I decided to patch things up with my sister

Our relationship has been bad since T won the election
We have only meet 2 times in 4 yrs but we get along in person . We just never talk on the phone
We even played tennis for 30 min and she still is a killer !
I decided to call her after 6 months of zero contact and discussed many things and talked to her 2 daughters
I did not talk to her son !!!

it’s patched up . I promised I will no longer send her “nasty polemic messages for T”

Now my relationship with my Dad appears gone and we have only Talked twice this yr
Your dad?
Didn't you say you were up there in years?
My Dad is mentally insane. Everywhere he goes he yells at people .

He sounds like a blast to hangout with. :dunno:
He has zero friends
Last year : He and several other Jews ( all very rich ) got into huge argument over who pays what portion of the bill
Who cares .. you just divide it up and , if you pay an extra 7 dollars - who cares
He thought he was overcharged several dollars and made a huge scene

1. Your father is not Jewish.
2. You are not Jewish.
3. Your father is not rich.
4. You are not rich.

I know you're not Jewish because, based on your posts, you have absolutely NO Jewish education.
If you're not Jewish, but your father was, you would , at the very least, have picked up some Jewish education simply by osmosis.

Your posts swing from claiming to be Jewish to being outright antisemitic. When questioned about this, you claim ignorance of Jewish culture.

I seriously doubt that you ever met a Jew who wasn't your boss, your landlord, or your court-appointed attorney.

I know you're not rich, again based on your posts, because your grammar, spelling, and punctuation shows you had precious little basic education.

If your father were rich, you would have at least had the benefit of a decent education. If you were ironically trying to reject any claim to literacy, your errors would at least be consistent and more consistent.

Personally, I don't care what you are. But, please don't claim to be Jewish. It's embarrassing.
I seriously doubt if any of his posts are truthful.
All are !!
I don’t fabricate
Our relationship has been bad since T won the election
We have only meet 2 times in 4 yrs but we get along in person . We just never talk on the phone
We even played tennis for 30 min and she still is a killer !
I decided to call her after 6 months of zero contact and discussed many things and talked to her 2 daughters
I did not talk to her son !!!

it’s patched up . I promised I will no longer send her “nasty polemic messages for T”

Now my relationship with my Dad appears gone and we have only Talked twice this yr
Your dad?
Didn't you say you were up there in years?
I am in my 40s
I still feel young and strong but I am slower
Our relationship has been bad since T won the election
We have only meet 2 times in 4 yrs but we get along in person . We just never talk on the phone
We even played tennis for 30 min and she still is a killer !
I decided to call her after 6 months of zero contact and discussed many things and talked to her 2 daughters
I did not talk to her son !!!

it’s patched up . I promised I will no longer send her “nasty polemic messages for T”

Now my relationship with my Dad appears gone and we have only Talked twice this yr
Your dad?
Didn't you say you were up there in years?
I am in my 40s
I still feel young and strong but I am slower
40 is way too young to get slower.
I hope your business isn't breaking you down.
As far as family...screw them.
Our relationship has been bad since T won the election
We have only meet 2 times in 4 yrs but we get along in person . We just never talk on the phone
We even played tennis for 30 min and she still is a killer !
I decided to call her after 6 months of zero contact and discussed many things and talked to her 2 daughters
I did not talk to her son !!!

it’s patched up . I promised I will no longer send her “nasty polemic messages for T”

Now my relationship with my Dad appears gone and we have only Talked twice this yr
Your dad?
Didn't you say you were up there in years?
I am in my 40s
I still feel young and strong but I am slower
40 is way too young to get slower.
I hope your business isn't breaking you down.
As far as family...screw them.
I am 45 but I still get carded once a month
I still look about 35
I can’t run like I used to
My strikes are a tad slower
I can’t run like I used to
My strikes are a tad slower
Running is the first thing to go.
What’s second ??
I can’t run anymore
I used to be very fast
My wife and I have been on an oil free plant diet for year and my weight is back to when I was in my 20s.
I dropped from 160 to the low 130s and my wife dropped from 120 to 99.
We eat all day but no oil and nothing with a head works likes a charm.
I can’t run like I used to
My strikes are a tad slower
Running is the first thing to go.
What’s second ??
I can’t run anymore
I used to be very fast
My wife and I have been on an oil free plant diet for year and my weight is back to when I was in my 20s.
I dropped from 160 to the low 130s and my wife dropped from 120 to 99.
We eat all day but no oil and nothing with a head works likes a charm.
I am 160 but probably much taller than you
I am as sharp as “volcanic glass “
I can’t run like I used to
My strikes are a tad slower
Running is the first thing to go.
What’s second ??
I can’t run anymore
I used to be very fast
My wife and I have been on an oil free plant diet for year and my weight is back to when I was in my 20s.
I dropped from 160 to the low 130s and my wife dropped from 120 to 99.
We eat all day but no oil and nothing with a head works likes a charm.
I am 160 but probably much taller than you
I'm 5'6"...used to be 5'6 3/4".
Our relationship has been bad since T won the election
We have only meet 2 times in 4 yrs but we get along in person . We just never talk on the phone
We even played tennis for 30 min and she still is a killer !
I decided to call her after 6 months of zero contact and discussed many things and talked to her 2 daughters
I did not talk to her son !!!

it’s patched up . I promised I will no longer send her “nasty polemic messages for T”

Now my relationship with my Dad appears gone and we have only Talked twice this yr
Your dad?
Didn't you say you were up there in years?
I am in my 40s
I still feel young and strong but I am slower
40 is way too young to get slower.
I hope your business isn't breaking you down.
As far as family...screw them.
I am 45 but I still get carded once a month
I still look about 35
If you look 35 what are you getting carded for? The early-bird dinner discount for seniors?
I didn't take it as a joke, I work volcanic glass, others, and it's sharp stuff, Being a knifemaker it's very hard to get a steel edge to even come close to flint or obsidian (possibly can't). And some pretty stuff to boot.

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