I can't believe how the Republican candidates rate in New Hampshire (except Trump)

"What doth it profit a party to run a candidate who sits under a shameful cloud of criminal indictments?"

If you idiots are actually dumb enough to run Trump again...

And the idiot Democrats - by some miracle - wise-up and run anybody BUT Joe Biden...

Your ignorant, arrogant Orange Sociopath is going to lose...



Make it Haley for Prez and DeSantis for Veep and you're In Like Flint...

You can always toss Secretary of Homeland Security at your Orange DemiGod as a consolation prize... he'd be good at it. :itsok:

Nikki is very popular
Christie has the northeastern Yankee asshole contingent.
I just don't believe it... three days in a row Nikki was lambasted on line by republicans for what she has said.... and maybe there is a Northern state thing with fat man but his over all polls show that to be a rough thing to believe... but I've been wrong before so we will see...
I just don't believe it... three days in a row Nikki was lambasted on line by republicans for what she has said.... and maybe there is a Northern state thing with fat man but his over all polls show that to be a rough thing to believe... but I've been wrong before so we will see...

Niki is very popular
Don't go to sleep on Nikki
Polls show her destroying Joey, head to head.
Let's see...

In no particular order...

Ramalamadipshit is a performative asshole who doesn't belong in the race, and he deserved that bitch slap from Haley. He thinks he can buy his way into the White House the same way Trump did, but America is already tired of inexperienced bloviating incompetent assholes at the helm of the greatest nation on Earth.

DeSantis pinned his entire persona on being Mini Me Trump. Why would the diehard Trumptards pick a counterfeit knock-off when the original classic is on the ticket? And have you seen the way DeSantis performs in debates? He's a chickenshit finger-in-the-wind loser of the worst kind.

Haley, god bless her, understands our foreign policy responsibilities and our national security interests absolutely depend on stomping wannabe Soviet dictators back into the dirt.

Chris Christie is in the race in a sad attempt at redeeming himself for dropping to his knees and sucking Trump's cock like every other spineless Republican has that used to see Trump exactly for what he is.

If there was just one other Republican candidate other than Trump, Trump would be stomped. He never garnered more than a third of primary voters in 2016. He only wins because the other two-thirds were divided amongst the rest of the clowns in the car.

And now the devolved GOP party machine is making the exact same mistake, expecting a different result.

I guarantee you every Republican elected official prays every night for Donald Trump to choke on a cheeseburger and leave this world.

Yet they don't act. They are cowards.

1. Trump - proven record as President.
2. DeSantis - proven record as Governor
3. Ramaswamy - Outsider, no experience, but not a RINO.

RINO Country:
4. Haley - pro Ukraine spending, claims to be a budget Hawk
5. Scott - God Bless him
6. Chris Christie - pfffffft
Rama has zero ( maybe a negative number) chance.
It won't be Ron this time, if he was the candidate fine, but I don't think that it's him.
I don’t base my support on popularity, I base it on who I think is best for the job.
1. Trump - proven record as President.
2. DeSantis - proven record as Governor
3. Ramaswamy - Outsider, no experience, but not a RINO.

RINO Country:
4. Haley - pro Ukraine spending, claims to be a budget Hawk
5. Scott - God Bless him
6. Chris Christie - pfffffft
Ramaswamy went way up in my book after his opening statement at the last debate.

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