I can't believe how the Republican candidates rate in New Hampshire (except Trump)

They’re all idiots. Ram might not be a neocon, but all the others are. Fuck Desantis and Halley. They are disgusting neocons.

You are a terrorist supporter
Neocons want to wipe your buddies out.
Your opinion is not worth much.
Not when you are on an extremely large hiring committee.
Intelligence is too rare to manifest itself in a large hiring committee. That changes nothing about my post.
Who would you prefer as the next POTUS?
Reminds me of when Biden declared half of Americans are a threat to Democracy...


[Real picture here]
Intelligence is too rare to manifest itself in a large hiring committee. That changes nothing about my post.
Who would you prefer as the next POTUS?

I think that it does.
You are on a hiring committee of 12.
There are a half of a dozen candidates.
1 you really like, but she has alienated a third of your colleagues.
Your 2 and 3 choices seem to be well liked
Clearly your vote alone means nothing.
Do you not try to build a bloc to hire someone that is at worst your 3rd choice?
Ramaswamy went way up in my book after his opening statement at the last debate.
He's brilliant. That hit home with me. His suggestion that the RNC should host debates with moderators Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and Joe Rogan instead of NBC was ingenious.

Also, at the end, when he made a direct statement to the DNC about quitting the charade of Biden running in 2024, and that the DNC should let everyone know the real candidates for the good of the country.

I really appreciate his straight talk and willingness to share his unique (among the candidates) controversial opinions. If only he had more proven political experience. He's trying to start at the very top - incredibly gutsy, but he has the intelligence to do a decent job at it.
You are on a hiring committee of 12.
There are a half of a dozen candidates.
1 you really like, but she has alienated a third of your colleagues.
Your 2 and 3 choices seem to be well liked
Clearly your vote alone means nothing.
Do you not try to build a bloc to hire someone that is at worst your 3rd choice?
Sorry, not interested in wandering off in the long grass of hypotheticals.
Ram is the only real intelligence in the entire contest on either side.
Hey, serious question.

Why, specifically, do you consider DeSantis a neocon? I hear that a lot, but I don't know why people say that. I see his record as Governor of Florida, and because of what I've seen, DeSantis is my second choice, followed by Ramaswamy.

I agree with you about Haley.


I'm shocked, utterly shocked! (literally)

How can Chris Christie be 3rd? OMG!

And how can Haley be ahead of DeSantis?

Well, it's just New Hampshire, but still.

In any case, Trump is so far ahead, maybe it doesn't matter--except maybe to show that people in New Hampshire are uninformed. I mean, Haley seems like someone who is not against America getting involved in foreign wars --and plus, she was rude to Ramaswamy at a debate & I didn't think it was warranted (the vehemence, especially) but the war thing is what gets to me the most, along w/ her rather liberal abortion views.
Yup, Trump has more than half of the gop voters in these states. Republicans make up 29% percent of the voters and More than half would be 15% of the registered voters. Wow, he has a commanding lead with 15% of the voters so far...he’s amazing.
Hey, serious question.

Why, specifically, do you consider DeSantis a neocon? I hear that a lot, but I don't know why people say that. I see his record as Governor of Florida, and because of what I've seen, DeSantis is my second choice, followed by Ramaswamy.

I agree with you about Haley.

Ra - man is a lunatic...

I'm shocked, utterly shocked! (literally)

How can Chris Christie be 3rd? OMG!

And how can Haley be ahead of DeSantis?

Well, it's just New Hampshire, but still.

In any case, Trump is so far ahead, maybe it doesn't matter--except maybe to show that people in New Hampshire are uninformed. I mean, Haley seems like someone who is not against America getting involved in foreign wars --and plus, she was rude to Ramaswamy at a debate & I didn't think it was warranted (the vehemence, especially) but the war thing is what gets to me the most, along w/ her rather liberal abortion views.
Here's my take. Regarding Christie, I have no idea why the tub of lard is 3rd, and that is coming from a guy who, years ago, was a big fan of Christie. He's running in the wrong party. He should be running in the Democratic primary.

Anyway, enough of that. I believe Haley is doing well due to the fact that, in the general, having a woman lead the party is actually a good idea so, maybe even though she may not be Republican enough for the primaries, she would perform well in the general, better than Desantis. The fact is, in the general, Desantis doesn't do as well as either Trump or Haley. Sometimes you have to think beyond the primary and into the general.

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