I can't wait for the National Anthem to be played at the Democratic Convention in 2020

50 state blowout for Trump!

Actually, that's an interesting point. With so many on the alt-left pandering for votes and attacking Trump, there will be people who will demand the Democrats take a kneel. Let's see how committed they are to the anti-American "cause".

I can't lie, I would hope they don't take a kneel. America is still stronger when they have a Democratic party that isn't so far left, so I hope they return back to center.
50 state blowout for Trump!

Actually, that's an interesting point. With so many on the alt-left pandering for votes and attacking Trump, there will be people who will demand the Democrats take a kneel. Let's see how committed they are to the anti-American "cause".

I can't lie, I would hope they don't take a kneel. America is still stronger when they have a Democratic party that isn't so far left, so I hope they return back to center.

already 2 Democrat members of Congress knelt on the House floor. Sheila Jackson Lee & another one. it's already happening.
It just proves the genius of Trump. He's put the Democrats in an unwinnable situation. And their puppets in the media take the bait and run with it every time. They truly have learned nothing from the election.
50 state blowout for Trump!

Actually, that's an interesting point. With so many on the alt-left pandering for votes and attacking Trump, there will be people who will demand the Democrats take a kneel. Let's see how committed they are to the anti-American "cause".

I can't lie, I would hope they don't take a kneel. America is still stronger when they have a Democratic party that isn't so far left, so I hope they return back to center.

Like the pathetic NFL, the Democratic Party has dug itself into such a radical extremist hole of absolute idiot loons that they have no where to turn. Salute the flag and you enrage your base of crazies. Don't play the anthem or fly the flag, you at once establish what we already know: that the Democratic Party of today is a hate organization of pathetic losers who all despise our country and want to see it turned into anarchy. At the very least, it is run by crazy moonbats so far over the edge that they continuously drive away all the more sane people into voting someway else or just not voting at all! Keep up the good work!
the left don’t want capitalism. They don’t want the electoral college. They don’t want white people…generally calling the shots. So they have to mobilize minority Americans to be angry,
TRUMP, a moment ago, on his new favorite subject: "In my opinion, the NFL has to change. Or ... their business is going to go to hell."
"“I believe that everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t agree that they should hold the United States of America or the world hostage by taking a venue where people are tuning in to watch a football game and imposing their political view" - Steven Segal
the left don’t want capitalism. They don’t want the electoral college. They don’t want white people…generally calling the shots. So they have to mobilize minority Americans to be angry,
For the left it's a greater ideological struggle or "Jihad" they are involved in. They want to destroy America, the glue that is holding a free, democratic, capitalistic world together, in favor of a controlled borderless world run by Marxism, fascism, atheism and chaos. That is why you have master puppeteers like Soros directing and financing their cause.
There are TN Titan tickets for sale like crazy on FB. My friends feedback is full of it.
the left don’t want capitalism. They don’t want the electoral college. They don’t want white people…generally calling the shots. So they have to mobilize minority Americans to be angry,
For the left it's a greater ideological struggle or "Jihad" they are involved in. They want to destroy America, the glue that is holding a free, democratic, capitalistic world together, in favor of a controlled borderless world run by Marxism, fascism, atheism and chaos. That is why you have master puppeteers like Soros directing and financing their cause.
Taking a knee is a continuation of the globalists changing America's identity, removing statues, our flag, and removing the anthem is next.
Never thought I'd see somebody kneel on the floor of congress in contempt of our flag

it will happen at the DNC and presidential debates. RIP Democrats.

Trump is a genius!
Dems: Booed G-d, Booed Israel, Take a knee for the National Anthem, are we sure they're Americans?
Dems: Booed G-d, Booed Israel, Take a knee for the National Anthem, are we sure they're Americans?
"saying you're more patriotic than others is shallow patriotism" - Senator Cory Booker

The Democrats are already dead in 2018. The only thing left to see is how deep they will bury their own corpses until that happens. Right now, they're digging furiously!

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