I believe in both the gender spectrum and the bell curve


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
I believe in both the gender spectrum and the bell curve. Something for both sides to agree and disagree with me on but they make a lot of sense when looking at the world.

1. Every study on transgenderism has shown that the wiring of the brain is similar to the gender that person "acts out" in life. NOT the one they're born with!
2. You can see a hole shit load of black, gray onto white looking at society...One example is the formers tomboy daughter in the 19th and early 20th century...You can bet your ass todays liberalism didn't do that but it still happened! Or the manly woman of today for another example....Or we can look at another example of a man being non-mucho and wishing to act out the woman role...Do you really think that everything is black and white? I certainly see no reason for your belief.

3. Yes, liberals will hate it but the bell curve is also right....The funny thing is asian people in China, Japan, Korea's, etc have a higher means iq then white europeans! So hahaha!!! But it paints a pretty bad picture with anyone that has spent thousands of years in the equatorial tropics avging a far lower iq. My belief is "iq" or the ability to construct was refined based on the need to stay warm and feed oneself within harsh conditions over tens of thousands of years.

If you eat mainly fruit + don't need to stay warm = evolution fucked you.
If you had to hunt big game in Europe during the ice age or North America or North Asia and needed to build shelter = you won.

Both "theories" explain a lot about our world.

I am of the belief that the best environment for transgenderism is probably one of both worlds that allow for a easy life and lots of food...Where the person can consider who they're and be respected enough to make that choice.

Such a example would be the subtropics where America, Japan, and most of europe falls within. Civilization in many ways allows the person to be who their wiring tells them to be and they can freely be so...Something also linked to IQ looking at Africa, central America or many places around the tropical region of our planet. On the other hand cold areas like Russia and Northern canada would almost certainly demand conformity...Conformity is bad as it normally means you're less free but sometimes survival is more important.
And this is just a general rule as Thailand and some other places in southeastern asia are extremely populated by transgender people. Maybe they break the general tropical "iq" rule?
My belief for the reason for the breaking of this rule has to do with organized need to work together as a people to eat...

Think about it
Africa and middle east generally do NOT work together and every man is more or less to themselves..This makes it hard.

Meanwhile southeast asia millions of people are working together to pick rice, fish ,etc.

It is this that makes southeast asia more like northern asia or Europe.
Come to think about it working together as a people is a sign of intelligence..So nations and societies that have a lot of transgender people are more intelligent then ones that don't.
I believe in both the gender spectrum and the bell curve. Something for both sides to agree and disagree with me on but they make a lot of sense when looking at the world.

1. Every study on transgenderism has shown that the wiring of the brain is similar to the gender that person "acts out" in life. NOT the one they're born with!
2. You can see a hole shit load of black, gray onto white looking at society...One example is the formers tomboy daughter in the 19th and early 20th century...You can bet your ass todays liberalism didn't do that but it still happened! Or the manly woman of today for another example....Or we can look at another example of a man being non-mucho and wishing to act out the woman role...Do you really think that everything is black and white? I certainly see no reason for your belief.

3. Yes, liberals will hate it but the bell curve is also right....The funny thing is asian people in China, Japan, Korea's, etc have a higher means iq then white europeans! So hahaha!!! But it paints a pretty bad picture with anyone that has spent thousands of years in the equatorial tropics avging a far lower iq. My belief is "iq" or the ability to construct was refined based on the need to stay warm and feed oneself within harsh conditions over tens of thousands of years.

If you eat mainly fruit + don't need to stay warm = evolution fucked you.
If you had to hunt big game in Europe during the ice age or North America or North Asia and needed to build shelter = you won.

Both "theories" explain a lot about our world.

I am of the belief that the best environment for transgenderism is probably one of both worlds that allow for a easy life and lots of food...Where the person can consider who they're and be respected enough to make that choice.

Such a example would be the subtropics where America, Japan, and most of europe falls within. Civilization in many ways allows the person to be who their wiring tells them to be and they can freely be so...Something also linked to IQ looking at Africa, central America or many places around the tropical region of our planet. On the other hand cold areas like Russia and Northern canada would almost certainly demand conformity...Conformity is bad as it normally means you're less free but sometimes survival is more important.
I think that the liberal parents instead of being adults in the room, decided not to confront the children and put them on the right path. Liberals love to fuck with the minds of children, why else did they create Common Core and other such nonsense? Because they know that Marxism can only be achieved by deception and changing the views of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil, for when children are brought up with morals, then those children will grow up as God wants them to. When they are deceived, then Lucifer wins.

There are two books being pushed in todays war on ideologies, which one do you follow?
The Bible - God- Goodness

The Rules for Radicals, - Lucifer - Evil..

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Come to think about it working together as a people is a sign of intelligence..So nations and societies that have a lot of transgender people are more intelligent then ones that don't.
So when a man puts on a woman's dress, his IQ goes up?

Sounds reasonable to me. ...... :cuckoo: .... :lol:
Come to think about it working together as a people is a sign of intelligence..So nations and societies that have a lot of transgender people are more intelligent then ones that don't.
So when a man puts on a woman's dress, his IQ goes up?

Sounds reasonable to me. ...... :cuckoo: .... :lol:

When Matthew puts on a dress and takes it up the ass, he's filled with new ideas. :lmao:

Oh God, I think I just threw up a bit! :laugh:
Mathew is trying to sort out the world without resorting to the jingoism so evident most of the people posting here. When you do that, you go down many paths and blind alleys. And when trying to figure out the reason for the difference in cultures, and individuals, the factors are enormous. Only now, with the advent of DNA testing are we finding out that the various populations have different inheritances from people such as the Neanderthal and Denisovian. It seems that the hybridization has had certain advantages. Now we are engaged in even further hybridization as the worlds populations intermingle. Soon, here in the US, the majority of people will be of mixed race. For the future of our species, I think this will be a good thing.

And after all of that being said, it is still the individual that makes the great advances. And we see those kinds of individuals with creativity far above the average in every race.
I believe in both the gender spectrum and the bell curve. Something for both sides to agree and disagree with me on but they make a lot of sense when looking at the world.

1. Every study on transgenderism has shown that the wiring of the brain is similar to the gender that person "acts out" in life. NOT the one they're born with!
2. You can see a hole shit load of black, gray onto white looking at society...One example is the formers tomboy daughter in the 19th and early 20th century...You can bet your ass todays liberalism didn't do that but it still happened! Or the manly woman of today for another example....Or we can look at another example of a man being non-mucho and wishing to act out the woman role...Do you really think that everything is black and white? I certainly see no reason for your belief.

3. Yes, liberals will hate it but the bell curve is also right....The funny thing is asian people in China, Japan, Korea's, etc have a higher means iq then white europeans! So hahaha!!! But it paints a pretty bad picture with anyone that has spent thousands of years in the equatorial tropics avging a far lower iq. My belief is "iq" or the ability to construct was refined based on the need to stay warm and feed oneself within harsh conditions over tens of thousands of years.

If you eat mainly fruit + don't need to stay warm = evolution fucked you.
If you had to hunt big game in Europe during the ice age or North America or North Asia and needed to build shelter = you won.

Both "theories" explain a lot about our world.

I am of the belief that the best environment for transgenderism is probably one of both worlds that allow for a easy life and lots of food...Where the person can consider who they're and be respected enough to make that choice.

Such a example would be the subtropics where America, Japan, and most of europe falls within. Civilization in many ways allows the person to be who their wiring tells them to be and they can freely be so...Something also linked to IQ looking at Africa, central America or many places around the tropical region of our planet. On the other hand cold areas like Russia and Northern canada would almost certainly demand conformity...Conformity is bad as it normally means you're less free but sometimes survival is more important.
A bell curve is no better than the data put onto it. If the data is flawed, any bell curve used to illustrate an array or distribution based on that data is flawed

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