"I can’t use it?" White South Carolina cop suspended for repeating the n-word on camera

if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.
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if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Nobody is stopping you from using it, pretty sure you do anyway.
..I grew up in a black hood..I called my black friends it and my brothers--we used it all the time
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.
..blacks are treated with special rights--they get into colleges because of their skin color
..the MSM treats them better than whites
..lots of blacks are millionaires in sports jobs
etc etc
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I don't have to stoop to such juvenile tactics like referring to someone's skin tint when the need arises for me to give a well-deserved verbal beat-down applied with impeccable timing. I asked YOU if a black person used a racial slur towards a white person out of anger, if they should be reported as well as doxxed?
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.
What special privilege do you believe I received? I must have missed that day when they were passing out "privilege".

BTW, do you think that maybe the image problem some blacks face is of their own doing? Like "saggin"? Or pulling up to a convenience store with their "gangsta rap" music blaring so loud that the bass from the speakers are rattling the store front windows? Certainly doesn't help them with the police with that noise pollution cranked up as they smoke their blunts that STILL doesn't cover up the smell of the doobage. Some wounds are self-inflicted but I'll be damned if they can't see it....just play the victim card and "blame "whitey" when the vast majority of whites are just trying to eek out an existence in this debt-based slavery system.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.
What special privilege do you believe I received? I must have missed that day when they were passing out "privilege".

BTW, do you think that maybe the image problem some blacks face is of their own doing? Like "saggin"? Or pulling up to a convenience store with their "gangsta rap" music blaring so loud that the bass from the speakers are rattling the store front windows? Certainly doesn't help them with the police with that noise pollution cranked up as they smoke their blunts that STILL doesn't cover up the smell of the doobage. Some wounds are self-inflicted but I'll be damned if they can't see it....just play the victim card and "blame "whitey" when the vast majority of whites are just trying to eek out an existence in this debt-based slavery system.
..they commit violent crime at much higher rates = fact
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.
What special privilege do you believe I received? I must have missed that day when they were passing out "privilege".

BTW, do you think that maybe the image problem some blacks face is of their own doing? Like "saggin"? Or pulling up to a convenience store with their "gangsta rap" music blaring so loud that the bass from the speakers are rattling the store front windows? Certainly doesn't help them with the police with that noise pollution cranked up as they smoke their blunts that STILL doesn't cover up the smell of the doobage. Some wounds are self-inflicted but I'll be damned if they can't see it....just play the victim card and "blame "whitey" when the vast majority of whites are just trying to eek out an existence in this debt-based slavery system.
..they use those terms, like systematic racism, police brutality as if they are rock hard reality---when the reality is they are myths--made up by BLM/etc
..the MSM does it also
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times
I get profiled because I wear a bandanna. If a cop sees me, they pull right behind me and follow for miles as they run my tags. Then I get pulled over for some bullshit reason like I changed lanes too soon after putting on my turn signal. I finally stopped being so cooperative because I don't give a shit if I get a hard copy or not.

"Where are you going?" is what they always ask. I reply "Why? Are you writing a book or keeping a diary?.... I guess you better leave out this chapter". Then I don't say anything else......you don't have to answer any questions or give them any information that isn't required by their codes. They are "fishing". Also, don't roll your window down any further than is required in order to give them the documents they seek. I believe that all states are like Texas now, you are no longer required to sign your name to appear because you agreed to a cohesion contract when you accepted the "privilege" to drive instead of travel? You don't have to roll the window down that far to accept the citation to sign it.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?
Does a black man calling a white guy a cracker hold the same power dynamic as a white guy calling a black man the n-word??

Is there 400 yrs of state sanctioned oppression, torture and murder attached to "cracker"??

..and what makes this some fucking stupid is that cracker is a term made my white folks to describe other white folks.....it was never a term used to dehumanize white people to make their oppression and murder justified...

Cracker predates the United States.....shortened version of "whip cracker" -- as in the whip used to torture black slaves with.....and who were the ones usually picked to oversee the slaves? poor whites.....
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If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?
Does a black man calling a white guy a cracker hold the same power dynamic as a white guy calling a black man the n-word??

Is there 400 yrs of state sanctioned oppression, torture and murder attached to "cracker"??

..and what makes this some fucking stupid is that cracker is a term made my white folks to describe other white folks.....it was never a term used to dehumanize white people to make their oppression and murder justified...
If the n-word is so offensive, why do blacks use it so fucking often when talking among themselves? Rap music as we know it would have petered out a long time ago without that "go to" word when they got stuck for a line.

Some people just need to a reason to be angry, some need to use "slavery" that ended 155 years ago to excuse the fact that the reason they can't assimilate is because of something that they never experienced personally. Wealthy white liberals climb all over that like dung beetles on a pile of fresh shit.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?
Does a black man calling a white guy a cracker hold the same power dynamic as a white guy calling a black man the n-word??

Is there 400 yrs of state sanctioned oppression, torture and murder attached to "cracker"??

..and what makes this some fucking stupid is that cracker is a term made my white folks to describe other white folks.....it was never a term used to dehumanize white people to make their oppression and murder justified...
If the n-word is so offensive, why do blacks use it so fucking often when talking among themselves? Rap music as we know it would have petered out a long time ago without that "go to" word when they got stuck for a line.

Some people just need to a reason to be angry, some need to use "slavery" that ended 155 years ago to excuse the fact that the reason they can't assimilate is because of something that they never experienced personally. Wealthy white liberals climb all over that like dung beetles on a pile of fresh shit.

So as the other poster suggested -- use it and stop whining like a bitch about it.....or shut the entire fuck up and admit you are too much of a pussy to call a black man the N-word to his face...
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
Damn! What you are ignoring here is that the black dude allegedly called the cop the N-word. The cop didn't call anyone the N-word, he was simply calling the black guy out on it. None of us here are trying to get a license to use the N-word in every day conversations. But it would be nice to put an end to the double standard.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Nobody is stopping you from using it, pretty sure you do anyway.
..I grew up in a black hood..I called my black friends it and my brothers--we used it all the time

Yea right, there is NO white dude I have EVER been cool enough with to call me that. I don't know any bruthas who would go for that BS.
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if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.
..blacks are treated with special rights--they get into colleges because of their skin color.

White folks don't.
..the MSM treats them better than whites

Is that suppose to be a joke.
..lots of blacks are millionaires in sports jobs
etc etc

Lots of white billionaires own those teams, etc, etc, etc.
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if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.

Are you saying you have experienced white on white crime.
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