I defy any Democrat to watch the movie about Chauvin and claim he is guilty!!!!

Means you're lying because you can't answer a simple question without me watching a movie for almost 2 hours.
So let me see if I've got this straight, Faun. You've spent hours on a string debating whether or not a new documentary film proves that Derek Chauvin isn't guilty of murder...yet you've never watched the film nor do you seem inclined to do so?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the movie...but don't you think you might want to before you make up your mind?
Ok. So explain why the autopsy didn’t show the most common sign of an overdose.
The most common sign of a Fentanyl overdose is respiratory failure, Savannah Man.

You want to know why the autopsy contained what it did? Read the following.

So let me see if I've got this straight, Faun. You've spent hours on a string debating whether or not a new documentary film proves that Derek Chauvin isn't guilty of murder...yet you've never watched the film nor do you seem inclined to do so?

Nobody is forcing you to watch the movie...but don't you think you might want to before you make up your mind?

Sadly, you're lying again. In reality, not once did I debate if that film does or does not prove Chauvin.

But I have since watched it.

And because I watched it, I now see you've been lying about other things too. Such as your suggestion that Floyd could have known he had ingested fentanyl based on his prior drug use. Only nothing in that video shows Floyd had ever taken fentanyl before that day. Then when I asked if it's proper to kneel on someone's neck AFTER they complain they can't breathe, you pointed to Chauvin being trained in MRT. True, he was trained. But there's nothing in the training about not employing MRT if the suspect is struggling to breathe. Furthermore, Chauvin didn't perform an MRT properly. You claimed he use the, "I can't breathe," line in the past. The video doesn't show that.

If you want to convince others that Chauvin is not guilty, you're gonna have to stop lying.
The most common sign of a Fentanyl overdose is respiratory failure, Savannah Man.

You want to know why the autopsy contained what it did? Read the following.

Respiratory failure is also a symptom of positional asphyxiation.
No evidence of an overdose? You mean other than the potentially lethal amount of Fentanyl that was found in his system? Other than the video that shows him complaining that he couldn't breathe when he was still standing up? Nah, no evidence there, Joey!!!!!!!!! You've got to be kidding me!

Someone else discussed the issue of Edema on the cornoror's report. That the amount of drugs in his system was "potentially lethal" is meaningless.

Chauvin isn't a Nazi. He's a police officer arresting a felon who's resisting arrest using a means of restraint that he was TRAINED by his department to use! George Floyd had multiple opportunities to save his own life. He could have simply gotten into the cruiser and not resisted arrest. Nobody kneeling on him then, right Joey? Or he could have told the Police that he'd taken drugs and was in distress. He didn't do that, did he?

Old Style at the Crucifixion..

The most common sign of a Fentanyl overdose is respiratory failure, Savannah Man.

You want to know why the autopsy contained what it did? Read the following.

Actually. No. That isn’t the most common sign. It is a common symptom. It there is something found in 96% of Overdose victims in the autopsy. So again I ask why the Coroners Report of the Autopsy says this is absent.

Oh. And as for your link. It isn’t new. It’s the same crap they moaned about when the trial was going on and when Chauvin was charged. The only thing new in there is the date.
Someone else discussed the issue of Edema on the cornoror's report. That the amount of drugs in his system was "potentially lethal" is meaningless.

Old Style at the Crucifixion..

View attachment 866282
Let me get this straight...having a lethal amount of a drug in your system is "meaningless"? In what universe? I literally can't think of anything that WOULD have more meaning!
Actually. No. That isn’t the most common sign. It is a common symptom. It there is something found in 96% of Overdose victims in the autopsy. So again I ask why the Coroners Report of the Autopsy says this is absent.

Oh. And as for your link. It isn’t new. It’s the same crap they moaned about when the trial was going on and when Chauvin was charged. The only thing new in there is the date.
So you don't have a problem with someone contacting a coroner to warn them that they shouldn't be the guy that issued a report that would cause a riot, Savannah? That it would be better if they came to a different conclusion?
Respiratory failure is also a symptom of positional asphyxiation.
Interesting that Floyd is on video complaining about not being able to breathe when he was standing up prior to being put in the cruiser, Faun! Was that "positional asphyxiation" as well?
And when he was arrested on the prior drug charge...and claimed THEN that he couldn't breathe? Was that positional asphyxiation as well?
So you don't have a problem with someone contacting a coroner to warn them that they shouldn't be the guy that issued a report that would cause a riot, Savannah? That it would be better if they came to a different conclusion?

Ok. You idiots are taking things out of context. Not surprising. But let’s get back to the Overdose claim.

Pulmonary edema was present in 96% of those who died of fentanyl alone and in 94% of those who died of opioids excluding fentanyl.

Edema was present in almost all of the autopsies of overdose victims. The only ones who did not have it were those who died almost immediately. The people who die with the needle still in their arms as an example. Since we know that Floyd was alive for several minutes before Chauvin arrived on scene and then at least five minutes after. We can say that Floyd didn’t die of an overdose right?

This is the autopsy report. Top of page ten. No Edema present during the internal examination.

So how is it that a clear sign that is present in almost every overdose victim’s autopsy is missing from Floyd? Was that politics too? Was that part of a conspiracy?
Ok. You idiots are taking things out of context. Not surprising. But let’s get back to the Overdose claim.

Pulmonary edema was present in 96% of those who died of fentanyl alone and in 94% of those who died of opioids excluding fentanyl.

Edema was present in almost all of the autopsies of overdose victims. The only ones who did not have it were those who died almost immediately. The people who die with the needle still in their arms as an example. Since we know that Floyd was alive for several minutes before Chauvin arrived on scene and then at least five minutes after. We can say that Floyd didn’t die of an overdose right?

This is the autopsy report. Top of page ten. No Edema present during the internal examination.

So how is it that a clear sign that is present in almost every overdose victim’s autopsy is missing from Floyd? Was that politics too? Was that part of a conspiracy?
"The right and left lungs weigh 1085 and 1015 g, respectively. The external surfaces are pink only on the most anterior aspects, and deep red-purple in all other areas. The pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous."
Ah, that's from the autopsy report...do you understand what the terms "congested" and "edematous" mean?
So if it wasn't, then obviously Floyd is suffering from a respiratory issue OTHER than someone kneeling on his neck! Gee, like Fentanyl poisoning?

The medical examiner ruled out fentanyl as a manner of death. You're not qualified to overrule the medical examiner.
"The right and left lungs weigh 1085 and 1015 g, respectively. The external surfaces are pink only on the most anterior aspects, and deep red-purple in all other areas. The pulmonary parenchyma is diffusely congested and edematous."
Ah, that's from the autopsy report...do you understand what the terms "congested" and "edematous" mean?

Yes. Common in suffocation victims.

Edema in the lungs is common in suffocation victims. Positional asphyxiation is a well known danger for law enforcement. The DOJ put out a warning in 1995 about it. It is why Chauvin was told not to do what he did by two different trainers according to trial testimony.
Let me get this straight...having a lethal amount of a drug in your system is "meaningless"? In what universe? I literally can't think of anything that WOULD have more meaning!

I can.

Having some Nazi put his knee to your neck for nine minutes until you stop moving and die.

Occam's Razor, buddy. The simplest answer is usually the right one.

And when he was arrested on the prior drug charge...and claimed THEN that he couldn't breathe? Was that positional asphyxiation as well?

The previous time, no one put his knee on his neck for nine minutes. That's why he lived.
I can.

Having some Nazi put his knee to your neck for nine minutes until you stop moving and die.

Occam's Razor, buddy. The simplest answer is usually the right one.

The previous time, no one put his knee on his neck for nine minutes. That's why he lived.
Occam's Razor would say that someone with an overdose of a drug that causes respiratory failure who dies of respiratory failure most likely died of a drug overdose! Bottom line? If he didn't do Fentanyl...he'd probably be alive today. Someone kneeling on him isn't what killed him. He like tens of thousands of OTHER Americans was killed by the Fentanyl that's been allowed to pour into our country!

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