I blame Bushes for destabilizing Iraq, but I blame Nouri al-Maliki for current crisis

On 08-09-2014 at 02:57 PM Kosh wrote, "Of course the far left will not blame Obama for dropping the ball."
Of course Kosh will not explain what ball was dropped or why Obama should be blamed for what happens in Iraq. An intelligent person would blame the terrorists for what they are doing in Iraq and Syria.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion.

AT A CONGRESSIONAL hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?"

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, responded with an equally simple answer: "The vice president."

But the blame for Iraq does not end with Cheney, Bush, or Rumsfeld. Nor is it limited to the intelligence operatives who sat silent as the administration cherry-picked its case for war, or with those, like Colin Powell or Hans Blix, who, in the name of loyalty or statesmanship, did not give full throat to their misgivings. It is also shared by far too many in the Fourth Estate, most notably the New York Times' Judith Miller. But let us not forget that it lies, inescapably, with we the American people, who, in our fear and rage over the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, allowed ourselves to be suckered into the most audacious bait and switch of all time.

Much More: Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Americans were blinded by fear and patriotism - and we got suckered.

Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion.

AT A CONGRESSIONAL hearing examining the march to war in Iraq, Republican congressman Walter Jones posed "a very simple question" about the administration's manipulation of intelligence: "How could the professionals see what was happening and nobody speak out?"

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former chief of staff, responded with an equally simple answer: "The vice president."

But the blame for Iraq does not end with Cheney, Bush, or Rumsfeld. Nor is it limited to the intelligence operatives who sat silent as the administration cherry-picked its case for war, or with those, like Colin Powell or Hans Blix, who, in the name of loyalty or statesmanship, did not give full throat to their misgivings. It is also shared by far too many in the Fourth Estate, most notably the New York Times' Judith Miller. But let us not forget that it lies, inescapably, with we the American people, who, in our fear and rage over the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, allowed ourselves to be suckered into the most audacious bait and switch of all time.

Much More: Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq

Americans were blinded by fear and patriotism - and we got suckered.

Gto suckered into what ? Killing terrorists and deposing evil Muslim tryrants ?
On 08-09-2014 at 02:57 PM Kosh wrote, "Of course the far left will not blame Obama for dropping the ball."
Of course Kosh will not explain what ball was dropped or why Obama should be blamed for what happens in Iraq. An intelligent person would blame the terrorists for what they are doing in Iraq and Syria.

well how funny because so far Bush and Cheney have been blamed for what Obama is doing in Iraq...that's ok though?
We must never forget that Bush used 9/11 as a pretext for invading Iraq by claiming Iraq was somehow connected to 9/11. All sane people know that wasn't true.
So you are blaming others. Why exactly do you think we thought any different of you? It's not like you were going to accept that your elected leaders had any responsibility. No one expected that at all

So blame bush. Blame maliki. Does it fix a damn thing?

How about stepping up and providing solutions for a change?
So you are blaming others. Why exactly do you think we thought any different of you? It's not like you were going to accept that your elected leaders had any responsibility. No one expected that at all

So blame bush. Blame maliki. Does it fix a damn thing?

How about stepping up and providing solutions for a change?

No, how about I continue to provide historical context.
On 08-09-2014 at 02:57 PM Kosh wrote, "Of course the far left will not blame Obama for dropping the ball."
Of course Kosh will not explain what ball was dropped or why Obama should be blamed for what happens in Iraq. An intelligent person would blame the terrorists for what they are doing in Iraq and Syria.

Is a lot of blame to go around for Iraq, most of it on US' doorstep, but not the Bush's, at least not all or even most of it.


"US intelligence helped Saddam's Ba`ath Party seize power for the first time in 1963. Evidence suggests that Saddam was on the CIA payroll as early as 1959, when he participated in a failed assassination attempt against Iraqi strongman Abd al-Karim Qassem. In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks."
On 08-09-2014 at 02:57 PM Kosh wrote, "Of course the far left will not blame Obama for dropping the ball."
Of course Kosh will not explain what ball was dropped or why Obama should be blamed for what happens in Iraq. An intelligent person would blame the terrorists for what they are doing in Iraq and Syria.

Is a lot of blame to go around for Iraq, most of it on US' doorstep, but not the Bush's, at least not all or even most of it.


"US intelligence helped Saddam's Ba`ath Party seize power for the first time in 1963. Evidence suggests that Saddam was on the CIA payroll as early as 1959, when he participated in a failed assassination attempt against Iraqi strongman Abd al-Karim Qassem. In the 1980s, the US and Britain backed Saddam in the war against Iran, giving Iraq arms, money, satellite intelligence, and even chemical & bio-weapon precursors. As many as 90 US military advisors supported Iraqi forces and helped pick targets for Iraqi air and missile attacks."

That's funny. Were you homeskooled?
So you are blaming others. Why exactly do you think we thought any different of you? It's not like you were going to accept that your elected leaders had any responsibility. No one expected that at all

So blame bush. Blame maliki. Does it fix a damn thing?

How about stepping up and providing solutions for a change?

No, how about I continue to provide historical context.

First, you'd have to start before you can continue.

Second, how exactly will that fix anything?
So you are blaming others. Why exactly do you think we thought any different of you? It's not like you were going to accept that your elected leaders had any responsibility. No one expected that at all

So blame bush. Blame maliki. Does it fix a damn thing?

How about stepping up and providing solutions for a change?

No, how about I continue to provide historical context.

First, you'd have to start before you can continue.

Second, how exactly will that fix anything?

This thread is about historical context - not fixing the current crisis. I repeat - historical context.
No, how about I continue to provide historical context.

First, you'd have to start before you can continue.

Second, how exactly will that fix anything?

This thread is about historical context - not fixing the current crisis. I repeat - historical context.
How do you start a thread about historical context by linking the founder of stopimperialism.com? FFS, what is wrong with you? Mao's Cultural Revolution went horribly wrong. Pol Pot and Stalin are long gone.

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