I can no longer look at Bachmann as an honest person

And I'm still waiting for an Obama lie. Not predictions, promises, or wishes he couldn't get past the party of no.
ABC said Merck gave 28K to Perry, not 5k. But the real story is that Perry's chief of staff or something similar now is a LOBBYIST for Merck, and Merck is in the process of starting a group to give 55 million dollars to the campaign. Lobbyists are where the corporate money counts, not campaign financing... anymore...
All Pubs but Paul are FOS, and he's nutty....

The Merck bailout vaccine
You can count on Merck to lobby to ... amounting to $254 million. Merck lost ... Perry's mandate will generate over $100 million every year for Merck in Texas and, if ...
The Merck bailout vaccine
Merck Spent $3.6 Million Lobbying Government in 1Q
Drugmaker Merck & Co. spent $3.56 million lobbying the federal government ... Among those registered to lobby on the company's ... Karl Rove: Rick Perry’s Social Security Views ...
Perry's Merck Donations Greater Than ...
... former chief of staff was working for the Texas Lobby Group, which was retained by Merck. One of Perry's ... home in Berkeley; Manhattan real estate for $50 million
Merck spent $3.6 million lobbying government in 1Q
Merck spent $3.6 million lobbying government in 1Q ... Among those registered to lobby on the company’s ... Perry calls Social Security 'a monstrous lie' ...
Merck spent $3.6 million lobbying government in 1Q | www.WHEC.com
Merck spent $3.6 million lobbying government in 1Q - Yahoo!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Drugmaker Merck & Co. spent $3.56 million lobbying the ... Among those registered to lobby on the company's ... FACT CHECK: Perry, Romney twist records in debate
A bold faced lie for selfish gain that is completely transparent and in public is not common. Lieing about stats, bills, accomplishments etc is par for the course. Lieing about someone to their face is a clear sign of being unable to articulate a position against that person without comprimising your own moral beliefs. She wants to claim the christian mantel act like it.

You may openly accept such behavior, I refuse to.

ok show its a lie...make your case..

He willfully missed the point just to take a shot at me. They are all liars. Everybody in politics. Why throw her away, when every person on the stage with her is EXACTLY the same.

Are you 12 years old?
Just guessing...
Took me long? The election is months and months away, what was the rush? Seems to me getting to know the candidates and listening to them in the debates while considering their record is dilligent.
Or I could just be a wack job, throw on some blinders and support a current failed politician.

Bachman has been on the scene long enough to know the cut of her gib a long time ago....most people with an inkling of political nouse would see her coming a mile away.

most people that is....

You mean most libs that are looking for dirt. My life isnt consumed with factoids about politicians untill election time or public mistakes are made. I dont click on most of the "gotcha" or "dirt" threads in here. They are nothing more than worthless trolling that arent a factor to the public at large.
Um, no. Just listening to her talk...
At last nights debate she made near criminal accusations against Perry about bribes and left out the fact that parents had the right to opt out of his mandate which she claimed was forced.

Bachmann "Im offended for all the little girls and parents that didnt have a choice"

^^^^^^ That is a flat out lie and she knows it! We dont need another potus that will say anything to get what they want.

Bachmann now has 0 credibility in my book. She may have some good ideas and I can only hope others adopt them. Simply saying I will get rid of Obamacare isnt sufficient.

She is a LIAR. She is done.

Michele Bachmann Slams Rick Perry On Gardasil During CNN/Tea Party Debate - YouTube

Office of the Governor Rick Perry - [Press Release] Statement of Gov. Rick Perry on HPV Vaccine Executive Order


“Finally, parents need to know that they have the final decision about whether or not their daughter is vaccinated. I am a strong believer in protecting parental rights, which is why this executive order allows them to opt out.”

What's the difference between an opt-in and an opt-out?

Not a heck of a lot, unless you're in a campaign.....and then a mole-hill becomes a mountain.

I remember back in the 60s everyone was getting small-pox vaccinations. Seemed once a year we all were sucking on pink sugar-cubes. Bachmann is getting desperate. She's making this into a huge issue and it's not resonating. Later she related a story she claims came from some woman in the crowd that was unsubstantiated. The claim was that the vaccine made her daughter retarded. She didn't take the time to vet the woman out before she was crowing about it in front of anyone who would listen to her. Because of this it makes me think that she wouldn't be a good POTUS. I don't want anyone up there that will resort to this kind of BS and have it eventually blow up in their faces because it turned out to be false.

Bachmann made an accusation about bribes.....her proof was that Perry knows someone who did something....she has no proof that Perry benefited from the vaccines. He may have been just well intentioned about it and somebody made some money off of it. Well, if you have a vivid enough imagination you could dream up all kinds of things.....Democrats do it all of the time.

Bachmann signed the Grover Norquist petition without a second thought. This along with everything else she's done means to me that she borders on extremism and I don't support extremism. She seems to me to be a decent person.....but I think her judgement is coming into question. I also don't like people that won't forgive. She won't forgive Perry for the way his vaccine program turned out. If she's a Christian like she claims she is forgiveness is crucial. It's the whole basis for Christianity.
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Bachmann still has not done her homework when it comes to current events. She continues to spout one gaff after another. Its a real challenge to understand what she believes in when there are so many sound bites of her saying something really stupid.

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