"I can’t use it?" White South Carolina cop suspended for repeating the n-word on camera


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Why didnt you post the video? The cop is right. If the cop is being honest. The cop claims an African called HIM "Amish". Of course he can say, "you called me Amish!"

Its hilarious how these Africans act so offended over a word they use all the time.

If the cop's body cam video confirms that the black guy called him a N-word, then the cop should not be punished for saying that the black guy called him a N-word. The cop did not call anyone else the N-word.
If the cop's body cam video confirms that the black guy called him a N-word, then the cop should not be punished for saying that the black guy called him a N-word. The cop did not call anyone else the N-word.

Most likely he called him nigga. Black folk say that constantly....supposedly there is a world of difference but white people still aren't allowed to say it even when singing along to rap music.
“When I was called that, I can say it back, saying this guy just called me that.”

A few in the crowd shouted, “No.”

“He can say it to me, but I can’t say it to him?” the officer asked.

“No, you’re White,” someone in the crowd shouted back.

Should have said, "I identify as a 'person of color'"
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.
If the cop's body cam video confirms that the black guy called him a N-word, then the cop should not be punished for saying that the black guy called him a N-word. The cop did not call anyone else the N-word.

Most likely he called him nigga. Black folk say that constantly....supposedly there is a world of difference but white people still aren't allowed to say it even when singing along to rap music.

Isn’t that on page 464 in “The Politically Correct Handbook: A Crackers Guide to Staying Out of Deep Shit”
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Nobody is stopping you from using it, pretty sure you do anyway.

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