama. Everything Trump has done is a failure, including his lies about Obama.

Trump has made a major mess of foreign trade, and foreign relations. Just witness his dust up with Denmark this week. Iran won't negotiate with him. Kim played him utterly, and Trump plays Reek to Putin's Bolton. Witness his grovelling to the G7 to including Putin this week. That's not going to happen.
Oh he sure did and he also said he believed putin more than our FBI
Yeah, it's a shame President Trump was proven correct about the treason ous Obama FBI...



Trump hasn't been proven correct about anything, especially as it relates to Obama. Everything Trump has done is a failure, including his lies about Obama.

Trump has made a major mess of foreign trade, and foreign relations. Just witness his dust up with Denmark this week. Iran won't negotiate with him. Kim played him utterly, and Trump plays Reek to Putin's Bolton. Witness his grovelling to the G7 to including Putin this week. That's not going to happen.
Poor, poor DL....embarrassed by being corrected about how Trump IS the 'Chosen One', having been CHOSEN to be President in 2016...

Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.”
Great, now show where Obama called himself a messiah....

Pretty weak, dumbass.
I am the chosen one and I say any president of the USA who refuses to protect our elections and even accepts help from russia can kiss my white jewish ass

Then let us know when there is one like that Eddie. Even your Saint Mule-er said that didn't happen.
Guess you were deaf when trump asked for russian help
He never did Eddie. Then again you're just stupid, so.......
Yeah lantern he never did lol
Trump says he joked about wanting Russian help in 2016. The facts ...

https://www.cnn.com › 2019/03/05 › politics › trump-emails-joke

Mar 5, 2019 - President Trump claimx he was joking when he asked the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton's emails during the 2016 campaign. But court filings ...
Trump Is Assailed for Saying He Would Take Campaign Help From ...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2019/06/13 › politics › trump-russia-campaign-h...

Jun 13, 2019 - Mr. Trump's defiant declaration that “I'd take it” if Russia again offered ... fueling calls for legislation requiring candidates to report such offers to ...

The New York Times? You really are a desperate liar. Too bad even Mueller said it didn't happen. Now you're going nuts on a hypothetical situation. As in IT NEVER HAPPENED. Try again Eddie, you failed again. Hey jackass, those articles have ZERO to do with 2016. You aren't a very good liar.
Lantern see a fn shrink you're losing it
Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.”
You're missing the whole point kid, Barack Obama never described himself that way.

Yep, this must be another one of those times where every fricken loon is making the claim, but your weakass claim is that "I didn't say that".


Hey Yellow coward. Trump won over 3000 counties to less than 100 for Hillary. He was chosen. That yellow streak looks to have reached that empty space between your ears coward.

Dumbfuck, counties don't pick the president.

Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.”
Great, now show where Obama called himself a messiah....

Pretty weak, dumbass.

You're fucking deranged.

You're actually tying to compare others calling Obama, "Messiah," where Obama never said that of himself ..... with trump hallucinating that he's the "chosen one" while looking up to the sky.

Even worse for your delusions, when that stark difference is pointed out to you, you take the coward man's bluff of trying to dismiss your defeat as if my pointing that out is, "pretty weak."

Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.

With you commies maybe...the rest of the world is terrified of China as well they should be. Trump is the perfect man for the job at hand.....brilliant, arrogant, tough as a two dollar steak. China is terrified of him as well they should be. Once Barry bowed, they had him...Trump bows to no man.

:21::abgg2q.jpg::th_believecrap:, to freaking funny. Nobody but other Rethugs are afraid of Tramp, nobody!
Trump cant stsnd the fact Obama is more popular and respected than he is.

With you commies maybe...the rest of the world is terrified of China as well they should be. Trump is the perfect man for the job at hand.....brilliant, arrogant, tough as a two dollar steak. China is terrified of him as well they should be. Once Barry bowed, they had him...Trump bows to no man.

:21::abgg2q.jpg::th_believecrap:, to freaking funny. Nobody but other Rethugs are afraid of Tramp, nobody!
Trump should run his protection like Barry. But then again he is trying to remind us we are free. All of those entertainers/politicians threatening him and civilians have gotten away with a lot.
Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.”
Great, now show where Obama called himself a messiah....

Pretty weak, dumbass.
Lol, no. He pretty much owned you.
Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.”
You're missing the whole point kid, Barack Obama never described himself that way.

Yep, this must be another one of those times where every fricken loon is making the claim, but your weakass claim is that "I didn't say that".
I've pretty much owned you as well.
Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

Did you even bother to read your own link? It was comparing Obama to the second coming of Lincoln, not Jesus, even said so in your link.

From your link.............................

While writer Evan Thomas insinuates later within the body of the article that the comparison was rather to Abraham Lincoln, others have found the cover to be a messianic statement that makes a play of Scripture.

“Obama may not be the second coming of Lincoln, and our times are hardly as desperate as the civil war,” Thomas wrote. “But it’s a good bet that Obama is more ambivalent than he lets on about the proper roads fostering prosperity while at the same time, cutting red ink, a challenge that divides the best of economists.”

Many have been describing Obama as a type of messiah even before his first four years in office. Writer Dave Jolly notes that during the last election, Maggie Mertens, associate editor for the Smith College newspaper, penned an article entitled “I Will Follow Him: Obama as My Personal Jesus.”

“Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy,’” she wrote. “Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”

Jolly also pointed to an editorial in the Danish newspaper Politiken, which stated, “Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus.”

Additionally, to mark Obama’s 100th day of presidency, artist Michael D’Antuono unveiled a painting that he had crafted, which depicted Obama in the oval office wearing a crown of thorns and raising his arms as if on the cross.

During the Democratic National Convention last September, a number of vendors offered products that depicted Obama as a messiah. One poster that was sold at the DNC displayed the head of Obama, which faded into a graphic of an open Bible with the word “Barak” highlighted. Above Obama was the headline “Prophesy Fulfilled.”
Great, now show where Obama called himself a messiah....

Pretty weak, dumbass.

You're fucking deranged.

You're actually tying to compare others calling Obama, "Messiah," where Obama never said that of himself ..... with trump hallucinating that he's the "chosen one" while looking up to the sky.

Even worse for your delusions, when that stark difference is pointed out to you, you take the coward man's bluff of trying to dismiss your defeat as if my pointing that out is, "pretty weak."

Thinker101 should change his name to Emoter101.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well, let's see. Under Democratic leadership we ended up with huge trade imbalances. He's trying to fix it. Let's see you do better.

You must mean Reagan and Bush Sr and Jr.

I'm not giving them a pass. ALL the president's who allowed the stinking sewage wad of deals to happen deserve to be called out.

You mean the trade deals that made the USA the richest nation on earth, should never have happened?

Trumpbots prove themselves to be the dumbest people on the face of the earth every time they talk about trade. Your trading partners are not “screwing you over”. American corporations are responsible for the off shoring.

That you believe Trump’s lies about your trading partners show that you’re just as stupid as Trump. I’ll bet you believe China is paying the tariffs too.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well, let's see. Under Democratic leadership we ended up with huge trade imbalances. He's trying to fix it. Let's see you do better.

You must mean Reagan and Bush Sr and Jr.

I'm not giving them a pass. ALL the president's who allowed the stinking sewage wad of deals to happen deserve to be called out.

You mean the trade deals that made the USA the richest nation on earth
SHOW US where our China trade deals actually MADE US THE RICHEST NATION ON EARTH.
China's trade deals have made China rich, from a poor 3rd world country to a superpower in just a few decades!
America OTOH has gotten by but would be far better off if the trade had been fair and balanced.
It has left America the CONSUMER of Chinese goods making little in exchange.
As always, another STUPID comment coming out of that second asshole in your neck with no thought behind your blather.
WE GET IT that you'd rather support China than the USA.
Hmmm, let's look at some other headlines from weekly world news...


SATURN IS A GIANT UFO! | Weekly World News

Seems legit, right?

Methinks your post reeks of desperation.

Yep, and some idiots just seem to have a short memory.
Newsweek Hails Obama as Messianic ‘Second Coming’?

It’s one thing when someone else names you the “Chosen One” and a whole other ball of bullshit when name yourself. It’s a whole new level of narcism and mental instability.
You just can't make this shit up:

Trump: ‘I am the chosen one’ to fix U.S. trade imbalance with China

What an ignorant tool.
Well, let's see. Under Democratic leadership we ended up with huge trade imbalances. He's trying to fix it. Let's see you do better.

You must mean Reagan and Bush Sr and Jr.

I'm not giving them a pass. ALL the president's who allowed the stinking sewage wad of deals to happen deserve to be called out.

You mean the trade deals that made the USA the richest nation on earth
SHOW US where our China trade deals actually MADE US THE RICHEST NATION ON EARTH.
China's trade deals have made China rich, from a poor 3rd world country to a superpower in just a few decades!
America OTOH has gotten by but would be far better off if the trade had been fair and balanced.
It has left America the CONSUMER of Chinese goods making little in exchange.
As always, another STUPID comment coming out of that second asshole in your neck with no thought behind your blather.
WE GET IT that you'd rather support China than the USA.

Take an economics course idiot.

American companies hire the Chinese to make goods that Americans used to make. The goods cost less to make. The American companies sell the goods at the same price as American made goods and pocket bigger profits from the cheaper Chinese goods.

What has happened with your trade wars is that Americans are still buying foreign made goods, but your trading partners stopped buying American made goods so your exports declined.

Only an idiot cancels ALL of your trade deals and opens a trade war on all fronts.

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