I am writing in Porky Pig

Back in 1984, at least in California, you could have written in “Bozo the Clown” for President, and you would have been casting a valid vote.

Larry Harmon, one of several actors to have played the part of the iconic clown, ran a write-in campaign for President. I ran an election precinct, that year, and among the materials I was given in this capacity was a list of qualified write-in candidates, along with what variations on their names could be written to cast a valid vote for them. Mr. Harmon was among them, and a valid vote could have been cast for him by writing “Bozo” or “Bozo the Clown”, as well as several variants on his legal name and his birth name.

Ironic given a Bozo The Clown won the last two presidential elections
actually the last 4....
I love porky pig, but donald duck is my personal fave
In reality we have 4 choices on the ballot. They all are horrible choices and none are worthy of consideration.

Worst: Stein - worthless communist and typical Green day dumb ass. Why are Jews so fucking stupid. She is a worthless twat.

Clinton - the most openly corrupt person ever to run for the Presidency.

Trump - has there ever been a more thin skinned then person ever to make a whitehouse run. PCness be damned, but when you make one brain dead comment after another, it is not condemning the culture of PCness, it is childish and foolish. Makes one just look unstable.

Johnson - I like the majority of his policies and I was planning on voting for him. But his stance on illegal immigration and the Islamic invaders disqualifies him in my opinion.

So Porky Pig it is.
Elmer Fudd here

Elmer Fudd here

Glad to meet you Mr Fudd
In reality we have 4 choices on the ballot. They all are horrible choices and none are worthy of consideration.

Worst: Stein - worthless communist and typical Green day dumb ass. Why are Jews so fucking stupid. She is a worthless twat.

Clinton - the most openly corrupt person ever to run for the Presidency.

Trump - has there ever been a more thin skinned then person ever to make a whitehouse run. PCness be damned, but when you make one brain dead comment after another, it is not condemning the culture of PCness, it is childish and foolish. Makes one just look unstable.

Johnson - I like the majority of his policies and I was planning on voting for him. But his stance on illegal immigration and the Islamic invaders disqualifies him in my opinion.

So Porky Pig it is.
Nobody cares what you think. All that matters is your vote. If you think picking a candidate is like orderinng from the Drive-Thru Window menu, you don't understand the US political system. Sad
Clinton is the most sane and has the best policies. I realize she is corrupt but that is something to be expected.

That is your perspective. She is as corrupt as the Banana Republic politicians of South America. She is a horrible section. She would sell out the country to illegals,race hustlers, corrupt Unions, Wall Street, Muslims, Greenies, Foreign Interests and really anyone who keeps her power.

She would be a disaster.

I agree she would be bad, but we have a president that passed one of the biggest domestic policy bills in our countrys' history under false pretenses, mismanaged two wars, paved the way for iranian dukes and a nuclear arms race in the ME, ran the debt up to 19 trillion, put two partisan hacks on the supreme court, etc., etc.. No matter who wins we will have a better president than we have now.
Clinton is the most sane and has the best policies. I realize she is corrupt but that is something to be expected.
The larger the government the more corrupt it is... Thus the very definition of corruption is career politicians and their federal government. Lol
In reality we have 4 choices on the ballot. They all are horrible choices and none are worthy of consideration.

Worst: Stein - worthless communist and typical Green day dumb ass. Why are Jews so fucking stupid. She is a worthless twat.

Clinton - the most openly corrupt person ever to run for the Presidency.

Trump - has there ever been a more thin skinned then person ever to make a whitehouse run. PCness be damned, but when you make one brain dead comment after another, it is not condemning the culture of PCness, it is childish and foolish. Makes one just look unstable.

Johnson - I like the majority of his policies and I was planning on voting for him. But his stance on illegal immigration and the Islamic invaders disqualifies him in my opinion.

So Porky Pig it is.

Matthews vote encapsulates the American public. More concerned about what the Kardashians are up to than our politicians.

Last week the uproar when the networks interrupted some stupid dating show to Show part of the convention speaks volumes of the ignorance of the American voter.

Those morons will be the ones to determine the next president not the ones who have actual civic knowledge.

Pisses me off tbqh
Matthews vote encapsulates the American public. More concerned about what the Kardashians are up to than our politicians.

Last week the uproar when the networks interrupted some stupid dating show to Show part of the convention speaks volumes of the ignorance of the American voter.

Those morons will be the ones to determine the next president not the ones who have actual civic knowledge.

Pisses me off tbqh

If the DNC nominated one of the Kardashian bimbos for President, I'm sure she'd get a lot of support from those on the left wrong.
Matthews vote encapsulates the American public. More concerned about what the Kardashians are up to than our politicians.

Last week the uproar when the networks interrupted some stupid dating show to Show part of the convention speaks volumes of the ignorance of the American voter.

Those morons will be the ones to determine the next president not the ones who have actual civic knowledge.

Pisses me off tbqh

If the DNC nominated one of the Kardashian bimbos for President, I'm sure she'd get a lot of support from those on the left wrong.

I half expected Hillary to pick one of the Kardashian for vp, just to get the horndog vote
In reality we have 4 choices on the ballot. They all are horrible choices and none are worthy of consideration.

Worst: Stein - worthless communist and typical Green day dumb ass. Why are Jews so fucking stupid. She is a worthless twat.

Clinton - the most openly corrupt person ever to run for the Presidency.

Trump - has there ever been a more thin skinned then person ever to make a whitehouse run. PCness be damned, but when you make one brain dead comment after another, it is not condemning the culture of PCness, it is childish and foolish. Makes one just look unstable.

Johnson - I like the majority of his policies and I was planning on voting for him. But his stance on illegal immigration and the Islamic invaders disqualifies him in my opinion.

So Porky Pig it is.
Daffy Duck would be the first truly black president.
In reality we have 4 choices on the ballot. They all are horrible choices and none are worthy of consideration.

Worst: Stein - worthless communist and typical Green day dumb ass. Why are Jews so fucking stupid. She is a worthless twat.

Clinton - the most openly corrupt person ever to run for the Presidency.

Trump - has there ever been a more thin skinned then person ever to make a whitehouse run. PCness be damned, but when you make one brain dead comment after another, it is not condemning the culture of PCness, it is childish and foolish. Makes one just look unstable.

Johnson - I like the majority of his policies and I was planning on voting for him. But his stance on illegal immigration and the Islamic invaders disqualifies him in my opinion.

So Porky Pig it is.

Never Porky

Write in Petunia


Vote to put a woman in office, to appease the Democrats
She does have the required vagina to get the Democrat vote this cycle. Spread the word.
Clinton is the most sane and has the best policies. I realize she is corrupt but that is something to be expected.

This is the first post I've seen by this jabbering retard that didn't contain some babble about republicrats blocking infrastructure spending.

However it is yet another perfect illustration of Weapons Grade Stupidity. You have to be dangerously stupid, as in a threat to other people's safety to knowingly support a candidate who willfully violates laws, undermines national security, and promotes a globalist agenda.

People as stupid as Matturd would not exist if excessive safety measures prevented this mindless imbeciles ancestry from taking themselves out generations ago. These are the sorts of idiots that used to try to beat the train at crossings, or dropped the hair dryer while in the bath tub.

If people don't believe Hillary is honest but are STILL willing to vote for her over Trump, maybe there's something wrong with Trump and not the voters.

The Democrats run the most vulnerable candidate they can find, and the GOP reacts by running this guy.

You can't make this shit up.

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