I can't believe there isn't a thread about Halo 2 yet!!!

Well if you guys want to get on Friday night, I could probably work that out.

I'm only a level 4, but that's not bad for one day of playing!
Friday night isn't good for me, I'm going home for the weekend (Mother's Day and all) but I'll be on a lot next week.
gop_jeff said:
Well if you guys want to get on Friday night, I could probably work that out.

I'm only a level 4, but that's not bad for one day of playing!
ill be on friday evening. dont get off til 7 though. be back here and on by 730
Johnney said:
ill be on friday evening. dont get off til 7 though. be back here and on by 730
I sent you a message on my bud's account.
His name is
I'm on there about once a week.
The only other person I know (personaly) is
Johnney, I finally added you to my friends list.

You guys like the 2 on 2 thing? I played it with pistols and that sucked, but it's pretty fun otherwise.

The new levels are pretty fun, I especially like Warlock.
Dan said:
Johnney, I finally added you to my friends list.

You guys like the 2 on 2 thing? I played it with pistols and that sucked, but it's pretty fun otherwise.

The new levels are pretty fun, I especially like Warlock.
havent really played too much outside of big groups. guess i need to get out and explore it a little more lol
My favorite variant is Rumble Training, I don't really like any of the CTF or assault things for some reason, I'd just rather run around and kill people.
Johnney said:
ill be on friday evening. dont get off til 7 though. be back here and on by 730

I'll be on around 9 PDT (midnight Eastern) with my bro-in-law, nuclear dawg.
So, how'd you guys do?

I'll be on Sunday night if you guys wanna get a game. Just make sure you're around before 11, 11:30, because, y'know, Adult Swim.
i didnt get a chance to get on friday sorry.
was on last night for a little bit. i add Jeff to my list.
i messed around with a couple rumbles and a few small and big battles.
there was a new level i think. not sure what one it was. never played on it before. but it was an assulat game. also i seen there was some new download content that was going to be free sometime in June. that ought to be cool.
Yeah, they put out some new levels, I think they're free, but I'm not sure. They're pretty good, though.
Dan said:
Yeah, they put out some new levels, I think they're free, but I'm not sure. They're pretty good, though.
well the one said it was for premium accounts until jun something or other, then it was going to be free also.
the new one i was playing ctf and assult on was freaking HUGE! even with a full 16 players it was still empty.
i noticed last night when i was on for a bit that i went from 8th to 1st?! whats the deal with that? anyone have a clue?
never mind i jsut got off the live support people. they pointed me to a link about bungie resetting everyones levels so they are on a level playing field.
Johnney said:
i noticed last night when i was on for a bit that i went from 8th to 1st?! whats the deal with that? anyone have a clue?
I could have saved you a call. They did that because they changed a few
things in the game. You'll notice a few differences such as more powerful
grenades, melee atacks, and more variations in the rules.
Yeah, the melee and grenades were my bread and butter in the first one, I'm really glad they brought that back.
The only bad thing is that all the guys who used to be level 15 are back to level 1, and have to work their way through the ranks with guys like me, who are barely at level 2 again! :D

Friday, we got our butts kicked all over the place.

Saturday I played for a little bit. Played a variant in a private party with shotguns and swords only. Very fun.
Dan said:
Yeah, they put out some new levels, I think they're free, but I'm not sure. They're pretty good, though.

Two new levels. Warlock is a lot like a Halo 1 map. Symetrical placement of weapons, good for a 4-8 player Slayer. The other one (can't remember the name) is huge, about the size of Coagulation. Definitely one for 16 players!
gop_jeff said:
The only bad thing is that all the guys who used to be level 15 are back to level 1, and have to work their way through the ranks with guys like me, who are barely at level 2 again! :D

Friday, we got our butts kicked all over the place.

Saturday I played for a little bit. Played a variant in a private party with shotguns and swords only. Very fun.
sword onlys are a good game to play too!
im up to level 12 now from 1!! gotta love days off with nothing to do
Dan! i seen you there, i was there, but i was having a prob with the mic that Jess bought me.
im not too keen with the headset, but i also managed to get one of those controller mic thingys too. so im going to try that out tonight, when i get my other controller back from my nephew

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