I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report.

So do you want us whites to stop working, raising our children to succeed and just say fuck it?

Blacks may want to look at themselves before they scream PRIVELEGED.

Colbert is an idiot spreading idiotic "crap" that don't tell the reality of the world.

Why does this faggot insert race then cry about people bringing it us

Isnt' this what this is about? You're the supporter of what you call me.

A thread about Colbert and Stewart isnt about black people you fucking crybaby racist bitch
The biggest problem nowadays is people who still get their news from the television. Left or right. With the plethora of information online, why are people still getting their news from these worthless cable stations?

They're something like 6000 press web sites dedicated to disseminating news. And I'm not talking about blogs, though there are some great ones, rather these are the sites of every newspaper on the planet, as well as news agencies, independent journalists, stringers, foreign correspondents, combat correspondents, and especially the foreign press, which is largely ignored by our MSM. You're right. Only dolts vegetate in front of their TV's with their eyes glued on pretty talking heads from the MSM. If they're too stupid to take advantage of the enormous volume of information online, and to think for themselves, so be it.
The biggest problem nowadays is people who still get their news from the television. Left or right. With the plethora of information online, why are people still getting their news from these worthless cable stations?

They're something like 6000 press web sites dedicated to disseminating news. And I'm not talking about blogs, though there are some great ones, rather these are the sites of every newspaper on the planet, as well as news agencies, independent journalists, stringers, foreign correspondents, combat correspondents, and especially the foreign press, which is largely ignored by our MSM. You're right. Only dolts vegetate in front of their TV's with their eyes glued on pretty talking heads from the MSM. If they're too stupid to take advantage of the enormous volume of information online, and to think for themselves, so be it.

The problem is they vote..and tv is a propaganda device manipulating people into doing certain things.
TV is for idiots...as we can see here.

There ought to be a civics/literacy test to vote.

People on welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote, either.
If you don't pay in, you don't get to decide expenditure.
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Why is there no version of talk radio on the left that has more than a couple listeners?
As far as why we dont have comedy political shows? We dont need comedy in order to pay attention to important matters.

Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Why is there no version of talk radio on the left that has more than a couple listeners?
As far as why we dont have comedy political shows? We dont need comedy in order to pay attention to important matters.

Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.

We're not the one's who require lame comedy to hold our attention.
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Oh, look a confused hyperpartisan more interested in namecalling than truth.

Christine O'Donnell was the one talking about black magic and witches, not sarah palin..and sarah palin did not say she could see russia from her front yard...I know..I l know...you heard that on tv so it has to be true....
.LMAO..tv is for idiots..case in point..
The problem is that idiots can vote..They don't need facts or truth..just whatever they saw on television is enough for them.
keep watching tv, scooter..it's just your speed..
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Oh, look a confused hyperpartisan more interested in namecalling than truth.

Christine O'Donnell was the one talking about black magic and witches, not sarah palin..and sarah palin did not say she could see russia from her front yard...I know..I l know...you heard that on tv so it has to be true....
.LMAO..tv is for idiots..case in point..
The problem is that idiots can vote..They don't need facts or truth..just whatever they saw on television is enough for them.
keep watching tv, scooter..it's just your speed..

You really need to put your biases aside and try to read a bit more carefully. I didn't write that Sarah Palin was a witch, if I had it would have been a typo. Nor did I repeat the line, funny as it was, that Palin said she could see Russia from her porch. That was disabused years ago; however, her inability to answer Katie Couric was funny and hurt the McCain campaign:

COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land — boundary that we have with — Canada. It, it’s funny that a comment like that was — kind of made to cari — I don’t know. You know. Reporters —

COURIC: Mocked?

PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our— our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia—

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We— we do— it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is— from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to— to our state.
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Oh, look a confused hyperpartisan more interested in namecalling than truth.

Christine O'Donnell was the one talking about black magic and witches, not sarah palin..and sarah palin did not say she could see russia from her front yard...I know..I l know...you heard that on tv so it has to be true....
.LMAO..tv is for idiots..case in point..
The problem is that idiots can vote..They don't need facts or truth..just whatever they saw on television is enough for them.
keep watching tv, scooter..it's just your speed..
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Oh, look a confused hyperpartisan more interested in namecalling than truth.

Christine O'Donnell was the one talking about black magic and witches, not sarah palin..and sarah palin did not say she could see russia from her front yard...I know..I l know...you heard that on tv so it has to be true....
.LMAO..tv is for idiots..case in point..
The problem is that idiots can vote..They don't need facts or truth..just whatever they saw on television is enough for them.
keep watching tv, scooter..it's just your speed..

You really need to put your biases aside and try to read a bit more carefully. I didn't write that Sarah Palin was a witch, if I had it would have been a typo. Nor did I repeat the line, funny as it was, that Palin said she could see Russia from her porch. That was disabused years ago; however, her inability to answer Katie Couric was funny and hurt the McCain campaign:

COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land — boundary that we have with — Canada. It, it’s funny that a comment like that was — kind of made to cari — I don’t know. You know. Reporters —

COURIC: Mocked?

PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our— our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia—

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We— we do— it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is— from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to— to our state.

and this supposedly proves..what?
That couric was trying to bait her and she didn't go for it?

Whatever, scooter...you need to believe "your" party and politicians are superior...believe whatever you like...keep watching television, too...it makes you think you're smart and forward thinking and progressive..and you need that, too....LMAO...
I have watched both, but prefer real news to entertainment. Comedians seek laughs and sometimes veer from reality to do that. Sad that some would actually use entertainment shows to help form their opinions.
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Sheila Jackson Lee Quotes - DumbocratQuotes.com
Top 10 Outrageous Debbie Wasserman Schultz Quotes Human Events

I watch the Daily Show at times only for the comedy. But the problem with both those shows is that it is where a lot of left wingers apparently get their news. Listening to some left wingers it is not surprising they get their news from a comedy show.

The demographics of a show's viewers are reflected in their advertising. The talk shows on Fox Noise, MSBNC and CNN....Drugs for erectile dysfunction, bladder problems, Crohn's, dry eye and reverse mortgages. What age group might that be?

Colbert and Stewart's audiences are age 40 and under: beer and other alcoholic beverages, upcoming theatre films and other televisions shows.

Fox's average viewer age is OVER 65. No surprise there. That stupid bunch of fuckers is still running ads for selling gold. More suckers in the Fox viewership than the others.

Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Why is there no version of talk radio on the left that has more than a couple listeners?
As far as why we dont have comedy political shows? We dont need comedy in order to pay attention to important matters.

Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.

We're not the one's who require lame comedy to hold our attention.

Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Oh, look a confused hyperpartisan more interested in namecalling than truth.

Christine O'Donnell was the one talking about black magic and witches, not sarah palin..and sarah palin did not say she could see russia from her front yard...I know..I l know...you heard that on tv so it has to be true....
.LMAO..tv is for idiots..case in point..
The problem is that idiots can vote..They don't need facts or truth..just whatever they saw on television is enough for them.
keep watching tv, scooter..it's just your speed..

You really need to put your biases aside and try to read a bit more carefully. I didn't write that Sarah Palin was a witch, if I had it would have been a typo. Nor did I repeat the line, funny as it was, that Palin said she could see Russia from her porch. That was disabused years ago; however, her inability to answer Katie Couric was funny and hurt the McCain campaign:

COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land — boundary that we have with — Canada. It, it’s funny that a comment like that was — kind of made to cari — I don’t know. You know. Reporters —

COURIC: Mocked?

PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our— our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia—

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We— we do— it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is— from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to— to our state.

Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Why is there no version of talk radio on the left that has more than a couple listeners?
As far as why we dont have comedy political shows? We dont need comedy in order to pay attention to important matters.

Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.

We're not the one's who require lame comedy to hold our attention.

Why do you call it lame? Political satire is ageless, Mark Twain, Will Rogers and many others have used it to parody pols. Maybe you call it lame because they attack people you support, and in watching and listening to Colbert or Stewart you risk cognitive dissonance.
I have watched both, but prefer real news to entertainment. Comedians seek laughs and sometimes veer from reality to do that. Sad that some would actually use entertainment shows to help form their opinions.

If a joke or satire doesn't have a core of truth to it, it isn't funny. I suggest you pick up a copy of Mark Twain or George Bernard Shaw's writings. The Smothers Brothers wouldn't have been censored during the early 1970s if what they said was just a joke.

You are assuming just because someone may spend 22 minutes a few nights a week watching Jon Stewart, that is their source of news. Hardly.

But I can tell that 90% of the morons on this board don't ever pick up a national newspaper. They just harvest bullshit from internet blogs while they have blithering idiots from Fox droning on in the background.
The demographics of a show's viewers are reflected in their advertising. The talk shows on Fox Noise, MSBNC and CNN....Drugs for erectile dysfunction, bladder problems, Crohn's, dry eye and reverse mortgages. What age group might that be?

Colbert and Stewart's audiences are age 40 and under: beer and other alcoholic beverages, upcoming theatre films and other televisions shows.

Fox's average viewer age is OVER 65. No surprise there. That stupid bunch of fuckers is still running ads for selling gold. More suckers in the Fox viewership than the others.

I bet you won't post non-partisan links to back up your claim.

Who are you to make fun of anyone for their age, granny?
Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Sheila Jackson Lee Quotes - DumbocratQuotes.com
Top 10 Outrageous Debbie Wasserman Schultz Quotes Human Events

Top 10 Crazy Michele Bachmann Quotes

Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Why is there no version of talk radio on the left that has more than a couple listeners?
As far as why we dont have comedy political shows? We dont need comedy in order to pay attention to important matters.

Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.

We're not the one's who require lame comedy to hold our attention.

Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Oh, look a confused hyperpartisan more interested in namecalling than truth.

Christine O'Donnell was the one talking about black magic and witches, not sarah palin..and sarah palin did not say she could see russia from her front yard...I know..I l know...you heard that on tv so it has to be true....
.LMAO..tv is for idiots..case in point..
The problem is that idiots can vote..They don't need facts or truth..just whatever they saw on television is enough for them.
keep watching tv, scooter..it's just your speed..

You really need to put your biases aside and try to read a bit more carefully. I didn't write that Sarah Palin was a witch, if I had it would have been a typo. Nor did I repeat the line, funny as it was, that Palin said she could see Russia from her porch. That was disabused years ago; however, her inability to answer Katie Couric was funny and hurt the McCain campaign:

COURIC: You’ve cited Alaska’s proximity to Russia as part of your foreign-policy experience. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land — boundary that we have with — Canada. It, it’s funny that a comment like that was — kind of made to cari — I don’t know. You know. Reporters —

COURIC: Mocked?

PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that’s the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our— our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia—

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We— we do— it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where— where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is— from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to— to our state.

Why is there no conservative equivalent to Colbert or Stewart? Both have been known to parody Democrats, so I wonder if their partisan appearance has more to do with the sillyness on the right than anything else.

Sarah Palin, the "I'm not witch" candidate and Michelle Bachmann give any good comedy writer reams of material - is there a collection of characters on the left as ridiculous as that trio?

Why is there no version of talk radio on the left that has more than a couple listeners?
As far as why we dont have comedy political shows? We dont need comedy in order to pay attention to important matters.

Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.

We're not the one's who require lame comedy to hold our attention.

Why do you call it lame? Political satire is ageless, Mark Twain, Will Rogers and many others have used it to parody pols. Maybe you call it lame because they attack people you support, and in watching and listening to Colbert or Stewart you risk cognitive dissonance.

Lame yet again. The people you tried to use as an example didnt make a career out of it. They actually had other talents.
The demographics of a show's viewers are reflected in their advertising. The talk shows on Fox Noise, MSBNC and CNN....Drugs for erectile dysfunction, bladder problems, Crohn's, dry eye and reverse mortgages. What age group might that be?

Colbert and Stewart's audiences are age 40 and under: beer and other alcoholic beverages, upcoming theatre films and other televisions shows.

Fox's average viewer age is OVER 65. No surprise there. That stupid bunch of fuckers is still running ads for selling gold. More suckers in the Fox viewership than the others.

I bet you won't post non-partisan links to back up your claim.

Who are you to make fun of anyone for their age, granny?

Sorry, Ass...terism, you lost your bet.

Half of Fox News' Viewers Are 68 and Older
Fox News is losing younger viewers at an even faster rate than its competitors. With a median viewer age now at 68 according to Nielsen data through mid-January (compared with 60 for MSNBC and CNN, and 62 to 64 for the broadcast networks), Fox is in essence a retirement community ... If it is actuarially possible, its median viewer age will keep creeping upward. (It rose by two years over the course of 2013.)
Half of Fox News Viewers Are 68 and Older - The Atlantic

Fox News's Old Viewership Is Getting Even Older
Fox News s Old Viewership Is Getting Even Older - The Wire
I have watched both, but prefer real news to entertainment. Comedians seek laughs and sometimes veer from reality to do that. Sad that some would actually use entertainment shows to help form their opinions.

If a joke or satire doesn't have a core of truth to it, it isn't funny. I suggest you pick up a copy of Mark Twain or George Bernard Shaw's writings. The Smothers Brothers wouldn't have been censored during the early 1970s if what they said was just a joke.

You are assuming just because someone may spend 22 minutes a few nights a week watching Jon Stewart, that is their source of news. Hardly.

But I can tell that 90% of the morons on this board don't ever pick up a national newspaper. They just harvest bullshit from internet blogs while they have blithering idiots from Fox droning on in the background.

That would explain why comedians aren't always funny. Al Franken hasn't been funny for years.

Sometimes, the so-called 'ring of truth' is nothing more than a myth that has been pushed as fact for so long that some believe it.

Jon Stewart has picked on the left a lot, which doesn't go over well with some of my lib friends. Just when you think he is firmly on one side, he surprises you.

I don't buy that you can tell where people get their news. I often see the left spouting the same talking points. Does that mean they have one source of news?

Funny how many in the media parrot each other so that listening to various sources doesn't always mean hearing different points of view.

I read a lot of left sites. I disagree with most of the opinion pieces. I also dislike when either side pushes their opinion as actual news.
The demographics of a show's viewers are reflected in their advertising. The talk shows on Fox Noise, MSBNC and CNN....Drugs for erectile dysfunction, bladder problems, Crohn's, dry eye and reverse mortgages. What age group might that be?

Colbert and Stewart's audiences are age 40 and under: beer and other alcoholic beverages, upcoming theatre films and other televisions shows.

Fox's average viewer age is OVER 65. No surprise there. That stupid bunch of fuckers is still running ads for selling gold. More suckers in the Fox viewership than the others.

I bet you won't post non-partisan links to back up your claim.

Who are you to make fun of anyone for their age, granny?

Sorry, Ass...terism, you lost your bet.

Half of Fox News' Viewers Are 68 and Older
Fox News is losing younger viewers at an even faster rate than its competitors. With a median viewer age now at 68 according to Nielsen data through mid-January (compared with 60 for MSNBC and CNN, and 62 to 64 for the broadcast networks), Fox is in essence a retirement community ... If it is actuarially possible, its median viewer age will keep creeping upward. (It rose by two years over the course of 2013.)
Half of Fox News Viewers Are 68 and Older - The Atlantic

Fox News's Old Viewership Is Getting Even Older

Fox News s Old Viewership Is Getting Even Older - The Wire

So that means the people with more real life experience watch Fox?
That makes total sense.
The demographics of a show's viewers are reflected in their advertising. The talk shows on Fox Noise, MSBNC and CNN....Drugs for erectile dysfunction, bladder problems, Crohn's, dry eye and reverse mortgages. What age group might that be?

Colbert and Stewart's audiences are age 40 and under: beer and other alcoholic beverages, upcoming theatre films and other televisions shows.

Fox's average viewer age is OVER 65. No surprise there. That stupid bunch of fuckers is still running ads for selling gold. More suckers in the Fox viewership than the others.

I bet you won't post non-partisan links to back up your claim.

Who are you to make fun of anyone for their age, granny?

Sorry, Ass...terism, you lost your bet.

Half of Fox News' Viewers Are 68 and Older
Fox News is losing younger viewers at an even faster rate than its competitors. With a median viewer age now at 68 according to Nielsen data through mid-January (compared with 60 for MSNBC and CNN, and 62 to 64 for the broadcast networks), Fox is in essence a retirement community ... If it is actuarially possible, its median viewer age will keep creeping upward. (It rose by two years over the course of 2013.)
Half of Fox News Viewers Are 68 and Older - The Atlantic

Fox News's Old Viewership Is Getting Even Older

Fox News s Old Viewership Is Getting Even Older - The Wire

So that means the people with more real life experience watch Fox?
That makes total sense.

People who were not indoctrinated by today's professors don't buy the liberal hype. It does make sense.

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