I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report.

What's the point? Watch the comedy channel to get political perspective when we could get enough political perspective (and comedy) from ABC, NBC, CBS, PSNBC, CNN, PBS and most other networks.
Liberals or Conservatives: Who’s Really Close-Minded?

But University of Virginia Professor Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Righteous Mind doesn’t simply suggest that conservatives may not be as close-minded as they are portrayed. It proves that the opposite is the case, that conservatives understand their ideological opposite numbers far better than do liberals.

Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Haidt has a theory regarding why this is the case, based on the idea that conservatives speak a broader and more encompassing language of six moral values while liberals embrace three of the six in a narrow set of core values. I see nothing wrong with this explanation.

But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.

Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears. As a result, liberals aren’t gaining any commensurate information. In fact, the silence of their conservative friends helps reinforce their views. Much of the time, liberals’ views of conservative positions and values are simply a caricature that bear little resemblance to what conservatives actually think and, more importantly, why they think it.

But during that time when conservatives’ mouths are shut, their ears are open. They’re listening and understanding what liberals think—and what liberals think of them. Conservatives understand their own world—whether it’s of religious organizations, talk radio, Fox News, or whatever—along with the New York Times, network news world of liberals.

That helps explain why a conservative’s reaction to a liberal critique often isn’t “you’re wrong.” It’s “you don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” Haidt’s research seems to show that this reaction is warranted.​

I once had a liberal friend of mind get in my face and start screaming at me about GWB. I had never even mentioned politics to the friend nor had I made a comment about anything the friend just went off. So I just stood their and took it because it was not in a very proper place for such an loud lecture. Liberals, always so sure but always so wrong.
Liberals or Conservatives: Who’s Really Close-Minded?

But University of Virginia Professor Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Righteous Mind doesn’t simply suggest that conservatives may not be as close-minded as they are portrayed. It proves that the opposite is the case, that conservatives understand their ideological opposite numbers far better than do liberals.

Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Haidt has a theory regarding why this is the case, based on the idea that conservatives speak a broader and more encompassing language of six moral values while liberals embrace three of the six in a narrow set of core values. I see nothing wrong with this explanation.

But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.

Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears. As a result, liberals aren’t gaining any commensurate information. In fact, the silence of their conservative friends helps reinforce their views. Much of the time, liberals’ views of conservative positions and values are simply a caricature that bear little resemblance to what conservatives actually think and, more importantly, why they think it.

But during that time when conservatives’ mouths are shut, their ears are open. They’re listening and understanding what liberals think—and what liberals think of them. Conservatives understand their own world—whether it’s of religious organizations, talk radio, Fox News, or whatever—along with the New York Times, network news world of liberals.

That helps explain why a conservative’s reaction to a liberal critique often isn’t “you’re wrong.” It’s “you don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” Haidt’s research seems to show that this reaction is warranted.​

I am not a conservative, but I was once one.

Haidt's book proves what we on the right have know for decades. The Left is terribly intolerant and entirely ignorant of opposing views. They KNOW they are right and anyone who disagrees with them is not only wrong...they are EVIL!

I believe our president fits this characterization to a T.
Liberals or Conservatives: Who’s Really Close-Minded?

But University of Virginia Professor Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Righteous Mind doesn’t simply suggest that conservatives may not be as close-minded as they are portrayed. It proves that the opposite is the case, that conservatives understand their ideological opposite numbers far better than do liberals.

Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Haidt has a theory regarding why this is the case, based on the idea that conservatives speak a broader and more encompassing language of six moral values while liberals embrace three of the six in a narrow set of core values. I see nothing wrong with this explanation.

But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.

Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears. As a result, liberals aren’t gaining any commensurate information. In fact, the silence of their conservative friends helps reinforce their views. Much of the time, liberals’ views of conservative positions and values are simply a caricature that bear little resemblance to what conservatives actually think and, more importantly, why they think it.

But during that time when conservatives’ mouths are shut, their ears are open. They’re listening and understanding what liberals think—and what liberals think of them. Conservatives understand their own world—whether it’s of religious organizations, talk radio, Fox News, or whatever—along with the New York Times, network news world of liberals.

That helps explain why a conservative’s reaction to a liberal critique often isn’t “you’re wrong.” It’s “you don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” Haidt’s research seems to show that this reaction is warranted.​

I once had a liberal friend of mind get in my face and start screaming at me about GWB. I had never even mentioned politics to the friend nor had I made a comment about anything the friend just went off. So I just stood their and took it because it was not in a very proper place for such an loud lecture. Liberals, always so sure but always so wrong.

A thread on crazed interactions with Liberals, would be good.

I have had many run-ins with crazed liberals....here are just two...

I once was in the back seat of a car with a nutty lib co-worker, in the 1980s, heading to lunch. He was an attorney spouting off about the wonders of unions. When I disputed his arguments, he went bat shit crazy. I thought he was going to hit me, but I continued my arguments in a civil tone, while he completely lost his cool. It was great fun and I learned to stay claim, while they lose it....too funny.

Walking to lunch with my new boss, whom I had just met for the first time earlier that day, he brings up how awful W is. Now this was just after W was elected and before 9/11. I refused to confirm or deny his comments knowing full well never discuss politics with a kooky lib boss, he continued to rant until he was nearly frothing at the mouth.
Liberals or Conservatives: Who’s Really Close-Minded?

But University of Virginia Professor Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Righteous Mind doesn’t simply suggest that conservatives may not be as close-minded as they are portrayed. It proves that the opposite is the case, that conservatives understand their ideological opposite numbers far better than do liberals.

Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Haidt has a theory regarding why this is the case, based on the idea that conservatives speak a broader and more encompassing language of six moral values while liberals embrace three of the six in a narrow set of core values. I see nothing wrong with this explanation.

But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.

Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears. As a result, liberals aren’t gaining any commensurate information. In fact, the silence of their conservative friends helps reinforce their views. Much of the time, liberals’ views of conservative positions and values are simply a caricature that bear little resemblance to what conservatives actually think and, more importantly, why they think it.

But during that time when conservatives’ mouths are shut, their ears are open. They’re listening and understanding what liberals think—and what liberals think of them. Conservatives understand their own world—whether it’s of religious organizations, talk radio, Fox News, or whatever—along with the New York Times, network news world of liberals.

That helps explain why a conservative’s reaction to a liberal critique often isn’t “you’re wrong.” It’s “you don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” Haidt’s research seems to show that this reaction is warranted.​

I once had a liberal friend of mind get in my face and start screaming at me about GWB. I had never even mentioned politics to the friend nor had I made a comment about anything the friend just went off. So I just stood their and took it because it was not in a very proper place for such an loud lecture. Liberals, always so sure but always so wrong.

A thread on crazed interactions with Liberals, would be good.

I have had many run-ins with crazed liberals....here are just two...

I once was in the back seat of a car with a nutty lib co-worker, in the 1980s, heading to lunch. He was an attorney spouting off about the wonders of unions. When I disputed his arguments, he went bat shit crazy. I thought he was going to hit me, but I continued my arguments in a civil tone, while he completely lost his cool. It was great fun and I learned to stay claim, while they lose it....too funny.

Walking to lunch with my new boss, whom I had just met for the first time earlier that day, he brings up how awful W is. Now this was just after W was elected and before 9/11. I refused to confirm or deny his comments knowing full well never discuss politics with a kooky lib boss, he continued to rant until he was nearly frothing at the mouth.

Another time I was talking to what I call a "pretend liberal" about his savings for retirement. He was real proud about how he had bought gold. I just asked what he would do if the government decided to confiscate all the gold. He said is would never happen. Now he is a pretty smart guy who prides himself on being up on events. When I said, well it already happened once all he could do was deny it. Since he didn't know it had happened he was thus positive that I was full of crap and it never really happened. When I mentioned it was FDR that just cemented his opinion.

For our liberal friends: Executive Order 6102 is a United States presidential executive order signed on April 5, 1933, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States". The order criminalized the possession of monetary gold by any individual, partnership, association or corporation.
i see it every day

the believers

heart broken sad and hurting

that obama sure is a cruel one

playing on the emotions of the lib
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Stewart and Colbert are left wing propagandists comedians. They are funny though...I guess having a huge staff of writers to write funny jokes, works.

I dispute your claim that the Left knows much more about the Right. Most leftists have NEVER heard a right wing position or debated it. Most only know Leftism. For example, in another thread a Leftist asks what other economic system is there other than Keynesian. Conversely, we on the Right have had to endure a constant barrage of Leftism, from birth to death.

I believe that polling proves me correct. I can't find it now, but there was a poll done of Right and Left..asking each what the other thought about issues. The Right got it right about the Left. The Left almost never got it right about the right.

a great many of the lefties spend enormous amounts of time

listening to rush-hannity - and beck

i dont know why

but they do

As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Stewart and Colbert are left wing propagandists comedians. They are funny though...I guess having a huge staff of writers to write funny jokes, works.

I dispute your claim that the Left knows much more about the Right. Most leftists have NEVER heard a right wing position or debated it. Most only know Leftism. For example, in another thread a Leftist asks what other economic system is there other than Keynesian. Conversely, we on the Right have had to endure a constant barrage of Leftism, from birth to death.

I believe that polling proves me correct. I can't find it now, but there was a poll done of Right and Left..asking each what the other thought about issues. The Right got it right about the Left. The Left almost never got it right about the right.

a great many of the lefties spend enormous amounts of time

listening to rush-hannity - and beck

i dont know why

but they do


At least they say they do.

But if they do I tell you why, it is entertaining. I don't listen to Beck any more he has become way too dark for me. But Rush is still funny and entertaining.
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Stewart and Colbert are left wing propagandists comedians. They are funny though...I guess having a huge staff of writers to write funny jokes, works.

I dispute your claim that the Left knows much more about the Right. Most leftists have NEVER heard a right wing position or debated it. Most only know Leftism. For example, in another thread a Leftist asks what other economic system is there other than Keynesian. Conversely, we on the Right have had to endure a constant barrage of Leftism, from birth to death.

I believe that polling proves me correct. I can't find it now, but there was a poll done of Right and Left..asking each what the other thought about issues. The Right got it right about the Left. The Left almost never got it right about the right.

a great many of the lefties spend enormous amounts of time

listening to rush-hannity - and beck

i dont know why

but they do


At least they say they do.

But if they do I tell you why, it is entertaining. I don't listen to Beck any more he has become way too dark for me. But Rush is still funny and entertaining.

i do not listen to any of them anymore

however it seems that the left is always up to date

and ready to spread whatever one of these guys has to say

As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Most "rightwingers" don't debate political issues that stem from comedy shows. You do know that the shows you referenced are comedic using humor and satire and are not to be taken seriously?
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Most "rightwingers" don't debate political issues that stem from comedy shows. You do know that the shows you referenced are comedic using humor and satire and are not to be taken seriously?

Well that's on you and is why you are losing at the polls. Many polls have stated Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert are the top minds of the Leftist Nation.

But since I'm a Right Winger Christian I know about "Faith". You can't have information and be funny too (R)ight? Faith in Rupert Merdoch is what you are selling. Only CULTS don't want you to gain an additional perspective, because if you learn beyond the cult, what is a cult?..........Just a bias organization of people that focus on one agenda and see weakness in the ones who seek wisdom beyond their perspective.
As stated, "I Challenge Right Wingers to Watch Daily Show and Colbert Report."

If you are smart enough to debate politics, you can surely take a joke or two over politics.

I would also challenge the Left to take in the Mike Huckabee show, but clearly today, "THE LEFT KNOWS MUCH MORE ABOUT THE RIGHT WING THAN THE RIGHT KNOWS ABOUT THE LEFT"<-----fact

Stewart and Colbert are left wing propagandists comedians. They are funny though...I guess having a huge staff of writers to write funny jokes, works.

I dispute your claim that the Left knows much more about the Right. Most leftists have NEVER heard a right wing position or debated it. Most only know Leftism. For example, in another thread a Leftist asks what other economic system is there other than Keynesian. Conversely, we on the Right have had to endure a constant barrage of Leftism, from birth to death.

I believe that polling proves me correct. I can't find it now, but there was a poll done of Right and Left..asking each what the other thought about issues. The Right got it right about the Left. The Left almost never got it right about the right.

a great many of the lefties spend enormous amounts of time

listening to rush-hannity - and beck

i dont know why

but they do


EVERYONE should educate themselves on opposing parties. They might learn some things. The Right is in dire need of a better media leader. The best they have today is Mike Huckabee. Rush, Hannity and Beck are all morons that have been documented to be telling the truth around 18% of the time. DOCUMENTED. But like last election, the Right Wingers "Won't be dictated by fact checkers".
is Jon "stewart" a self hating liberal Jew?
Is he? What does this have to do with the topic? Why do all of the smallest brains in Political discussions jump to 12 year old style bash positions that have the equal value of "You are stupid!"............

"You are stupid" doesn't win debates and doesn't win elections. When you throw dirt, you lose ground.
Important matters? If those on the right paid attention to important matters it isn't obvious by the number of insipid threads and posts produced by them.

Want examples? Look up posts by Stephanie, CrusaderCrank, Rabbi, bripqt or LGS.
Yes because you think that your blind and dumb adherence to left wing dogma is somehow justified because you think you can identify others on the right who are as dogmatic as you.

Sorry but one or two or even twenty people do not embody an entire political spectrum just so you can justify not thinking.
and this supposedly proves..what?
That couric was trying to bait her and she didn't go for it?

Whatever, scooter...you need to believe "your" party and politicians are superior...believe whatever you like...keep watching television, too...it makes you think you're smart and forward thinking and progressive..and you need that, too....LMAO...
It proves that Palin was an idiot. You do realize that Russia is NOWHERE NEAR ALASKA right?
and this supposedly proves..what?
That couric was trying to bait her and she didn't go for it?

Whatever, scooter...you need to believe "your" party and politicians are superior...believe whatever you like...keep watching television, too...it makes you think you're smart and forward thinking and progressive..and you need that, too....LMAO...
It proves that Palin was an idiot. You do realize that Russia is NOWHERE NEAR ALASKA right?

ummmm..Sarah Palin didn't say she could see russia from her house. That was a television show...

and geographically speaking, you're just as clueless;

In the future try to educate yourself so you don't embarrass yourself saying stupid shit...

Russia and Alaska are divided by the Bering Strait, which is about 55 miles at its narrowest point. In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other.
and this supposedly proves..what?
That couric was trying to bait her and she didn't go for it?

Whatever, scooter...you need to believe "your" party and politicians are superior...believe whatever you like...keep watching television, too...it makes you think you're smart and forward thinking and progressive..and you need that, too....LMAO...
It proves that Palin was an idiot. You do realize that Russia is NOWHERE NEAR ALASKA right?

Do you really believe Palin said she could see Russia from her house?

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