I blame Bushes for destabilizing Iraq, but I blame Nouri al-Maliki for current crisis

I suspect most of my friends on the right can only think to blame Obama - without ever giving Nouri al-Maliki a second thought.

That's not the half of it. A poster in another thread tried to tell me that al Maliki didn't have the right to tell the US to withdraw our troops.

The crackpot right is manufacturing one of its classic myths. Normal America won't believe them, so don't get overly upset over the propaganda.

I hate to point out the obvious, but Obama actually said it was not his decision to pull the troops out. In fact, he blamed Bush.

You need to read the current memo on talking points from your Democratic Masters.

About 8 minutes in.
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Aren't you clowns about running out of ways to spin that?

What spin ? Obama claims that he couldn't have kept troops in Iraq if he wanted too.

Please explain to us, in credible terms, how Obama could have kept troops in Iraq after being told by a sovereign democracy to get the fuck out. There was only ONE way Obama could have kept troops there - subject them to Iraqi law. Obama wouldn't allow that, and no sane American should have wanted that. Why do you hate the troops?

First, the government did not tell him to get the fuck out. Second, the Iraqi government was actually asking him to keep troops in their country. Third, everyone blames Obama for the SOFA not being extended.

About that Iraq withdrawal - Salon.com

Any other stupid questions?
What spin ? Obama claims that he couldn't have kept troops in Iraq if he wanted too.

Please explain to us, in credible terms, how Obama could have kept troops in Iraq after being told by a sovereign democracy to get the fuck out. There was only ONE way Obama could have kept troops there - subject them to Iraqi law. Obama wouldn't allow that, and no sane American should have wanted that. Why do you hate the troops?

First, the government did not tell him to get the fuck out. Second, the Iraqi government was actually asking him to keep troops in their country. Third, everyone blames Obama for the SOFA not being extended.

About that Iraq withdrawal - Salon.com

Any other stupid questions?

That Salon article was written by GLENN GREENWALD. Therefore, I ignore it.
Aren't you clowns about running out of ways to spin that?

What spin ? Obama claims that he couldn't have kept troops in Iraq if he wanted too.

Please explain to us, in credible terms, how Obama could have kept troops in Iraq after being told by a sovereign democracy to get the fuck out. There was only ONE way Obama could have kept troops there - subject them to Iraqi law. Obama wouldn't allow that, and no sane American should have wanted that. Why do you hate the troops?

The same way Bush did it in 2008.

In 2008 the U.S. and Iraqi government were at the same impasse...and yet Bush got it done, and the Amateur-in-Chief couldn't...or didn't want to.

Washington Post
Tuesday, November 18, 2008; 9:17 AM

One of two major agreements, a security pact long stalled on the issue of legal immunity for U.S. troops and dates for a full withdrawal, cleared a major hurdle in mid-November 2008 when the Iraqi cabinet overwhelmingly approved (NYT) a draft of the agreement. But implementation is dependent on approval by Iraq's parliament, where opposition among some Sunni and Shiite lawmakers remains.

U.S. Security Agreements and Iraq

Once again, Bush got it done, and Obama is a failure.
Please explain to us, in credible terms, how Obama could have kept troops in Iraq after being told by a sovereign democracy to get the fuck out. There was only ONE way Obama could have kept troops there - subject them to Iraqi law. Obama wouldn't allow that, and no sane American should have wanted that. Why do you hate the troops?

First, the government did not tell him to get the fuck out. Second, the Iraqi government was actually asking him to keep troops in their country. Third, everyone blames Obama for the SOFA not being extended.

About that Iraq withdrawal - Salon.com

Any other stupid questions?

That Salon article was written by GLENN GREENWALD. Therefore, I ignore it.

The far left deny their own sources if it suits their needs..
Someone should ask chief StupidFuck who fucked up Libya, Syria, and Egypt? Not that it would do a bit of good.

Someone could also ask who funded, and still funds these rat bastards. But it wouldn't do any good. Ira Hayes is too drunk to get it.
Someone should ask chief StupidFuck who fucked up Libya, Syria, and Egypt? Not that it would do a bit of good.

Someone could also ask who funded, and still funds these rat bastards. But it wouldn't do any good. Ira Hayes is too drunk to get it.

Is that you, Oddball?
This moment in Iraq is yet another instance where President Janitor has to go and clean up shit that would have never needed cleaning up if President Numbnuts and his merry band of Neo-Cons had done the job right.
Please explain to us, in credible terms, how Obama could have kept troops in Iraq after being told by a sovereign democracy to get the fuck out. There was only ONE way Obama could have kept troops there - subject them to Iraqi law. Obama wouldn't allow that, and no sane American should have wanted that. Why do you hate the troops?

First, the government did not tell him to get the fuck out. Second, the Iraqi government was actually asking him to keep troops in their country. Third, everyone blames Obama for the SOFA not being extended.

About that Iraq withdrawal - Salon.com

Any other stupid questions?

That Salon article was written by GLENN GREENWALD. Therefore, I ignore it.

Because facts are not your friend.
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, for instance, is a hugely pro-American politician who believes Iraq's security forces will be incapable of protecting the country without sustained foreign assistance. But in a recent interview, he refused to endorse a U.S. troop extension and instead indicated that they should leave.

"We have serious security problems in this country and serious political problems," he said in an interview late last month at his heavily guarded compound in Baghdad. "Keeping Americans in Iraq longer isn't the answer to the problems of Iraq. It may be an answer to the problems of the U.S., but it's definitely not the solution to the problems of my country."

Shiite leaders -- including many from Maliki's own Dawaa Party -- were even more strongly opposed, with followers of radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr threatening renewed violence if any American troops stayed past the end of the year. The Sadr threat was deeply alarming to Iraqis just beginning to rebuild their lives and their country after the bloody sectarian strife which ravaged Iraq for the past eight and a half years.

The only major Iraqi political bloc that was willing to speak publicly about a troop extension was the Kurdish alliance which governs the country's north and has long had a testy relationship with Maliki and the country's Sunni and Shia populations. But even Kurdish support was far from monolithic: Mahmoud Othman, an independent Kurdish lawmaker considered one of the most pro-American members of parliament, said in a recent interview that he wanted the U.S. troops out.

More: U.S. Troops Are Leaving Because Iraq Doesn't Want Them There - The Atlantic

I do not blame Obama for the current clusterfuck in Iraq. However, I do blame him for his parting words: "We're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq". He had to know that was a crock of shit. Maybe he really couldn't just tell the truth under the circumstances.
I do not blame Obama for the current clusterfuck in Iraq. However, I do blame him for his parting words: "We're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq". He had to know that was a crock of shit.

Yet you still support him based on your far left programming!
I do not blame Obama for the current clusterfuck in Iraq. However, I do blame him for his parting words: "We're leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq". He had to know that was a crock of shit.

Yet you still support him based on your far left programming!

Who would you suggest I support? He's our president.

Just like you supported Bush from 2003 to 2009? He was your president then..

Another far left talking point defeated...

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