“i don’t trust government”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Only a complete Village Idiot would make such a statement. If you don’t trust Government, you don’t trust yourself because you are Government. What the Village Idiot really meant is that he did not trust Obama as the leader in government and where the @#%* was he for the 8 years that Bush was leader in government? You only trust the part that helps you personally and the hell with others who depend on other parts of government.

It is the “me” attitude of Radical Right Wing Extremists that hate government. But they want to run the Government which means do away with government altogether.

Government is of the people, by the people and for the people because people elect those who run government. If you want a government that work, stop electing idiots to represent you to run it.

Only a complete Village Idiot would make such a statement. If you don’t trust Government, you don’t trust yourself because you are Government. What the Village Idiot really meant is that he did not trust Obama as the leader in government and where the @#%* was he for the 8 years that Bush was leader in government? You only trust the part that helps you personally and the hell with others who depend on other parts of government.

It is the “me” attitude of Radical Right Wing Extremists that hate government. But they want to run the Government which means do away with government altogether.

Government is of the people, by the people and for the people because people elect those who run government. If you want a government that work, stop electing idiots to represent you to run it.

in other words "take over big brother we cant think for ourselves"
then why did you trust the government under Bush so much you followed lies right into a war?
trust but verify.

You right wing idiots dont ever verify.

You follow blindly OR you pretend its the end of the world.

and you base it all on party over country

Only a complete Village Idiot would make such a statement. If you don’t trust Government, you don’t trust yourself because you are Government. What the Village Idiot really meant is that he did not trust Obama as the leader in government and where the @#%* was he for the 8 years that Bush was leader in government? You only trust the part that helps you personally and the hell with others who depend on other parts of government.

It is the “me” attitude of Radical Right Wing Extremists that hate government. But they want to run the Government which means do away with government altogether.

Government is of the people, by the people and for the people because people elect those who run government. If you want a government that work, stop electing idiots to represent you to run it.

I am not government. I have never killed, stolen, invaded, tortured, or otherwise used force against anybody.

Only a complete Village Idiot would make such a statement. If you don’t trust Government, you don’t trust yourself because you are Government. What the Village Idiot really meant is that he did not trust Obama as the leader in government and where the @#%* was he for the 8 years that Bush was leader in government? You only trust the part that helps you personally and the hell with others who depend on other parts of government.

It is the “me” attitude of Radical Right Wing Extremists that hate government. But they want to run the Government which means do away with government altogether.

Government is of the people, by the people and for the people because people elect those who run government. If you want a government that work, stop electing idiots to represent you to run it.

This whole post shows a level of ignorance that is staggering.

First of all...I am NOT Government. I am a citizen.

It's not that I don't "trust" Government because I do...I trust them to take twice as long and spend three times as much on anything they do. I trust them to waste fully half of the money that I'm forced to give them.

I don't want to do away with Government...I'd just like it to be run more efficiently. I'd like them to stop wasting so much of the money I DO give them before they ask me for more of my money. For some unknown reason, people like you find my attitude to be "selfish". Why, I have no idea.
I don't want to do away with Government...I'd just like it to be run more efficiently.


Good luck with that. You expect these people to be efficient and effective with your money?
While everyone squabnbles and whines over what is efficient adn what is effective. And most of all what authority government should have over your lives while they "efficiently" and "effectively" spend your money.

This idea is strange.

Only a complete Village Idiot would make such a statement.

"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty."

But I'm sure YOU know best...:cuckoo:
I don't want to do away with Government...I'd just like it to be run more efficiently.

Ain't gonna happen. Without the profit motive that pressures organizations to operate efficiently and without the market forces that allow customers to choose alternatives, you'll never get government to spend other people's money with anything close to "efficiency". It's never happened in history and there's no reason to believe it will ever happen.

The answer is to limit government to a few enumerated powers and we can live with their inherent inefficiencies.

Only a complete Village Idiot would make such a statement. If you don’t trust Government, you don’t trust yourself because you are Government. What the Village Idiot really meant is that he did not trust Obama as the leader in government and where the @#%* was he for the 8 years that Bush was leader in government? You only trust the part that helps you personally and the hell with others who depend on other parts of government.

It is the “me” attitude of Radical Right Wing Extremists that hate government. But they want to run the Government which means do away with government altogether.

Government is of the people, by the people and for the people because people elect those who run government. If you want a government that work, stop electing idiots to represent you to run it.

The last sentence was the only part of this incoherent nonsense that isn't batshit crazy.
I don't want to do away with Government...I'd just like it to be run more efficiently.

Ain't gonna happen. Without the profit motive that pressures organizations to operate efficiently and without the market forces that allow customers to choose alternatives, you'll never get government to spend other people's money with anything close to "efficiency". It's never happened in history and there's no reason to believe it will ever happen.

The answer is to limit government to a few enumerated powers and we can live with their inherent inefficiencies.

Ah, yes...the "profit motive"! Here's where Progressives have difficulty reconciling their knee jerk aversion to profit (since they seem to believe that "profit" is derived by taking advantage of someone) with how a free market economy works. Progressives believe that if we could only remove profit from the equation by having government handle most of life's economic give and take, that everything would work out swell.

It's a concept that's been tried numerous times and the result is ALWAYS catastrophic yet Progressives don't remember any of that because they are so fixated on the Utopian ideal they see shimmering in the distance. Government is the answer...they intone. You can trust us...we are "intellectuals" and we have your best interests in mind!

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