I didn't think there could be a bigger Train Wreck than Schifferbrains....then came Jaba Nadless.

Must be a full moon. Trump supporters are more fired up today than I have ever seen them.
I almost fell over when Rush referred to nadler as "the round mound of the gavel" :auiqs.jpg:
While not quite the fat pig he was before he had his stomach stapled, Fat Jerry is still the fattest pig in Congress.
Must be a full moon. Trump supporters are more fired up today than I have ever seen them.
Wait until next November. You ain’t seen nothin yet.

Trump didn't win because he had more supporters. He won because his opposition just didn't show up. No way in hell that will happen the next time.

Uh-huh, like last time...who will everyone rally to?
Pick your candidate now, the no-brainer, the one that can both unite democrats AND beat Trump:______________________
One would think if the President did nothing wrong, he would allow people to testify vs ignoring congressional subpoenas.
One would think if the President did nothing wrong, he would allow people to testify vs ignoring congressional subpoenas.

One would think if the democrats could get past Executive Privilege they would respond in court and get the courts on their side. There is a 3rd branch of government.

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