I defy any Democrat to watch the movie about Chauvin and claim he is guilty!!!!

My prediction is that Chauvin will either be killed in prison or pardoned.
George Floyd was a drug addict that over dosed and died. Chauvin was the scape goat blamed by the Mayor and Police Chief to sate the blood thirsty mobs that were burning the city to the ground. That decision has literally caused the resignations and retirements of tens of thousands of Police Officers all across this country. No one wants a job where they could end up in prison simply for doing their job!

Sadly, you're still dazed and confused. At every level, Chauvin was found to be guilty.
If you've taken a potentially lethal dose of a drug that stops your breathing...and then your breathing is hampered to the point where you are verbally claiming that you're having problems breathing BEFORE the Police restrain you on the ground...how does a Coroner reach the conclusion that a homicide has taken place?

The key word is "Potentially". Floyd was a frequent user with a high tolerance level. What he didn't have a tolerance to a knee to the neck.

George Floyd wasn't killed by Derek Chauvin. He was killed by the drugs that HE ingested...drugs that affected his ability to breath before he was even on the ground!

That sounds like a good reason to NOT put a knee to his neck.

No, I'm not a coroner but I can read a coroner's report and think logically. If someone has levels of a drug in their system that are very often lethal then THAT should be the first thing that needs to be eliminated as a possible cause of death! That was never done in the George Floyd case.

Well, no. Because he died when the knee was on the neck...

What "crimes" deserve execution before trial, Faun? What "crimes" deserve a bullet without warning? Why wasn't Ashli Babbitt "charged"? Oh that's right...she wasn't charged because Byrd acted as judge, jury and executioner!

She participated in a mob that attacked Congress... that's why she was shot.
Having it in his system alone does not mean that's what killed him. There are other signs to look for which were not present, ruling out a suicide.

And no, it's stupid to assert that a ME would rule his death a homicide to reduce the chances of rioting. Yet again you demonstrate your inability to think logically.

Logically, ruling his death a suicide would LESSEN the chance of rioting. Blaming the cop for killing him greatly increases the chances of rioting.
Other signs? Oh you mean like complaining that you can't breathe when you're just standing there talking to the Police? Is THAT the kind of sign you're referring to? Or how about his girlfriend relating that he'd OD'd on Fentanyl earlier that year? Is THAT the kind of thing you're talking about?
My prediction is that Chauvin will either be killed in prison or pardoned.
George Floyd was a drug addict that over dosed and died. Chauvin was the scape goat blamed by the Mayor and Police Chief to sate the blood thirsty mobs that were burning the city to the ground. That decision has literally caused the resignations and retirements of tens of thousands of Police Officers all across this country. No one wants a job where they could end up in prison simply for doing their job!
No. Prison officials will make sure that Chauvin will not get assaulted again. My prediction is that a few heads at the prison Chauvin was shanked will roll.
Your drug overdose theory was rejected by the jury.
No, I'm not a coroner but I can read a coroner's report and think logically. If someone has levels of a drug in their system that are very often lethal then THAT should be the first thing that needs to be eliminated as a possible cause of death! That was never done in the George Floyd case.

Actually. It was. On page ten of the Autopsy Report. It mentions no Edema present. That’s important. It’s vital in fact. Because in the case of overdose deaths there is an Edema present in 96% of the cases. The only time it isn’t is when the deaths are virtually instantaneous. The people dying with a needle still in their arm.

That is why the Medical People ruled out Overdose. We know the death was some time after the drugs were taken. Far longer than an Edema would need to have in order to be present.

So Overdose as a cause of death was ruled out by the evidence of the autopsy. Again. Page ten. At the top.
Well the good news is that Floyds crime career has ended.

Same as Chauvin's.

Chauvin will end up having his case evaluated by the US Supreme Court where they will free him.

Nope. He appealed already and his appeal was denied. Unless some new evidence surfaces, he has nothing left to appeal.

And let's pray the city of Minneapolis has to pay him the same sum they paid the family of the criminal George Floyd.

You should pray very hard for that. You should also pray for him that he doesn’t get killed in jail before he finishes his sentence.
Well the good news is that Floyds crime career has ended. Chauvin will end up having his case evaluated by the US Supreme Court where they will free him. And let's pray the city of Minneapolis has to pay him the same sum they paid the family of the criminal George Floyd.
That already happened. They refused to hear his case. Appeal denied
Having it in his system alone does not mean that's what killed him. There are other signs to look for which were not present, ruling out a suicide.

And no, it's stupid to assert that a ME would rule his death a homicide to reduce the chances of rioting. Yet again you demonstrate your inability to think logically.

Logically, ruling his death a suicide would LESSEN the chance of rioting. Blaming the cop for killing him greatly increases the chances of rioting.
Oh, bullshit! If they'd ruled Floyd's death a suicide the mobs would have gone on even a bigger rampage than they did! That coroner's report was NEVER going to say it was a death due to a drug overdose because the truth wouldn't have been acceptable to the race hustlers that were already declaring it was racism that killed Floyd!
Other signs? Oh you mean like complaining that you can't breathe when you're just standing there talking to the Police? Is THAT the kind of sign you're referring to? Or how about his girlfriend relating that he'd OD'd on Fentanyl earlier that year? Is THAT the kind of thing you're talking about?

No, like having Edema present in the body. SavannahMann explained it to ya in post #207.
Oh, bullshit! If they'd ruled Floyd's death a suicide the mobs would have gone on even a bigger rampage than they did! That coroner's report was NEVER going to say it was a death due to a drug overdose because the truth wouldn't have been acceptable to the race hustlers that were already declaring it was racism that killed Floyd!

You're deranged. Mobs protested and rioted because a cop killed Floyd. Why the fuck would anyone riot if Floyd killed himself??

The key word is "Potentially". Floyd was a frequent user with a high tolerance level. What he didn't have a tolerance to a knee to the neck.

That sounds like a good reason to NOT put a knee to his neck.

Well, no. Because he died when the knee was on the neck...

She participated in a mob that attacked Congress... that's why she was shot.
High tolerance? His girlfriend said that he almost died of a drug overdose about a year earlier! He said he couldn't breathe BEFORE he ever had a knee on his shoulder! It would have been a GREAT reason to give the drugged out piece of shit some Narcon so he wouldn't go into respiratory arrest! If he'd told the Police he'd taken Fentanyl and couldn't breathe that's exactly what would have happened.
You're deranged. Mobs protested and rioted because a cop killed Floyd. Why the fuck would anyone riot if Floyd killed himself??

Because it didn't fit the narrative that they'd been fed by the Main Stream Media that Floyd was an innocent black man killed by racist white Police officers! Duh?
High tolerance? His girlfriend said that he almost died of a drug overdose about a year earlier! He said he couldn't breathe BEFORE he ever had a knee on his shoulder! It would have been a GREAT reason to give the drugged out piece of shit some Narcon so he wouldn't go into respiratory arrest! If he'd told the Police he'd taken Fentanyl and couldn't breathe that's exactly what would have happened.

Who says he knew he ingested fentanyl?
Because it didn't fit the narrative that they'd been fed by the Main Stream Media that Floyd was an innocent black man killed by racist white Police officers! Duh?

I see the problem now. You're retarded. BLM protests and riots because a cop killed Floyd. You claiming they would have rioted if a cop DIDN'T kill Floyd makes zero sense.

About as much sense as you believing EVERYTHING in the medical examiner's report EXCEPT their conclusions based on everything in the medical examiner's report.
Who says he knew he ingested fentanyl?
You think he accidentally ingested it? Come on, Faun...he's a long time drug addict with a history of doing Fentanyl! His girlfriend said it almost killed him once before. When he was pulled over in a drug bust the time before he swallowed drugs. He probably did the same thing this time.
You think he accidentally ingested it? Come on, Faun...he's a long time drug addict with a history of doing Fentanyl! His girlfriend said it almost killed him once before.

Are you unaware that Fentanyl is often used to lace other drugs? Show proof Floyd knowingly ingested Fentanyl. Show proof he knowingly passed of a fake $20...

When he was pulled over in a drug bust the time before he swallowed drugs. He probably did the same thing this time.

When a conservative says, "probably," everything that follows is made up bullshit to support their failed position.
I see the problem now. You're retarded. BLM protests and riots because a cop killed Floyd. You claiming they would have rioted if a cop DIDN'T kill Floyd makes zero sense.

About as much sense as you believing EVERYTHING in the medical examiner's report EXCEPT their conclusions based on everything in the medical examiner's report.
They would have gone ballistic if the Coroner's report came back that Chauvin wasn't to blame for Floyd's death! The riots would have been immediate.
Are you unaware that Fentanyl is often used to lace other drugs? Show proof Floyd knowingly ingested Fentanyl. Show proof he knowingly passed of a fake $20...

When a conservative says, "probably," everything that follows is made up bullshit to support their failed position.
Oh for god's sake...do you know nothing about what happened that day? Floyd was told by the store clerk that the bill was counterfeit and Floyd kept returning to the store and trying to use it. That was why the store clerk called the Police. Floyd knew he was passing funny money.
They would have gone ballistic if the Coroner's report came back that Chauvin wasn't to blame for Floyd's death! The riots would have been immediate.

Oh for god's sake...do you know nothing about what happened that day? Floyd was told by the store clerk that the bill was counterfeit and Floyd kept returning to the store and trying to use it. That was why the store clerk called the Police. Floyd knew he was passing funny money.

Floyd did not try using the bill multiple times. It's you, not me, who doesn't know what happened.

The store clerk assumed the bill was fake, but accepted it anyway. He also didn't think Floyd knew it was fake. He told his manager who instructed him to go outside and ask Floyd to come back in. Floyd was in a vehicle and refused. The clerk went back in and then back out to Floyd, who again refused to go back into the store. The clerk informed his manager who then had someone else call 911.

To this day, it's unknown if the bill was even counterfeit. Even if it was, to this day, it's unknown if Floyd knew it was counterfeit. To this day, it's unknown if Floyd was aware he had ingested fentanyl.

Now you know.

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