"I can’t use it?" White South Carolina cop suspended for repeating the n-word on camera

If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?
Does a black man calling a white guy a cracker hold the same power dynamic as a white guy calling a black man the n-word??

Is there 400 yrs of state sanctioned oppression, torture and murder attached to "cracker"??

..and what makes this some fucking stupid is that cracker is a term made my white folks to describe other white folks.....it was never a term used to dehumanize white people to make their oppression and murder justified...
If the n-word is so offensive, why do blacks use it so fucking often when talking among themselves? Rap music as we know it would have petered out a long time ago without that "go to" word when they got stuck for a line.

Some people just need to a reason to be angry, some need to use "slavery" that ended 155 years ago to excuse the fact that the reason they can't assimilate is because of something that they never experienced personally. Wealthy white liberals climb all over that like dung beetles on a pile of fresh shit.

So as the other poster suggested -- use it and stop whining like a bitch about it.....or shut the entire fuck up and admit you are too much of a pussy to call a black man the N-word to his face...

Who is whining? I made a very salient point which leftards keep ducking and dodging. I have no reason to use that word. I don't wish to degrade someone in that way and it would reflect poorly on myself. I have waaaay too many friends that are black and I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye even though they wouldn't know I used it but I would.

So, AGAIN, I ask, if a black person uses a racist slur against a white person or a Mexican, would you expect the same treatment for someone that is white or Mexican to use the "n-word"? It's pretty simple...yes or no? Does one get a pass but the other doesn't? Should only one side have their careers ruined for saying a racist slur or using a derogatory term like "queer" or "fag"? I have tired of this cultural marxism bullshit where the snowflakes get butthurt constantly and triggered as they run away to their "safe space". I think this song may apply to you......listen up and you might learn something....
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times

How many times have you been harassed, beaten or shot?
If the n-word is so offensive, why do blacks use it so fucking often when talking among themselves?
Because its none of your fucking business, thats why.
Try as you may you can't control everyone.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Blacks are allegedly "triggered" by the n-word that they use among themselves white liberals fall on the ground wailing with fake indignation to curry favor with this particular class to try and keep them on the leftard plantation by making them dependent on them but never allows them to "branch out". I compare the demcrat party to an overbearing , heavy set mother that ran her husband off and won't cut the apron strings to her son so he can move out and grow. She uses guilt as a manipulation tool to keep him beholding to her and shames him for even DARING to move out after all she has done for him. It's really sick and incestuous like and it goes on and on and on. The ones that are stirring up racial division is none other than the commie left that started this same tactic in the 20's and 30's. Their goal was to create enough anger and animosity to start a race war with the blacks being cannon fodder as they sit on the sidelines or directing from the back because in order for their plan to work, they have to burn it down and from the ashes will come their commie utopia.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I don't have to stoop to such juvenile tactics like referring to someone's skin tint when the need arises for me to give a well-deserved verbal beat-down applied with impeccable timing. I asked YOU if a black person used a racial slur towards a white person out of anger, if they should be reported as well as doxxed?

I answered.

Now go ask your coworkers the same question. Seems like you’re too afraid to bring this topic up in real life but you have no problem asking me when you get to hide in this anonymous message board.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I don't have to stoop to such juvenile tactics like referring to someone's skin tint when the need arises for me to give a well-deserved verbal beat-down applied with impeccable timing. I asked YOU if a black person used a racial slur towards a white person out of anger, if they should be reported as well as doxxed?

I answered.

Now go ask your coworkers the same question. Seems like you’re too afraid to bring this topic up in real life but you have no problem asking me when you get to hide in this anonymous message board.
No, you dodged his question. Saying to go ask someone else is not answering the question. If you don't want to answer other's questions, i.e. have a discussion, then why are you even posting on a message board anyway? We are here to have discussions with others over the internet. We may also have these same discussions in "real life", but that is a different venue than here.
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times

How many times have you been harassed, beaten or shot?
.....AND you have special rights on USMB--you can call us redneck/white trash/etc, but we can't call you the N word
...I've been harassed by blacks who tried to fight me = they are RACIST
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I don't have to stoop to such juvenile tactics like referring to someone's skin tint when the need arises for me to give a well-deserved verbal beat-down applied with impeccable timing. I asked YOU if a black person used a racial slur towards a white person out of anger, if they should be reported as well as doxxed?

I answered.

Now go ask your coworkers the same question. Seems like you’re too afraid to bring this topic up in real life but you have no problem asking me when you get to hide in this anonymous message board.
..no--that doesn't answer the question or refute the point
..we KNOW blacks are violent jackasses who become violent for no reason--of course they would try to kill or beat you for saying anything
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times

How many times have you been harassed, beaten or shot?
.....AND you have special rights on USMB--you can call us redneck/white trash/etc, but we can't call you the N word
...I've been harassed by blacks who tried to fight me = they are RACIST
To be fair, we ain't little pussies who get offended by names and words.

Name calling only hurts when they STICK because there is TRUTH behind them.
where the hell was "All Lives Matter" between 1619 and 1968?

It was most of the country.

Even in the south, most southerners were racists and they wanted segregation, but they did NOT want anything killing or lynching blacks. That was a minority who did that and intimidated the rest.

When the FBI went after the KKK, they had informants all over the place, they were turning them down. They went after the leaders and the violence dramatically went down.

And that's where it was the worst. In the North where I grew up there was little violence against blacks
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?
Does a black man calling a white guy a cracker hold the same power dynamic as a white guy calling a black man the n-word??

Is there 400 yrs of state sanctioned oppression, torture and murder attached to "cracker"??

..and what makes this some fucking stupid is that cracker is a term made my white folks to describe other white folks.....it was never a term used to dehumanize white people to make their oppression and murder justified...

Cracker predates the United States.....shortened version of "whip cracker" -- as in the whip used to torture black slaves with.....and who were the ones usually picked to oversee the slaves? poor whites.....
Perhaps. However go to the cemeteries and call the dead people who mistreated black people names and worse all the names you want. The Prog politicians/media/entertainers are arousing people into violence. Even here there is a stare down or two now. The last few years of Obama there were a lot of attacks on people. And a lot of implied threats. What a stupid nation we have become.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I don't have to stoop to such juvenile tactics like referring to someone's skin tint when the need arises for me to give a well-deserved verbal beat-down applied with impeccable timing. I asked YOU if a black person used a racial slur towards a white person out of anger, if they should be reported as well as doxxed?

I answered.

Now go ask your coworkers the same question. Seems like you’re too afraid to bring this topic up in real life but you have no problem asking me when you get to hide in this anonymous message board.
No, you dodged his question. Saying to go ask someone else is not answering the question. If you don't want to answer other's questions, i.e. have a discussion, then why are you even posting on a message board anyway? We are here to have discussions with others over the internet. We may also have these same discussions in "real life", but that is a different venue than here.

My answer is yes.

I’m not sure what part you were unclear about.
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I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.

Yup it’s a real dilemma. You can either be a patriot and speak your mind. Or you can be a coward and refuse to offend the libtards.
If you guys feel so strongly about using that word, then I urge you to use it when you're at work. In any context. And go ahead and use it on your social media as well.

See what happens.

Does that same rule apply to blacks that call white people "crackers" or "niggas"????? Should they be doxxed and reported?

Ask your HR department after you try it at your job. Let us know what they tell you.

Why are you ducking my question? Don't be a gutless coward.....there are already so many on the leftist side.

I don't mind if racial statements are reported to their employer. There's my answer.

If you don't like it, then I urge you to try using the n-word in public. Make a stand. Be a patriot. Are you afraid of being politically incorrect? Are you afraid of offending libtards? It's easy for you to complain here on an anonymous message board. Don't be a gutless coward. Stand by your convictions and use that word at your job.
I don't have to stoop to such juvenile tactics like referring to someone's skin tint when the need arises for me to give a well-deserved verbal beat-down applied with impeccable timing. I asked YOU if a black person used a racial slur towards a white person out of anger, if they should be reported as well as doxxed?

I answered.

Now go ask your coworkers the same question. Seems like you’re too afraid to bring this topic up in real life but you have no problem asking me when you get to hide in this anonymous message board.
..no--that doesn't answer the question or refute the point
..we KNOW blacks are violent jackasses who become violent for no reason--of course they would try to kill or beat you for saying anything

My answer was yes.
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.

Yup it’s a real dilemma. You can either be a patriot and speak your mind. Or you can be a coward and refuse to offend the libtards.
Or you can be a conscientious pragmatist who holds onto his beliefs while not creating hardships for his family.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times

How many times have you been harassed, beaten or shot?
.....AND you have special rights on USMB--you can call us redneck/white trash/etc, but we can't call you the N word
...I've been harassed by blacks who tried to fight me = they are RACIST

I encourage you to speak out about that publically.

State that you want to use the n-word in real life.
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.

Yup it’s a real dilemma. You can either be a patriot and speak your mind. Or you can be a coward and refuse to offend the libtards.
Or you can be a conscientious pragmatist who holds onto his beliefs while not creating hardships for his family.

Youre censoring yourself. I don’t blame you for wanting to protect your family from embarrassment over your terrible beliefs.

I suspect a lot of people here do that. They come here to let it all out anonymously because they’re afraid to say it in public.

My point is, if any of you feel so adamant about using the n word in public, then do it and deal with the consequences. Otherwise it just looks like an impotent rage - incessant whining about how the world is unfair to you. Deal with it. Make your choice and shut the fuck up.
if you can say white/Karen/redneck/etc, you should also be able to say and use ******
woooohoooo--can't use it on USMB!! USMB is not fair--that's nazi crap
USMB proves to be like the nazis

Apparently a cop can get into more trouble faster by repeating a common slang word used freely between blacks than he can actually shooting and killing an unarmed citizen, just because they say it offends them.

Anyone interested in what offends me?

Obviously, what offends Blacks counts for a WHOLE LOT more than what offends anyone else, yet they keep telling us how unfairly they are treated.

I never knew it was possible to get special rights and privileges yet still somehow be treated unfairly.

Is that why whites have never been treated unfairly, because of the special rights and privileges.

I must be a freak case then. I've been treated unfairly about one million times-- -- lied to, cheated, discriminated against: by the government, employers, companies, and individuals.

Almost no one ever cares.
I've been UNFAIRLY stopped/etc by cops at least FOUR times

How many times have you been harassed, beaten or shot?
.....AND you have special rights on USMB--you can call us redneck/white trash/etc, but we can't call you the N word
...I've been harassed by blacks who tried to fight me = they are RACIST

I encourage you to speak out about that publically.

State that you want to use the n-word in real life.
babble shit from you---WE KNOW blacks are violent idiots !! we told you that already--and you support that = idiot
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.

Yup it’s a real dilemma. You can either be a patriot and speak your mind. Or you can be a coward and refuse to offend the libtards.
....I've taken on blacks before and kicked their ass--I've posted this looooong ago on USMB
I referred to Obama as mulatto on FB and at least 150 FB ‘friends’ (mostly white) descended upon me with insults, disparagement and castigation.

Good for you. Who cares what they think, right? Don't submit to them.

If you think he's a mulatto, then say it out loud. If you don't see anything wrong with using the n-word, then say that too. Don't just hide behind a screen name on an anonymous message board. Say all of those things in public.
Problem is, I have to work to make a living and I’ve been blackballed by this lefty lynch mob.

Yup it’s a real dilemma. You can either be a patriot and speak your mind. Or you can be a coward and refuse to offend the libtards.
Or you can be a conscientious pragmatist who holds onto his beliefs while not creating hardships for his family.

Youre censoring yourself. I don’t blame you for wanting to protect your family from embarrassment over your terrible beliefs.

I suspect a lot of people here do that. They come here to let it all out anonymously because they’re afraid to say it in public.

My point is, if any of you feel so adamant about using the n word in public, then do it and deal with the consequences. Otherwise it just looks like an impotent rage - incessant whining about how the world is unfair to you. Deal with it. Make your choice and shut the fuck up.
..more babble shit from Mr Tough guy

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