I can only assume the Texas killer is a leftie

From Vegas to Texas. Conservatives are under attack

From Vegas to Texas Trumpists are on the attack.
Vegas shooter was a Trump Man and Texas shooter was a wife beater with no respect for women, like Tramp.

Says the far left drone that supports Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein!
Says the far right foxbot who calls trump his god emperor and defends his crimes without question!

Another far left drone that supports the abuse of women as they wear their white beater shirts!

WTF is that?
Facebook has post stating he was a Antifa queer


Married with kids, no sexual angle at this time, also no voter regisitration.

Went to prison for a year for assault on said wife and child.

How did he get the gun? Isn't illegal for felons to have a gun? Isn't murder illegal?

I guess we need to pass more laws!
I believe there will be more shootings in America's future. I believe some individuals will be left and some will be right. Some will have no political affiliation and some will change their political affiliation. some will be white while others will be visible minorities. They will kill for political reasons, religious reasons, personal reasons or the fact that they've gone bat shit crazy.

Pointing fingers at the other side is tiresome and pointless. It just creates more hostility.

There is some truth to that, however being politically correct will kill more people than any gun on the planet!
How so? I want exact examples instead of meaningless talking points.

Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Enforce the ones on the books, but that will cost.

Not what the far left wants, but then again. The same could be said about the laws on the border.

You are not fair and balanced as you have claimed already in thread you citied!

I am against the far left, if that is not obvious to you, then nothing is..
Yes it is glaringly obvious. You are a fucking far right drone whos only move is to call others far left drones. Youre a joke

Yes only a far left drone would say that against anyone that dares to attack the far left religion!

You are a far left partisan hack, stop pretending you are not!

And your only move is to spout debunked far left religious narratives with no basis of reality!

Just be an adult and own up to what you are..
I don’t let shitheads like you define who I am or what I believe. Maybe in your simple little mind everybody is squeezed into one group or the other but in the real world it is much more complicated than that. If I was what you say then I’d own it. Only problem is you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. You’re a joke

It doe snot matter what you believe you are, you are a far left drone!

Be an adult and own up to it!

But instead of starting a thread of your own with the question you claim you want an answer to, you go on an endless far left narrative attack!

Thank you proving you are the far left drone!

So when you become really fair and balanced you can claim that! But you are way to far to the left to make such a claim!
Haha, ok buddy. I’m about done toying with you today. Thanks for the laughs

Says the irony impaired far left drone!
I believe there will be more shootings in America's future. I believe some individuals will be left and some will be right. Some will have no political affiliation and some will change their political affiliation. some will be white while others will be visible minorities. They will kill for political reasons, religious reasons, personal reasons or the fact that they've gone bat shit crazy.

Pointing fingers at the other side is tiresome and pointless. It just creates more hostility.

There is some truth to that, however being politically correct will kill more people than any gun on the planet!
How so? I want exact examples instead of meaningless talking points.

Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Really, that's all you got. C'mon, you can't be that stupid. Give it a real go. Back up your claims.What exactly are you trying to convey here?
From Vegas to Texas. Conservatives are under attack

From Vegas to Texas Trumpists are on the attack.
Vegas shooter was a Trump Man and Texas shooter was a wife beater with no respect for women, like Tramp.

Says the far left drone that supports Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein!
Says the far right foxbot who calls trump his god emperor and defends his crimes without question!

Another far left drone that supports the abuse of women as they wear their white beater shirts!

WTF is that?

Well it was supposed to be white wife beater shirts, left out a word!
There is some truth to that, however being politically correct will kill more people than any gun on the planet!
How so? I want exact examples instead of meaningless talking points.

Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Really, that's all you got. C'mon, you can't be that stupid. Give it a real go. Back up your claims.What exactly are you trying to convey here?

So you refuse to use google or even the search feature on this board. All theses have been discussed and they are all available on google.

If you choose to hide behind your far left religion and claim ignorance, well that is your choice.

The claims were backed up, you chose to ignore them and run a debunked religious narrative.

It is like asking for a link to prove Hilary is real, or do you believe you live in the Matrix?
There is some truth to that, however being politically correct will kill more people than any gun on the planet!
How so? I want exact examples instead of meaningless talking points.

Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Really, that's all you got. C'mon, you can't be that stupid. Give it a real go. Back up your claims.What exactly are you trying to convey here?
He can’t, he is a broken record with zero intelligence or substance behind the things he say. He is just trying to stir the pot and piss people off. Don’t give the child too much attention, he isn’t worth a significant amount of your time.
How so? I want exact examples instead of meaningless talking points.

Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Really, that's all you got. C'mon, you can't be that stupid. Give it a real go. Back up your claims.What exactly are you trying to convey here?
He can’t, he is a broken record with zero intelligence or substance behind the things he say. He is just trying to stir the pot and piss people off. Don’t give the child too much attention, he isn’t worth a significant amount of your time.

Actually it has been provided, but as always the far left will deny reality!

But then again I guess you would ask for a link to prove the sky is blue!

And the far left continues to prove that no adults exist in their religion!
From Vegas to Texas Trumpists are on the attack.
Vegas shooter was a Trump Man and Texas shooter was a wife beater with no respect for women, like Tramp.

Says the far left drone that supports Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein!
Says the far right foxbot who calls trump his god emperor and defends his crimes without question!

Another far left drone that supports the abuse of women as they wear their white beater shirts!

WTF is that?

Well it was supposed to be white wife beater shirts, left out a word!

Is the shirt white or the beater white?
Says the far left drone that supports Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein!
Says the far right foxbot who calls trump his god emperor and defends his crimes without question!

Another far left drone that supports the abuse of women as they wear their white beater shirts!

WTF is that?

Well it was supposed to be white wife beater shirts, left out a word!

Is the shirt white or the beater white?

The shirt!
How so? I want exact examples instead of meaningless talking points.

Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Really, that's all you got. C'mon, you can't be that stupid. Give it a real go. Back up your claims.What exactly are you trying to convey here?

So you refuse to use google or even the search feature on this board. All theses have been discussed and they are all available on google.

If you choose to hide behind your far left religion and claim ignorance, well that is your choice.

The claims were backed up, you chose to ignore them and run a debunked religious narrative.

It is like asking for a link to prove Hilary is real, or do you believe you live in the Matrix?
You made the accusations and I'm not clear on exactly what you are trying to say. This is why I responded to you. You didn't even counter any of the arguments I put in post #98. This is your last chance to prove you have at least a miniscule amount of intelligence. Don't blow it.
From Vegas to Texas. Conservatives are under attack

From Vegas to Texas Trumpists are on the attack.
Vegas shooter was a Trump Man and Texas shooter was a wife beater with no respect for women, like Tramp.

Says the far left drone that supports Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein!
Hilarious you mention those two but you can’t even discuss that Trump has sexually assaulted more women than either of those two.
That's right, Harvey Trumpstein is a DoTard Trump wannabe.
Many such threads have been posted on this board.

Such as people see certain people (like the San Bernardino attackers) doing something suspension, but were scared to say anything because they may be accused of racial profiling!
Doing something suspension? Do you mean suspicious? What exactly is doing something suspicious?
But that is common knowledge.
What is common knowledge, be specific.

The same goes for the Pulse night cub shooting.
Again, what are you talking about? You stated political correctness will kill more people than any gun on the planet. When I asked you to be specific you just started focusing on just incidents where the perpetrators were Muslims.

Then there is the rape problem in Sweden..
What rape problem. It 2014 rape went up a whopping 11%. but the next year in 2015 it went down 12%. I know a lot of right wing mags tried to tie the rape increase to an influx of Muslim immigrants but there in no data to support this.

There are so many, how about doing some real and actual research then spouting off!
So many what? Crimes that were perpetuated by every race and every religion but people like you only focus on certain ones to fit in to you own bigoted agenda.

Evidence has been submitted and the far left has rejected it, the far left will always reject reality.

If you are in able to use google, then I am not sure why you are on this board!

This is proof that the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS!
Really, that's all you got. C'mon, you can't be that stupid. Give it a real go. Back up your claims.What exactly are you trying to convey here?

So you refuse to use google or even the search feature on this board. All theses have been discussed and they are all available on google.

If you choose to hide behind your far left religion and claim ignorance, well that is your choice.

The claims were backed up, you chose to ignore them and run a debunked religious narrative.

It is like asking for a link to prove Hilary is real, or do you believe you live in the Matrix?
You made the accusations and I'm not clear on exactly what you are trying to say. This is why I responded to you. You didn't even counter any of the arguments I put in post #98. This is your last chance to prove you have at least a miniscule amount of intelligence. Don't blow it.

And they have been proven, just like the sky is blue..
Does one need to include a link to prove the sky is blue?

All this information exists and is prove. Just because you far left drones are lazy and can not search off far left religious dogma sites, doe snot mean it doe s not exist! Although it does exist!

Maybe if you drones did your own work, you would not be so quick to deny anything without doing any research.

It is not up to anyone to do your work for you, especially when it is common knowledge!
From Vegas to Texas. Conservatives are under attack

From Vegas to Texas Trumpists are on the attack.
Vegas shooter was a Trump Man and Texas shooter was a wife beater with no respect for women, like Tramp.
More lies? Isn't your supply running a little low? Does UPS deliver to you daily?
Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Paddock was a Tramp supporter and Paddock's neighbor told Savage that Paddock was a "Trump Man," and Savage told him, "better not let that out."

From Vegas to Texas. Conservatives are under attack

From Vegas to Texas Trumpists are on the attack.
Vegas shooter was a Trump Man and Texas shooter was a wife beater with no respect for women, like Tramp.
More lies? Isn't your supply running a little low? Does UPS deliver to you daily?
Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Paddock was a Tramp supporter and Paddock's neighbor told Savage that Paddock was a "Trump Man," and Savage told him, "better not let that out."

Look up the definition of "heresay" and get back to me with his voter registration info.

I won't hold my breath.

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