I blame Bushes for destabilizing Iraq, but I blame Nouri al-Maliki for current crisis

The debunked claim made by the far left blog site think progress comes up once again.

Oh my the far left is on fire with their lies to defend Obama's illegal operations in Iraq.

U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement was abandoned by Obama to appease the far left base, like you.

Obama has zero legal authority to use military force in Iraq. NONE!

So why do continue to back Obama in illegal operations in Iraq?

I'm against Obama being there - but it seems to be legal.

No you support Obama being there and it is NOT legal.

You are scary dumb and ignorant.
Since we only have one president at a time - who else could I have supported?

Long live the Dixie Chicks!

So, you never criticized him or called him a liar while he was in office?

Sure I called him a liar. He was a liar.

Yet you can not do that with the far left Obama.

Oh well just showed that you truly support and agree with Obama and his illegal actions, even though you try and divert using words that you do not mean.
Since the end of 2012, many peaceful protests have been organized throughout Iraq against the sectarian policy and continuing human rights violations committed by Maliki’s forces, whose crackdowns against protests became increasingly draconian over the time. Mass campaigns of arbitrary arrests became the rule rather than the exception, execution rates rose to record levels, next to an alarmingly increasing number of target killings of opposition leaders. The official justification by the government for its excessive use of force was always “national security”, however very soon it became clear, that the government’s proclaimed “fight against terrorism” was mainly aimed against al Maliki’s opponents.

The opposition to the human rights violations committed by the al-Maliki Regime’s was especially strong in the Anbar province. In order to have an official justification to act against the uprisings al-Maliki thus declared protest camps as infiltrated by terrorists even if such claims never proved to be true. Despite the obvious groundlessness of the allegations the government continued to accuse those who criticise the regime of being terrorists. In December 2013, apparently as a show-off of power in view of his decreasing popularity ahead of the upcoming elections in April, Prime Minister Maliki then increased the already high level of pressure on the protestors.

During all the Iraqi PM al-Maliki publicly vowed to eliminate "all terrorist groups" and called to fight with all means. Several times he came out on TV inciting his followers with sectarian language to support him at all means in his fight against the inhabitants of the al-Anbar province. In view of the in discriminatory attacks by the al-Maliki forces and their well known brutality the residents of the city then founded a Council and decided that the city would defend itself against a possible attack. It is therefore important to understand that those residents who are presented as terrorists are defending themselves out of fear against Maliki’s forces and that they are ordinary citizens, in no way affiliated to any terrorist group.

Al Maliki’s official portrayal of terrorists brought him the immediate support from the USA as well as from Iran and Russia. Other voices however, such as a the senior EU lawmaker Struan Stevenson, a member of the European parliament who chairs the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq warned that “Iraq is plummeting rapidly towards civil war and genocide”. According to his estimation an onslaught against supposed Al Qaeda terrorists in 6 Iraqi Provinces is no more than a cover for the annihilation of those parties opposed to the increasingly sectarian policies of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Stevenson’s further warned that claims by al-Maliki were "utter nonsense". Still, he had convinced his allies that “he is fighting a war on terror and they are pouring in rockets, drones and other military hardware which Maliki is using to bomb and kill civilian targets".

More: Stop al-Maliki brutality against civilians

While the world’s attention has been fixated on the rapid advance and conquering of territory by ISIS/ISIL in Iraq, a clear shift has taken place in the rhetoric against, and analysis of, Prime Minster Nouri al-Maliki and his government. Though he was praised up and down by Washington while US troops remained on Iraqi soil, in the nearly three years since their exit he has transmogrified into a brutal sectarian autocrat evoking the worst aspects of both Saddam’s regime and that of his Shia neighbors and allies in Iran. What could possibly account for such a dramatic about-face?

Today Iraq is at war, and in danger of breaking apart. With Islamist militants and Sunni insurgents fighting a war against the government in Baghdad, the country is headed for total collapse and partition. But this war did not start with ISIS conquering Mosul. It did not start with Maliki consolidating power. It began before the last US troops ever left Iraq. It began when Maliki decided that he would not be cowed by US threats and diktats. It began the second Iraq tried to assert itself independently. And for this, Iraq is paying the ultimate price.

More: The Strange Case of Nouri al-Maliki | New Eastern Outlook

This was easily foreseeable as Maliki (Shiite) and his cronies continued to brutally consolidate their sectarian power in government and military to the exclusion of other sects.

What a fucking pantload. This has nothing at all to do with Sunni disenchantment with a Shia government.

ISIS couldn't give a rats ass about who is in power in Baghdad. I know Obama is aiming for a two for one to try to rid Syria of Assad and Iraq of Maliki but this bullshit you are trotting out in good Obamabot fashion is beyond the pale.
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Why are Bush, Cheney, and Rice so quiet on the current Iraq crisis?

Because they are a decent lot not wanting to run out and say "Obama you really fucked up"?


Sure, blame it all on the black guy.

Whenever you back a lying liberal in to a corner and prove your argument, OUT COMES THE RACE PIMP and his tired race card.. YOUR BOY LIED and has gotten us back in to war with Iraq.. THAT HAS ZERO to do with the color of the man's skin.. IT's called integrity.. something your boy king has very little, if any of. He lied about saving Detroit, he lied about if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance, he lied about getting out of Iraq and never putting ground troops there, he lied about Russia not being a threat.. He is thoroughly incompetent and a serial liar to boot.. YOU 20%ers are all that's left of his Presidency.. Enjoy it.
Obama's skin color forced him to lie about Americans being able to keep their insurance?? He lied to dying cancer patients.. that was because of skin color?? REALLY?? Is a man insulated against the TRUTH because the pigmentation in his skin is darker than others???
Uh....Obama and Biden said Iraq was their greatest accomplishment.....so shut the fuck up about blaming this on Bush.
Why are Bush, Cheney, and Rice so quiet on the current Iraq crisis?

Bush has not said anything about anything since he left office. That is because he is an honorable man.

As for Cheney and Rice, perhaps you haven't been paying attention, which will come as a surprise to no one.

Dick Cheney and Rand Paul clash over Iraq - The Washington Post

Condoleezza Rice on ISIS: 'We do not want these people in charge' | AL.com

Duh, that ain't true, sparky.
BAGHDAD, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki indicated that he will not drop his bid for a third term and accused the president of violating the constitution in a tough televised speech likely to deepen political tensions as a Sunni insurgency rages.

Maliki, seen as an authoritarian and sectarian leader, has defied calls by Sunnis, Kurds, some fellow Shi'ites and regional power broker Iran to step aside for a less polarizing figure who can unite Iraqis against Islamic State militants. (Reporting by Ahmed Rasheed; Editing by Sandra Maler; writing by Michael Georgy)

Iraqi PM Maliki Accuses President Of Violating The Constitution

Coup talk. Sounds like Maliki's days as Prime Minister of Iraq are getting shorter and shorter. May he follow in the footsteps of Saddam.
TROOPS loyal to controversial Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki have sealed off Baghdad’s “Green Zone” in an apparent coup.

“There is a huge security presence, police and army, especially around the Green Zone,” the highly-protected district that houses Iraq’s key institutions, a high-ranking police officer has confirmed to AFP.

He said the deployment started at around 10:30 pm Iraq time, just 90 minutes before Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced on state television he would file a complaint against the president for violating the constitution.

“There is security everywhere in Baghdad, these are very unusual measures that look like those we impose for a state of emergency,” the police official said.

More: Troops surround Baghdad 'Green Zone' as embattled Prime Minister Maliki appears to cling to power | News.com.au

Get that asshole Maliki out of power.
TROOPS loyal to controversial Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki have sealed off Baghdad’s “Green Zone” in an apparent coup.

“There is a huge security presence, police and army, especially around the Green Zone,” the highly-protected district that houses Iraq’s key institutions, a high-ranking police officer has confirmed to AFP.

He said the deployment started at around 10:30 pm Iraq time, just 90 minutes before Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced on state television he would file a complaint against the president for violating the constitution.

“There is security everywhere in Baghdad, these are very unusual measures that look like those we impose for a state of emergency,” the police official said.

More: Troops surround Baghdad 'Green Zone' as embattled Prime Minister Maliki appears to cling to power | News.com.au

Get that asshole Maliki out of power.

LMAO----better call your boy in from the golf course.
TROOPS loyal to controversial Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki have sealed off Baghdad’s “Green Zone” in an apparent coup.

“There is a huge security presence, police and army, especially around the Green Zone,” the highly-protected district that houses Iraq’s key institutions, a high-ranking police officer has confirmed to AFP.

He said the deployment started at around 10:30 pm Iraq time, just 90 minutes before Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced on state television he would file a complaint against the president for violating the constitution.

“There is security everywhere in Baghdad, these are very unusual measures that look like those we impose for a state of emergency,” the police official said.

More: Troops surround Baghdad 'Green Zone' as embattled Prime Minister Maliki appears to cling to power | News.com.au

Get that asshole Maliki out of power.

Well that's what ISIS is all about now isn't it? Obama has allowed this monster to become the terror army that it is all to depose Assad and Maliki.

This bullshit of trying to help the Yazidis is only to attempt to deflect the rightful criticism of his allowing ISIS to grow unfettered into the world's largest, most powerful and wealthiest terror army.

Maliki is a bad guy is he? :lmao: Fuck you. Fuck your President.

Look who your President allowed to become our new nightmare.

'That's my boy!': Shocking photograph of a SEVEN-YEAR-OLD Australian boy brandishing the head of a Syrian soldier - and his jihadist father who took it

Young son of Khaled Sharrouf was photographed holding the severed head in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa
Sharrouf, one of Australia's most-wanted terrorists posted the photo to Twitter last week
He is believed to be fighting with al-Qaeda off-shoot Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant


Australian jihadist's son, 7, poses with decapitated head of Syrian solider | Mail Online

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