I do not feel sorry for European countries or the rest of the west (including us) for these attacks.

Republicans are in office in the United Kingdom?


Read the thread.
oh I have, and I remain amazed that you want to blame Trump for an attack in the UK

If you read the thread you would know other posters want to blame all this crap on Obama, or Democrats. When they're in office, they get the lions share of angst, when the Republicans are in office they should as well.

Or is that too 'one-sided' as well?
If one applies common sense and considers context, it is quite clear that Obama's policy of capitulation and open borders for much of this mess
Seriously, when the libtard media outlets talk about "cock-holsters" they seem to totally ignore the fact that Obama served that position for most every despot and totalitarian leader he encountered.
Yeah. Tell it to Bin Laden and Gaddafi.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
Fuck you, cocksuck. 22 killed, youngest 8 years old at Manchester. And you are ready to attack all those that do not automatically hate Muslims. Sandy Hook, 26 killed, 20 between 6 and 7 years old. And your reaction is to support the sale of weapons of war even to the mentally disturbed. You are an asshole and care nothing about the deaths except as a platform for your warped ideology.

Show us a worldwide network of the mentally disturbed that are sworn to destroy the West, then we'll talk about their gun rights.
We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
No, fuck you. You wanted a war with Islam and now you have it. F U C K, Y O U.

Islam has been at war with the west for a long long time. It's about time the West recognizes that Islam is the enemy and we need to actually fight the war against Islam. We need to stop to PC phrase of radical Islam. Radical Islam is true Islam.

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We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
No, fuck you. You wanted a war with Islam and now you have it. F U C K, Y O U.

Islam has been at war with the west for a long long time. It's about time the West recognizes that Islam is the enemy and we need to actually fight the war against Islam. We need to stop to PC phrase of radical Islam. Radical Islam is true Islam.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Islam is at war with the West, as is Christianity, Judaism, and all other faiths. And going to war against Islam has been hit and miss. Sometimes we win, sometimes they win. And then we start all over again.
So you think Britain has a president. And you really wouldn't know what someone is talking about when they mention Republican and president.

Carry on Barney.

So good to see you have recovered from the OD! Now look up and tell us what is the colour of your sky on your planet. Or was that just too, too hard?
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We are all getting exactly what we deserve. All of this is a big giant WE TOLD YOU!!!

Don't worry. They will now say they will track down "those who are responsible," bring teddy bears and flowers.

Many will blame Trump and white people and of course use the old BUT BUT BUT Christians!!!!

The same fucking song and same fucking dance.

I am not feeling sorry for shit.

We told you so. Now, we can all reap what we sow. We didn't stop the liberal, bleeding heart liberal bullshit.

Fuck you.
Amateurs from the USA who don't know the def of liberal, foul mouths. Obviously never got out of high school.
The limit of their vocabulary are 4 letter words.
Where do you work again genius? Walmart?
You mean because some douche bag you support let them in.

Who let them in?

Democrats let them in. Take the 1965 immigration bill, for example.
The hijackers were not immigrants.

Their parents were.
the 9-11 hijackers? Um, no. None of their parents were US immigrants. Not one.
What is a US immigrant?
19 dead and 50 injured in the suicide bombing attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. They invited this with their open border policy.

These radicals are turning on those who welcomed them with open arms. And the government responds by welcoming even more of them and continuing with the politically correct bullshit that protects them.

At least we didn't end up with Hillary or she would be working hard to end the 2nd amendment. We the people can and will protect ourselves against all enemies if the need arises.

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So do you think American liberals will learn anything from this???
to liberals, its no big deal....so a few people die...people die every day. thats how democrats think. hey, so long as they can win elections, these horrific events have no affect on them
Oh, but let one white person (even if it is a cop doing his job) kill any fat fucking black blob, and the world is coming to an end. It is hands across America. Anderson Cooper on the scene looking for any dark men in tight dungarees.

Of course when white people (even white girls) are killed on behalf of some brown sandNIGGER, well right to being all understanding.

Twitter Liberals More Worried About Muslim Feelings Than Dead Children In Manchester Attack

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