Trump Barely Beating Worthless Nikki Haley In New Hampshire Tonight.

Rammy has some interesting theories about Haley's continuation in the race.
I think one is to have her do well as number 2, and try to force Trump into having her as VP.

Visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads.

Then I read a comment from some left wing guy, activist or something, he claimed if Trump wins, it may be time to consider 'extra legal' options to get rid of Him.

So if something would happen, the donor class would have the president they want.
Better be careful there son. Kleetus is that sticky crap between your toes that makes up 50% of your brain.

Half of Nikkis votes the other night were fake votes made by democrats from Boston, who crossed over, registered and voted for her that day just so fools like you could think what you do who fully intend all along to still vote for Biden.

Wouldn't surprise me if you were one of them.

Despite all your efforts, Trump has now actually set a RECORD for most votes ever in that caucus.

But you go right on still living the dream that America wants the old buzzard shitstain stumbler bumbler in the WH who falls down, forgets where he came from, and craps himself while giving you 15 million illegal aliens to pay for while doubling crime and giving you $7.00 a gallon gasoline.
You can repeat this MAGA bullshit as much as you doesn't make it true.

Just like you can the MAGA bullshit that Trump won the 2020 doesn't make it true.

Biden is going to win by at least 5% and 10 million votes in November. Take that to the bank.
Biden wasn't even on the ballot last night, gomer....and he STILL did better than worthless Trump as a write-in candidate in the Democratic primary.
did briben get over 160 thousand votes ?
You can repeat this MAGA bullshit as much as you doesn't make it true.
I'll sit here while you link us to any proof at all that any word in my post was actual bullshit. Go!
The NH caucus was a fraud and legions of Biden-voting out of staters came up there from Mass. to register and vote Haley because like you, the thoughts of running against Trump again makes your balls curl up.

Just like you can the MAGA bullshit that Trump won the 2020 doesn't make it true.
I never said Trump won. He obviously didn't win. I am just reporting the fact that the election was stolen and rigged to insure a Biden victory no matter how folks voted, as clearly admitted to in FUCKING NATIONAL PRINT IN DETAIL in TIME MAGAZINE written by Molly Ball published on 2/3/21.

Biden is going to win by at least 5% and 10 million votes in November. Take that to the bank.
And I bet all 10 million of those votes will be from illegal immigrants and hand fed phony ballots inserted into unattended drop boxers all across town at 4AM again.
I'll sit here while you link us to any proof at all that any word in my post was actual bullshit. Go!
The NH caucus was a fraud and legions of Biden-voting out of staters came up there from Mass. to register and vote Haley because like you, the thoughts of running against Trump again makes your balls curl up.

I never said Trump won. He obviously didn't win. I am just reporting the fact that the election was stolen and rigged to insure a Biden victory no matter how folks voted, as clearly admitted to in FUCKING NATIONAL PRINT IN DETAIL in TIME MAGAZINE written by Molly Ball published on 2/3/21.

And I bet all 10 million of those votes will be from illegal immigrants and hand fed phony ballots inserted into unattended drop boxers all across town at 4AM again.
More dumb Repug gomer bullshit.

When those 10 million illegal immigrants vote for Biden, can you promise to leave the country?

Freaking imbecile.
More dumb Repug gomer bullshit.

You should know, fuckwit, you are the source.

I know it just KILLS you that Trump is not only in the race, not only going to be the GOP candidate, not only is going to once again beat and disprove all the phony charges, but is going to be president elect in ten months. That is just about 300 days.

And it just KILLS you.
You should know, fuckwit, you are the source.

I know it just KILLS you that Trump is not only in the race, not only going to be the GOP candidate, not only is going to once again beat and disprove all the phony charges, but is going to be president elect in ten months. That is just about 300 days.

And it just KILLS you.
It doesn't "kill" me at all.

You are in for a very rude awakening in November. Trump is going to lose BADLY. This will not be a close election like 2020. No Independents are going to vote for him. No Democrats are going to vote for him.

Jan 6 and the Dobbs abortion decision have permanently damaged Trump and the Republican Party. That was obvious in 2022, but it will be more obvious in 2024 with much higher voter turnout among Democrats in a presidential election year.

The only people who will vote for Trump in November are unsophisticated MAGA rubes such as yourself and there just aren't enough of you.
The NH caucus was a fraud and legions of Biden-voting out of staters came up there from Mass. to register and vote
Ain't that a crock o' shit. You have to wait two weeks to buy a gun so that they can verify that you are who you say you are but you can just walk up and say that you're a legal voter and they give you a ballot. Something is wrong with this picture. I remember my first election--1972. I went in with my drivers license in hand and the lady asked my name. I told her and she found my name on a pre-printed list while informing me that I needed no ID. I inquired how they verified my info and she rolled her eyes and said she wondered about that too. SMH.
It doesn't "kill" me at all.

You are in for a very rude awakening in November. Trump is going to lose BADLY. This will not be a close election like 2020. No Independents are going to vote for him. No Democrats are going to vote for him.

Jan 6 and the Dobbs abortion decision have permanently damaged Trump and the Republican Party. That was obvious in 2022, but it will be more obvious in 2024 with much higher voter turnout among Democrats in a presidential election year.

The only people who will vote for Trump in November are unsophisticated MAGA rubes such as yourself and there just aren't enough of you.
ROTFLMFAO---Still not convinced yet, eh. You certainly aren't convincing anyone on this board. LOL:dance::dance::dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::dance::dance::dance:
You say you don't care but your posts say you're a liar---typical democrat.
I'm actually trying to help telling you not to get your hopes up.

Trump is going to lose and lose badly. The polls are meaningless, just like they were for the 2022 midterms.
I'm actually trying to help telling you not to get your hopes up.

Trump is going to lose and lose badly. The polls are meaningless, just like they were for the 2022 midterms.
LOL, you'd best help yourself. You voted for Biden, your problem is obvious. LMAO
You are in for a very rude awakening in November.

Nothing this Fall could possibly surprise me after the last four years of seeing America slip/fall into the reigns of a looming banana republic at the hands of scum like you. You play this child's game with user handles like /Thanos/, but you fool no one. Biden is a bum, worse, he is a traitor, and people of this country care far more for the disaster he has created at the border now having let in known key terrorists (as confirmed by the FBI), than that old, fake manufactured J6 event you try to keep alive which no one cares about and matters not one bit in our lives or that sluts will have to be a little more careful now in how they sleep around.
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Ain't that a crock o' shit. You have to wait two weeks to buy a gun so that they can verify that you are who you say you are but you can just walk up and say that you're a legal voter and they give you a ballot. Something is wrong with this picture.

What is wrong with this picture is that corruption is now so deep and widespread throughout government, that we run state elections like this so flawed that I could get a 6th grader to design a better system and see the flaws in letting people register ON THE SAME DAY as the caucus with no time to vet the authenticity of any of the info they give!

PUT SIMPLY: a collection of grade-school children could do a more competent job running this country that the current 545 we have in Washington DC.

Because they clearly ARE NOT running it.

Our congress, Exec and SC are no better than figureheads now just going through the motions, at best they matter not or are taking direction from outside chinese forces looking toward global domination just as soon as they can get the USA out of their way.
Trump only got 51% of his party in IA and about 53% in NH, with Nikki coming in a close second.

He is popular with MAGA and no one ese.
Those are both record breaking numbers.

"To verify Trump's statement, Newsweek assessed all presidential primaries from 1952 to 2024, using records from the New Hampshire Department of State, the Federal Election Commission and Associated Press.

While New Hampshire has held primaries since 1916, it was not until 1952 that voters got to vote directly for presidential candidates.

As of time of publication, according to the Associated Press, Trump has won 172,479 votes in the New Hampshire primary.

That puts Trump more than 100,000 votes ahead of the previous record holder, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who won 152,193 votes in the 2016 Democratic primary."

Compare those numbers to 2020.

With only two to oppose him, he barely won in NH.

He will do better in SC, but how much, no one knows?

She is able to raise money, so she will stay in it for now chipping away.
Nothing this Fall could possibly surprise me after the last four years of seeing America slip/fall into the reigns of a looming banana republic at the hands of scum like you. You play this child's game with user handles like /Thanos/, but you fool no one. Biden is a bum, worse, he is a traitor, and people of this country care far more for the disaster he has created at the border now having let in known key terrorists (as confirmed by the FBI), than that old, fake manufactured J6 event you try to keep alive which no one cares about and matters not one bit in our lives or that sluts will have to be a little more careful now in how they sleep around.
Even if Biden is a terrible president (he's not), he's still 100 times better than Trump.

Why? Because Biden won't end democracy in this country. Trump will. And every intelligent voter knows this and is terrified of Trump becoming President again....and this excludes you.

Jan 6 and the Dobbs abortion decision have permanently damaged Trump and the Republican Party. This became obvious during the 2022 midterms and it will be even more obvious in a presidential election year this Nov.

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