I can see it coming


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Now that the democrats are about to assume the Senate majority when it reconvenes, among the 1st things they'll do is abolish the filibuster. They have to, cuz they'll never get enough Repubs to vote for the agenda that the Far Left has forced on their party. But they won't do it in an honest, straight forward manner, they'll back door it by changing the Senate rules to say if a bill is deemed an "emergency" in the Senate then we can bypass the cloture vote and pass it with a simple majority vote. So, whatever they want to pass gets labeled an "emergency" and no filibuster can occur. Or possibly they limit the debate on an "emergency" bill to "X" number of hours and then they bypass the cloture vote to vote of the Bill itself, thereby doing whatever the hell they want to do.

Who is going to stop them? Once they change the Senate rules, it's over. The tyranny of the majority becomes the law in both chambers of Congress, and the GOP becomes toothless. And some are saying that is a good thing, but once we cross that line then our gov't will be forever divided. No more compromise no more cooperation, just total partisan politics. One could hope that in the future a leader(s) in either party might come along that could actually unite enough people on both sides to end the divisiveness. But once that change to the Senate rules is made, then that opportunity will be gone. After what we've seen so far, who on the GOP side is going to be willing to give the democrats back the power to stop whatever the GOP wants to do, if and when they get back the Senate majority, should that be allowed to happen. Or maybe a 3rd party evolves and changes the dynamic, I dunno.

Don't tell me that Biden will prevent the democrats in Congress from doing their will, he doesn't have the balls. Probably doesn't want to anyway, he's been a follower all his life and he ain't going to change now. I foresee Pelosi and Schumer running this country now, not Biden. Will any democrat in the Senate buck his party and vote against whatever it is they want to pass? Like Joe Manchin maybe? Can you imagine the pressure on that guy if he says no? He said he would not support getting rid of the filibuster, but I'll believe it when I see him vote against whatever cute way the democrats come up with to bypass the cloture vote (filibuster). And it won't be long before we find out how bad the next 2 years are going to be.
Get rid of the senate fillibuster.
Make DC and PR states.
Stack the supreme court.

That is the agenda of the filth and once they do those 3 things...elections wont matter any more...the filth will hold the majority forever.

Don't talk to me about 2024...it wont matter!
Now that the democrats are about to assume the Senate majority when it reconvenes, among the 1st things they'll do is abolish the filibuster. They have to, cuz they'll never get enough Repubs to vote for the agenda that the Far Left has forced on their party. But they won't do it in an honest, straight forward manner, they'll back door it by changing the Senate rules to say if a bill is deemed an "emergency" in the Senate then we can bypass the cloture vote and pass it with a simple majority vote. So, whatever they want to pass gets labeled an "emergency" and no filibuster can occur. Or possibly they limit the debate on an "emergency" bill to "X" number of hours and then they bypass the cloture vote to vote of the Bill itself, thereby doing whatever the hell they want to do.

Who is going to stop them? Once they change the Senate rules, it's over. The tyranny of the majority becomes the law in both chambers of Congress, and the GOP becomes toothless. And some are saying that is a good thing, but once we cross that line then our gov't will be forever divided. No more compromise no more cooperation, just total partisan politics. One could hope that in the future a leader(s) in either party might come along that could actually unite enough people on both sides to end the divisiveness. But once that change to the Senate rules is made, then that opportunity will be gone. After what we've seen so far, who on the GOP side is going to be willing to give the democrats back the power to stop whatever the GOP wants to do, if and when they get back the Senate majority, should that be allowed to happen. Or maybe a 3rd party evolves and changes the dynamic, I dunno.

Don't tell me that Biden will prevent the democrats in Congress from doing their will, he doesn't have the balls. Probably doesn't want to anyway, he's been a follower all his life and he ain't going to change now. I foresee Pelosi and Schumer running this country now, not Biden. Will any democrat in the Senate buck his party and vote against whatever it is they want to pass? Like Joe Manchin maybe? Can you imagine the pressure on that guy if he says no? He said he would not support getting rid of the filibuster, but I'll believe it when I see him vote against whatever cute way the democrats come up with to bypass the cloture vote (filibuster). And it won't be long before we find out how bad the next 2 years are going to be.

Congress IS the problem is your answer. Much like King John circa 1215 our Congress, in its entirety, has consumed itself in hedonistic excess and self-magnanimity, no longer existing to represent the American people, only to self-serve, self-aggrandize and self-enrich—by stealing from the pockets of the people who elected them, respectively. Congress, or the membership thereof, have come to view themselves all as untouchable, all-powerful men and women who have in essence formed their own nation and divided its spoils amongst themselves. We The People will never remedy our American "King John" with votes purely because our votes will always vote in the next corrupt Congress and the next and the next, because the system which enables Congress has been poisoned and is itself corrupt. Congress itself is the problem, not We The People.
Now that the democrats are about to assume the Senate majority when it reconvenes, among the 1st things they'll do is abolish the filibuster. They have to, cuz they'll never get enough Repubs to vote for the agenda that the Far Left has forced on their party. But they won't do it in an honest, straight forward manner, they'll back door it by changing the Senate rules to say if a bill is deemed an "emergency" in the Senate then we can bypass the cloture vote and pass it with a simple majority vote. So, whatever they want to pass gets labeled an "emergency" and no filibuster can occur. Or possibly they limit the debate on an "emergency" bill to "X" number of hours and then they bypass the cloture vote to vote of the Bill itself, thereby doing whatever the hell they want to do.

Who is going to stop them? Once they change the Senate rules, it's over. The tyranny of the majority becomes the law in both chambers of Congress, and the GOP becomes toothless. And some are saying that is a good thing, but once we cross that line then our gov't will be forever divided. No more compromise no more cooperation, just total partisan politics. One could hope that in the future a leader(s) in either party might come along that could actually unite enough people on both sides to end the divisiveness. But once that change to the Senate rules is made, then that opportunity will be gone. After what we've seen so far, who on the GOP side is going to be willing to give the democrats back the power to stop whatever the GOP wants to do, if and when they get back the Senate majority, should that be allowed to happen. Or maybe a 3rd party evolves and changes the dynamic, I dunno.

Don't tell me that Biden will prevent the democrats in Congress from doing their will, he doesn't have the balls. Probably doesn't want to anyway, he's been a follower all his life and he ain't going to change now. I foresee Pelosi and Schumer running this country now, not Biden. Will any democrat in the Senate buck his party and vote against whatever it is they want to pass? Like Joe Manchin maybe? Can you imagine the pressure on that guy if he says no? He said he would not support getting rid of the filibuster, but I'll believe it when I see him vote against whatever cute way the democrats come up with to bypass the cloture vote (filibuster). And it won't be long before we find out how bad the next 2 years are going to be.

Congress IS the problem is your answer. Much like King John circa 1215 our Congress, in its entirety, has consumed itself in hedonistic excess and self-magnanimity, no longer existing to represent the American people, only to self-serve, self-aggrandize and self-enrich—by stealing from the pockets of the people who elected them, respectively. Congress, or the membership thereof, have come to view themselves all as untouchable, all-powerful men and women who have in essence formed their own nation and divided its spoils amongst themselves. We The People will never remedy our American "King John" with votes purely because our votes will always vote in the next corrupt Congress and the next and the next, because the system which enables Congress has been poisoned and is itself corrupt. Congress itself is the problem, not We The People.

Here, here....:clap::clap::clap:!!!
I doubt the filibuster goes. Joe Manachin has already said he will not vote to get rid of it. However, I will stipulate that it will depend on if Republicans continue to insist on being the party of no. Taxes, healthcare, the environment, race relations, energy policy, infrastructure are all front burner issues. And we're not even talking about the red alert issues of the pandemic, the distribution of the vaccine, and the economic carnage brought about by the complete incompetence of the current administration. Republicans are on the clock. They have done a fantastic job of removing their own teeth for the past four years. By the grace of the voters, they avoided a bloodbath on November 3rd...and then promptly pissed all of it away in fealty to Donald Trump. The bad news just keeps piling on for Republicans. They better find a way to stop the bleeding...quickly.
And if anyone thinks that Night Son is wrong, which he isn't, just compare the donations made by Big Tech to the Democrats vs. Republicans this last election! Comparatively, the Republicans received a paltry sum.
So Joe not only owes China, the Democrats as a whole also owe American technocrat oligarchs, big time!
Big Tech bought the best installed Gov't they could wish for.

I have a creeping feeling that our board, USMB, may fall by the wayside soon!
If so, it's been a blast interacting with all of you.
I doubt the filibuster goes. Joe Manachin has already said he will not vote to get rid of it. However, I will stipulate that it will depend on if Republicans continue to insist on being the party of no. Taxes, healthcare, the environment, race relations, energy policy, infrastructure are all front burner issues. And we're not even talking about the red alert issues of the pandemic, the distribution of the vaccine, and the economic carnage brought about by the complete incompetence of the current administration. Republicans are on the clock. They have done a fantastic job of removing their own teeth for the past four years. By the grace of the voters, they avoided a bloodbath on November 3rd...and then promptly pissed all of it away in fealty to Donald Trump. The bad news just keeps piling on for Republicans. They better find a way to stop the bleeding...quickly.
You guys ain't going to improve shit. The tyranny will expand and the peasants will be poorer. You got a track record in everywhere you are.
Now that the democrats are about to assume the Senate majority when it reconvenes, among the 1st things they'll do is abolish the filibuster. They have to, cuz they'll never get enough Repubs to vote for the agenda that the Far Left has forced on their party. But they won't do it in an honest, straight forward manner, they'll back door it by changing the Senate rules to say if a bill is deemed an "emergency" in the Senate then we can bypass the cloture vote and pass it with a simple majority vote. So, whatever they want to pass gets labeled an "emergency" and no filibuster can occur. Or possibly they limit the debate on an "emergency" bill to "X" number of hours and then they bypass the cloture vote to vote of the Bill itself, thereby doing whatever the hell they want to do.

Who is going to stop them? Once they change the Senate rules, it's over. The tyranny of the majority becomes the law in both chambers of Congress, and the GOP becomes toothless. And some are saying that is a good thing, but once we cross that line then our gov't will be forever divided. No more compromise no more cooperation, just total partisan politics. One could hope that in the future a leader(s) in either party might come along that could actually unite enough people on both sides to end the divisiveness. But once that change to the Senate rules is made, then that opportunity will be gone. After what we've seen so far, who on the GOP side is going to be willing to give the democrats back the power to stop whatever the GOP wants to do, if and when they get back the Senate majority, should that be allowed to happen. Or maybe a 3rd party evolves and changes the dynamic, I dunno.

Don't tell me that Biden will prevent the democrats in Congress from doing their will, he doesn't have the balls. Probably doesn't want to anyway, he's been a follower all his life and he ain't going to change now. I foresee Pelosi and Schumer running this country now, not Biden. Will any democrat in the Senate buck his party and vote against whatever it is they want to pass? Like Joe Manchin maybe? Can you imagine the pressure on that guy if he says no? He said he would not support getting rid of the filibuster, but I'll believe it when I see him vote against whatever cute way the democrats come up with to bypass the cloture vote (filibuster). And it won't be long before we find out how bad the next 2 years are going to be.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

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