I defy any Democrat to watch the movie about Chauvin and claim he is guilty!!!!

There are multiple videos that were recorded that day, Faun and in NONE of them can you hear Lt. Byrd yell the warning that he said he did! He lied.

Doesn't matter. I showed you not every word was captured on video. And we have a witness who exited the Capitol and told an interviewer he heard the warning.
The fact is...Floyd was complaining that he couldn't breathe when he was STANDING up and being arrested. That took place before Chauvin was even on site.

And what did Chauvin do to help him breathe?
Then let's ask another question. Had George Floyd ever overdosed on Fentanyl before? The answer to that was given by his girl friend who testified that he had OD'd before while doing drugs! This wasn't a one time thing. This was habitual behavior by Floyd.

And didn't die from it.
What's "bullshit" is that he was "murdered", Joey! Dying of a drug overdose isn't murder unless you want to charge the person who sold him the drugs! The Police are there to arrest someone for breaking the law which is what he was doing. The fact that he had a potentially lethal amount of Fentanyl in his system isn't something they knew! He was having breathing issues WAY before anyone knelt on him! That was the drugs he'd taken killing him.

Too bad a jury didn't see it that way, eh?

Other countries DO charge protesters with treason and execute them! Places like China, Russia, North Korea and Cuba. Is that what we've become under this administration?

These guys weren't protestors. Protestors stand outside and complain. These guys attacked congress with the intent to overturn a valid election.

We didn't shoot nearly enough of them.
That mob looked pretty threatening to me.

Oh, bullshit, she was trying to force her way through a closed door, with an angry mob chanting, "Kill Pence" behind her.

Why should he apologize?
Show us your video of this happening. Actually I located a video where a few in a crowd appear to say hang mike pence. They started with bring out Pence.

However you butter your biscuit, she was a long distance from them. They were outside and she was in a massive building in a hallway. She got shot for them chanting you say and you approve?

The cops on the scene did not think the group was violent. They walked off during the breaking of the windows. Cops do not leave the scene of a crime normally.

So finally show the crowd screaming hang Pence next to her and we can chat about your video.
Too bad a jury didn't see it that way, eh?

These guys weren't protestors. Protestors stand outside and complain. These guys attacked congress with the intent to overturn a valid election.

We didn't shoot nearly enough of them.
I have heard all I can stand from you Joe. In a criminals case, you defend him. In a regular case of a protestor inside a hall, you want more killed, tells me we are at an end of our chat.
Derek Chauvin sent EMT Genevieve Hansen away from rendering aid to Floyd violating his civil rights.
We saw Floyd being put into the ambulance. The Doctor that pronounced him dead said by the time Floyd got to his hospital it was too late to save Floyd. Floyd could not breathe when walking, when in the cop car and he fought the cops as he got out of the cop car. It was not a murder of Floyd. I believe this will end up in the US Supreme court.
But he didn't die at home. He died under the knee of Chauvin.

I was only following regulations is up there with a Nazi saying, "I was only following orders!" You are supposed to have the judgement to realize when something is wrong. When the man is screaming, "I can't breathe" and begging for his mother, and you keep putting your knee on his neck until he shuts up, then you are doing it wrong.

Pretty much the same opinion I would have of a psycho nurse who smothered a person at a Hospice. It didn't matter that he had underlying health conditions. Chauvin used excessive force and his three buddies stood around and let him do it.

And his defense had the opportunity to challenge that. They failed to do so, at least not effectively.
Why is it your intention to defend a criminal, Floyd and claim he did not deserve death, when you say in the issue of Babbitt she should have died and be executed by cop. Would you prefer the knee or the gun? You called for many more deaths at the Capitol. Something is fishy. You told me that there was a loud crowd with Babbitt. Not true. You said those with Babbitt were screaming to hang Pence. Not true. You say things that are not true as if you prefer death to citizens yet on the case of Floyd you keep acting like he was just some nice fellow who was wronged.
Show us your video of this happening. Actually I located a video where a few in a crowd appear to say hang mike pence. They started with bring out Pence.

However you butter your biscuit, she was a long distance from them. They were outside and she was in a massive building in a hallway. She got shot for them chanting you say and you approve?

The cops on the scene did not think the group was violent. They walked off during the breaking of the windows. Cops do not leave the scene of a crime normally.

So finally show the crowd screaming hang Pence next to her and we can chat about your video.


Yeah, police were handing out flowers and candy to Trump's thugs.




Yeah, police were handing out flowers and candy to Trump's thugs.



Sorry, I could not hear them chanting anything. Also did not see Babbitt among those groups.
Sorry, I could not hear them chanting anything. Also did not see Babbitt among those groups.

They were all part of the mob attacking the Capitol. Cops' #1 priority was protecting members of Congress and staff. And they were outnumbered 100 to 1.
They were all part of the mob attacking the Capitol. Cops' #1 priority was protecting members of Congress and staff. And they were outnumbered 100 to 1.
Who are you trying to discuss? Serious question for you. Have you any idea at all how enormous the US Capitol building really is?
A party of protestors could be at one location yet where Babbitt was, she would not be aware of them. Notice nobody in the Congress meeting got harmed. Also notice that it was the cops, the same kind of cops that allegedly took Floyds life that took Babbitts life. And she was not a criminal. She was an outstanding American citizen.
Who are you trying to discuss? Serious question for you. Have you any idea at all how enormous the US Capitol building really is?
A party of protestors could be at one location yet where Babbitt was, she would not be aware of them. Notice nobody in the Congress meeting got harmed. Also notice that it was the cops, the same kind of cops that allegedly took Floyds life that took Babbitts life. And she was not a criminal. She was an outstanding American citizen.

Nobody in Congress was harmed because none of Trump's thugs were able to get near them thanks to the heroic efforts of police.

And yes, Benedict Babbitt was a criminal. She died while in the commission of a crime. Had she not died, she would have been charged for her crimes just like the other thousand people charged.
We saw Floyd being put into the ambulance. The Doctor that pronounced him dead said by the time Floyd got to his hospital it was too late to save Floyd. Floyd could not breathe when walking, when in the cop car and he fought the cops as he got out of the cop car. It was not a murder of Floyd. I believe this will end up in the US Supreme court.
You Lie! - Floyd never fought those cops! None of the cops were ever in danger or injured.

Soon after 4 officers body weight pinned Floyd to the ground EMT Genevieve Hansen walked up on scene & told them to get off, check his pulse & administer life saving aid before he dies. They chose to commit a felony, refused aid & continued pinning Floyd for 8 more minutes. Chauvin pleaded guilty to this felony for a 21 year sentence.

Chauvin pleaded guilty & was convicted by a jury of his peers. State Supreme Court upheld his conviction. The US Supreme court declined Chauvin's appeal.
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George Floyd was a drug addict who died of a Fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. He was not "tortured". He was restrained because he refused to get in the cruiser after being arrested. You on the left wonder why your streets aren't safe? It's because you jail Police for doing their jobs.
Summary executions of citizens.
I have heard all I can stand from you Joe. In a criminals case, you defend him. In a regular case of a protestor inside a hall, you want more killed, tells me we are at an end of our chat.

George Floyd using a fake 20 takes nothing away from me.

Ass-hat Babbit and her Nazi friends trying to overthrow an election is a threat to us all.

Why is it your intention to defend a criminal, Floyd and claim he did not deserve death, when you say in the issue of Babbitt she should have died and be executed by cop.

She was trying to attack our constitutional form of government.

You called for many more deaths at the Capitol. Something is fishy.
Hey, it'll keep that shit from happening again, wouldn't it? WHEN Trump loses again next year, he's probably going to try the exact same shit.

You told me that there was a loud crowd with Babbitt. Not true. You said those with Babbitt were screaming to hang Pence. Not true. You say things that are not true as if you prefer death to citizens yet on the case of Floyd you keep acting like he was just some nice fellow who was wronged.
Every last person who marched on the Capitol on January 6th is a traitor, and an enemy to the constitution. That's why they all need to suffer.
You Lie! - Floyd never fought those cops! None of the cops were ever in danger or injured.

Soon after 4 officers body weight pinned Floyd to the ground EMT Genevieve Hansen walked up on scene & told them to get off, check his pulse & administer life saving aid before he dies. They chose to commit a felony, refused aid & continued pinning Floyd for 8 more minutes. Chauvin pleaded guilty to this felony for a 21 year sentence.

Chauvin pleaded guilty & was convicted by a jury of his peers. State Supreme Court upheld his conviction. The US Supreme court declined Chauvin's appeal.
Actually, I do my best to NEVER accuse posters of lying. Only an extreme event will get me to resort to such a terrible claim.
I will never persuade you as you can't persuade me. It is even steven.
You erred so much it really is not going to change by you and It is like I am petting the sweaty stuff to keep going.
Nobody in Congress was harmed because none of Trump's thugs were able to get near them thanks to the heroic efforts of police.

And yes, Benedict Babbitt was a criminal. She died while in the commission of a crime. Had she not died, she would have been charged for her crimes just like the other thousand people charged.
I do not agree that Babbitt was a criminal nor did she deserve death.
When in DC, your trial will be handled by only Democrats. Democrats are notorious for their illegal acts.
I do not agree that Babbitt was a criminal nor did she deserve death.
When in DC, your trial will be handled by only Democrats. Democrats are notorious for their illegal acts.

You've already been proven wrong as many have been charged, and the vast majority of them have been convicted, with crimes doing much of what Ashes was doing. Including many standing near her when she was shot. Had she lived, she most certainly would have been charged.

She died in the commission of a crime.

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