I defy any Democrat to watch the movie about Chauvin and claim he is guilty!!!!

Unfortunately for Ashes Targetpractice, she was part of a violent mob, breaking into the area where some law makers and staff were still holed up. And that violent mob needed to be neutralized.
Where she was, there was absolutely no violence. If you bust a stick, it is not violent. If a window is broke, there is no violence.
About the author
Dr. JC Chaix is an editor, educator, and an expert in media studies.
His expertise concerns media hoaxes, propaganda, and deceptive media techniques. His research often involves semiotics, (digital) literary/media analysis, and meta-analysis of communication theories and practices. Dr. Chaix holds a Ph.D. in strategic media (with highest distinction) and a master's degree in English with a specialization in 18th- and 19th-century Gothic literature.
Dr. Chaix is the first person in more than 400 years to evidence how neo-Pythagorean mathematical/textual correlations were used to create intersemiotic complementarity in the composition of The Revelation in The King James Bible (1611), as demonstrated in his 500+ page doctoral dissertation. He is also the first person to discover and document a devilishly similar scheme was used by Scottish author James Hogg in his classic "The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner" (1824).
He has often been called a consummate 21st-century “Renaissance man.” He is a former managing editor (for the world's largest IT research/advisory firm), a former police officer, a former firefighter—and an accomplished (jazz) musician, award-winning photographer, and acclaimed media producer. He wrote and directed the documentary film "The Fall of Minneapolis," which Miranda Devine of the NY Post called "brilliant."

Yeah, I literally posted the link for that. You didn't need to waste everyone's time posting this.

Who is this guy? A former police officer, nothing suggests he's any good at being an investigative journalist, that he's unbiased etc.
Where is the honest Democrat? This is no challenge. It is a call for honesty.

Watch the film "The Fall of Minneapolis" and you will see it is factual. There is no BS. It is very very true. If any cop is in your family, you may see him or her in prison as a result of George Floyd.

Dare you watch the film? IT is a documentary. Not a bugs bunny movie.

The parties that belong in prison is the Chief of Police of the city, the Mayor of the City and the Governor of Minnesota.
PolitiFact - This video from George Floyd’s death isn’t new, as Megyn Kelly said in a Facebook post
Where she was, there was absolutely no violence. If you bust a stick, it is not violent. If a window is broke, there is no violence.


"Absolutely no violence??"

How'd these windows get broken if there was absolutely no violence??



"Absolutely no violence??"

How'd these windows get broken if there was absolutely no violence??


She worked hard to stop that. But no, glass has no feelings. No violence at all.
Too bad for Ashes, you don't get to make up your own definitions for words...

the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy
She worked hard to stop the breaking of glass. The cop thanked her by murdering her.
She worked hard to stop the breaking of glass. The cop thanked her by murdering her.

That cop only knew she was attempting to breach their barricade. You think these cops would have not resorted to lethal force either had some numbnut attempted to breach their barricade?


Too bad for Benedict Babbitt she didn't back down like those other thugs did. She'd be a felon today but at least she's still most likely be alive.
That cop only knew she was attempting to breach their barricade. You think these cops would have not resorted to lethal force either had some numbnut attempted to breach their barricade?


Too bad for Benedict Babbitt she didn't back down like those other thugs did. She'd be a felon today but at least she's still most likely be alive.
That photo is not where she was murdered. That cop holding his gun is white. Her killer was black.
I do not accept your version at all. But then I don't approve murder.
That photo is not where she was murdered. That cop holding his gun is white. Her killer was black.
I do not accept your version at all. But then I don't approve murder.

I alluded to them not being the same cops. You didn't understand why I said, "either?"

That aside, I showed you cops were not fucking around with anyone getting into the House chamber. They were prepared with lethal force, as I showed. Those thugs backed down and none got shot. Ashes was too stupid and tried breaching the police barricade.

Hop, Pop & Drop
Baker actually did what I said he said he did. He testified on fentanyl. And were Floyd to die at home, Fentanyl would be the cause. Baker then outlines the heart problems Floyd had. Baker of course was testifying for the prosecution.

But he didn't die at home. He died under the knee of Chauvin.

Joe, you have a right to your opinion. I also have the same right. Chauvin in this case followed the regulations of his own police department.

I was only following regulations is up there with a Nazi saying, "I was only following orders!" You are supposed to have the judgement to realize when something is wrong. When the man is screaming, "I can't breathe" and begging for his mother, and you keep putting your knee on his neck until he shuts up, then you are doing it wrong.

What is your opinion on the heart conditions of Floyd? This was discussed by Baker who did the autopsy.

Pretty much the same opinion I would have of a psycho nurse who smothered a person at a Hospice. It didn't matter that he had underlying health conditions. Chauvin used excessive force and his three buddies stood around and let him do it.

His chief of police perjured himself as I have said earlier.
In fact they only recently banned the procedure followed by Chauvin.

And his defense had the opportunity to challenge that. They failed to do so, at least not effectively.
Babbitt was not remotely threatening anybody.

That mob looked pretty threatening to me.

As to the so called mob with Babbitt. Explian here why the cops at the door simply walked away as Babbitt was trying to prevent the window from being broken out by some guy wearing glasses. She hit him to stop the damage.

Oh, bullshit, she was trying to force her way through a closed door, with an angry mob chanting, "Kill Pence" behind her.

My theory of the several cops walking off is they did not believe there was any danger and wanted to move away from the broken doors. If they would have believed in any danger, they would draw their guns as did the rogue cop who killed Babbitt in cold blood. He has never apologized.
Why should he apologize?
After Police Killed innocent suspect Freddie Grey with Paddy Wagon "Rough Ride", Trump told Police to "Throw" more suspects into the "Paddy Wagon" "Rough".

Trump incited police to be more violent & murder detained cuffed suspects. George Floyd wasn't being violent during his arrest or torture to death by police. Floyd was only suspected of a $20 misdemeanor.

George Floyd was a drug addict who died of a Fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. He was not "tortured". He was restrained because he refused to get in the cruiser after being arrested. You on the left wonder why your streets aren't safe? It's because you jail Police for doing their jobs.
That mob looked pretty threatening to me.

Oh, bullshit, she was trying to force her way through a closed door, with an angry mob chanting, "Kill Pence" behind her.

Why should he apologize?
Oh, bullshit! Where in any of the videos at that door is anyone chanting "Kill Pence!" What you describe as an "angry mob" just begged the Police standing in front of the door to get out of the way because they didn't want them to get hurt! So what was Byrd's reason to use deadly force? Why then?
George Floyd was a drug addict who died of a Fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. He was not "tortured". He was restrained because he refused to get in the cruiser after being arrested. You on the left wonder why your streets aren't safe? It's because you jail Police for doing their jobs.

It's not their job to torture people in the middle of the street, is it?

I'm sorry; I don't feel threatened because a guy inadvertently passed a fake $20.00, which isn't even a misdemeanor.

My streets in the suburb I live in are perfectly safe. In Chicago proper, not so much, but that's because after years of police brutality, corruption and misconduct, the CPD is no longer trusted by most of the public.

The FOP put up their stooge Vallas in the last election, with millions of FOP dollars behind him, and the people STILL rejected him.

Oh, bullshit! Where in any of the videos at that door is anyone chanting "Kill Pence!" What you describe as an "angry mob" just begged the Police standing in front of the door to get out of the way because they didn't want them to get hurt! So what was Byrd's reason to use deadly force? Why then?

Because he was confronted by a crazy woman with a few hundred crazy people behind her, bashing down the door and threatening Congress.
Oh, bullshit! Where in any of the videos at that door is anyone chanting "Kill Pence!" What you describe as an "angry mob" just begged the Police standing in front of the door to get out of the way because they didn't want them to get hurt! So what was Byrd's reason to use deadly force? Why then?

Byrd's job was to keep them out of the Speaker's Lobby. He did his job.
Byrd's job was to keep them out of the Speaker's Lobby. He did his job.
You mean the House floor? The House floor that was being emptied as Byrd shot an unarmed protester without warning? The House floor that was behind yet another doorway protected by armed men? Byrd's "job" was never to shoot an unarmed female protester that hadn't hurt ANYONE!

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